
ARTIS icono VE20 DSA Image Review and Post Processing Video

This video will demonstrate how to review and post process DSA images on the ARTIS icono VE20 in the control room. 

Welcome to the Artis Icono DSA post processing video. This video will guide you through the workflow for DSA postprocessing, including setting a new mask image displaying a scene native or subtracted, adjusting the anatomical background. Pixel shift. Averaging, replacing the maximum fill image and opacification. You can access the functions for adjusting the DSA image in the DSA tab of the segment menu. Please note the DSA tab will only appear in the segment menu when a DSA image is loaded. During DSA or road map, the mask is set automatically if required, for example because of patient movement you can change the automatically set mask setting a new mask can be done via move mask or replace mask depending on your user configuration. Either the replace mask icon or the move mask icon will be available in the DSA tab of the segment menu. If move Mask is configured to change the mask image. Select the move mask icon in the DSA tab of the segment menu. Use the review controls to scroll through the mask images 1 by 1. When you reach the frame that you want to select as a mask, select the move mask icon again. If image text is not shown on the screen, right click on the image and select image text. The number of the selected frame is displayed on the top left edge of the image area next to the letter M. If replace mask is configured to change the mask first, scroll through the scene frame by frame. When you reach the frame that you want to be the new mask, select the replace mask icon. The selected frame will be used as the mask. A DSA scene is normally displayed subtracted. However, each subtracted scene can also be displayed UN subtracted, that is, native. Select the native icon in the DSA tab of the segment menu. You can also select native display by right clicking on the image. Select native from the menu. You can adjust the anatomical background between 0% subtracted display and 100% native display. Select the anatomical background icon in the DSA tab of the segment menu. The anatomical background slider will appear in the workflow header. Select show and drag the slider to adjust the anatomical background. If you know the percentage of background that you want, you can enter the value into the percentage field. If the patient has moved the mask and the fill images of DSA may not correspond accurately using pixel shift, you can align the mask and fill images. Select the Pixel shift icon in the DSA tab of the segment menu. After selection of Pixel shift auto pixel Shift is automatically selected with auto pixel shift you define the region of interest for which you want to optimize the pixel shifting. The computer automatically calculates the best result. This result is applied to all subsequent frames in this scene. Drag the square icon to the region of interest. The mask is shifted to optimize subtraction for that region. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can make further adjustments with manual pixel shift. Select the manual pixel shift icon in the Pixel shift menu. Drag the image area to align the mask and the fill image. It is also possible to use the Arrow keys on your keyboard. Another option you can use for pixel shift is flexibel pixel shift. Select the flexibel pixel shift icon in the Pixel shift menu. The mask image is divided into squares like on a chess board. The optimal pixel shift is automatically applied to each square. Please note the calculation may take a few seconds. The pixel shift calculation is applied to the current frame only. To store the result, save the image as a store monitor image. To reset the pixel, shift to zero, select the reset icon in the Pixel Shift menu, selecting the home icon will restore the Pixel shift to the last saved values. Averaging can be used to improve the image impression by reducing noise. Select the averaging icon in the DSA tab of the segment menu. Mask averaging can be used in subtracted scenes to reduce noise. You can specify the number of frames used for the calculation of the mask image. Please note the number of frames you can use for averaging is limited by the number of frames available in this scene. The fill averaging function allows you to specify the number of frames. The system uses to average into a single fill frame. Please note fill averaging should only be applied to display non pulsating vessels as otherwise vessel edges will be blurred. For DSA scenes, it is recommended to perform both mask averaging and fill averaging. Select the number of frames to be used from the fill averaging list. The higher the number of images used for averaging, the better than noise suppression. Select the number of frames to be used from the mask averaging list. The calculation is carried out immediately and applied to the scene during acquisition, the system automatically selects the maximum fill image, or, in the case of CO2, DSA. The minimum fill image. This image is used as the scene representative and it is displayed in the image directory. If you want to use another image as the scene representative, you can replace the image. Scroll through the frames to select the new fill image. When you reach the desired frame, select the Max fill override icon in the DSA tab of the segment menu. The currently displayed frame is referred as the new scene representative. Usually the contrast medium does not fill the vessels uniformly after injection. The contrast medium travels through the vessels. The opacification function combines the frames from the fill phase. The path taken by the contrast medium is displayed in one image. Scroll through to the frame in which the contrast medium is visible for the first time. With the frame selected, select the OPEC icon. Every frame from this point will be added to the OPEC image. Scroll through frame by frame the image with the maximum contrast filling is calculated. You can save the image as a reference image or restore monitor image. The OPEC function remains active until deactivated to deactivate OPEC, select the OPEC icon again. After OPEC is deselected, the scene is displayed normally.

