
MR Neuro 3D BOLD Postprocessing Numaris X (syngo.via)

This live remote educational session reviews the MR Neuro 3D fMRI/BOLD postprocessing workflow on Numaris X/syngo.via software.  Participants will learn how to view fMRI/BOLD image data, calculate and save fMRI Maps. 
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Describe how to load BOLD image data into the MR Neuro 3D workflow 
Define the MR Neuro 3D Reading preconfigured steps
Perform automatic or manual alignment of fMRI/BOLD and tensor image data
Demonstrate how to modify the color palette, color LUT and change the blend value
Describe how to modify the image selection and fMRI layout in MR Neuro 3D workflow
Demonstrate how to select and generate fMRI Maps
Demonstrate how to edit the VRT Segment
Demonstrate how to save fMRI/BOLD data

  • Neuro
  • numaris
  • fmri
  • maps
  • post processing
  • 3D
  • bold
  • post-processing