
Exporting and Importing QC Definitions on the Atellica® Solution Video Version 1.25 and Below

This video provides instructions on how to export and import QC data on the Atellica® Solution.  For optimal viewing, select the arrows on the right of the playbar after the video begins.

QC definitions can be exported as an XML file and then imported to another system. QC definitions can also be obtained from the supplier as an XML file and then import it to the system. To export a QC definition, first select QC at the command bar. Then select the QC definitions tab. The QC definition screen displays a list of the QC definitions currently on the system. Select the definitions to export and then select the export button. Select the folder location to place the exported QC definition XML file, and then select OK. A message displays indicating the definitions were successfully exported. After the export completes, the XML files can be obtained from the drive they were saved to. In this example, the files were saved to the exports folder in the operator data drive. To view the files in this folder, select the File Manager icon in the status bar and then navigate to the folder. When exporting multiple QC definitions, the system creates one export file for each control name. If multiple definitions have the same name, 1 file will be created for that name. Now let's discuss how to import a QC definition. To import an XML file, QC definition that was either obtained by exporting from an atellica solution or obtained from the supplier, select the import button on the QC definition screen. The import QC definition window displays. Select the browse button to locate the import file. In the select the browser window, pop up, select the browse button. Locate the import file, select the file, select open and then OK. The file name will display in the import QC definition window. If you want to only import QC definitions for tests that have been enabled on the system, select the checkbox. Select the import button. The import QC definition screen will display with the control name, Lot's expiration date and tests shown. The usage for each slot can be changed using the dropdown lists. Select the checkbox next to the test that you want to import the QC definitions. Select the save button to import the QC definitions. The newly imported QC definitions will display on the QC definition screen. This completes the overview of importing QC definitions.

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