
Biograph™ mCT FlowMotion Acquisition Video

This video provides an example of a FlowMotion acquisition.

Flow Motion is an optional feature for the bio graph. MC T and bio graph horizon systems. Flow Motion allows for continuous bed motion during the acquisition. For this example workflow, the top a gram and see T have been completed a total of four ranges can be defined for acquisition. This is done by clicking the boxes to the left of the range column. Notice how the range colors match between the top of Gram and the range entries. Using the mouse, the ranges can be adjusted by moving the dotted lines up or down as desired. Notice how the shaded ranges changed besides the top igram as well as the distance and duration entries. The speed for each scan range can be changed to meet your required needs. Next you will see a comparison table depicting stop and go acquisition times for the bio graph, emct flow and biograf emct flow with True V as compared to flow motion bed speeds. These acquisition times are mapped to represent what is needed to achieve equivalent image quality. You are now ready to acquire your Flowmotion acquisition.

Test, Tony Biograph mCT Flow Biograph mCT Flow with TrueV image qualiW Biograph mCT Flow with TrueV. Biograph M, CT S&G Acquisition FlowMotion FlowMotion Time (min/bed) Speed (mm's) TOF M, 1895 1.2 1.95 2.1 1:48 2:48 00 08 1:48 12 200 2.1 2:30 1.95 10:00 W 12 1.95 GTO.O 20:00 10:00 0.8 0.2 Id so WholebodyCBM (Adult) Test, Tony Test. 800.0 mm 970 sec 933 sec 396 sec 334 sec 10 mCi O mCi 1.2 0.8 Topo - m Topogram Isotope F_18 F_13 Pharm_ Fluorodeoxyglucose Fluorodeoxvglucose CT WB PET WB 10 Dose Date rnCi rnC1 Dose Time 15.19.47 12 15.10.00 15.10.47 Pause Table : Stop-and-go acquisition times mapped Table 2: Stop-and-go acquisition timnes mapped Table 2: Stop-and-go tirnes mapped Scan range Match CT Range to FlowMotion bed speed to achieve equiva-ent PET WB CT WB lent image quality on Biograph mCT Row. image quality Biograph mCT Flow with TrueV. image qualiW Biograph mCT Flow with TrueV. image qualit Biograph mCT Flow with TrueV. Scan duraction Scan direction Range Ran e i stanc e Distanc Duration Duran on oed 15tanc 800 08 8:00 133 00: 16: 10 00 01 00 00 0841 00 0410 00 0280 08 4:00 200 10 2:00 08 0.8 400 10 2695 1875 4:00 8:00 00 04.10 00 0605 800 200 00 0410 00 01 00 0005202 00 0365 00 05 05 00 01.00 0003207 00 00 0.8 08 Il 1895 200 4:00 2:00 000307 00 0205 000320 0003.07 0003207 00 0410 0002.05 00 04.10 0002805 000502 00 01.00 0.8 08 1.2 0.4 Scan direction Ranger Ran e- Range Ran e Ranger Begin Begin End Table: Position Height oeo Ceudocremuaéll Ceudocrenléll Routine Rouine can Ranger

  • biograph
  • mct
  • 20 excel
  • flow
  • neurology
  • cardiology
  • oncology
  • vision
  • horizon
  • flowmotion