
Elara Max Software Workflow Video

This video introduces you to the standard examination workflow at MOBILETT
Elara Max system. 

Welcome to the mobile at Alarmax software workflow video. This video will demonstrate how to perform a standard examination workflow at the mobile. At Allora, Max, with the software version VF10 or higher. After starting the system and successfully logging in. The user interface of the Fluoro spot, compact VF 10 appears. It is subdivided into the display area for images, patient lists and dialogs, and the control area with the task and sub task cards. To start the workflow, load the patient data from the radiology information system RIS by clicking on the risk icon in the patient sub Task card. If your system is not connected to a risk, you can register the patient manually by selecting the respective icon in the patient sub task card. The data entry dialog opens. Please note that bold fields are mandatory. If bold fields are missing an entry, it will not be possible to continue the workflow. Use the onscreen keyboard to type in the patient information. If you need to open the onscreen keyboard manually press the icon with the keyboard in the tools sub Task card to determine the body region to be examined. Open the study descripcion dropdown menu an select the required entry, for example chest in lying position, select pre register if you want to continue the workflow at a later time. Select examination if you want to proceed immediately and load the patient information in the examination task card. The patient information is displayed in the upper part of the control area and in the image area in the examination task card. You can check the predefined settings such as KV&MAS values. Adjust the cavey value depending on the patient's physique and weight. Decrease the value by pressing the minus icon. Increase the value by pressing the plus icon. Before you release radiation, Please ensure that the system software is ready for acquisition. It is indicated by the system message and the Green check mark in the lower part of the control area. As soon as the image has been acquired and processed by the system, it appears in the image area in the post Processing Task card. You can find tools for image processing, for example, zooming, panning, labeling and windowing. For example, you can adjust the brightness and the contrast of an image by moving the slider on the bar back and forth or by pressing the icons with the arrows. It is also possible to change brightness and contrast by moving the finger on the image. Move the finger to the right and to the left to change the brightness or move the finger up and down to adjust the contrast. If you want to restore the image with the original settings, press the respective icon in the processing sub Task card. When you have finished post processing the image to your preferences, you can choose to export the image or register the next patient.

Emergency, 32 Settings Service Service, Service Preregistered Patients Examined Patients Archiving Information Doe, John Doe, Jane emce, oe, o n Data Entry Dialog 140818 133257 01-01-1952 Service 140818 154348 140818_154348 40818 40818 154348 154348 pGy•m2 pGy*m2 Patient Name Patient ID First Name Patient ID Request ID Stud Descri tion Study Description Study Descri tion Date of Birth pATlENT STUDY 11.14 Last Name Last Name o Last Name Doe First Name John Larst Name Doe Accession No. 01-01-1990 (28) Doe, Jane Doe, John oe, John 140818 133257 Chest in lying position First Name Joh First Name First Name Doen First Name John Patient Name Request ID Patient ID Patient Name Software Chest in lying position Study Description 66 Chest in lying position Select Settings Service Service, Service raphics Rad study ID Emergency Emergency, 32 Patient ID 140818_154348 Patient ID Examination Postprocessing Exaumintation Workflow ocumentatio Documentation Study Comment Study Commen Please note that the learning material is for training purposes only! Date of Birth 1952 Coccyx INSTITUTION Male Memale Female Other sex Dens axis Weight kg RIS Operator 1 Operator software and hardware available at the time of the training. Referring Physician Referrin ysician auto Physician 1 21 Emergency Examination OK Cancel Preregister Tools Backspc future availability of said Functionalities in any specific country is not guaranteed. Please contact your local 2350 x 2866 RISIPACS RAD H: 0.35 Insert Del F: I 91.0 kv ww: 2150 ww: 2130 1 .40 mAs 1.40 mAs Show Info Se ect All Deselect all Se ect All Multiple Selection DI 3.0 wc: 1043 wc: 1003 @ Select patientll 131 @ Select organ program [2.141 @ PLC dialog mode active13/41 @ Select organ program [2/41 Select patientll 131 @ Post-processing mode[3/4] Caps Lock Alt Control Select All SM_2 DV: 1 Worklistupdate fai ed Worklist update failed 1 / 20

  • Elara Max Software Workflow Video