
PEPFAR Quality Control and Method Validation Activity 2: Part 1

In this activity, participants will demonstrate the foundational principles of statistical QC (SQC).

Note: Any reference to page numbers in the video may not correlate with supporting documents as documents may have been updated.

'Analytical Inaccurate Analytical ec 'Analytical ec System l) Fcequency event-s Frequency Of even+s System I Frequency OF evenfs I Frequency OF QC +es+ even+s I Frequency of +es+ even+s I Frequency OF AC +es+ even+s Fcequency of eveni-s Fcequency of +es+ evenfs Frequency QC even+s I Frequency OF (AC even+s I Frequency OF even+s Frequency of QC evenfs l)) frequency of +es+ evenfs Irequency of evenfs I frequency OF AC evenFs Inaccura e D Inaccura e frequency +es+ even+s Rule Accuracy Gaussian (Normal) Inaccurate but Frequency QC +es+ events Frequency System System' Frequency System ua l) Frequency OF even+s na l) Frequency (AC +es+ evenfs l) Frequency of evenfs I Frequency of fest even+s I Frequency eveni-s I) Frequency ofs+ even+s Frequency of +es+ evenfs Frequency OF evenfs System l) frequency (AC +es+ even+s Analytical pr I Fcequency of AC evenfs Type number 2) Type number of 2 Type and number Type and number sampks •fesfed Type and number of sampks fes+ed Precision 2) Type number fes\ed Type and number of QC sampés tes+ed l) Type number sampks Measures of Central Syster Type Type and number ±f QC ies+ed number l) Frequency Accuracy and Precisi01 Preciseon Precision number 'Analytical Type number ±es+ed 2 Type number sampks tes+ed Type and number •fesfed Type number Distribution analytical System System Precision Accuracy 5 a. 5 of 5 of a. ÅAnalytical Time: 5 minutes Gaussian Gaussian (Normal) Frequency of evenfs Fvequency OF evenfs Frequency Of events Frequency (AC Bell shaped c /Analytical "Analytical Measures of Central Tendency 'Analytifal 'Analytical of a. System Analytical 3) •Analytical Analytical aAnalytical Frequency Frequency Type and number Accuracy and Precision l) Frequency evenis Inaccurate 'Analytical used a. Measures of Central Tenden( 3) Inaccurate but Gaussian [Normal) Measures of Central Telden( Gaussian (Norman) 'Analytical Bell Bell shaped curve used Gaussian (Normal) l) Frequency System l) Frequency evenFs System l) l) Fcequency even+s l)) Frequency l) Frequency OF evenis l) Frequency eveni•s l) Frequency OF eveni-s l) Frequency OF even+s I) Frequency OF evenfs l) Frequency evenfs l) Frequency OF evenf•s l) Frequency even+s C) Frequency Gaussian (Normal) Type number System Systeö Type and number ±es+ed I Frequency OF I) Frequency number Symmetrical I Frequency OF eveni-s I Frequency of I Frequency eveni-s I Frequency evenfs Frequency of evenfs I Frequency OF evenfs I Frequency Frequency OF evenf•s frequency (f evenfs Frequency evenf-s Frequency (AC evenfs Frequency eveni-s Frequency evenfs Frequency OF evenF-s l) Frequency Frequency O; Frequency evenFs number System Frequency Of even+s Frequency OF System events Wlytical Quality evalaaVe Why evenfs aAnalytical Accurate Frequency 'AÄnalytical Gaussian (NonnalJ why Type number Of 'Analytical Type mod number and Imprecise System Analytical 'Analytical Quality Type Laboratorw What is QC? Analytical Type 'Analytical Frequency 'Analytical Measures of Central T' Measures of Central Measures of Central Tel 2 Type number Syster 2) Type number Type number i Distribution q) The peviodjc revtew z' Type number Type number Type aod numbec System same number Type and number Type number Type aod number aod number Distribution 09 review ; Type number Type system Distribution Measures of Central TBn q) The OF peviod.c review number QUALITY Quality Not all central values are t' Laborator System q) The of periodic review 40 Gaussian (Normal) Not all central values are t Quality l) Frequency O; l) Analytical (Analytical The of peviod,c review Frequency System aAnalytical Preciseon the value which occurs with number Mode the value which occurs Mode the value which occu Mode the value which occut Analytical aAnalytical The review OF review l) Frequency l) Frequency Laboratorm 'Analytical Results Goals review l) System Analytical Frequency Quality l) Frequency c; Symmetrical Distribution 'Analytical System e. Mode Mode System •Analytical number the value which occurs with the frequency Laboratory Laborator Laboratory; Term Term Laborator used 40 cased 4. Mode number Goals Quality 'Analytical "sed used 'zed Laboratory. 