
Atellica® Solution Submitting Service Support Requests Video Version 1.25 and Below

This video provides instructions on how to use the Remote Assistance feature of the Atellica® Solution to submit a service support request. For optimal viewing, select the arrows on the right of the playbar after the video begins.

The remote assistance feature allows the operator to contact the local Technical Support provider through an encrypted connection to ensure patient data privacy. Remote assistance can be used to ask a question, request information, or troubleshoot issues. This feature can be utilized on either the primary user interface or the operator tablet. To create a service support request, first select the remote assistance icon in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. On the service Support Request Screen, Select create a service support request and then next. Select the appropriate module or system and then next only one module or system can be selected with each request. A list of tickets that had previously been created on the Atellica solution will display to continue with creating a new service support request, select next. Select a service type from the dropdown menu. Request either a phone callback or a chat session to request a phone callback. Select phone to request a chat session. Select remote session with chat. Select the time for the callback or chat from the dropdown menu. Enter operator's first name, last name, and phone number and then select next. Enter a short description and problem description. If the service support ticket is initiated from an operator tablet, there will be a launch camera button to the left of the screen capture button that can be used to send photos or a video to SRS Siemens remote Services. The semen Support representative will then download the files from SRS and attach them to the ticket. When the launch camera button is selected, the camera window will display with options to start recording a video or take a snapshot to take a photo. After the photo or video file is created, close the camera window and then select the remote assistance icon to reopen the service support request window. Select add file to select the photo or video file to be added and transferred to SRS. Another option for creating a photo or video file using the operator tablet is to use the camera icon in the status bar. This option can be used to create a photo or video file prior to selecting the remote assistance icon to start creating a ticket. When the camera icon is selected, the camera window will display with options to start recording a video or take a snapshot to take a photo. When a ticket is then created using remote assistance, the photo or video file can be added and sent to SRS using the ADD file button. Both the operator tablet and the primary user interface have the option to send a screen capture to SRS. To take a screen capture, select screen capture. The screen capture will be taken of the screen currently displayed behind the service support request window. The service support request window will not be displayed in the screen capture. The screen capture file will be added to the file list. To change the screen that will be captured before selecting the screen capture button, minimize service support request window. Navigate to the appropriate screen and then select the remote assistance icon to reopen the service support request window. Finally, select the screen capture button to create the image file. After all, video, photo or screen capture files have been added, select next. If the request was for a phone call back, a screen will display with the ticket ID. The green check marks indicate that a ticket was created successful and files sent to SRS for Siemens support to download. The screen can be closed or minimized at this time. The local Technical Support provider will call at the designated time. In the case where the request was for a chat session, the screen will display with both the passcode and ticket ID. The green check marks indicate that the request was successful. The screen can be closed or minimized. At this time, the local Technical Support provider will initiate a chat session within the contract time or preference. When the local Technical Support provider begins a chat session, a warning message will display on the screen. Read the message, and then select unlock. The sign in window will display. Enter the operator ID and password to sign into the system. To allow the local Technical Support provider access to view and control the screen, select allow. When the remote session is active, the remote assistance icon in the status bar displays in green and the Teamviewer window displays during a remote session. The local Technical Support provider has access to view an control the screen. Through the Teamviewer window you can chat with the local Technical Support provider, enter text in the chat section, and then select send. To utilized drawing tools to point out a section of the screen to the local Technical Support provider, select the whiteboard icon. Select one of the drawing tools and then draw on the screen. The whiteboard tools can be used to draw on the screen as shown in this example. If the operator tablet is being used, select the video icon to initiate video sharing with the local Technical Support provider. To disconnect from the remote session at anytime, select end remote session, then yes and then OK. After disconnecting, the operator must sign back into the system. This completes our overview of creating a service support request using remote assistance.

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