
syngo MR XA11 - MR View&GO Tips and Tricks - Part II (Numaris X)

This e-clip shows you some tips and tricks regarding the MR View&GO workflow steps MeanCurve, Composer and Calculation.

In this video you will learn some application tips an tricks with regards to the Mr View and go steps, mean Curve Composer and calculation. A typical use case for mean curve is test bolus to check the timing behavior of contrast media inflow. To check the results, simply click on the peak displayed in the graphic, then click the MC Snapshot icon, which you can find in the results segments many toolbar by clicking on the Gear icon. Hint The created results are appended in the image area of the viewing step to the end of the layout. In the composer step you have two options available for reconstructing images with the method Newcomb pose, you can create composed images for sagittal or coronal images. For transversal images the method knew combine enables you to combine images to include all images in one series in order to start composing or combining. Choose the series by selecting the corresponding segments in the viewing layout. Hent if composing or combining fails to calculate a result, the two results segments will stay empty. If you want to determine why the composing failed, please check the message history in the status bar, which will contain a corresponding info message. Depending on the software version, an information dialog might also appear informing you about the reason why the composing failed. The composing result can be found in this step. Viewing at the end of the layout. In the step calculation, one series or multiple series can be evaluated depending on the arithmetic or statistical function being used to calculate the ADC be value. Select the segment containing the diffusion images in the viewing step layout. Next, click the launch to calculation icon and data is loaded into the calculation step. Then select the ADC be value icon which opens the ADC B value dialog. Here you can specify the B value you are interested in and perform the calculation. Hint the result of the calculation is appended to the end of the viewing step layout.

