
Troubleshooting Job Aid

This job aid provides instructions on how to troubleshoot the ADVIA® Chemistry XPT system.

Troubleshooting 1 Accessing Troubleshooting Help SIEMENS A READY (CK to replace Samples ce Reagents.) 1. Select Events 2 Dagrestor 2. The default view is the Operator Event Log tab Operator Evert Lag Syutum Massage tag LS Loge Fol in Papt 3. Select the Event to troubleshoot 3 ractreviedged Enas D. Wings 0 Beverly Coca Counter 0 4. Select Troubleshooting Help code Cycle Adevoilede 5/28 (28 14 12:00 21 FM 5/201/2814 12:20.24 FM 4 O2 950 1300 Number of Freising Tests af SE IS Soi tion & less Than the set vsan. SE Module Starting uphis dialled lod ed or sikodivs apertar). Secity 02 008 1937 ; Reagent istonurdas changed Resgest Di 1. Fragenkt Managersen 02 004 1937 Acagretinformation charged Fangest Dx 1. 3/28 2814 12:12:55 EN Bragent Alarapazes 2 ? HILS00001312 Effective Date: 12/22/2014 Troubleshooting ISE Calibrations If a calibration slope value results in an abnormal upper (H) or lower (L) limit flag: 1.Perform ISE maintenance 2.Replace the affected ISE electrode(s) 3.Contact Siemens Customer Care Center Note: If a calibration slope value results in a normal upper (h) or lower (l) limit flag; consider this a warning that maintenance is required or electrodes need replaced soon. HILS00001312 Effective Date: 12/22/2014 Troubleshooting LIS Connections LIS × If the system puts the LIS Communication in Standby, check Events for any causes for the Standby state. Diagnostics 1.Select the LIS Status bar icon Mode Selection 2.Select Diagnostics to test the connection to the LIS ONLINE Routine Development Note: The LIS must be in an Online state to test the connection. •Selecting Online opens a connection to the LIS SHUTDOWN 2 Diagnostics •Select Shutdown closes the connection to the LIS Diagnostics Status: ? Clear Results Clear Queries HILS00001312 Effective Date: 12/22/2014

  • chem
  • maint
  • errors