
Artis Systems VD12: DSA Post-processing Touchscreen Control Video

This video explains the workflow for DSA post-processing using the Touchscreen control module (TSC) in the exam room. 

Welcome to the Artis DSA post processing on the touch screen control TSC video. In this video you will learn the workflow for DSA post processing using the touchscreen control module, TSE. In the exam room. You access the DSA tools in the image Task card on the TSC. Select the DSA button to access the DSA tools. You can adjust the anatomical background between 0% subtracted display and 100% native display. Select the anatomical background button. Deflect the mouse joystick to adjust the anatomical background. Deflect the mouse joystick up to apply more anatomical background. Deflect the mouse joystick down to apply less anatomical background. To exit the function, press the right button of the mouse joystick. During DSA or road map, the mask is set automatically if required, for example because of patient movement you can change the automatically set mask setting a new mask can be done via move mask or replace mask depending on your user configuration. Either the replace mask button or the move mask button will be available in the DSA tools. To change the default setting, select options, move mask or replace mask in the main menu on the control room user interface. With move mask you select the button first, then select the image, select the move mask button, deflect the mouse joystick right or left to scroll through the images. When you reach the frame that you want to select as a mask, press the right mouse button on the joystick. If replace mask is configured first, scroll to the image using the mouse joystick. When you reach the frame that you would like is the new mask, select the replace mask button. The selected frame is used as the mask. A DSA scene is normally displayed subtracted, however, each subtracted scene can also be displayed UN subtracted, that is, native. Select the native button in the DSA tools. If the patient has moved the mass, can the fill images of DSA may not correspond accurately? Using pixel shift you can align the mask and fill images. Select the Pixel shift button. After selection of pixel shift the Pixel Shift menu opens and auto pixel shift is automatically selected with auto pixel shift you define the region of interest that you want to optimize. The computer automatically calculates the best result. This result is applied to all subsequent frames in the scene. A square for the region of interest. ROI is drawn in the middle of the image. Deflect the mouse joystick to position the ROI. When the Roy is positioned correctly, press the left mouse button on the mouse joystick. The mask is shifted to optimize subtraction for that region. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can make further adjustments with manual pixel shift. Select the manual pixel shift button in the Pixel shift menu. Use the mouse joystick to drag the image area to align the mask and the fill image. The mask is shifted simultaneously. Another option is flexibel pixel shift. Select the flexibel pixel shift button. The mask image is divided into squares like on a chess board. The optimal pixel shift is automatically applied to each square. Please note the calculation may take a few seconds. The pixel shift calculation is applied to the current frame only. To store the result, save the image as a store monitor image. To reset the pixel, shift to zero, select the reset button in the Pixel Shift menu, selecting the home button restores the pixel shift to the last saved values. Averaging can be used to improve the image by reducing noise. Select the averaging button. Fill averaging is carried out in both directions. That is, the fill frames before and after the selected fill frame are added. Mask averaging is carried out in the forward direction that is the selected mask frame and the subsequent mask frames are added. For DSA scenes, it is recommended to perform both mask and fill averaging. Select the number of frames for fill averaging. The higher the number of images used for averaging, the better the noise suppression. Select the number of frames for mask averaging. The calculation is carried out immediately and applied to the scene. Usually the contrast medium does not fill the vessels uniformly after injection. The contrast medium travels through the vessels. The opacification function combines the frames from the fill phase. The path taken by the contrast medium is displayed in one image. Use the mouse joystick to scroll through the images to find the frame in which the contrast medium is visible for the first time. Select the OPEC button every frame from this point will be added to the OPEC image. Deflect the mouse joystick with every step forward. Another frame is added to the OPEC image. When the optimum contrast filling is displayed, press the middle mouse button on the mouse joystick to select the image as the end image. The image with the maximum contrast filling is displayed and stored as a reference image.

na 'Exam ngs Exam ExMn Image 40 Average Pixel Shift o Anatomical Background DSA Extremities View Move Region of Interest with joystick. Mew Shift mask with joystick. Confirm correct position With joystick button. Confirm correct position With joystick button, Replace Mask Move Mask FL Angio Extremities 2 Adjust OFF Display Scene Native 15 p/s Applifications Opacifications auto auto Pixel Shift REF Manual Mask 16 Tools IVUS ROMP Opacifications Applifications Applications ROM p ROMP Flexible

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  • interventional
  • angio
  • angiography
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