
CentraLink™ Data Management System Sample Management Online Training

Describe the sample status types. Describe the features of the Sample Status Overview window. Demonstrate how to search for a sample using Sample Query. Describe manually creating a workorder. Describe sample management during LIS downtime.

Le Cardiac Dot Engine vous guide à travers un examen IRM cardiaque typique, ce qui vous permet de planifier et d'obtenir une image du cœur.  Le Dot Engine comprend les étapes suivantes : ·       Terminer la Vue Patient Cardiac Dot Engine ·       Procéder à la stratégie d'examen ·       Planifier des vues cardiaques supplémentaires et adapter la file d'attente d'examen (personnalisable) Pour en savoir plus sur les étapes des différents flux de travail Cardiac Dot Engine, veuillez cliquer sur l'onglet ci-dessous. Welcome to the CentraLink™ Data Management System Sample Management online training course.  The CentraLink system includes a variety of workflow tools to efficiently manage laboratory samples and associated sample data. Select Next to continue.   Demonstrate how to search for a sample using Sample Query Describe sample management during LIS downtime Describe the features of the Sample Status Overview window Describe the sample and result statuses Describe  manually creating a workorder Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: Select Next to continue. Congratulations. You have completed the CentraLink Data Management System Sample Management Online Training. Listed below are the key points that have been presented. Take time to review the material before you proceed to the final quiz. Select this link to download and print a copy of the Course Review. Describe the Sample Status Types Each sample consists of one or more test requests. The status of a sample is the same as the lowest status of a test request within the sample. Ex. In the table below, Glucose has the lowest status, therefore the sample status is Pending (PND).   Test Request Test Status ALT Review (REV) AST Review (REV) GLU Pending (PND) CK Scheduled (SCH) MMB Scheduled (SCH) Describe the Features of the Sample Status Overview Window The Sample Status Overview window: displays sample counts grouped by status and priority allows operator the ability to verify number of samples in each status category From the menu bar, select Start > Routine > Samples > Status Overview   Demonstrate how to Search for a Sample Using Sample Query The CentraLink system database may contain 30,000 samples per connected instrument. Use the Sample Query window to restrict the samples that are accessed. Standard View: Sample ID, priority, patient ID collection date/time, physician ID and status Alternate Data View: Sample ID, Priority, Patient ID and name, Status, and Laboratory Automation System (LAS) data   Describe Manually Creating a Workorder Create a new workorder Supplement the LIS order entry process Correct a workorder   Describe Sample Management during LIS Downtime The CentraLink system can be utilized as a solution during scheduled and unscheduled LIS downtime.  The CentraLink system offers: Centralized Ordering Barcode Printing Result and Sample Management using predefined laboratory processes Chartable patient reports Select Next to continue. Sample Status Overview The Sample status overview window: Displays sample counts grouped by status and priority Allows operator the ability to verify number of samples in each status category From the menu bar, select Start > Routine > Samples > Status Overview Sample Status Overview Learn more about the Sample status overview window. Slide NumberText BlocksCalloutsAudio ScriptImage File1Sample Status Overview window The Sample Status Overview window includes: Time interval refresh option Total status count column STAT status count column My counters Select Next to continue.Note: If audio does not automatically start, select the play arrow in the top left to begin.Select each number to review the corresponding text.Callouts Time Interval Refresh Option Total Status Count STAT Status Count My Counters The sample status overview window includes the following features: time interval refresh, total sample status count column, STAT sample status count column and a My counters feature for personalization. Select next to continue.2 Time Interval Refresh Time interval to refresh at check box and enter the number of minutes for the data counters to auto-refresh. The minimum interval is one minute. Select Next to continue. The time interval refresh option allows the operator to select the number of minutes at which the data counters will auto-refresh. Select next to continue.3Count Columns Total status column lists each possible status value in a row. An unknown row is for samples without any associated requests. STAT status column lists the same possible status values, but only displays counters for samples with priority STAT. Select Next to continue.Callouts Unknown Row : Samples without requests The sample status overview window contains two count columns; total and STAT. The total column lists all possible status values by row and an unknown row for samples without any associated requests. The STAT column lists the sample values, but only displays the counts for samples with STAT priority. The STAT counts are included in the total count. Select next to continue.4My Counters   User-defined counters can be created on the Sample status overview window: Select the ellipsis (…) button at the right of any sample counter Using the Sample query window define the counter and select OK Using the text box label the counter based on the query parameter Select the checkbox next to the new counter to activate the auto-refresh feature Select the Refresh button to update the counter Select the X in the upper-right corner to close the window and continue. Caution: Do not select the Purge button as this will use all system resources to purge qualifying data. User-defined counters can be created in the sample status overview window. These counters are identified in the window by the My_Counters label and surrounded by a bold rectangle to differentiate them from automatic counters. User-defined counters are saved when the operator closes the sample status overview window and are re-instated when the operator re-opens the window if he or she is logged in with the same user name. Select the X in the upper-right corner to close the window and continue. Sample and Result Status Each sample consists of one or more test requests. The status of a sample is the same as the lowest status of a test request within the sample. Ex. In the table below, Glucose has the lowest status, therefore the sample status is Pending (PND).   