
PEPFAR Quality Control and Method Validation Activity 3: Part 2

In this activity, participants match charts to the correct QC rule violation and identify the type of error.

Note: Any reference to page numbers in the video may not correlate with supporting documents as documents may have been updated.

number samples ±es+ed l) Frequency of (AC sampé +es+ evenfs Iype numbec of GC sampes +es+ed Frequency of (AC +es+ evenfs wpe number Of QC sampks fes+ed Iype and number o lype number o G Type and number of GC samples ±es+ed { Type and number of QC sampkes ±es+ed Type number Of QC +es+ed ype avid numbec of QC sampks ±es+ed ype number of sampks tes+ed ype and numbec of samples +es+ed {Type and number of QC sampkes +es+ed we and number of GC sampks fes or a. number Of sampks +es+ed Type and number of QC sampks ±es+ed Type and numbec of Sampes Tes 23A) samples Samples tes+ed tesfed sampks System Sampes -res Control number ype number o sampks fes+ed {Type and number of sampks +es+ed number sampks fesfed number Of CC samples +es+ed 2 Type and number Of QC sampks ±es+ed ype nambec Of QC sampks ±es+ed ype num ec Of sampks fes+ed ype num ec o 3 Type and number samples fes+ed ype and number of QC sampks fes+ed ype number sampks +es+ed number Of QC samples +es+ed number of sampks +es+ed Part Mean (x ype numbec of QC sampks ±es+ed Puroose Purpose Purpost num ec Of sampks 2) Type and number QC samp s so a. number of sampks ±es+ed Analytical $ Type and number Of (NC sampks ±es+ed Type and number of samples ±es+ed Type and number ±es+ed SO System 3 Type numbec sampks ±es+ed and number sampks ±es+ed cequency of +es+ even+s 2) Type number Of QC sompks ±es+ed Part 1 5 of 5 of Z3A) System and number of (X sampks ±es+ed and number of QC sampks 3) Type number of GC sampks fes+ed and number Of QC sampks ±esfed The 5 of Strategy Part I l) Frequency (f +es+ even+s 3) QC used frequency OF (AC +es+ even+s evalua+e q) 5 of a. ype num ec o ype ec o identify whe Analytical To Identify identify Control rules frequency of 3Ampe +es+ even+s 2) Type numbec ofmpks fes+ed A new population of data poin . voidentlfy Identify 2)) Frequency QC evenfs Rule Violation Answer Sheet new pop A new population of data points are emet ) Fcequency of (AC +es+ even+s frequency of even+s l) Frequency of AC +es+ even+s Quality System Quality 2 number Of sampks ±es+ed 3 Type number sampes fesfed System 3) QC used {o f) Frequency of QAC +es+ evenFs Fcequency OF +es+ even+s Analytical 2) Type numbec sampks fes+ed 2) Type number sampes ±es+ed 2 Type and number of sampks ±es+ed 2) Type avid number samples +es+ed 3) QC +0 frequency OF +es+ even+s QC used 3) QC used +0 QC used +0 2) Type and number sampkes ±es+ed QC +0 2) Type aud number sampks ±es+ed QC used Frequency c; even+s . To identify whe To identify tical Rule 3) QC ased identify Activity: Match It Up— Part Il 3) QC ased +0 3) QC used 40 3) QC ased 40 QC used 40 QC ased number sampés fesfed violation Indic, . violation Indic. violation Indicates maxi QC used q) The of pet q) The of q) The OF QC used +0 q) The violation 1:2s 2) Type number Of QC sampks ±es+ed 3) used Goals ased 2) Type number Of QC sampks fes+ed 9) Type anod number of GC sampés ±es+ed maximize System The of peviodlC review for Quality Quality l)) Frequency of QC sampk? +es+ even+s l)) Frequency OF QC evenfs l)) Frequency of (AC even+s l) Frequency of (AC +es+ evenFs Goals 1:2s or q) The A new population of data points are emerging A new population of data points are emetging A new population of data points are 2) Type and number tes+ed The Control rules shi Frequency of åes+ events I Frequency OF QC Sam* +es+ even+s Frequency OF QC +es+ even+s frequency of QC +es+ even+s Frequency of QC sampe +es+ event-s frequency OF QC Sam* +es+ even+s frequency OF QC +es+ even+s aborator defec+lnj 1:2s or The OF peviodlC ceview The of periodic review l)) Frequency of AC +es+ evenfs WHERE WE WHERE WE ARE WHERE WE AR WHERE WE E WHERE WEE 2) Type number of QC sampks 2) Type number of ±es+ed The of petiodtc