
ACUSON P500™ Ultrasound System Spectral Doppler Video

This video contains information of the ACUSON P500 ultrasound system spectral Doppler functions.

Pulse, wave, Doppler or PW Doppler measures blood velocity at a specific location within the blood vessel and represents the velocities graphically in the PW Doppler spectral display. The flow velocities are represented graphically on the Y axis and time is represented on the X axis. To activate PW Doppler press, the PW button located on the control panel. Use the touch pad to position the PW sample volume gate to the desired location. If you are using a linear transducer, you may steer the PW Doppler line by using the angle control located on the touch screen. PW Doppler touchscreen controls include autostadt volume, full D tint map, dynamic range, update rate, gate sweep, and simultaneous to exit PW. Doppler press. The PW or 2D button. The update rate allows you to adjust how often the 2D reference image updates when imaging with both the reference image and spectral tracing active. You can update every 8 seconds or as often as every second. To adjust the speed of the spectral waveform, press the sweet button when choosing a higher sweep speed, the tracing becomes spread out. This is helpful when measuring the fast fetal heart rate or when you need to see the tracing in greater detail. The sweep speed can be adjusted on the real time and frozen image. The autostadt function allows you to display Doppler measurements, such as the Pulse Activity Index, resistive index, and the systolic to diastolic ratio. Selecting off disables the measurements while selecting above uses the spectral tracing above the baseline in the calculations to measure a signal below the baseline select below and for both to measure above and below the baseline. Measurements can be performed on a real time or frozen image. The volume button either increases or decreases the volume of the Doppler signal. Pressing the full D button hides the 2D reference image and displays only the spectral Doppler tracing. The simultaneous button allows you to view the 2D reference image and the pulsed wave spectral waveform in real time. You can also view an image with the color reference image and pulsed wave Doppler spectrum in real time.

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  • Interventional Cardiology
  • Interventional Radiology
  • Critical Care
  • Liver Disease
  • Oncology
  • Surgery
  • Urology
  • Ultrasound
  • Interventional Cardiology
  • Interventional Radiology
  • Critical Care
  • Liver Disease
  • Oncology
  • Surgery
  • Urology
  • Ultrasound
  • POC
  • Point of Care
  • Trauma
  • FAST
  • eFAST
  • BLUE