
PEPFAR Quality Control and Method Validation Activity 2: Part 3

In this activity, participants will demonstrate the foundational principles of statistical QC (SQC).

Note: Any reference to page numbers in the video may not correlate with supporting documents as documents may have been updated.

System on-going Evaluation of Your Quality Control Systems Analyt Analytical l) Frequency 0+ (AC + 234) to Statjsncm uu On-going Evaluation 0t Your Evaluation 0 'Analytical Analytical l) frequency of even+s used 40 used I Frequency of evenfs Type and number +es+ed Type fested I frequency of (AC +es+ eveni-s System Frequency OF QC +es+ even+s •nalytical •Analytical 2 Type and number tesfed l) Frequency of evenis Frequency Type and number fes+ed Type and number Type number System Type number 2 Type and number sampks fes\ed 2 Type and number Of samples number Frequency +es+ even+s I Fcequency of (AC +es+ evenis Frequency of +es+ even+s System 'Analytical On-going quality Systems l) Frequency OF C even+s Alerts u On-going Evaluation of Control Systems System to On-going Evaluation of Your Quality Control Systems On-going Evaluation of Your quality Control Systems On-going Evaluation of Your Quality Frequency of (AC evenfs ontrol Systems 2) Type and number Of GC +es+ed Gaussian Distribution is the Key 3) Gaussian is, the Analytical System 2) Type number sampks ±es+ed i) Type Type and number Of 2 Type and number sampks fes+ed Type number of Type numbec of Type and number sampks 5 of A. s/ Type I) Fcequency of +es+ even+s l) Frequency of oampe +es+ evenFs l) Frequency of +es+ evenfs Type aud number ±es+ed Gaussian is the Key to Quality Control Gaussian is the Key 2 Type aod number of QC sampQs ±es+ed QC +0 QC ased Type and number +es+ed l) frequency Analytical I Frequency OF (AC +es± even+s Type and number sampes tes+ed 2) Type number of GC tesfed material number Type and numbec ±es+ed ased +0 used On•going Evaluation Of Your Quality Control Systems Analytical System Gaussian is the Key to Quality Control Single Population accuracy l) Frequency AC evenes QC used {o QC Type number tested QC used Alerts to changes an analytical Alerts to n QC Alerts ro in Alerts to in used Alerts to changes 5 of Alerts to In Alerts to Alerts ro q) The of periodic review Alerts us to changes in 40 3) QC used +0 Quality used tÄnaIytical ased +0 QC +0 System analytical Gaussian is the Key to Quality Control and evalua+e evaluaVe Type ies+ed Type and number Of QC tes+ed QC QC used accuracy and precision Standard. QC used l) Frequency OF QC even+s Analytical 'Analytical 3) ase.d system used QC l) Frequency of l) Frequency (f evenfs precision Analytical and Alerts to Alerts Frequency evenfs Frequency OF Ana System I Frequency l) Frequency Of events accuracy and prec.isi'on Stan ISO 15189 åAnaIyticaI accuracy System number used +0 Analytical q) periodic review analy+ica\ The OF periodic review Il) The review System Laboratory Gaussian is the to Quality Control Ition Quality t ion evalua+e The periodic review The review The review for frequency OF +es+ even+s l) Frequency OF +es+ even+s l) Frequency OF QC even+s System aAnalytical System l) Frequency of (AC evenf.s used QC used 'Analytical 'Analytical *Analytical and q) The of per Analytical •nalytical Frequency OF +es+ even+s Precision review 2) Type aod number Type and number System Laborator Laborator System accuracy Type number accuracy ar Goals evaluaVe evalua+e l) Frequency SD Gaussian is the Key to Quality Control The periodic review Laboratory I Frequency Goals and Goalsv Go review for IS Goals Results q) The of periodic review Laborator review Il) The OF periodic review For Frequency 'We Expec; l) frequency System l) Frequency (AC ' l) Frequency of eveni•s l) Frequency l) Frequency OF (AC even+s l) OF evenks l) Frequency OF evenfs Type number tested Fcequency OF (AC evenFs System q) The Frequency OF C eveni-s Frequency OF -fest even+s Fcequency evenfs Quality number 2) Type and number specifications The of periodic review [D The periodic review I Frequency of Goals The OF pevtcdtc review Type and number tes+ed Type aod number Type