
MAGNETOM Vida Reading Tools (Numaris X)


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Paranel Radid Postion 103246 AM zoom o go 103301 A Pont Ranges Rmnges DiWay SL 0.7i Readi Reading Tools Expat ALI rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. parauel Posiion Fov 22+220 Radidl Radid Curvedt Curved Spine Fov : 5/'11/2017 HAL AR A, Ranges M, AM AFR SL 2610' Ranges Ranges 256±320 T12sooc 9000 Pixel Lens ROI Circle VOI pi MAGNNORM01S2D p2 MAGN'NORMFMFlLES2Ö' GN'NORMFMFlLES2Ö• GN'NORMFMFlLES26• latest 2480 Vida Rel. J Ohn_Doe John _ Doe • John _ Doe John Doe J John _ Doe Ohn Doe John_Doe John_Doe SL st 3L 30,045 30,045 Ranges hanges Ra»ges Ranges Zoom I Zoom 1.28 zoom 1 66 Zoom 1 28 2017.0511-103212-DST-1 2017.05.11-103212-DST-1 FOV MAGNETOM Vida : Image Visualization MAGNETOM Vida : Fov 3.1221107.ssg.3 2017 MAGN•.lETOM Vida MAGt•E-TOM Vida MAGt•.lETOM Vida Image Zoom 1.28 331 1231 *2/1/1977. 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  • Numaris X