review violation indicat violation indica Quality 2) Type number sampks ±es+ed aboratory maxir Type number sampks fes+ed Frequency of +es+ even+s or randorn S E due to a SMALL change ir maximize error detect Goals aboratory • the averagc of the averagc of or ranclorn err r 3) QC used 9) QC used +0 1:3s Goals J Type number aborator Goals System q) The of revtew QC ased QC used 40 Control rules shoul rule Control rules shou or Or l) frequency of +es+ evenfs em violation 3) QC used {o QC used {o Part Il (SE or RE) evalaa+e evalcxaVe evalCkaVe evalua+e evalua+e Part I System rt of a, Choice of Quality Control Rules Choice ot Quality Control Ru Systematic Error (change) evaluxa+e evaluaVe evalua+e Rules aborator or random error or randomn erro or randorn or random erro or ranciorn erro 3) QC ased rejec 2) Type number of sampks {Type and number of sampks +es+ed evalcA+e evalaka+e QC ased +0 due to a SMALL change in accuracy aboratory Purpose of 2M) 2 Type number of (X sampks +es+ed 2 Type and number of QC sampks +es+ed 2 Type number of QC sampks ±esfed 2) Type and number of (X sampks ±es+ed 2) Type anod number of (X sampks +es+ed 3 Type number sampks +esfed 3) QC Type number ±esfed we number of QC sampks ±es+ed The of review The 09 pevtodic revtew aborator aboratory QC used +0 and number sampks +es+ed .aborator Goals 2 number Of sampks ±es+ed The of pevtodic review b) Tine achons q) or OF pevtodlC vevtew Analytical maximize error Type number Of sampks tres+ed Quality 2:25 or 2b defec+lA3 q) The of defecHinj de+ecfinj Quality number q) The OF periodic review q) The of periodic revtew defec+inj 2) Type numbec sampks 2) Type number sampks fes+ed Quality LD The OF Quality Laboratory ID OF revtew Quality Quality The 09 review for evalcxa+e Laboratory The of periodic revtew The of peviodlC revtew for maximize error de The of periodic review for The of pectodtc review The review [D OF periodic Tevtew for defec+lnj and *rends Goals and +rends Goals defec+tn The 09 revtew q) The of periodic review and *rends aboratory Quality of vevtew Quality q) The of review The of revtew for The of pevtc,dlC review The of revtew The OF pevtodtc revtew evalCka+e The OF periodic review for The OF periodic review The OF pesiodtc review OF eodjc review q) The of pevtodic review The OF pevicdic review for The OF periodic revtew for The of review The OF peviodtc review for 1:26 or The of pevtodtc revtew The OF pevtodic review of periodic review of periodic review for • To Identify th The revtew The of revtew _ The of periodic review • To identify whether • To Identify whether . To identify whether Ito 3) QC ased +0 3) QC used +0 3) QC used 3) QC ased 40 The of peviodlC review QC used +0 QC used QC +0 What Will you dop of review view for What What Will you I What Will you What will you nee What Will you nt What Will you Iee What Will you nee System due to an even LARGER change in accuracy emerging due to a change in precision due to a LARGER change in accuracy due to a SMALL change in accuracy q) The of pecicdac review aborator -Error 'identificatiön Error Identification System evalaa+e QC ased evalc«q-e. Type number of fes+ed Laboratory ased b) The achons Goals number Of Sümpks E) achons q) The of peviodlC review rejection What Will you nee( Type number *es+ed defec+inj and +cends and +rends violation Indicates aborator defec+jnj and +rends and +cends defec\inj violation Goals b) The achons when • Error aboratory Goals b) - The OF pevicdlC review for b) The Ken when resul+s b) OF review Laboratory; aborator number aborator What VOu Goals .aborator and +cends The OF peviodlC review for of peviodtc revtew Laboratory defecv Quality What you Goals pevtodlC review S ±QKen when resu14s aborator defeciinj and +cends defec+im defec+inj and *rends Eds defec+lnj and *rends aborator 1:2s or 1:2s or 12s rejection defec+in defec+inj defecfinj and de+ec+inj and +rends de q) The • Mean (x) aboratory and *rends hen when resul+s Analytical defec+inj and +rends I The and +cends defec+inj and The 09 