
Multi-Parametric PET Imaging Example Workflow

This video will assist the customer using Parametric PET imaging on how to set up an acquisition on the Biograph mCT or Vision scanner.

Welcome to this example workflow of a multiparametric imaging acquisition. Please keep in mind there are various workflows that could be implemented. The factory whole body dynamics Ibpat lack protocol has been selected and modified to expedite the workflow for training purposes. Typically this would be a 6 minute acquisition on average. A complete parametric acquisition will last from 60 to 90 minutes. Normally, this acquisition is configured for six passes at 2 minutes per pass and 14 passes at 5 minutes per pass. The first step is to acquire the to program and see T. Please note there are back end connections associated with this workflow. Appending or cutting Chronicle entries is not advised. The full range for the CT acquisition has been defined. We will now acquire the CT scan. For the pet input Region Acquisition center, the heart in the axial field of view. In this example, we have entered a future time of injection on the dose UI. You should plan to start the pet acquisition at this time. Optionally, you have the choice to disable Auto Recon and manually enter the dose following the acquisition. Recall that this is normally a 6 minute scan, but has been shortened for this example. When the acquisition is complete and the data is stored, the whole body dynamic scan is acquired. If you entered the DOS manually following the input region, acquisition the whole body dynamic would need to be configured to manually load and start. We will now skip forward to the end of the acquisition. Note that the dynamic input region reconstructs first Recon. One is set as the pet whole body dynamic. If you were to acquire 10 passes, for example, the reconstruction would produce one series with ten whole body images. Recon Three is the standard of care reconstruction, also known as the SUV or standard uptake value. Image Recon 4 is a direct patlak reconstruction and produces two parametric images, metabolic rate of FG. The slope of the Patlak fit and distribution volume of FG. The intercept of the Patlak fit. This has been validated for six passes at 5 minutes, 60 to 90 minutes post injection. This completes the sample workflow of a multiparametric imaging acquisition.

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  • Multi-Parametric PET Imaging Example Workflow