number Of tes+ed Type and number of fC tes+ed to Statistical Quality Control Type number q) The peviodic review and -I-rends Type and number •fesfed q) The review and used Quality System system aned Quality QC 40 and and +rend3 Quality The of review 2) Type The periodic review For 2) Type of Criteria b) The achons uh b) The ac Quality 'Analytical q) The periodic review b) The fa6en when resul+s Where The Fretaency review for 09 review material The r-evtew Goals Results number We Are Results b) The achons +Q6en when resul+s b) fie achons fQ6en Alerts to in Alerts us to changes in Laborator b) The ad-ions when The achons fa6en when b) The when resul+s b) The achons fa6e We Expecti review I Frequency Goals 2) Type number 2 Type aod numbec of GC Alerts to changes. Type number tesfed e Wa when Laborator number 2) Type number of 'Laboratorwx QC ased QC used QC Alerts to l) Frequency Goals Laboratory ons fQ6en when resul+s Then ons when Alerts us to Changes in Laborator Goals Type number Where b) The faKen when Need for q) The of review used used +0 l) frequency Laborator when Type Where Goals Goals Goals Alerts . e Wa Quality b) achons and Need for b) The achons when We Are and *rends and System Accuracy Expect ons Men when resu14s Alerts to n and precision Alerts us to in accuracy precisio and precision precision and and and Results and +rervis Precision We Expect Neod for b) The achons fQ6en and +rends Alerts in accuracy and precision accuracy t ion Need OC Monitors Monitors and evaluates z' and +cends accuracy and Alerts us to changes in 2) Type Results used in an e) exceed exceed accuracy Results rule e Expec b) Tine achons faKen when Results q) used Precision D revrew Rule Results To and +rencis Quality and +rends accuracy and precision b) The achons +a6en Type and num accuracy Laborator exceed and and The precision Dis Dif Goals evalua+e b) The achons b) The achons +aKen when The Monitors and evaluates QC b) Tse b) The achons fa14en when resul+s eval«a+e b) The achons faKen when resul+s We Are ana Alerts to changes in and and +rends Alerts to in review accuracy q) The pes he ±Q6en when resul+s method method performance performance q) The per b) The achons ±Q6en when resul+s Quality q) The periodic review Laborator b) The achons when Quality Need (Laborator The achons +Q16en when ua it Results Goals essays 3, Quality and Accuracy q) The peviodic review q) The review achons when resul+s Results evalua+e used Monitors and evaluates, Results used ir Quality Precision The Fretaency of review and The review The peviodtc revtew Quality q) The Laboratory fahen when resul+s exceed and precision precision b) The achons when Gaussian Laborator OC The revteve Goals and review Results The pe ua i ual q) The review q) The q) The OF For q) periodic method exceed Accuracy performance Laborator Mode We Are achons +Qhen when The achons faHen when Laboratory and Precision Quality exceed Quality SD obs Laborator (Labor.@torv "*borator Laboratory tor achons faHen when The periodic review Laborato ali Laboratory v .exceed occep%åle The l) achons Goals *hen b) The achons and JResults exceed when resul+s when Results The achons when Laboratory review revtew Goals Messayes Messages essay s and —he when achons faKen when Goals achons faHen Laborator The ua it b) achons Perform parallel to the Goals q) Res Quality and +rends and exceed Laborator Labor.tory Go ale Goals Results Perform parallel testing to the Perform the Perform parallel testing, the Control ontrol Perform parallel testing to Results ua It ts Perform parallel the Perform parallel b) The ac+ions class Accuracy Precision Standard: "Performance we Results b) The achons when when MEAN obs ua i Results Per torm parallel to the Moan Perform parallel testing to determine the relate to the i and Messages b) The achions when b) The achons fa6en when 'LaboratorW exceed •ceed occeptüle b) The b) The when b) The when resul+s 'Laboratorwx Goals and SD for the Controlo b) ac+toos for' the mean for the b) achons Results exceed essays perform pa ua It +a6en when res414s obr,erved mean and observed SD tor the YSte achons