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CURRENT Prostate CA ulati NIJMARISD( VA 1 CURRENT be-value Be-VaIue 01 50 075 67 [101 TPH13 MeanCurve MeanCurvo Free hand t2_tse_tra_p3_384 [4] t2_tse_tra_p3_334 [4] 010 [101 110] [31 [41 Validation Error I latest 4126 1. latest STUDY ID Calculation 31'14/2018 3/14/2018 Magnetom Vida Validation Failed Error Normal time 5±34 Mean — MeanCu New t2_tse_tra_512 [7] t2_tse_tra_p3_384 [4] t2_space_sag_iso [1 5] ep2d t1_tse_tra_3mm [81 Validation Faled Error Va TA02S2 B-Va1ue 01 50 Calculation Fov be-value 03 800 [101 New Co Cornbrve Combine tl _tse_dark-tUd tl _tse_dark-tUuid -p2 ep2d_diff_b50_400_800_tra_p_ uid_tra [8] t2_tse_tra_p3_384 [4] t2_tse_tra_p3_ Composerg The images cannot be compo fd Given images have The images cannot be composed Given images have Composer Calculation For the proper use of the software or hardware, please always use the Operator Manual or Instructions for Use Sub- OK bh Stad3x2 Stack Sx4 Stac*3x2 sp H47 sp H47.3 Composer Composing 02 06 01071 [101 [2] B-value 02 400 different Senes block tl _ vibe-grasp_fs_tra_dyn_S TA. 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Any material used in this training TPHI3 TP F2g4 TR 20000 TR 750 TR 7scn SO 410m TR : TR2soo TR TM WF Iv'lRModa11tyViewer_3aa0 39aad46019ae8729897 sp H2&7 sp H54i3 sp spa sp sp SP Print 34237 731101 TE 1040 st. 30 t 1 _ vibe. _STA latestJB-Value 01 3D plicatk)n Favorite Tools 543b 1 Composer_MRComposerTask 11 Fov 220•220 Fov 220'220 Fov.240•240 Fov • Fov Fov 2Co•200 Fov 2C0•200 Fov 200•200 Fov 200'2 Fov 200'2co Fov 220'220 Fov TP will not be updated on a regular basis and does not necessarily reflect the latest version of the software and Fov 06 [101 5 MA 0112/27. 6 IM.AI FRM FRM Distributio Distribution 2600 a•ß20cc a•A20cc 222 0 260 0 Inco 01_74 1101 01 _ 74 1101 TRI 5000 Processing Preview t2_ha _t a _p2_nt' [10] [21101 Edit in Mean 57 PM Mean 02 02 03 MAGN,NOR OISZO OlS20 Olszo 410m 11 SL30 0) Tra.cor(10) nposed. Given [41 [21 Composerg Layout 525.34 068 Distribution re 104.0 50 01_75 Zoom 083 zoom Zoom 1 80 Zoom Zoom 1 82 Zoom 1 80 1 28 28 hardware available at the time of the training. CONTRAST 02 [10] MeanCurve 1252 2333 Print 1109 1320 110 spa -s Validation Failed Error Fov PRE Sub- Result Series Name Motion 20 9. 90 STUDY ID 79 2600 Distribution Com 150 200 p2 Mean Layout söTra(2) 70 1101 TRAST 03 [10] [10] CONTRAST nposed. Given Iposed. Given Calculation MR View&CO Computed b-value images MR• 11 Zcom 1.07 Zoom The Operator Manual shall be used as your main reference, in particular for relevant safety information Like Composerg Composing 088 POST Threshold print CONTRAST 04 [10] MPA 1/25 The images cannot be composed. Given •s block Please drag data trom Series Navigator I cm lcm O, Enable Cornputed b-value images have different Series block Vi da_ Vi d a_ Vida 008 [10] Composer warnings and cautions. Ref.: Re-sun Senes Name Composing Algonthm CONTRAST 04 [10] Vi da 091 POST Sdefaut — 41911 Auto Preview T2 con* Name Of Composed Series M, Magnetom Vida 010 [101 400 Auto Preview Distribution conv Addlin Arthrnetic CURRENT CURRENT Mean 092 POST 01_81 [101 print 5cm Print current_MR• Computed b-value images Name Of Composed Series name> Result Series Name 093 POST Ol_821101 82 CALC 01400 4m CAL Tips and Tricks Tricks (11 Favorite Tools Favorite T Favonite Tools Radid 30 Ref Punch Clip Box Ate st latest Ste st 021 01 006 04 (101 Stack 007 [10] 009 [10] MPR o, lg Distribution O, Favonite Tools Favorite Tools Enable computed b-value OK 06 The reproduction, transmission or distribution of this training or its contents is not permitted without express in this material contains general technical descriptions of specifications and options as well as standard and Cancel STI_ov 0 in TP STUDY ID STUDY 90 in 0107 [101 10:S342AM 10:5342AM drag Image o, MeanCurve Composing Algorithm Spine algorthm written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. optional features that do not always have to be present in individual cases. FRM Oil TR 2000.0 TR 2500 OK SPP26.C 5cm C. MP R 1 cc 2.5 5crn 40/1.2 p, Int 013 [101 006 ShChV •n FOV 260*260 MPR MPA drag data data Series Navigator data Series Navigator Series Navigator. drag data Series Navigator Series Navigator Series Navigator. 01-280 series Name Image 11 Fov 220'220 Favorite T Favorite Tools 224•224S Distribution 260 0 B'V372.o ALL names and data of patients, parameters and configuration dependent designations are fictional and OK 258020 256020 Name Of Composed Series 014 POST 012 POST 9. 012 POST 01_01 [101 name> Tra-cor(10) Clip Box 30 Ref. TR 3500 0 02 Cancel -p2 20 . Ranges Favonite Tools sag Clip Box Clip Cip Cip Box C.Iip Box 30 Ref sp 8 sp 015 04 1101 04 Zoom 1 80 zoom 281 "Functionality") may not (yet) be commercially available in your country. Due to regulatory requirements, the examples only. Poi* Fov 260260 TE 72 D SL30 zoom 1.28 1 28 MPA MPP TP Hig print Stau S tae 0109 [101 020 POST 01 Expat W 434 TR41 1189 Exp«t Tl 2500 n w 1320 0) future availability of said Functionalities in any specific country is not guaranteed. Please contact your local 167 TR41000 90000 L/COMPOSEDfNORM/DlS2D sp TA 03.26 TA 04 44 TA03_26 017 01 061101 061101 030 [101 667 p2 p2 SID 11 TE 50 *tQd1 300.3 021 zoom TA 04 44 Shi* 'n •n Fov Zoom 54 Zoom a 54 . Fov MAGNjNORWDlS20 MAGWNORWDlS2Ü 018 POST 01_07 009 [10] ALL rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. Siemens Healthineers sales representative for the most current information. Image zoom 2.81 zoom 281 zoom 83.4,s7.a [1018 Net Curve [101 100 89 1189 019 POST 01_081101 01_08 [101 110] 1m"e Image Clip Box OK Cancel 1 82 go 0 74 .41nRFS 5cm 021 POST 01 0107 [101 04 (101 CSV MeanCurve 20180315 164903 #1 0120 POST 01 010 091101 009 [101 Save MeanCurve Result c 1018 •tir2d1 •tir2d1 17/150 •ep_bsot 90 Norms tine (sec) _05 _03 SPINE 021 POST 01_10 MPR Al Clip Print print sp Prohance Please drag data trom Series Navigator 267107 PM pnr* Staci SL31J (B 2:57:08 PM Waiting for scan instructions. Waiting for scæn instructions. 102647AM 2:48:54 PM 2:48:53 PM 2:57:03 PM 4:58:24 PM 4:58:25 PM 4:58:55 PM 2:48:24 PM PM AM

  • Numaris X
  • mrviewgo
  • MR View&GO
  • view&go
  • viewandgo
  • viewngo
  • MR View Go
  • View Go
  • viewgo
  • workflow steps MR View&GO
  • steps MR View&GO
  • MeanCurve
  • composer
  • calculation