
ADVIA® QC version 2.5 Online Training

ADVIA® QC version 2.5 training includes navigating the ADVIA QC application to view quality control data. This clinical laboratory training qualifies for continuing education units (CEU).

Из главы, посвященной атеросклерозу, вы уже знаете, что наиболее важным и наиболее трудновыполнимым шагом при лечении ИБС является изменение образа жизни. Лекарственная терапия обычно состоит из комбинации нескольких препаратов, предназначенных для снятия симптомов и, прежде всего, для профилактики прогрессирования болезни, что способствует улучшению прогноза. Лекарственные препараты, которые обычно используются для терапии ИБС, показаны в таблице слева. Можно также рассмотреть назначение других лекарственных препаратов. Само собой разумеется, что при подборе лекарственных средств для конкретного пациента следует учитывать возможные нежелательные сочетания и противопоказания.   Welcome to the ADVIA® QC version 2.5 Online Training course.  ADVIA QC provides both real-time and long-term evaluation of analyzer and method performance. This course covers the basic features of ADVIA QC version 2.5, including how to review QC data and investigating QC that is out of range. Note: ADVIA QC is used on multiple ADVIA instruments.  On some systems, the ADVIA QC program opens on top of the system software. Select Next to continue. Configure setup options Export QC data Print QC data reports View QC data, graphs, and statistics Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: Select Next to continue. Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания (ССЗ) до сих пор остаются наиболее частой во всем мире причиной смерти. Ишемическая болезнь сердца (ИБС, также ее называют коронарной болезнью сердца КБС) занимает значительное место в статистике смертей от ССЗ. Эта болезнь может осложняться острыми приступами, например, инфарктом миокарда, или хроническими состояниями, например, сердечной недостаточностью. Хотя полностью вылечить эту болезнь невозможно, можно замедлить или даже остановить ее прогрессирование, изменив образ жизни и принимая фармпрепараты. Атеросклеротические изменения в коронарных артериях, которые называют бляшками, могут привести к стенозу. Если стеноз превысит 60—70 %, это может уменьшить подачу крови собственно к сердечной мышце. По мере прогрессирования болезни состояние пациента может осложняться стенокардией или даже инфарктом миокарда. Вы сможете узнать много нового о симптомах, диагностике и лечении ИБС на примере случая г-на Симона, рассмотренного в данной главе. Базовое понимание о сердечно-сосудистой системы требуется в этом учебном модуле. При необходимости повторите пожалуйста, модуль "Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания". Congratulations.  You have completed the ADVIA® QC version 2.5 Online Training course.  Listed below are the key points that have been presented.  Take time to review the material before you proceed to the final quiz. View QC data, graphs, and statistics The Review and Analysis windows in the ADVIA QC software are used to view QC data, graphs, and statistics.  The features on these windows include: Color coding to identify the severity of out of range results Filters for determining what data to view and analyze Ability to mark out of range results as reviewed Options for omitting points and creating comments Print QC data reports QC reports can be printed by selecting the Reports button from either the Review or Analysis windows. There are three report types: Concise QC Errors & Omissions QC Report Export QC data The Export tab of the Tools window is used to export control files. Configure Setup Options The Setup button at the top of every screen contains options that allow the operator to configure the ADVIA QC software.  The following setup options are available: QC Rules - define single-point and multipoint rules for selected tests Customize - customize the display field on the Review, Analysis, and Statistics windows Comments - create a library of comments Configuration - turn on or off Auto Review Select Next to continue. Результаты лабораторных анализов и собранная в анамнезе информация теперь могут использоваться для определения степени риска по  Фрэмингемской шкале — оценка вероятности развития’ у пациента сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний в течение следующих 10 лет. Для вычисления показателя по Фрэмингемской шкале требуются следующие данные: Возраст Диабет Табакокурение Общий холестерин Холестерин ЛПНП Холестерин ЛПВП Систолическое и диастолическое артериальное давление За каждый из этих параметров присваивается определенное количество баллов, сумма которых и является количественным показателем вероятности развития у пациента сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний в течение следующих 10 лет.   The Review and Analysis windows in the ADVIA QC software are used to view QC data, graphs, and statistics. The features on these windows include: Color coding to identify the severity of out of range results Filters for determining what data to view and analyze Ability to mark out of range results as reviewed Options for omitting points and creating comments View QC Data in Review Window Learn how to use the Review window to view QC data. Checklist TitleChecklist TypeChecklist ContentSelect Review TabHTML   When the ADVIA QC software is opened, the Review window appears.  Select each check box to learn more about how to use the Review window to view QC data.  