I.CARD program (15 f/s) 1 CARD program (15 f/s) 1 CARD (15 f/s) I.CARD (15 f/s) PATIENT, Neuro Examination •2 O mGy mGy 0.00 49cm 235cm 235 cm 6,DSA program (VFR) 6 OSA program (VFR) 6.DSA program (VFR) Single CARE (Single) program (VFR) 32 cm i/ 235 cow 00 w coo •2 O mGy mGy m Gy 0.00 49 cm 235 cm 32cm 235cm 49 cm 32 cm 235 cm 49cm 235cm 32 cm 32cm 235 32 cm 0 5_nuoro normal (15 pjs) o FL Neuro *Care normal (2.5 o FL Neuro *Care normal o 5_nuoro normal (15 pjs) 5 S_nuoro normal (15 pjs) o S_nuoro normal (15 pjs) 5_nuoro normal (15 pjs) 4, 4, 49 a: Ml Rea OPAC o PAC OPAC o PAC Shi n Shift Shi 't Shift Shi n Store x: 08 x: 09 x: 00 Anatomical Select the parameters for averaging the and Select the parameters for averaging the fill and Step through scene starting at first appearance Averaglng Image Opacification Averaging Image Pixel Shift Segment Menu Fill averaging Mask averaging Fill averaging Select pixel shift method Select pixel shift use shders to change anatomical background Background Of bolus to create opacification result mask images Y 06 Y 05 Y 03 Pixel Shift Patien NButoPExamination Ned} Select the parameters for averaging the and Select the parameters for averaging the fill and Neåi amåhati0!T oiihatiQ!1 niihatipp mihatiQ!1 mihatipp1 [OihatiQ!1 mihatipp Patie , Né D 2é , Né mihatiqp Patie Pative Patie , Patien Averaglng Image Averaging Image , Neu Neuro Examination Ned o Neurq Examination amnatlon amination mihatiop mination minatipp Fill averaging Fill averaging Mask averaging anmna Ion n 10 c 50 na Ion na 10 a 10 mask images 78 70 78, OPAC OSAC OSA 2/1/2 49 4, AVDIOB 12 VD10B 12 OVDIOB 12 VDIOB 12 "VDIOB 12 VDIOB 121002-2 12 •2 02-2 2/1/2 2/1/2 3 Mask Image AM 9:36: 10- 3100 133 13 Ml M 17 Shift Measurement 3.95 4.21 4.47 0.00 3.68 4.74 2.90 3.16 3.42 Flip Horizontally Pative Annotation minotation mihatiQ!1 raging Image 13 Flip Vertically Storing •2 32 Annotation aminotation Fit OPAC 16% PTA 0% 3% D 20 D 2é Image D 28 w 3100 WB 3100 3100 310- 0.00 LAO wc 50 2450 c 50 n 10

  • artis
  • artsi
  • icono
  • artisicono
  • angio
  • angiography
  • interventional
  • floor
  • biplane
  • UI
  • user-interface
  • user
  • interface
  • software
  • iconoSW
  • iconosoftware
  • DSA
  • image
  • post processing
  • post-processing
  • VE20