
ARTIS pheno VE20 Load Images to 3D Sharing Control Room Video

This video demonstrates the workflow for loading images to 3D Sharing in the control room on your ARTIS pheno VE20. 

Welcome to the Artis Fino load images to 3D sharing and to the viewer video. In this video you will learn how to load 3D images to 3D sharing so that the images can be shared on the exam room display. Additionally, you will learn how to load images to the viewer during the live examination. You use 3D sharing to share the same view of the 3D data set. In the control room and in the exam room, check that 3D sharing is selected on the control room display. Following a 3D acquisition, the images are automatically loaded to 3D sharing to load a previously acquired 3D data set from the current examination, select the Image Directory. Take care that you open the image directory in 3D sharing and not in the live case segment. Double click on the required images in 3D sharing only 3D datasets can be selected. The images or automatically updated on the exam room display. The images on both displays are identical and synchronized with each other. That means that if you update the image on one display, the image is automatically updated on the other display. To load a 3D data set for the same patient from a previous examination, for example, a previously acquired CT or MRI to 3D sharing. Open the patient browser. Take care that you open the patient browser in 3D Sharingan not in the live case, segment the data set now appears in the 3D sharing segment on the control room display and on the exam room display to View images on the control room display only you open the images in the viewer. To change the segment to the viewer, click on the dropdown menu and select the viewer. To open a series in the viewer, open the patient browser when opening the browser, take care that you open the browser in the viewer and not in the live case segment. Double click on the desired series in the viewer, both 2D and 3D series can be selected.

o: 3D PATIENT, Siemens RAO 3•lCAuo y I cAuo 3•lCAuo w •t o mGy mGy RAO CARD 6 OSA Patient Browser T. 30 PatientASiemens Healt.. 30 Patient' Siemens Healt... Image Directory 3D Patient, Siemens Healthineers SD Patient. Siemens Healthineers SD Patient. Siemens Healthineers D Patient. Siemens Healthineers @ Siemens Healthcare GmbH, 2020 0020329995 0020329995 Series 3D Patient, Siemens Healthineers Please note that the learning material is for training purposes only! For the proper use of the software or hardware, please always use the Operator Manual or Instructions 3D 30 for Use (hereinafter collectively "Operator Manual") issued by Siemens Healthineers. This material is to be ARTIS pheno SIEMENS . SIEMENS 3D PATIENT, Siemens used as training material only and shall by no means substitute the Operator Manual. Any material used in this training will not be updated on a regular basis and does not necessarily reflect the latest version of T. 3D Patient, Siemens Healthineers the software and hardware available at the time of the training. Healthineers The Operator Manual shall be used as your main reference, in particular for relevant safety information No Data Loaded. Load images 3D Sharing control room control like warnings and cautions. room Note: Some functions shown in this material are optional and might not be part of your system. The information in this material contains general technical descriptions of specifications and options as well as standard and optional features that do not always have to be present in individual cases. Certain products, product related claims or functionalities described in the material (hereinafter collectively "Functionality") may not (yet) be commercially available in your country. Due to regulatory requirements, the future availability of said Functionalities in any specific country is not guaranteed. Please contact your local Siemens Healthineers sales representative for the most current information. CARD CARD

  • artis
  • pheno
  • ve20
  • artispheno
  • atris
  • robotic
  • c-arm
  • angio
  • angiography
  • interventional
  • surgery
  • radiology
  • 3d
  • acquisition
  • sharing
  • 3dsharing
  • load
  • images
  • control
  • room
  • controlroom
  • vrt
  • mpr