
MULTIX Impact C & VA20: FD Sharing

This video will guide users through the proper steps of Flat Detector (FD) Sharing.

This video will describe the function of detector sharing. It is possible to share the Max YD or impact yd between different Siemens healthineers systems with the same detector configuration. You can detach a wireless detector from the system where it is not needed and attach it to another system. To detach the detector, open the detector overview window by clicking the FD manager icon in Patient mode. Click disconnect at the detector overview window. A message will appear asking if you wanted to attach the detector. Click OK to start the detachment procedure. The detached detector is then removed from the detector overview window. The next step is to attach the detector to another Siemens healthineers system, to which the detector has been registered before by the Siemens healthineers service. First, hold the detector with the side of the leads to the IR sensor. The lights on the detector will begin blinking orange and then green. A message box pops up. Click yes to attach the detector. The LED blinking will stop during the attaching process and the detector can be taken away. Wait for a short time and then a message appears stating that the detector has been successfully attached.

SIEMENS Healthineers Ar&iving Bin Search Detector Overview RIS Result List Res Calibration Due sps Desaription sps Desaiption Age Male 2021031609580371 20210316095037061 (X)919 _ 9 _ 2022.03113 20220113 Skull 20Y 2021.03.160950737061 2021.03.1609507037' 2021.03116 SIEMENS Ionformation Confirmation 2021.03116 1 asoH2 20220113 want to disconnect this to this Oet«tor attached successfully' Serial type Healthineers Attaching detector Display RIS all Display RIS Total count Total count: count HU 'CD into table CD into table into table JLD Select patient JD select patient patient 12/31 open

  • multix Impact
  • multix impact C
  • va20