
Ask-the-Experts #Open Mic: teamplay user

You have already watched our online classes available for the teamplay performance management applications, but you are looking for more? 
Join our teamplay Open Mic session for topics concerning the teamplay user. These sessions offer you the opportunity to unmute your mic and have your questions answered by our teamplay experts. 
In this upcoming session our experts will focus on questions evolving around the topic of how to use and navigate the teamplay performance management applications. 
You can raise your questions on:
- teamplay Dashboard 
- teamplay Dose 
- teamplay Usage 
- teamplay Protocols 
- teamplay Images 
This session will last approximately 60 minutes. During this time, you will be able to submit questions via chat, Open Mic or even shared screen. 

  • Digital Health
  • Ask the Experts
  • webinar
  • virtual
  • teamplay
  • cloud