
MULTIX Impact: Image Postprocessing Technique: Cropping Video

This video demonstrates how to use the different cropping tools in the image postprocessing tab. 

This video will discuss the different image cropping methods. Let's begin by reviewing some basic definitions and guidelines. Shutter is the display area of the image and it is displayed with a blue rectangular frame. Shutter is initialized as the minimum bounding rectangle of the mask. Mask is defined by the Polygon in the white thin line, which is initialized by the result of auto cropping. EXI an auto windowing are calculated according to the mask. Any image area outside the shutter cannot be sent, exported or printed. You can change the shutter area by clicking drag, crop, or cropping size to select a specific cropping size. Click the cropping size button and select a film size from the list. To perform a drag crop, click the drag crop button. Then left click and drag the box down to the desired region in the image. To redefine a region of interest, you need to modify the initial mask. Click the Add mask icon. Next, click the corners of the Polygon region in the image to define the desired region of interest. Double click the left mouse button to finish adding the mask. The area outside the mask is displayed in black. Click the auto windowing button to update the window width and window center based on the newly selected region of interest. To remove a mask, click this icon to delete the mask. Now the shutter area is the minimum bounding rectangle of the deleted mask.

Name:Ano Na :Anonymous Acquisition Date: Acquisition Tite: Acquisition Ti Acquisition Time:14: Acquisition Date:2018-1 Acquisition Date:18- Acquisition Tite:18- 18-11-08 _08 7 cm mous Patient Information ID:00550 Acquisition Ti Acquisition Time:14: Acquisition Date: Acquisitio Acquisition Tite:2018-1 Acquisition Date:2018-1 Process Flavor Setting @ Siemens Healthcare GmbH, 2019 044Y Opr:KE op Patient Name: Anonymous :Anonymous Na :Anonymous Please note that the Learning material is for training purposes only! Please note that the learning material is for training purposes only! Request I Request I . :1191157 t ID:1191157 00549 For the proper use of the software or hardware, please always use the Operator Manual or Instructions for Use Sex:F Sex: Windowing Female (hereinafter collectively "Operator Manual") issued by Siemens Healthineers. This material is to be used as training 0+ Age:044Y Age: 0+ material only and shall by no means substitute the Operator Manual. Any material used in this training will not be a Gto aGto updated on a regular basis and does not necessarily reflect the Latest version of the software and hardware available DOB: DIB: Cropping 1974-03-02 at the time of the training. Accession No.: 00549 The Operator's Manual shall be used as your main reference, in particular for relevant safety information Like warnings Adj ust Images and cautions. Note: Some functions shown in this material are optional and might not be part of your system. Certain products, product related claims or functionalities (hereinafter collectively "Functionality") may not (yet) be commercially available in your country. Due to regulatory requirements, the future availability of said Functionalities in any specific country is not guaranteed. Please contact your local Siemens Healthineers sales representative for the Tool most current information. The reproduction, transmission or distribution of this training or its contents is not permitted without express written Cancel authority. Offenders will be Liable for damages. Q': 75.2 KV: 75.2 w: 752 Q': 5.2 ALI names and data of patients, parameters and configuration dependent designations are fictional and examples only. ALL names and data of patients, parameters and configuration dependent designations are fictional and examples only. m,As: 104.1 :104.16 Current Cur ent EXI: 303.93 ent EX': 303.93 : 303.93 Matrix siz DI: 0.85 Matrix size: 51 ALI rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. ALL rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. ProtocolN pro me:Hip Frog Unilateral IName:Hip Frog Unilateral wc:1576 wc: Save Save As DAP:312.1 D :312.17uGy-m2dGycm2 uGy-m2dGycm2 :312.17uGy-m2dGycm2 WW:844 Mgr

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  • MULTIX Impact Cropping
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