40 Laboratory Laborator •Analytical Type number Results Goals 2) Type number Laborator Goals l) Where Whene Mode the value which occur Results 'Analytical {AnalIytical aAnalytical Analytical Analytic greatest frequency .Laboratory Type number System Type number Goals Analytical number l) Goals J Type Why System number Type Type accuracy and Precision Inaccurate b) achons q) The of review System l) Frequency I) Frequency 'Analytical Goals defecHhnj and 4cends System number defec+inj and +rends l) Inaccurate but l) Mode the value which occu the value at the centi the value which occu the value which occU Qualitv and l) Frequency OF evenfs and +rends and +cends l? Frequency Frequency O; Frequency and +rervis Accuracy Results Laboratory frequency wny why whyn Results l) Frequency eve. 'Analytical Mode Frequency Results l) Frequency OFC l) Frequency Quality l) Frequency of (AC eve' System Frequency OF eve. Laboratory Preciseon l) Fcequency achcns and •s *rends Frequency frequency evenis Laboratorn Quality Quality l) Frequency Goals Results QUALITY The Quality aned I Frequency evenfs IResults Mnaiytica.l Fcequency I Frequency OF evenfs l) Frequency OF even+s System System events Laborator Inaccurate b) The achons when b) The achons ±ahen when re b) The achons Frequency q) review Il) The review More J Type Type Type number ID The review ID review Quality analytical and +rends l) b) Tbe achons when b) The ad-ions faKen when QUALITY Goals b) The +Q6en when resul+s b) The achons faKen when b) The achons ±a6en when Quality b) The ad-ions faKen when •Analytical Quality b) b) The achons +a6en when z' Type number number Frequency l) Frequency OF Precise J. l) Frequency evenFs Median Mode (QC) Results b) The achons when resul+s greatest frequency Laboratory greatest frequency The revtew for then Laborator Laboratory. The review The q) The review when b) The 'Analytical Laboratory Laborator Points cluster System 2) Type number Type andnumbec Type number Goals Goals BIAS Laboratory Results Goals review Accuracy Accuracy Goals same number 2 Type number Type number 07 review D The review tons fa16en when 'Analytical Goals Quality Laborator number l) Frequency c; Type number Results Laborator number CONTROL Laboratory Type number Goals Laboratory, Laboratory. Analytical Type number i (Laboratory x Laboratoryx 3) b) The achons +QKen when ac+ions +QKen Frequency o; l) Frequency Laboratoryy and 40 CONTROL Goals 3) Q Hen when resul+s when Goals GO System Precision QUALITY Type Quality the value at the cent• the value at the cent' The Type the value at the centel Laboratory Goals Results Ased +0 Asea Quality System The units Laboratorv Results and z' Type numbec of Thpe 2) Type number Frequency (AC Quality ana Quality the value at the center or Quality analytical number Goals Results value (QC) Goals and System Laboratory Results ID Frequency Results IResults Laboratory.' Quality Mode ana Results ts 'Analytical and aned Results QUALITY Analytical Goals b) achons fa14en when (QC) b) The achons aKen QUALITY Accuracy The closeness of b) T6e achons when b) achons when QUALITY Median (QC) Laborat9ry Laboratorw number (L-aborator Laboratorn (Results Precise Preciseon Precision Laboratorwv exceed exceed exceed Results ' achons +Q6en exceed Type ua It units CONTROL Laboratoryy Goals Laboratorv l) Frequency QUALITY (QC) foKen b) The achons when and IResults Laborator N. b) achons faKen when exceed System Frequency Goals Frequency Laborator b) The achons fahen b) The achons The achons faKen b) The ac+ions fahen b) The ac+ions b) The achons faKen when resal+s same number number midpoint of the j Laboratorys b) achons faKen b) The achons faKen b) The achons wahen b) The achons fat-fen when b) The ad-ions +aKen b) The ac+ions +aKen when b) The ad-ions faKen when b) The achons +a6en b) Tne ad-ions fahen achons The Laborator: achons b) achons System Results LaboratorVz, 