
Abdomen Dot Engine - A Workflow Demonstration

This e-Clip demonstrates the abdomen dot engine workflow.

Start by choosing from predefined programs for your clinical question. Here you can set the breathhold capability that best suits your patience condition. This will define the automatic parameter changes consistently for each scan in the program. Additionally, the output of the automatic voice commands can be easily adapted to the patient's language, avoiding repeat exams due to inadequate comprehension. After the localizer, the system will plan the positioning of the next scan with the appropriate number of slices and field of view coverage. You only need to make a quick double check with the guidance images. Auto coverage helps to standardize anatomical coverage, especially useful for follow-up examinations. With the DOT parameter card you get direct access to the most essential parameters for quick and easy adaptation. Abel stands for automatic breathhold liver examination, where you can easily see the progress of the dynamic timeline and simply be guided when to apply contrast voice commands can be automatically given with consistent dynamic timing, able for consistent timing and dynamic liver imaging. The gear bolus volume is automatically placed in the aorta. The care bowlers sequence begins and the contrast enhancement is shown live in the in line display when the signal threshold is reached, the next sequence is triggered to begin. No additional user interaction is required. Auto bolus detection for hassle free and robust triggering of dynamic scans. The Able timeline indicates where you are in the workflow and maintains consistent dynamic timing. Based on the previously performed edixon vibe sequence, the first look report is displayed and suggests whether there is an initial suspicion for fat or iron overload or not. If the results are abnormal, liver lab should be performed. Automatic liver segmentation and volume estimation provides valuable clinical information about your patient. Liver Lab includes a multi echo single breathhold Dickson vibe sequence. Based on this fat fraction and iron concentration, Maps are automatically generated. In the second step with Merz spectroscopy, histo scan, it is possible to further classify fat concentration in a specific liver region. The Maps produced can be used for further evaluation by manually positioning regions of interest. At the end, the results are intuitively displayed, showing fat and iron concentration compared to normal levels. Estimate steatosis grade noninvasively with liver lab.

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None Language Énglish (United States) HISTO scan HISTO Important Note: Some functions shown in these videos ore options that might not be port of your system. Please note that the learning material is for training purposes only! For the proper 8500 1500 Auto Bolus Detection Language Prepare truector Prepare Inlector F Prepare Inlector 12 diffusion vibe E-Dixon tra bn_delayea Voxel 32.6s-1 1.00 result Bad Before scan Aold breath (inhaled). Requested Procedure Auto ROI sagittal slice a left sagittal slice witn a Voxels sarnpkd Voxels sampkd 376644 Care Resulting Images Images 17 tl vibe 0232 0338 0013 00:19 0052 dixon cor E-Dixon dixon tra tra bn_post bh_post Always get the right contrast timing venous 100 180 After scan Dist. factor DSst rætor Detection is ony ontinue breathing. HISTO scan Pre-evaluatk)n resuR w. 16 180 00: 16 Decisions Check precmtrast Check precmntrast Check preccmtrast Evaluation 00:13 00•.13 vibe Vibe E-Dixon dixon tra tra delayed 180 E-Dixon Phase HISTO Report Pause between breath-holds Run liver evaluaticm Liver Evaluation Liver evaluation Care Bolus 00:16 00: 16 01:16 00.16 11 bh venous Diver Evaluation Yes 10 Prepare Check precmntrast Check precmtrast 00: 13 t' dixon cor bn_posl Cixon bn_posl cor bn_posl cor bn_post Auto Bolus Detection v' Auto Bolus Detection v Echo spacing ECh0 spacitv ECh0 spacurv 066 064 ms requirements, the future availability of said functionalities or parts thereof in any specific country is not guaranteed. The reproduction, transmission or distribution of this training or its with contrast. with contrast • No No (recornrnended) contrast agent 11 13 Off 16 0052 — Automing bh delayed 10 17 Care Prepare Prepareg. HISTO 01.•16 00.16 0015 0:16 00.15 Breath-hold capability 10 17 2332 • start the contrast agent decision points Segmnentation Volume 42.69-1 Evaluation Method Injection. 13.59 MF 1.00 Flip angk FHP ange 10 11 SPH36.8 0014 SPH7S8 bh_post 01•.16 01: 16 01.16 00.19 00: 16 Ol'. 16 0:16 00.13 00•.19 Care 00:19 35 Fov 298•3s0 Contrast a ent X Colorbar_keport Al E 0522 E 06:15 E 0237 E 01:30 E 01•.30 E 00:42 E 0018 E 00:15 0013 HISTO Report w 24S7 A Delay to arterial phase was adjusted from 1 1 s - Delay to arterial phase was adjusted from 1 1 s - > 12s. is running. Waiting for slice positloming. Waiting for slice positiomng. Waiting for scan instructions. Adjusting (Recer.•e Coils)... Waiting for slice positioming. Waiting for slice positioning. Waiting for slice positlomng. Scanning 01:23 Scanning 01 Scanning 01 (10/10) Scanning breath-hold (VI 007) Stimu=NM SAR-NM Patient successfully registered. Stimu=NM SAR-NM Stimu=FL SAR-NM 10:56: 10:56: 14 10:54: 16 11 Waiting or scan Instructions. Waiting for scan Instructions. a. Ing or scan Ins tuc Ions.

  • Abdomen Dot Engine
  • Dot Engien
  • Abdoben DOT Enginge
  • Dot engine workflow
  • MR
  • Magnetom