Select Show By optionSimulationInstructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_SelectShowByOption_800x488_9(2)/sim_ADVIAQC2.5_SelectShowByOption_800x488_9(2).swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_SelectShowByOption_800x488_9(2)/index.htmlPDF File:Select control files to viewSimulationInstructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_SelectControlFiles_HTML5_800x488_9/sim_ADVIAQC25_SelectControlFiles_HTML5_800x488_9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_SelectControlFiles_HTML5_800x488_9/index.htmlPDF File:Select type of results to viewSimulationInstructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_SelectTypeOfResults_HTML5_800x488_9/sim_ADVIAQC25_SelectTypeOfResults_HTML5_800x488_9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_SelectTypeOfResults_HTML5_800x488_9/index.htmlPDF File:Change the status of reviewed resultsSimulationInstructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_ReviewResults_HTML5_800x488_9/sim_ADVIAQC25_ReviewResults_HTML5_800x488_9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_ReviewResults_HTML5_800x488_9/index.htmlPDF File:Analyze selected dataSimulationInstructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_AnalyzeData_HTML5_800x488_9/sim_ADVIAQC25_AnalyzeData_HTML5_800x488_9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_AnalyzeData_HTML5_800x488_9/index.htmlPDF File: View QC Data in Analysis Window Learn how to use the Analysis window to view QC data. Slide NumberText BlocksCalloutsAudio ScriptImage File1Analysis Window When the Analyze button is selected for a data point on the Review window, the Analysis window automatically opens displaying a graph of the selected data.   If the operator navigates to a different window, the operator can return to the Analysis window by selecting the Switch to Analysis button at the top of the ADVIA QC software screen. Select Next to continue.Note: If audio does not automatically start, select the play arrow in the top left to begin.When the Analyze button is selected for a datapoint on the Review window, the Analysis window automatically opens displaying a graph of the selected data. If the operator navigates to a different window, the operator can return to the Analysis window by selecting the Switch to Analysis button at the top of the ADVIA QC software screen.2Chart Tab Within the Analysis window, the Chart tab can display one or more charts.  The chart displays the results of controls you select in the Review window or in the Filter window. In the Display area beneath the chart, the type of chart can be selected:  Levey-Jennings Z-Score Select Next to continue.Within the Analysis window, the chart tab can display one or more Levey-Jennings charts or Z-Score charts. The chart displays the results of controls you select in the Review window or in the Filter window.3Data Tab The Data tab on the Analysis window displays detailed information for control files currently displayed in the Chart table. Each row of the table represents a data point that is currently displayed on a chart.  The scroll bar at the bottom of the table can be used to view the details for each data point. Select Next to continue.The Data tab on the Analysis window displays detailed information for control files currently displayed in the Chart table. Each row of the table represents a data point that is currently displayed on a chart. The scroll bar at the bottom of the table can be used to view the details for each data point.4Time Filter To apply a date or time range for the controls displayed on the screen: Select the Filter button to open the Filter window. Select the Apply Time Filter button to open the Set Time Frame window. Select the desired date range.  Select OK on the Set Time Frame window.  Select OK on the Filter window. Alternatively, the time range can be adjusted by using the scale beneath the chart. Select Next to continue. A date or time range can be applied to the controls displayed on the Analysis screen by either selecting the Filter button at the top of the screen or using the scale beneath the chart. When the filter button is selected, the filter window opens with an option to apply a time filter. There are several options for time ranges, including the ability to enter a specific start and end date.5Statistics Button To view statistics for the QC data displayed, select the Statistics button at the bottom of the screen.  The Statistics window displays four sets of information for each selected file: Target:  target mean, SD, and %CV Current:  The statistics for the control over the time interval currently defined in the Analysis window. Time frame 1:  By default, the statistics for an interval of time equal to that displayed in the Current panel and immediately prior to the current panel.  This can be changed by selecting the Time frame 1 button. Time frame 2:  By default, the statistics for the previous six months from the current time.  This can be changed by selecting the Time frame 2 button. Select Next to continue. To view statistics for the QC data displayed, select the Statistics button at the bottom of the screen. The Statistics window displays four sets of information for each selected file: Target, Current, Time frame one, and time frame two. The target area displays the target mean, SD, and percent CV. The Current area displays statistics for the control over the time interval currently defined in the Analysis window. Time frame one is by default an interval of time equal to that displayed in the Current panel and immediately prior to the current panel. Time frame two is by default the previous six months from the current time. Both time frame one and time frame two can be changed by selecting the time frame buttons.6Reviewing a Data Point To mark an out of range result as reviewed in the Analysis screen:   Select the point in the chart. Select the Reviewed button.   Select Next to continue.    