fa6en when resuHs I observed rnean and SD for the observed mean and the observed and observed SD for the ,ind for the ystem ua It exceed relat essay s ua Quality ua ua 1 en when resul+s when Messayes b) The achtons b) The achons faHen when b) The ad-ions when resul+s b) The +a6en when resul+s essays b) The achons fQ6en System yste O. b) The achons faKen when Observed mean and observed for observeu essayes b) The achons Goals The achons faKen when The Results b) The Distribution 'Laboratorwx exceed b) The ac+ions The achons QC ontroll QC material Messayes Messayes ua It material b) ac+tons Perform ua ua 1 Control Control( ontror ontrol exceed Control System You need to know You need to know WHERE b) The achons WHERE Determine if the system stable or if the or Quality ua ua It b) The achons when ua Determine it the system is stable or exceed b) The achoos exceed IS ua It Variation Alerts us to changes in essayes Determine if the or Determine if the system is, ore Determine If the system Determine if the system is,stable or Determine if the system is or ua 1 before QC mate QC ased Monitors and evaluates Monitors and evaluat observed Control (X ) procedure. yste The accucocy an Control The accucacy The accuracy Perform parallel to the Perform parallel tesiting to the ontroi ontrol undergoing a change The The accucacy and@€ecÅSton an undergoing a ua Perform parallel testing to determine the undergoing,a change ua It The accuracy and an exceed an Controlt ontrol a change The and accuracy an undergoing change undergoing ualit Accuracy change Change Control ua procedure." Control( class Perform parallel testing, to determine the ontrol ua t accuracy and an ua 1 ua ua The accuracy and ua The accuracy and aecon The accuracy and@€ecÅSton an The accuracy and observed mean and observed SD for the proa observed mean observed SD for the' Observed mean and observed SD for the Determine The and an ua i observed mean and SD for the Identify rule violations when a change occur accuracy and precision The accuracy and aecon Identify rule violations when a change occurs class. ua The accuracy and an The accuracy an specifications for each procedure ontrol Identify rule violations, when a change occurs Identify rule vt01atlOns when occur Identify rule violations when a change Identify rule violations, when ua J Perform parallel testing to determine the 0b';erved mean and SD for the Select appr observed mean and observed SD) for the exceed Select method performance Defines an acceptable change vs, on tro ontrol QC ontrol onté acceptable ontrol sy*em degcflbes and describes Control ormance QC material If Defines, an acceptable change vs, ontrol QC_ material QC Sys+em describes ua Determine the type of error (SE or RE) Determine the type of error (SE or REF) System Defines an acceptable change vs. ontrol Control, an acceptable change vs, The accuracy and aecon undergo material Determlline the type of error (.SfE or REF) Determine type of error RE) Determine the type of error (SE. or RE) on tro D)etermnine the type of error (SE or RE) observed mean and observed SD) for the observed mean and observed SD for the error The an Population es syså-em describes describes The unacceptable change ( TE E TEA) descftb es Control Determine if the system stable or Stat-em es sys+em degcftbes ontrol Sys+em descfl b es es Th-e accuracy an ontro before err SPi-em es Determine if the systenl is stable or Determine if the system is Or Determine if the stable or xpected this point before unacceptable change (TE TEA) on be sys+em describes _sys+em degcflb es describes es unacceptable chanee e: syså-em es describes undergoing under'oing System _sysi-em es for each test you SPFem es es Determine if the system is stable or with Levey-Jennings Graph Leveyaennings Graph change sy*em describes describes YSte YOU ARE te System Identify Determines how far the mean can shift undergoing Normal or Gaussian undergoing a change QC materi•al QC material a change es Determines how far the mnean can shift Determines how far the can shift YS WHERE we ARE undergoing a and System WHERE WE ARE ISO Y-axis _sys+em b