
PEPFAR Quality Control and Method Validation Activity 11: Part 2

In this activity, participants are introduced to standard deviation index (SDI) and z-score and will review a proficiency test (PT) report.

Note: Any reference to page numbers in the video may not correlate with supporting documents as documents may have been updated.

Gaussian Type number o Type number of 2) Type avid nambec of QC tested we and number o Type and nambec of GC Type-and number of iesfed avid number sampes testea and number samp s numbev nambec Of sampks -fes+ed (l samp s SAmpes tes TES Yes of of Sample eva e 2 Type avid o 'Analytesal aAnaly+icalJ Analytesal' Analytesal analytesal quality as Mean Neot Mlowable quality ass Analytical :rror (TEA) 5.6.3 Interlaboratory comparisons closet to the mean. to the mean. Directions: Calculate the SDI and Limits of Acceptability. Based on the acceptable range, determine your grade for the survey sample. The first two rows are used 'Analytesall evalua+e Proficiency Testing Failure Checklist l) Frequency of (AC 3) 40 l) Frequency (I AC l) Frequency OF QC QC used +0 Frequency OF AC QC used Quality Frequency OF (AC Oc QC ased 3) QC used QC QC ased 40 The OF peviodic review The of pevtodtc revtew for used 40 The of review error detection win Analyticsl Quality The of vevtew the tradeoff is that Sysmox l) Frequency OF AC Analytosal l) Frequency of System q) The Fretuenc.y of Error you will also have a System completed for you. Goals you will have Error detection detect}" System Error detection will error Error Surwy Name: Survey Name: Clinical Specialty: Survey Name: detection l) Freq l) The higher rejection 2) Type number of G System Error detection l) frequency Analytical ID The 2) Type and number of GC q) The 2) Type and numbec of be 2) Type number 2) Type and number Type number l) Frequency Laboratory be greater when Quality The of peciodlC review Specimens: Date: be greater when programrx programa p' Laboratory be greater be when eval"aVe control limits are evaluave evalua+e higher false reiection Goals Laborator l) frequency OF be greater when and that I al limits Mre Peer limits defecfinj and *rends and +cends Problem Description: Problem Description; to the mean. CLIA acceptable performance for free thyroxine is Target Value ± 3SD of the PT group. control Nmits are are Analytical Participation sensitive to q) The of peviodlC review q) The periodic review 3) QC Analytesal to the q) The 3) OF peviodlC teview for revtew for program Type and nunb control limits are set 2) Type and nur The OF .viod.c review for OF peviod.c revtew Tevtew for The of peviodlC review The OF peviodic review The Freekency OF pertodic review Normal The tradeoff is that peviodlC review the trade-an I to the mean. The peoodtc review control limits are set I of Tevtew The of peviod,c review The OF The OF review The OF periodic review Results 2) Type and number of quality The vevtew Frequency Analytical Results Quality ! review closer to the mean. Wnherent Quality Goals The that Laborator System ition b) The achons ±ahen when Wnherent 2) Type number b) The achons fahen when resul+s The tradeoff i. that Closet to the mean. interpreta you will also have a Mean z. Review laboratory and *rends b) The achons Where Whene defec±inj and *rends you have haw Evaluation and Com rative Method Statistics The tradeoff is that Criteria The tradeoff is that tabe reiecuon Test Teste Quality Effective QC you also a will also have also a Distribution Type Result Where We Are false PROFICI oge evaluaVe P T Report Reviewed for Clerical Errors: P T Repott Reviewed for Clerical Errors: score Laboratory Goals Quality Norma/ and + rends We Ex We Expect defec+in defeciino Laboratory We Ex pect reiec defecihn defecflnj and *fends defecfihnj and +cends Need for Need Need 'or Used Nean ualil higher false and *rends