'Laborator_y The achons faHen resal+s The achons "he achons fat-fen The achons fahen Laboratory Goals The achons +aKen when The achons faHen exceed Quality faKen System ne achons faHen achons fahen chons fahen s faKen midpoint of the observatio Results i he achons fahen Hons fahen fahen Quality pr 'Results ne achons when . ackions +ahen ne achons +aKen ac+ions +a6en ac+ions fa6en ac+ions fahen Hhons faKen l) and c CONTROL Laboratory Goals achons faKen the value at the cente the value which occu the value at the cent' Laboratory ILaboratoryk., and Imprecise Ger Cer Results Goals when resal+s Results QUAI the value at the cent( Quality? quality Quality Results The faHen Laboratorw Type Laboratory. b) achons fa6en 9 boratorw Then when around the mean the value at the centi acetons when Results ts faHen QUALITY Laboratorr and achons +ahen Bimodal Quality achons fahen Laboratory Laborator'/ ILaboratory, CONTROL Laborator 'Laboratory- .Laboratory (Laboratorw 'Laborator jLaborator Laboratoryv achons System CONTROL Pmprecision Precision The review number The amount Labor at 0€ We Are review Results and detect Quality exceed Results SAMPLE Laboratory; exceed Quality Laboratoriy D The review System Goals uallf ua It Results exceed Normal or Gaussian Type Quality on trol iLaboratory Goals , Laborator midpoint of the observA LaboratoryX Laboratory exceed Results Laborat9r Laboratory, 'Laboratory, Laboratoryy Laboratorw when b) The achons when the mean, the Control (QC) midpoint of the obser midpoint of the obscer ua Laborator Results Z Results or (QC) Goals Hons faKen b) achons b) exceed ased midpoint of the obser\ Quality CONTROL Results "sed u ali (QC) (QC) (Results Results 7ne achons Laboratory Laborator Quality QUALITY (QC) exceed 'Laboratory, ua It SAMPLE achons faKen achons faHen achons and Laboratorr The SAMPLE l) when and Goals (QC) ua Results fOHen ua It ihe Thpe (Results Results ua It Quality Il) The faHen 'Laboratory ,Results the measure SAMPLE The achons faKen e a boratorw Quality Distribution Quality Mean the calculated average Mean the calculated averagé Laboratory Tne achions faKen -Re +aKen Ions faKen Results Normal or Gaussian Bimodal The achons chons fahen achons fa6ec, ons faKen a. faKen faHen fa6en Laborator Mode , PROFICIENCY The Quality Mode ual achons cons faKen Hons faKen (Results Bias Goals Qualily achoos +ahen Goals Quality and Results Why is QC important to the The +QKen +Qhen Why is to the exceed ua 1 Goals when Goals Control Goals Control CONTROL 12 10 exceed eeed fen Laborator Contro Labor at 0m Median ontr• QUALITY Quality ali Laboratory "Th teaboratorw. the calculated average of tine QUALITY ua Laborator Goals Laboratory Control, "The goal of q System Goals Goals Quality Median review System ontrol Goals Laborator Goals Goals ontrolo Laborato b) Pne achons ±aKen Goals Results Quality Quality Results La b) achoos fa6en and b) The ac+tons fa6en Control Control on trol Quality SAMPLE More points lie Distribution The achons fahen and ali LaboratorV ua it ontro Results ua exceed value SAMPLE ed ua values Median Control, ontr Mean when Type ontrol Control QUALITY Goals Mode Quality ontrol, Results ua Median the calculateci averag (QC) b) The achons +QKen when ontrol Goals Results Pmprecision and c Results the calculated averagc the calculated averac=F the calculated averag Control and cc 'Control Results Control ontrol ontro ontrol values ontrol Control Control, ontro( the value at the center or the value at the cente Results CONTROL CONTROL ontrol and Bias ali the b) The achons fahen Mode , QUALITY achons fa14en fahen System and correct er System Results Controli System ontrol ua QUALITY environmental When CONTROL QUALITY Quality b) The achons b) The achons fahen Control SAMPLE Goals er eri exceed YSt Mode ua •ne achons fahen m, values ontrol ontrol value values (QC) ontro ontro ontrol "Ste System System ua t QUALITY (QC) the PROFICIENCY ua ontrol Control Control CONTROL or CONTROL on trol ontro' exceed on tro ontrol ontrol environmental SAMPLE ontrol PROFICIENCY ua TESTING ontrol Control CONTROL When data exhibit Gaussian (Normal) distribution, TESTING (PT) SAMPLE Accurate and Precise