
ADVIA® Chemistry XPT System Replacing ISE Electrodes Video

This video provides instructions on how to replace the ISE electrodes. This is required maintenance every 3 months on the ADVIA® Chemistry XPT System.

replace the icy electrodes, first locate the new potassium sodium chloride and reference electrodes. The potassium and sodium electrodes must be conditioned before being installed. Conditioning these electrodes must be done the day before their installed. A new electrode may take a long time to stabilize. To condition the potassium and sodium electrodes, first prepare a one to four dilution of pooled serum using yessi buffer solution. Locate and remove the new electrode from its case. Remove the sponge from the bottom of the electrode case. Shake the electrode to confirm their solution inside the electrode. This solution decreases little by little with time. If there's no solution during shaking, measure the ion electrodes. Wait, do not use the electrode if the weight is less than 9 grams. Add 0.5 milliliters of the one to four dilution of pooled serum through the flow path of the electrode using a dropper or pipette. Be sure to apply the serum thoroughly. Place the electrode to be conditioned back into the case. Cover the entire electrode with IC buffer and condition it overnight. Be sure that the electrode is at room temperature. When conditioning is complete, remove the electrode, wash it with D ionized water and dry it thoroughly. High concentrated salt water is used as a preservation solution to maintain electrode performance. Small amounts of salt on the electrode may cause rust on the electrode connector. Therefore, it's important to thoroughly wash the electrode. After conditioning, the potassium and sodium electrodes are ready to be installed. To prepare the chloride and reference electrodes for installation, remove them from their packages and wash them thoroughly using deionized water. Then wipe to dry, high concentrated salt water is used as a preservation solution to maintain electrode performance. Small amounts of salt on the electrode may cause rust on the electrode connector. Therefore, it's important to thoroughly wash the electrode before removing the old electrodes. Make sure the periodic ISC wash is turned off in the software. First, select maintenance from the command bar, then select ISC operations. Select periodic wash. Select off select set. Select close. Open the top left cover. Unlock and open the DPP noise reduction cover. Squeeze the release prongs. Remove the ISC cover and set it aside. Loosen, but do not remove the thumb screw to the metal electrode bracket and then release the bracket. Disconnect the ISC connectors. Remove the old potassium sodium chloride and reference electrodes. Set the new electrodes in place, paying careful attention not to leave a space between them. Make sure the electrodes are in the correct order. Also make sure there's an o-ring between each electrode and that the Ridge on the side of each electrode fits into the depressions on the side of the electrode next to it. Attach the electrode connectors. Swing the electrode retaining bracket up against the electrodes and tighten the thumbscrew. Complete the procedure by turning the periodic yessi wash back on performing buffer prime, performing an ISC calibration an running 2 levels of quality control material.

Chemistry ADVIÄ Chemistry ADVIÄ Chemistry Chemistry ADVIÅ1200 Distilled ADVIA@ Chemistry XP T System 2400 Replacing the ISE Electrodes Ref

  • chem
  • maint