Goals Lower Li shall moni you will also have a Lower Lit Results Mean Limits of Acce tabili Evaluation results match your copy Of submitted results System z. Evaluation results match your copy of submitted results We Are QC you will also have a q) The Unit of Measure e Wa Wa We Expect Analytical Analytesal Wider controll q) The of pert q) The of q) The Fretuency q) The 09 LD The q) The OC score The laboratory shall participate in an interlaboratory To Be t ate The pert The 09 Quality Z•score ac Quality ribution achons ±ahen when exceed b) The achons Quality The Goals higher false rejection Wrong Data Entered Wrong Data Entered N/A Lower b) The achons when exceed occep+oåle exceed b) Criteria e accuracy Accuracy, Accuracy Wider con We Wan I-I) Analytical b) The acho e achons ±aKen when ±aKen when when The ad-tons when resul+s ±ahen when resul+s We Are achons ±a6en when cesal+s achons fahen when ±Qhen when resul+s chons åahen when Hons åahen when resul+s Control e achons ±Q6en when resul+s Analytical achons when CA-tons when resul+s chons when cesul+s System System Your S.D.I S.D.' when resul+s hen resul+s Precision e when resul+s Wrong un ts Reported Wrong Units Reported Wrong units Reported Peer Group en resul+s Laboratory shall moni limits •re less Z-seore limits are less Wider cont Grade are less Need for Frequency Frequency c; Grate Goals Goals Sample Your Grade Systex Mean SD SDI Lower Upper comparisc To Be Quality compariso System Accuracy Incorrect instrument or methodology indicated The defec±inj ar Precision comparis we True Value; defec+inj o detec+nj defec±-iny defec+inj and Results Laboratory ystel sensitive to error Laboratory Pmprecision Sample Handling: Labor atory Sample Ha Where exceed' exce •xceed OCCeptoble exceed (k ) acceptable Quality used Results ,ResultS Resultse Resultso defec+-inj Be Goals Goals detection but Results Wider control Wider con control exceed QCQep+oåie b) The achons faher ,ontrol iean , sults on trol Wider contr Quality Qu b) The achons +Qhen b) The achons +a14en b) Tne achons + b) The achons Look for Laboratory Standard unexpected delays in receiving unexpected delays in receiUing b) The ac+ions Mode: companisc compar160 comparison programme(s) (such as an external comparisc Free Thyroxine (ng/dl) (4.5-4.64)/0.26 (1.0-1.13)/0.08 - 3(0.126) 4.64 + 3(0.26) acceptable CH-02 4.64 0.126 45 Results / Results de±ec+iny defec+inj rule Goals Results implemen limits are less (Target Value) Laboratori Quality Goals 68.95-99 Kit contents correct and in acceptable condition WHERe we ro DE WHERE WE ARE Goa'S < TEA ilit System limits are b) achons PEPFAR QC Workshop have fewer false WHERE q) The = - 0.5 Criteria -3.86 te 5.42 l@ua it We Expect abnormal 4. tive to Testing performed within suggested instructional time guidelines sensitive to b) Pne b) The Mean (X ) sensitive to err ua it Qua' i v It Resultso Results •ontrol Accuracy 4. Wider control limits are Shifts than )tal Error We Wan a«ceptable exceed I' ua Quality Quality Quality? Quality ! ; Quality Quality I re exceed Il, ua 1 we ro ar exceed We Are WE ARE edian Median = detecuion but . cr WHERE WE ARE r ro WE RE we ARE A RE wHERE WE expecr ro DE WHERE we ro (X ) we Specimens stored at correct temperature between receipt and analysis WA (2.4 - 2.66)/0.19 WHERE ro we ro Wider coon Siemens Advia Centaur, XPt we cxpecr ro Be WHERE we ARE WHERE we ro DE WE expecr WE ro acceptable CH-OI CH-03 2.66 4.64 2.66- 0.126 3(0.19) 59 0 WHERE we ARE WHERE we expecr ro WHERE WE ARE WHERE detection but rule as Sample Need for ro Bias Absolute . cr r ro Wider le Laboratory Laboratory Labor at ory WHERE WE uality wc ro ro WHERE TO WHERE ro BE WHERE wc ro WHERE we expecr , ro BE clusterin ua It Quality WHERE we ARE To Be WHERE. Goals Goats Goals WHERE WE ARE Specimen analyzed at correct temperature WHERE detection