Callouts Reviewed button An out of range result can be marked as reviewed in the Analysis screen by selecting the point in the chart and then selecting the Reviewed button.7Excluding a Data Point To remove a data point from the statistical calculations: Select the point in the chart. Select the Exclude button. The excluded point will be displayed in the graph and will not be connected to the other data points. The Include button can be used to reinstate excluded data points for statistical calculations. Select Next to continue. Select each number to view the corresponding text.CalloutsExclude button Include buttonExcluded pointTo remove a data point from the statistical calculations, select the point in the chart and then select the Exclude button. The excluded point will be displayed in the graph with a circle instead of a square, and will not be connected to the other data points. The Include button can be used to reinstate excluded data points for statistical calculations. 8Adding Comments To add a comment to a data point: Select the point in the chart. Select the Comment button. Either select a comment from a predefined list or type a new comment in one of the available boxes. In the chart, a comment symbol will appear next to that point.  Hover over the comment symbol with the mouse to view the comment. Each data point can have up to three comments.   When complete, select the X in the upper-right corner to close the window and continue.To add a comment to a data point, select the point in the chart and then select the Comment button. Comments can be selected from a predefined list, or a new comment can be typed in one of the available boxes. In the chart, a comment symbol will appear next to that point. The comment can be viewed by hovering over the comment symbol with the mouse. Bem-vindo treinamento on-line de componentes do sistema ADVIA Centaur XP. Antes de utilizar o instrumento, é importante estar familiarizado com as principais áreas funcionais. Este treinamento irá apresentar os principais componentes do sistema ADVIA Centaur XP, sua localização e suas funções. Esta informação irá ajudá-lo a operar o sistema com maior eficiência Ele também irá ajudá-lo a entender a seqüência básica de processamento de teste, que é essencial para a solução de problemas. Selecione Next para rever os objetivos do curso. QC reports can be printed by selecting the Reports button from either the Review or Analysis windows.  There are three report types: Concise - for each control file selected, this report prints 2 lines containing the control name, control lot number, selected statistics and target values. QC Errors & Omissions - for each control file selected, this report lists each data point that has a QC error or that has an excluded data point. QC Report - for each control file selected, this report prints data in up to 4 different formats: File Info, Data, Chart and Events. Print QC Reports Learn how to print QC reports. Instructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_PrintQCReports_HTML5_800x488__9/sim_ADVIAQC25_PrintQCReports_HTML5_800x488__9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_PrintQCReports_HTML5_800x488__9/index.htmlPDF File: É importante entender como o instrumento processa amostras para fins de solução de problemas. Vamos aprender como o instrumento trabalha com reagentes primários e auxiliares, como funciona o processamento de amostras e descarte de resíduos. The Export tab of the Tools window is used to export control files. Note: Exporting control files on the ADVIA Centaur® XP system requires a few additional steps compared to the ADVIA Centaur® CP and ADVIA® Chemistry systems. Export ADVIA Centaur® CP/ADVIA® Chemistry Systems Learn how to export control files on the ADVIA Centaur ® CP and ADVIA® Chemistry systems Instructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_ExportQCDataCP_HTML5_800x598__9/sim_ADVIAQC25_ExportQCDataCP_HTML5_800x598__9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_ExportQCDataCP_HTML5_800x598__9/index.htmlPDF File: Export Control Files for ADVIA Centaur® XP Learn how to export control files on the ADVIA Centaur ® XP. Instructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_ExportQCDataXP_HTML5_800x439__9/sim_ADVIAQC25_ExportQCDataXP_HTML5_800x439__9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_ExportQCDataXP_HTML5_800x439__9/index.htmlPDF File: A seguir, vamos conhecer os componentes de análise do teste. As cubetas são aquecidas a 37°C no anel de incubação. Amostra, reagente auxiliares e primários são adicionados em uma cubeta durante o processamento. Após adição dos reagentes e incubação ocorre a ligação , o material não ligado é removido da cubeta na estação de lavagem. A cubeta então desloca-se para o luminômetro onde ocorre a reação quimioluminescente. The Setup button at the top of every screen contains options that allow the operator to configure the ADVIA QC software. The following setup options are available: Local Setting - options for localizing data input and output QC Rules - define single-point and multipoint rules for selected tests Customize - customize the display field on the Review, Analysis, and Statistics windows Comments - create a library of comments Configuration - turn on or off Auto Review Configure Setup Options Learn how to configure the setup options. Checklist TitleChecklist TypeChecklist ContentQC RulesSimulationInstructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_QCRules_HTML5_800x597_9/sim_ADVIAQC25_QCRules_HTML5_800x597_9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_QCRules_HTML5_800x597_9/index.htmlPDF File:CustomizeSimulationInstructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_Customize_HTML5_800x597_9/sim_ADVIAQC25_Customize_HTML5_800x597_9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_Customize_HTML5_800x597_9/index.htmlPDF File:CommentsSimulationInstructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_Comments_HTML5_800x597_9/sim_ADVIAQC25_Comments_HTML5_800x597_9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_Comments_HTML5_800x597_9/index.htmlPDF File:ConfigurationSimulationInstructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_AutoReview_HTML5_800x597_9/sim_ADVIAQC25_AutoReview_HTML5_800x597_9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90005305/sim_ADVIAQC25_AutoReview_HTML5_800x597_9/index.htmlPDF File:

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