
MAGNETOM VIDA Layout and VIewing Gallery (Numaris X)

This video demonstrates the basic functionalities of the MR View & GO layout and viewing gallery.

Meduser Meduser John ci • 2/1/1977. M Patient Browser Pa lent Browser MR View&GO to MR View&GO MR View&G Brain MAGNETOM Vida John_ooe V d J Oh John_ooe John 2017 5412017 v i d. v i h 5.993 Vida o. 44',' M. o. O, Viewing 00:12 localizer CURRENT CURRENT CURRENT Current 0403 arcn Coe, Acc ano t2 t2 tse tse tse c 02 t2_tSe stack Stack MR. 5/41/2017 MR. 5/11/2017 MPR MR, MR, 5/11/2017 t2_ Layout Vida_Head Vida_Head Vida_head_program Patients Viewing Gallery Results Sleeries Sll/'eries Sl/'eries Series (1 (1 result(s), AM) (4 results, AM) (4 results, PM) (4 results, 13 AM) Prograrn Selection 103246 AM 1032464'/ AM 10:3246AN 3D 3m 3L 2NA1 35ß5 3 INA 1 Archiva P*ent Status Status Study Date Study Descrigi Study Descrigl_. Study Descri*. Accession Nu__- Accession Nr. Access«n Accession Nu_.. Workflow StiÄfy Archived Correct Corrected procedure Desc MeanCurve John Doe Medical Information Examination Information Vida Cardiac Healthineers o n oe John Doe Calculation Calci lion 99 P p 21 tse dark-fluid tra 3mm •3/31/1955. M •2/1/1977. M S. Composer Comooser Admitting Diagnosis Last Name Doe t2_tse tra 512 3mm 02:58 define lax 4Ch dark-fluid Vida Vida Chest Chest print Accession Nu_.. Accession Nr. first Name First Narne tl 11 localizer tse dark-fluid_sag_p3 • Vida Chest •341976. F Distribution mprage_tra _p2_iso Req. Proc ID tEST Title Alerts O Allerties t' tse dark-fluid tra 3rnrn tse dark-fluid tra 3rnm • Vida head Vida Vida_Head Ready Study Description Study Descnpton TR ea 11 AAheart scout 128 tse tra 512 3mm tse tra 512 3mrn SL 411) E 870 t2_swi_tra_p3_1.6mm(2) FOV Vida Open (X'en •5/4/1973. o •2/1/1977. M t2 mprage_tra_p2_iso rov zzo•220 rov zm•220 ov zm•220 ov zzo'220 zm•220 v 250•250 rov Study Comment Medical Alerts IL 20 First Name Mddle Name Open with 0242 Favorites t2_space_ lax 3Ch This material is to be used as training material only and shall by no means substitute the Operator Manual. , 46 Ready 5/4/2017 Vida Head w. MR MR Neurology zoom 1 66 zoom 166 zoom • Vida abdomen zoom 10 cine_segmented_lax 4Ch MPR Imm Range View as Read-Only with as Read-Only with MR Basic 1044 1233 1283 • Patient ID 17 nso Vida abdomen abdomen 20 2017 1,013 1,017 21 cine_segmented lax 2Ch Batch Open MR Breast Allergies | 2/1/1977 [M/d/yyyy] | 2/1/1977 [M/d/yyM 1 ,023 1,023 128 12 frequency_scout_ 4 Ch MPR cor 0.6mm Range MPR cor 0.7mm Range Ch * Date of Birth Date of Birth latest version of the software and hardware available at the time of the training. Assign Workflow 20170504-105249-DST- Vida Age 40 Year(s) 40 Year(s) search Patient DICOM Q/R search Patient DICOM J oh n_Doe J oh n_Ooe Joh John_Ooe John_ooe Vida • _mpra _tra_pü • _mpra _tra_pa • _mp Jonn_ooe fluid Sex Male Distribution Instritution Vida Functionalities described in the material or parts of this functionality may not yet be released for customers O. MR MR, MR MR Angio Singlestation Instances t Height Sft4in *Height 15ft4in CURRENT t Height 5ft4in tHeight 5ft4in 5," 1/2017 5/41 '2017 s,'4J2017 5111/2017 and not yet be commercially available in every country. Due to regulatory requirements, the future MR Angio MultiStation Prograrn Selection Programn Selection Institution Nan-e Institution Nan-k Set Mark state M _tse _tse t2 t' Image ComrnertS 3m 3L 3D Date Male Type of MR •weight | 121.25 lbs Favorite Favorite Tools Favorite Too availability of said functionalities or parts thereof in any specific country is not guaranteed. Performing Physician 1/1020169: Set Archive state MR Tissue4D v Load program to 10:33 m 10:53AM 103301 FEM 1 Remove Correction state MR View&GO The reproduction, transmission or distribution of this training or its contents is not permitted without Body Part and Laterality Requesting Physician Performing Physiaian Correct express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. More Performing Physician Requesting Physician Unpaired unpaired Operator 3922 Patient Orientation a out and Viewin Gallery Expat Note: Some functions shown in this video are optional and might not be part of your system. ALI rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. Opening/Sending Data Cancel T 3240 Results TPF16 T12sooc Head First Supine First Supine Screen Layout Viewing 90000 3L 30,045 30,045 Fov Fov I Safety relevant informabon needs to be validated and confirmed I Safety relevant information needs to be validated and confirmed FOV Fov Fov *tvtandatory information *Mandatory information 257320 02 SAR 128 1 28 Local Data Data prior Studies Male Save Cancel Cance Delete Search successfully completed 16 'g MPR 10:53AM 10:56AM 10:53 AM 10:57 AM AM Waiting for scan instructions. Waning for scan instructions. Waning for user to continue. 10:53AM

  • VIDA
  • Numaris X