
MAGNETOM Sempra Dot Engine

MAGNETOM Sempra Dot Engine Video

SIEMENS SIEMENS ... SIEMENS .. SIEMENS .. SIEMENS ... SIEMENS ... MAGNETOM Sempra SIEMENS Healthineers Healthineers • Healthineers Consistent quality, euerg day Consistency can be affected when the patient's ability Spaine Dot Engine • Spine Dot Engine Spine Dot Engine consistency can be affected When the patient's ability • Brin Dot Engine AutoLabeLing Consistent quality, euerg dag Consistency can be affected When the patient's ability Dot engines deliuer consistent image quality Flexibility with Dot engines Braine Dot Engine Large Joint Dot Engine Brain Dot Engine • Brain Dot Engine • Braine Dot Engine • Large Joint Dot Engine Flexibility with Brain Dot Engine Dot engines deLiuer consistent image quality Learning summary Consistent quality, euery day Introduction Topics oueruiew Spine scanning. Healthineers AutoALign to cooperate during scan changes Dot engines Hip Shoulder Knee Adapt scanning to the patient condition in real time to the patients' conditions AutoAIign AutoAlign • Brain Dot Engine • Spine Dot Engine Spaine Dot Engine For C-Spine Imaging • Simply change exam strategy to Brain Dot Engine • Flexible strategies: You can respond • Efficient workflow: MAGNETOM Sempra Dot engines or clinical question — also during the scan. instantly adapt protocols AutoPosition at isocenter for C, Automatic positioning of slices based on • Same slice positioning across patients • Reduce workflow steps— in real time to the patients' conditions Adapt scanning to the patient condition simplifies processes and gives healthcare in reac time to the patients' conditions sivnpli[ies ant: gives healthcare Use automated functionalities for consistent Exam Strategy T or L spine the anatomy of your patient allows for and exams with AutoAIign AutoLabeling of vertebrae levels AutoLabeIing of vertebrae levels With Ideal ith and select the right approach for the General concept professionals total control. Intelligent Thank you • Decision step for adding additional AutoLabeling AutoLabeLing and reproducible results. Guidance and SIEMENS .. SIEMENS SIEMENS ... Standard reproduciblejoint orientation (angulation) reproducible joint orientation (angulation) World AutoALign allows more accurate and faster examination Means exam strategies examination. Means exam strategies in-line functionalities can free you as a sequences for special exams Exam Exam Strategy Standard standard AutoAIign Spine LS • Braine Dot Engine Brain Dot Engine Parameter cards enhance standardized • Motion-insensitive scanning with BLADE World Resolution focus AAHeuScout in the image planning of spine imaging can be adapted quickly. user from the software and focus on the Decisions MAGNETOM Sempra version of the software and hardware available at the time of the training. The Operator's Manual shall be used as Exam strategy Exam Strategy • Contrast agent step for adding Speed focus for automated positioning Large Joint Dot Engine • Spaine Dot Engine • Brain Dot Engine • Spine Dot Engine Dec isms • Consistent results for follow-up exams patient. Easily manage your protocols your main reference, in particular for relevant sorety information like warnings and cautions. The information in this Exam Healthineers contrast agent Standiard Starxiard focus contrast sequences scanning. Automatic labeling • Automatic detection Consistency across exams: Comparable Motion-insensitive (BLADE) and alignment of slice groups Ideal contrast agent Contrast contrast agent video contains general technical descriptions of specifications and options as well as standard and optional features Daily success AutoCoverage with DotGO and Cockpit. • Large Joint Dot Engine Skim insensitive (BLADE) Reality of spine geometry results are key to follow-up assessments, to the spine anatomy Motion-insensitive (BLADE) • nsensitive (BLADE) World t2 bhde tra injon-insensäive (BLADE) with 1.5T Cover the anatomy you need. Automatically parts or this [unctionality may not yet be released for customers and not yet be commercially available in every • Easy to configure with Drag and Drop which directly impact patients' outcomes. which directly impact patients' outcomes Detects and labels vertebra • Consistent positioning independent configured exam time, number and slice Large Joint Dot Engine Use standard Brain, Spine and Large and body disks of spine curvature position to every patient consistently Joint Dot Engine to deliver consistency Due to regulatory requirements, the future availability of said functionalities or ports thereof in any specific country and reproducibly Exam Strategy contrast agent Standiard Standard Automatic labeling Without Reality is not guaranteed. The reproduction, transmission or distribution of this training or its contents is not permitted in imaging core body regions. AutoAIign Efficiency from head-to-toe: over 900/01 of MRI exam You can Learn more about each You can learn more about each AutoALign Standard Highly consistent image formats across delivers consistent and reproducible 3 Dot engines standard with MAGNETOM Sempra • proposing the most appropriate protocols according requests covered by the Dot engines. Speed focus patient populations and follow-up results based on patient anatomy. to the examination stratey chosen for the specific patient engines with MAGNETOM Sempra PEP • Brain Dot Engine Motion-insensitive (BLADE) This ensures that the first scan is done E 1811 E 18:11 connect High Bandwidth (WARP) • Braine Dot Engine Spine Dot Engine Large Joint Dot Engine • Spine Dot Engine • Large Joint Dot Engine • ensures reproducible image quality and streamlines large independent joint examinations to the greatest extent Siemens Usability Evaluation of 9 million Siemens MR exams, 2013. Siemens Usability Evaluation of 9 million Siemens MR exams. 2011.

  • Sempra
  • Dot Engine