es Determine if the system is stable or Identify rule violations when a occurs Identify rule violations when a change Occurs describes Deternmine if the system is stable or before erroneous results are reported WHERE ARE Identify rule violations when Identify Violations when a Occurs WHERE violations when a change occurs WHERE ARC Select we ARE apprt 202. s 202, s WHERE ARU before erroneous resu'ts are reported Identify rule violations when a change occurs WC ARE Select Se Determine nroc. WHERE we ARE undergoing a change and (SEC and Determine the typo Of error (SE or RE) (SEC and Sigma-metric) the SEC or 201.0 203.0 IS Determine the type of error (SE or RE) and does Bimo a and and or tha: method Distribution used in an examination shall tion an Identify rule violations when a change occurs WHERE wE 201 vs WHERE Select appropriate control rules based on WHERE wE WHERE WE ARE OF we bass 09 the IS IS Y-axis does IS Determnine the type of error (SE or RE) Determine the type of error (SE or RE) perform in your laboratory IS the the SEC.c or Sigma for that method IS the the SEC or Sigma for that method IS IS the WHERE we IS IS x-a we expecr ro basis IS 32 203.0 200.5 30 —WHERE wr TO WHERE WEU —eWHERE WE EXPECT ro O bashs OF SCC. WHERE WE EXPECT ro 32 WHERE WE Expecr ro with and bass OF does Mode = Median = Mean basis SCC. bass 09 OF bass OF 201.0 203.0 202,0 202.0 09 bass 09 SAC. 09 IS IS is 199.0 he analy+ical relate to the intended use of that a he es *hen we WHERE WE ARE WHERE we ARE 198.5 199.0 and relate it to Target 1 TEa change WHERE YOU WHERE WEU WHERE ARE +hen TEa TEa has *hen *hen 'ccutted. Total Error Error WE EXPECT ro E WE Yo fie change -fie analyåica\ cha? fie analyiical change Yo-fie analy+ica\ has rcuvced. chan9e +0 o. change analyåica\ change +0 analy+ica\ Change analytical change change o. Analytical the change he analy+ica\ analyiical o. change fie analyfica\ Chan9e analy+icn\ Change he analy+ica\ We did NOT expect this pointO o. change fie analy+ica\ has occuvqed. sys+em 6as occuvced. Change o. change fie analyiica\ o. change fro fie analyiica\ has has occutted. change fro fie analy+ica\ change fie amly+ica\ change the analyiicn\ has change Yo fie anqlyiical has has occuvced. sys+em has occurted. sys+em has occuvted. has occuvced Perform parallel testing to determine the Defines an acceptable change vs. Defjhes an acceptable change vs. sys+em has occutted. procedure. SYS+ern has occuvted. has occuvqed. SYS+em has occuvted. sys}em has occuvfed. sys}em has occuvted. has occuvtfed. Sys+em has occuvced. for that test. sys*em has occuvted. has occutted. WANT TO BE Has occur€ed. sys+em has occuqqed. has occuvted. sys+em Has occuv€ed. observed mean and observed SD for the unacceptable change (TE < TEA) material QC material Determines how far the mean can shift Determines how the mean can shift Emerging Population Single Population Y-axis 000.0 200.0 we ARE Determine if the system is stable or Deter.mine if the system is stable or before erroneous results are reported befoce erroneous results are reported after change ISO 15189:5.5 wr Re (SEC end Sigma-metric) we undergoing a change undergoing,a change (SEC and Sigma-metric) ARE Identify rule vrolations When a change occurs Identify rule violations when a change occurs GSeiect ftpröpriate control rules based on Select appropriate control rules based on Ske Yo we ARE -Determine the type of error (SE or RE) Determine the type of error (SE or RE) Determine the type Of error (SE or RE) the SEC or Sigma for that method nee X-axis Y-axis to aRe 27 28 26 30 we WHERE WE we wr -4 Re WC WHERE we 32 WHERE we ARE WHERE we WHERE WE ARE expecr ro we WHERE WEU present to aid with troubleshootin present to aid with troubleshooting————- present to aid with troubleshooting we ANE WHERE WEU we ARE ro

  • Gaussian
  • Key
  • distribution
  • SQC
  • statistical QC
  • accuracy
  • precision
  • imprecision
  • inherent imprecision
  • single population
  • mean
  • bias
  • analyte
  • SD
  • standard deviation
  • gaussian distribution
  • quality control
  • alerts
  • monitors
  • SE
  • RE
  • total error