
Luminos Agile: Tower Handle Video

This short video will cover the buttons and function of the Tower Handle (Opti Grip) on the Luminos Agile System.

Now that the DIT is out into the active position, we can use the Opti grip in the center of the tower to move the tower left to right. When you place your hand on that on the grip, you can see 2 blue lights light up. So you know that the tower is active and knows that your hand is there when you let go. Those lights go out and you can't do any movement at all. Once your hand is on there and the blue lights are on, you can move the tower left to right. Vertically. Or transversely, it doesn't matter how you hold handle it, just simply pressure on the handle. The force you're putting on it when you move it left to right is what makes that motor kick in and move it around the table. The buttons on the tower. On the left side we have our tabletop controls, so when I press the control up. You can see your table top moving towards the head of the patient. Daniel moving towards the foot end of the patient. The left will move the table top towards us into the right will move the table top away from us. At the bottom we can see our table tilt controls. To the ripe will go feet down. The table may have to raise before it can tilt. To the left will go head, down or back to 0. If you were already upright. Are variable speed, so depending on how hard you press the button will control how fast the tabletop will tilt. So halfway down. Will move it a slower speed if you press it all the way in. When it goes quicker. Go back to 0. To the right we can see our column nation controls. Pushing to the right if this is the top of our modern pushing it to the right will close our call. May Shun left and right pushing it down closes accommodation and top and bottom up opens up top and bottom. And left opens up, left or right. The center button will open up in all directions all at once. The yellow button on the front will be our exposure button or our acquisition release button on the back. We have our lives plural control. When you pull the trigger going up by floor opening whatever pull straight you're at.

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  • Luminos Agile