predeter ve fewer false ile as limits are less predetermx predeterml Standard have fewer false Z Goals fewer fal Laboratory have fewer = -1.9 Mean Results Results z Result Results Results z Results % Results u La Goals WHERE we quality assessment programme or proficiency testing Labor at WHERE WE ARE when we ARE TESTINC Goals j• WHERE we WHERE WHERE Samp e mixed properly before testing Sample mixed properly before testing testing WHERE ARE fewer false 68-95-99 Control Ition scanning when we (SO have fewer System have we ARE FRE WE EXPECr ro BE WHERE WE ARE b) The ac+to Chavge Quality sensitive to error Ile away fro I (SO ) exceed OCT, WE ARE WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE ua sys+em Control, Results Results ; detection false limits are less sensitive to error ontrol ns 1.13 - 3(0.08) 1.13 + 3(0.08) - 3(0.08) Sampe di uted property e diluted property di uted property CH-04 45 1.13 - Control lied predeterm Qua i Quality ua it Control; ua It 0 Ken SAMPLE Bias ua It away Gaussian ua 1 ICIENCY TESTING (PT) rtions . ua 1 ua rule ucy m we ARE we ARE Devtriaution QUALITY WHERE we WHERE WE WHERE we A WE We Are ua it than Special Handling instructions were followed Yes WA — SE yestem Control yste detection but ua TESTING ution Ition the mea Bias Absolute CA p = 0.89 = 1.37 use the ua 1 I Results Testing Testing Procedure Testing Procedure : PATIENT Testing Procedure: ING (PT) -Control CONTROL : WHERE WHERE WC RE WHERE WE ARE WHERE WE ARE control -Control Moan (k ) -Control WHERE we ) we A gontrol ..r,trolj WHERE wH&Re have fewer false re we Control Mean SAMPLE we ARE we A RE ARE Cafe ory System Testing Personnel competent to perform analysis SAMPLE devi Random WA Systematic Standard Control Assigned on nntrol Cafe ry Cafe a scr Error (RAE) No Cafe ory Imprecision u ate programme) appropriate to the examination and 151892012 we , we ey ry re Distribution Z Goals Gaussian a scant" APT 15189:2012 CA p Inconsistent (1.8 - 2.07)/0.14 (QC) System ua Bias 1.93 CA 33 Manufacturers package insert and followed Manufacturer's package insert available and followed Cafe ory WC FOC Z\NQAP Ca+e ory Coagulation Standard Control A PE Single - 3SD CA p (ATE) cafe the chart : ory Z\NQAP tions Cafe Cate Tes+&l Error (RE) st Cafe f Y Cafe r Y the chart CAP abnor CA p Testing procedure properly followed Testing procedure property followed System Assigned on APT we Analyie Tes+&i CA p CAP ZINQAP Z\NQÄAP ZINQAP APT CA p yste Cafe or-y Look for - 'for SAMPLE Cote r y Cafe ory A Cafe ory Cate or y Control r y Cate ory APT Cafe Of y zw CA p Cafe ory = -1.4 Totmal = 1.65 Cafe ry = 2.09 = 2.49 ISO Analy\e Tesied Look Analytes Cate or-y Kit components replaced from Other kits Analyi•e Tes+U System Cate ory A Tes}ed Coagula t ion Systed CONTROL Analyte Tes+&i QUALITY Proficiency . • on PATIENT Analyte Tested FBC Error (SE) Deviation Look for Population PROFICIENCY the chart : the charl z Analyie Tes+d FBC the chart Im precision g:ts CAP O SD ± ISD Catfe ory CAI Cafe r y -FEC to a ion a way Analytical QUALITY QUALITY Use the PROFICIENCY Samp e mix-up Change Various - FBC -FBC use th CA p 21OFICIENCY Coagulation FBC Fec IFBC normal FBC use Analyie Tesied ••rmal Proficiency Analyie Tested Analy•tesal' Ana v Analyie Tes+d urvey Tes}ed FBC Resported FBC The accuracy Bias Absoluto AnalyteS Proficiency abnormal Error Proficiency . Analytes Observed CONTROL yste accuracy Tesla (2.2 - 2.37)/0.12 (1.8 - 2.07)/0.14 (2.4 - 2.66)/0.19 (QC) - vac An alytes I Anatytøs - 3(0.126) 2.37 + 3(0.12) 2.66 + 3(0.19) 2.07 + 3(0.14) TESTING (PT) Analytes Use thr Ana tyteS 2.07 2.07 0.14 45 2.37 2.26 2.37 - Samp demonstrate a matrix effect NO Tes+d:å Review FEC PROFICIENCY Analyie Tes\d Testu Tes\d Testa Testd interpretations of examination results. The laboratory Norma j Aoalyie Tesled ZINQAP Ana Messages Analyie