
Filtering and Viewing Orders in the Worklist Overview Screen on the Atellica® Solution Video Version 1.25 and Below

This video provides instructions on how to filter and view orders in the Worklist Overview screen on the Atellica® Solution. For optimal viewing, select the arrows on the right of the playbar after the video begins.

The work list overview screen can be used to view the status of all samples processed by the system, including ordered in process an completed tests. In this demonstration we will discuss how to filter and view orders on the work list overview screen. To access the work list overview screen at the Command Bar, Select work list. The first tab is the Worklist overview tab. The filters area of the screen is used to filter the orders that are displayed in the main area of the screen. At the top there are filters to select the time frame for the displayed results. The sample type and the analyzer select the time filter title to select which time criteria you would like the filter to use. The time criteria options are order date, scan date and time or result date and time. After selecting a time criteria, select the dropdown arrow to view the time filter options. The time filter includes options from 15 minutes up to 24 hours and an option to view all. The sample type options include all patient control and calibrater. The analyzer filter will display all analyzers connected to your atellica solution. Also, within the filter area there are tabs for sample test and custom. The sample and test tabs display a count of the number of samples or tests that are currently in various states. The symbols shown for each state correspond to the symbols displayed for each test order in the main area of the screen. There are checkboxes to select which sample or test states will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Select the view samples or view tests button to display the selected sample or test states in the main area of the screen. Select the Custom tab to create and save a custom filter. On the Custom tab there is a dropdown list of preset filters. To create a custom filter, select the advanced filter button. Select any of the filter options as appropriate. The Save a set of filter options. Select the save as button and then enter a name and select OK. To ally the current selection of filter options to the orders displayed on the work list Overview Screen, select the Ally Button. A summary of the filters that are currently selected will display at the top of the main area of the screen. To clear all the filters that have been selected, select the filter icon. The main area of the screen displays the status and results for each order to view additional fields related to the orders. The filter area of the screen can be hidden by selecting the back arrow at the top of the filters. To return to viewing the filter area, select the forward arrow on the left side of the screen. The type of information displayed in a column can be changed if the column header is underlined. For example, if the reagent lot column header is selected, a list of options for that column displays. Selecting one of those options changes the column to display that information for each order. The orders can be sorted by a particular column header by selecting the arrows next to the column heading, selecting the column header a second time will reverse the sort order. Another way to sort the orders is to use the sort by dropdown box at the top of the screen. If the test is in process, the result time will display when a test order results the result and any applicable result flags will display to view the meaning of any of the symbols displayed on the screen. Select the symbol analyst describing the meaning of those type of symbols will display. On the right side of the screen, function buttons that can be used to perform tasks on samples and tests are listed. To perform one of the tasks, first select the sample or test in the main area of the screen and then select the function button. This completes our overview of how to filter in view orders and results on the work list overview screen.

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