environmenta n trol Control Difference between the average performance, closer to the mean close on trol ontro Quality exceed Control or When data exhibit Gaussian (Normal) di When data exhibit Gaussian (Normal) SD ua QUALITY Precision Preciseon YSte ystem - System TEST midpoint of the observations TESTING TESTING Results PROFICIENCY TESTING (PT) n tro ontro ontror Measurement Systel ontrol ontroi ontro( on tro SAMPLE SAMPLE measured value (the mean) and Accuracy Control n tro n trol ontro and c PROFICIENCY ontrol TESTING ontro YSte Measurement events System System can predict the likelihood of data falling within spe CONTROL SAMPLE C) l) ontrol (QC) CONTROL ntro performance, I ontrol Measurement performance, can predict the likelihood of data falling can predict the likelihood of data fallin can predict the likelihood Of data falling within spec System same number Gaussian Distribution: the mneasuremne Gaussian Distribution Gaussian Distribution: the measurern Gaussian Distribution: the r neasurern Gaussian Distribution: the rneasurern ua TESTING (PT) TESTING (v YSte Gaussian Distribution: the TESTING When Precision The amount of variation in Measurement PROFICIENCY Accurate and Precise •atrol PROFICIENCY When PROFICIENCY Single Population of Data percentages of the mean on the Gaussia ontro ontrc Control ontrol percentages of the mean on the percentages of the mean on the Gauss SAMPLE Farther away from percentages of the mean on the Gaussian curve. ontrol Normal or Gaussian Gaussian Distribution ontrol Accurate and TESTING (PT) The the mean-mode=median Gaussian Distribution: the measuremne Gaussian Distribution Gaussian Distribution. the (QC) Type the TESTING Accuracy and Preciseon Gaussian Distribution: the Gaussian Distribution: the rneasurern Gaussian Distribution, the rneasurern Accurate Anaccurate TESTING (PT) TESTING (PT) Accuracy g. SAMPLE TESTING TESTING TESTING CPT) PROFICIENCY - TESTING (PTY Skewed TESTING (PT) TESTING percentages of the mnean on the Gaussi- TESTING (PT) between results in a set Of the PROFICIENCY TESTING (PT) SAMPLE ontro SAMPLE Accurate and Pre Measurement System yste TESTING System Thpe the then the mean-mode=rnedlan the mean-mode-median the mean-mode=rnedian TESTING TESTING SAMPLE TESTING (PT) ua QUALITY Skewed Distribution SAMPLE PATIENT CONTROL PATIENT the mean, the PATIENT ING (PT) ontro PATIENT PATIENT the calculated average of the Mean Mean Median PATIENT Accurate and Precise Accurate and Precisemn —urate and Precise Accurate SAMPLE (QC) Accuracy and Precision PROFICIENCY PROFICIENCY SAMPLE yste SAMPLE PATIENT PATIENT the mean TESTING (PT) Accurate and Precisecn PATIENT TESTING PATIENT SAMPLE fewer data points TESTING SAMPLE PATIENT AThe "The "The goal of quality control is to detect, evaluate, SAMPLE lty control is to detect, evaluate, (QC) PATIENT values PATIENT Bias The difference between the Bias SAMPLE SAMPLE TESTING 2. SAMPLE units PATIENT exist and cc and c and correct errors due to test system failure, errors due to test system failure, PATIENT SAMPLE value value for an analyte and the true PATIENT value PATIENT Measures of central Measures of central T SAMPLE environmental conditions, or operator When data exhibit Gaussian (Normal) distribution, we tendency are the performance, before patient results are reported." 1, can predict the likelihood of data falling within specific Measurement Gaussian Distribution: the measurement value for Gaussian Distribution Gaussian Distribution 10 10 2. 4. same number Type number i WHERE and SD and c and LQMS Training Toolkit percentages of the mean on the Gaussian curve. WHERE A RE the mean=mode=median wr Measurement measurement Accuracy and Precisicn Accurate and Preciseon Accuracy and Precision we Skewed Distribution ARE WE WE E ARE Reproduced from LQMS Toolkit :Quantitative QC - Module 7 we WHERE WE ARE

  • Gaussian
  • Key
  • distribution
  • SQC
  • statistical QC
  • accuracy
  • precision
  • imprecision
  • inherent imprecision
  • single population
  • mean
  • bias
  • analyte
  • SD
  • standard deviation
  • gaussian distribution
  • quality control
  • alerts
  • monitors
  • SE
  • RE
  • total error