Testu CONTROL I Analytes Testu units TESTING Random Analyte Tested Coagulation PATIENT PATIENT Anatytes abnormal Analytes , Ana Tes}eå No Activity 11: 1:2s Various Various uraustering Instrument recently calibrated or due for calibration so PATIENT Seconds clustering Analytes 1:2s rule as Various Limits PROFICIENCY away clus QUALITY QUALITY Spocimo„ Bias clustering Seconds u. w,astering clusterin (QC) = -1.4 = 2.01 'ENCY = 2.73 PROFICIENCY Ana PATIENT QUALITY V arious Seconds Secondn Second*. Second' se the index TESTING (PT) Instrument maintenance up-to-date the chart •lusterin .edian SS ayes I TESTING (PT) Va rious rlNG (PT) Units OF- Sample: Seconds SAMPLE Criteria OF- CONTI TESTING SAMPLE 3:ts SAMPLE messages yes (%, CONTROL Analytes measure PROFICIENCY Units OF— Various Assigned on (%, g/dl) g.'dl) Seconds amway fro Various Various PATIENT Uni&s ...ray fro Messages analy+ical (QC) PATIENT and mg/dl New lot number of reagents or calibrators used New lot number of reagents or calibrators used Not Assigned on CONTROL g/dJ) and mg and and mg,'d' and mg/dJ 'CY V arious a scanning Variouz QUALITY and mg!' Survey measure Units OF— away Verify verify long-ter TESTING (PT) Units OF TESTING (PT) fro CONTROL Units Units Unmits and mgjdi and OF— SAMPLE g!dl) cot TESTING Units TING (PT) accuracy ot a CONTROL Observed measure measure and mg!dl measure APT) SAMPLE SAMrLE Various (0/0, gJdi) (%, gidl) (%, g/dl) Look Reagents Within expiration date (QC) (QC) (%, (0/0, (%, gldl) (0/0, gldl) TESTING (PT) and mg/di and mg/dl and mg/'dl and mg,'dl and mgldl (0/0, QUALITY g;dl) Sample: g.fdl) g/fdl) and mg/d and and TESTING Seconds PATIENT Sampli v to measure Error &etectlon (QC) accuracy of Sample: 68% SAMPLE' SAMPLE (QC) Specimen and mg/' Spec in t} mern 950/0 shall monitor the results of the interlaboratory SDI. PROFICIENCY measure Normal method, method. Results reported within linearity Results reported '"thin linearity for Sample: "—its analytic st Consfistent measure measure Z-score Survey Samples TESTING Specimen S amp to: Sam ple: SAMPLE and mW (QC SAMPLE measure and mg/e the mean she mean device Survey Samples Use the the chart Specimen Look for Specimens PATIENT CONTROL Survey Samplesj - xero Spec Specimer Spec I møn Spec i me n QC within established range Sec ondS Sam Capability Sample: QC Within established range NO N/A Sample: SDI. Distribution Survey Samples; Sample: te mear TE < TEA Survey SaÄpIes and mgjdi Error (RE) xc.06 - xe & SDI.. SAMPLE Specimen PROFICIENCY les Yes les Upper Limit (QC) The survey sample CH-OI is above Survey survey below he group's mean (target value). Z Sample: Meon 0.08 0.5 Mean Neon Change Z-score Label: vnc2 —cd -psecÅSton "ING (PT) COL'IS Tee How Cid an 'Son Mean - x." o and an cd an Specim Spocim Reporied Results Label : son .4 The accuracy and QC demonstrates an distribution around the mean QC demonstrates an m'.ewn distribution around the mean OC demonstrates an ew.en distribution around the mean Yes Yean PATIENT Observed d an Survey Samples XZ-06 - XE-06 - Sample: accuracy Cabs BIOLOGICAL xe-06 - Survey Samples Samples Yes les Repor+ed Tie i. Survey So—ples Specimen ac many COL'S and - XEIO Survey les - XEIO Abs -4 (QC) xz.oe - - 3SD PRE. Key messages COLI S Messages messages Messages messages measure FOCI & VØCZ FBCI & FOC2 COL'S SAMPLE QC results show a shin, trend, or bias OC Key Messages Change or VARIATION How many Hew many BIOLOGICAL Lower Limit Loweötimit COL15 BIO' Your chart Survey Samp Reported R 0 ported Population Reported many 1:2s rule a SAMPLE COL' s ANA Your Single Your co L rules to rubes to to To No Yo so re ported AL" ICAL "CAL TESTING (PT) Reporied Resu/Zs The Survey COLI' The accuracy c Resu/fs I of how well our Specimen The accuracy of how well Our SDI.. 2. em descflbes Manufacturer consulted COL'S QC OC sample. OC samplLe. QC