
MULTIX Impact: RIS Batch Mapping Video

This video shows how to perform RIS Batch Mapping on the MULTIX Impact Image Station. 

This video will demonstrate how to perform risks batch mapping. The batch mapping is performed by Siemens service. Prepare the CSV file. The CSV file must contain the following risk procedure information. The procedure code, which is the value of the DICOM tag used for mapping the procedure name, which is the name of the risk procedure and the procedure category indicating that the patient is an adult or pediatric patient. Then store the CSV file on a USB memory stick, plugged the USB memory into the USB Jack, click batch mapping, click open an, select the CSV file. The risk procedure list will populate the batch mapping dialog box. Select the first procedure to be matched by clicking the list. Select the adult or pediatric, select the body region by clicking in the figure. Double click the desired procedure, check the organ programs in the list. Click mapping to map the local procedure to the risk procedure. Click yes to confirm match accuracy. Then repeat the steps described above for all risk procedures until the batch mapping dialog box is empty.

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  • MULTIX Impact
  • Multix
  • RAD 3
  • Impact
  • Multix
  • Multx
  • Impac
  • MULTIX Impact RIS Batch Mapping
  • RIS Batch Mapping
  • Batch Mapping