Test Request Test Status ALT Review (REV) AST Review (REV) GLU Pending (PND) CK Scheduled (SCH) MMB Scheduled (SCH) Sample Status Learn more about Sample Status. Base ImageHotspotsText BlocksImage File Rerun (RRN): Request with results has been marked for rerun. Pending (PND): Request is created and downloaded from the Laboratory Information System (LIS). Scheduled (SCH): Request has been downloaded to the instrument. Review (REV): Test results require manual review. Validated (VAL): Test result has been validated by the operator or automatically. Uploaded (UPL): Result has been uploaded to the Laboratory Information System (LIS). Omitted (OMT): Request has been omitted and will not be uploaded to the Laboratory Information System. Sample Query The CentraLink system database may contain 30,000 samples per connected instrument. Use the Sample Query editor window to restrict the samples that are accessed. Standard View: Sample ID, priority, patient ID collection date/time, physician ID and status Alternate Data View: Sample ID, Priority, Patient ID and name, Status, and Laboratory Automation System (LAS) data Sample Query Learn more about performing a sample search using sample query. Slide NumberText BlocksCalloutsAudio ScriptImage File1   Sample Query To access the Sample query editor window: Select the Sample query icon OR select Start > Routine > Samples > Query  Note: Select Start > Routine > Samples > Query(Alternate View) to select the alternate data view.  The alternate data view provides more detailed information such as patient first and last name. Select Next to continue. Note: If audio does not automatically start, select the play arrow in the top left to begin.Access the sample query editor window by selecting Start > Routine > Samples > Query or select the Sample query icon. Select next to continue.2 Basic and Advanced Tabs      • Set search criteria      • More selection criteria = smaller record set Leaving a ? symbol in a field indicates that the field is not used to filter the record set the query returns. Select Next to continue.   The sample query editor window contains a basic and an advanced tab to set the sample search criteria. The more selection criteria chosen, the smaller the returned record set will be. A question mark symbol in a field indicates that the field is not used to filter the records. All the data found will be returned. Note that leaving all fields as question marks will return all data and could slow the sample search. Select next to continue.3 Sample Query Select OK to apply the query and display samples in the Samples browser. Select Next to continue. Select OK to apply the selection criteria to the search. The Samples browser window will open to display the search results. Select next to continue.4 Sample Selection Use the spacebar to individually select or the Select All/Deselect All buttons for mass (de)selections in browsers.  Selected samples will display the > character. Select Next to continue.   Individual samples can be selected using the spacebar on the keyboard. Mass selection or de-selection of samples can be accomplished by using the Select All or Deselect All buttons. Select next to continue.5 Right Select Option Report – Generates a sample report Review and Edit – opens the review and edit window Unschedule Requests – allows the unscheduling of requests for selected samples Select the X in the upper-right corner to close the window and continue. Several actions are available for selected samples. Right select the sample or samples and chose from the available menu. Select the X in the upper-right corner to close the window and continue. Manually Enter a Workorder Create a new workorder Supplement the LIS order entry process Correct a workorder Create a Workorder Learn how to manually enter a workorder. Checklist TitleChecklist TypeChecklist ContentSelect Order EntryHTML On the menu bar, select Start > Routine > Order entry OR select the Order entry icon on the toolbar . Select each checkbox to learn more about manually entering a workorder. Type the Sample IDHTML Sample ID (Required Field) The CentraLink software supports Sample IDs with a maximum of 32 characters. Enter Test RequestsHTML Enter a Test Request Enter the mnemonic code; enter a list of codes separated by commas for multiple requests and select Enter Double-select the Request field to open the Requestables browser and double-select the request; enter multiple tests, select each test and press the Spacebar.  Select OK to transfer the selected list to the Order Entry editor window Enter Additional InformationHTML Enter Additional Information (Not Required Fields) Enter additional information such as: Collection date and time, sample types, container type, patient ID and patient location. Add a CommentHTML Add a Comment Select the More tab to add a comment about the order, then select OK. Select the X in the upper-right corner to close the window and continue. Laboratory Information System (LIS) Downtime Solution The CentraLink system can be utilized as a solution during scheduled and unscheduled LIS downtime.  The CentraLink system offers: Centralized Ordering Barcode Printing Result and Sample Management using predefined laboratory processes Chartable patient reports Select Next to continue.

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