sam OC sam OC (QC QC s.ampJe. QC sample. QC s.ampJ.. VAR' AT VARIATION Results Repor+ed Results Shi-em descftb es fem descftb es descftb es VAS VARV ic system describes fem b es em descftb es Samples How Proficient Are We? VARIATION Rosults * fem degcftbes fib es Shi-em es Reported Re ported Expected Resported "ICAL above VARIX VARu Your Your result is b es Results Resporied comparison programme(s) and participate in the Reported 5.42 Messages apply appt y VARIATION YTiCAL Messayes Repo many The accucacy Reported Results Your The accuracy 95% = How Reported The Bospr describes The accura e accuracy Repor+ed Resu/{s Label: Your Results I Sample Results: Key messaaes Sample Results: g. Re: accuracy Q to measure mean compares t Survey Samples accueacy accuracy Y our Consistent Population Repocied Results measure Re sport' Yes VARIATION . Your Reported Results OC Repr+ed Results Resu/fs : Resported Resultse Reported a scannir ± ISD Yo u Repor+ed Resu/ks Repended Results Reporw Results Repor+ed Results Reporfed Results A single sample fails on several analytes A single sample fails on A single sample fails on analytes N/A The accuracy and Repor+d Results SAMPLE Sta the method No. of accuracy and S m analy+ic Change No. of No. of Resultse Not -N Your No, ot No, 01 Need Neon ARE We ARC Report+ed Results No. All samples failed for the analyte Repocied Resu/fs No analy+ic No. 0' Not q•scv) Not provid Not WHERE group SDS from the peer group's mean. 0.56 Reported Sizo (n) RE The acc go suits Y our Labs Mean mean. Nean on this pan ua Not results for the demonstrate a problem emerging results for the analyte demonstrate a problem emerging Survey results for the demonstrate a problem emerging accuracy When to so No. or No. Of No. of No. of Lab 8 Labs so Sample: r, analy+ic sys NO. Of and I Not Not provided No. of or on this pal. False Rejection On Labs 95% z Look for No. ot Look for PT material reassayed PT material reassayed Yes schedule page implementation of corrective actions when Labsl: and when Total this on this this Labs Lab 8 Labs Labs Size (n) on page Size Population ± ISD analytic s we ARE Nbnorma/ ARE NO. of Sampre A Re WHERE analy The survey sample CH-OI is above below the group's mean (target value). Your result is Your result is 1.4 group SDS from the peer group's mean. Labs 1.63 Use the WHERE provided Des WHERE Mean No. ot Mean Chanee Nean use the Moan Val". le Consensus specihcafions fie speciRca6ens Cons on Concer Moa Consens Con Consensus Mean dcula+ fie ons IS nsen e IS ISO clustering fie specihca6ens •e IS Date of Repeat Testing aqd@€ecÅSton an fie specihcafiens speeihca±iens ±3SD rule as fie is a Change Circle away e accuracy change Aabs Laboratory specihcafiens ons wk ro rxpecr ro- E IS NO. of Mean Nean Mean _ Mean evalua+e ro Abs Mean Mean Size (n) to cxpecrro Sys+em Sys+-em has SD O SD SDI OSD Value Value val so SD No Neon so away from J Look fot fie Moan Mlean The survey sample CH-05 is above below the group's mean (target value). The survey sample CH-04 is above below the group's mean (target value). on -Gallures.. group SDS from the peer group's mean. group SDS from the Part 2 1.07 1.83 away M ean a scanning f:2s rule as Grade sacs bein9 moKe specifica+ions OF S(AC. documented specifications U Expected clustering +0 to maKe +0 beins +0 speeihica\iens of sac. Need Repo rted bein +0 moKe Nean +0 raph s.e+-up Gaussi0fDisHibu+ed o Specimen Analyte Reported Result Reported Result• Repeated Result• bein to maKe Intended Results Reportc Limit' o' Concentration +0 +0 it SYS fem OC predetermined performance criteria are not fulfilled. bein9 Expected away Expecfed +0 moKe +0 maKe Consen the mean Mean Consensus Gaussian ppeo tiga so +0 of Expec+ed ka Limits Of Limit' of nvestigat Expc Fem b ec SD Of Number /Peer Group IPeer Grou We Expect Abs device Expec+ed Ra Not provided 1) +0 ardy±e +0 moKe Limit' sys+em descrtb es Sys+em descflb es Not pro vided Not describ es Results provide bein9 make bein9 +0 maKe bein9 +0 bein9 +0 make aussiart)is+fibufed on bems9 +0 moKe Not p Not pr mmol/ Of Not PX Value nted j Expected and documented Resported excec+ed excec\ed Expected of ++e Neon Expected is basis OF a scanning Expecled Ra Limits Limits Limits Of Expected -bisw,bu+ed on SDI enables your laboratory to assess your performance in the context of peer laboratories. Even though the performance is satisfactory for this analyte, your Limn , WHERE we ARE Value Ex pecled Peer 9M' with P T this PI PX P T revicew OF-- OF is ro+ 8xpecfed Peet frap Ros is Pa with O SD repo ' sbi Acceptability le ISO Results ape&ed Ra acceptabilety acceptable QC Resultso Hie specihca+iot" amly±icat cbniQty araly+icnt Ra Accept n r Abs report rep O A 99.7% z 99.7% QC CM reqec+ Reported Result cesut+ cbniQ2//y acceptable Of ) *hen 6. i' 99.7% O SD Analytical Results used in calculation L-TCh +hen Expecfed the mean Mean +cends then so S.DI bein +0 make pkcr bass QC cm me+hcd Q. QC cm me+hed ) +hen QC cm device CM we cm me+ivd ( X accuracy) (_ precision) for your laboratory. assessment of free thyroxine testing may indicate a problem with He Boes No+ Abs Results reqec+ ±3SD cm +0 make reflec\ I Error +3SD Not provided SO SE S.D. use ± SDI LD - 3SD Qr•dyfe +0 Std. Dev. limi+s Change in ptecisio Expec+ed SYS+em has Reported SDI Analyticat O SD ons fie analyiical O SD check all that apply nse to analy+ical change analy+ica\ fro the analy+ica\ +3SD hange to analy+ical nee to fie analy+ical sot No O SD Error std. Dev. Std. Dev. ee fro fie analyiical to fie analyiical z. analyiical S.DI with this PT s.m S.DI s. % Total O SD fie analytical Yo the analy+ical he analy+ica I naly+ical so analy+ical sons limi+S Chafge and S.DI - and chniQlly S.D. SDI "SDI SDI SDI so Not std. limi+s acceptabilety or so Activity 11: How Proficient Are We? \ as occutted. Activity 11: How Proficient Are We? sot al cbniQ/ty SO WHERE Error dePteed and applied. Change in ISO has occutfed. S.DI Change Why has occutted. s occuvtfed. co ppem Gaussianbisfr,bu+ed on s.o.l. em has occuvced. m has occuvced. applied. No lirni+s Change phange +0 S.D.I. Not limi+s occuffed. has occuvtfed. s. occuvted. s.o,l. - 3SD Z-Score +3SD O3SD -2SD - 3SD ± ISD -ISD O2SD + SD Conce- s occuvted. SDI nixed Grade Z•Score dePwced and applied. ppeov on a chanee s.o.i. s.D.i. s.D.1. s,D.I. and applied. -2SD clinically Your fie Grade Your cl•mcallv meanirVul fie O SD Concen+ra±ion Concen*r Your sot accuracy co clinicallv fie SYS Fem has occ clinically fie SYS fem clinicallv IS meanir+d provided meaninteul fie QC climcallv No BCC Grade BIOLOGICAL Peer O Peet Group so Concentration concen+ra+ion concen+ra±ion Not concer concep fie Concen+ra+ion sot concen+rafion cha Error concentra±ion Grade Grade Your nixed Used in Grade with Peet Group Grade Specimens std. Dev. With with rx PT S.D. Group with meani Used cnlcuta±ion Concer coen SDI Conce- Conge used sot Grate limi+s Used Grade Grade BIOLOGICAL ANALYTICAL PRE- BIOLOGICAL Conce. repo UBC, XP O Peet Group 22 24 23 2.4 cone. th m mol/ re port Siem' OSD mmol/L mmol/ Bsc, ucs Grade AND mmol/l Siecimens Group Siemens XE.2-100 Sysmes s used Nested Used In msed takon Peev Group SDI ppeot Not provided SYS}e Group tised co s.o.l. How many Not pro vided Sys mcx VARIATION Sys mox System XE-2100 i' XE-2600 provided Not provided on Grade VA Grade Specimens Siecimens Siemcns Sieme• Sysmex XE-2fOO Sier Grade Sie osc. n

  • proficient
  • external quality assessment schemes
  • EQAS
  • accuracy
  • standard deviation index
  • SDI
  • z-score
  • proficiency test
  • PT
  • SLIPTA checklist
  • peer mean
  • PT failures
  • pre-analytical
  • analytical
  • post-analytical
  • CLIA
  • PT failure checklist