periodic revtew The of review pevtodtc revtew and *cends fid *rends Wall f and *rends defecfinp echinj and *rends and *rend s and and *rends b) The achons when , and +rends and +rends +cends and *rends Quality The of The of pevtod.c review 1:36 or • Error Detection —a rt 11 defecåino defecfinj defec+inj and +cends defec±inj rcends .8 or randiorn error. or ran dorrn error. or randorll or randorn error, or rand orrn error. The peviodjc revtew evalaa+e Wall posting % defec\inj *rends or error, or error System defecfino defecihnq and +cends Wall measure of syst *rends evalaa+e - ) The achons faKen when Laboratory; aboratory Goals aborator b) The n e achons ±ahen when resul+s aboratorw Error Detectic The achons when • Error Detectio Goals defe&lnj defec±inj and +rends detectinj detectinj and +cends • Error Detection - b) The achons +Qhen when resul+s rejection defec+inj b) The acho b) q) The of review for q) The of peviodic review for The of peviodlC review q) The of peviodlC q) The of peviodlC review for q) The of period,c. b) The b) The ac{-s ±QKen when resul+s Wall posting,' b fn de and System Wall postings fr Quality and +cends Wall postings b) The achons:.— b) The achor +rends wan b) The achons when ends -j en resul+s Wall defec+i Goals What you need? defecfin and +rends Hons +ahen when resul+s The of periodic for The of review The of periodic review +Q16en when resul+s chons +Qhen when resul+s b) The achons ±Q16en whe The review chons ±a6en when The of peviodlC review b) The achons b) The achons +ahen r b) The achons ±Q6en whe 'The of periodic review e achons ±QKen when S faKen resal+s achons when resul+s activity achons when Ions +Q6en when resd+s Ions +Qhen when resul+s S when resul+s when cesul+s en resul+s resu14s of review ons when resul+s os when resul+s n when cesu14s n when resul+s Ohen resul+s exceed exceed qccep+ühu • Error Detection Purpose b) b) The What will you dop What Will you dop and +rends when resql+s aborator system is undergoing exceed System defec+inj and and jen when resul+s q6en when resul+s defec+lnj and *rends en when resul+s The. OF review for review resul+s f; Quality c is and åcends eval"a+e b) The achons +0 you aborator aboratory nchons when resul+s 3:1s or Results q) review Where aborator review when Vs activity aboratoryv b) b) The achoc when resul+s activtty Goals A new population of data points are emet A new population of data points are emerging A new population of data points are A new population of data points are emer system is underg 4: Is or e achons when resul+s system is uncle a:ls or b) Analytical Worksheet 2. • Worksheet 2. Worksheet Answer 4: IS or ±ahen when Ken when resul+s a:ls or Worksheet 2 • Worksheet and *rends What Will you needo What Will you nemd; nen resul+s 4: Is or n6en when resul+s exceed WIIat Will you What Will you newa? What Will you neea We Are Precision Systematic Error (change) Standard devL What resul+s Standard Quality pevtodlC. review b) The achons +QKen when Quality Goals review def-ec±inj defec+inj defec+inj and"' _ defecHnj an/ b6en when resul+s Control rules should be carefully selected to exceed occep+oCIe aborator achons +QHen when resul+s exceed exceed ed system is underga Goals exceed , exceed qccep+oåle and {rends and and 2•.2s or Accuracy exceed accept-ok-ole d4en when resul+s hen when resul+s when when resul+s Precision is Åccep+061e Worksheet Answer • Worksheet 2: A • Worksheet 2. A Worksheet 2. A -s 2 of • Worksheet 2' Al • Re System WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE WHER detecfinj and en l) Frequency l) emerging due to a change in precisior emerging due to a change in precision due to a LARGER change in accuracy due to a LMARGER change in accuracy due to a SMALL change in accuracy WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE WHE ua it Handout Bell Frequency Frequency c; Handout deli •A accuracy b) The achoos Handout I. • To identify whether the rule exceed exce'd exceed accep+üle Frequency F Results the average of a set of values exceed occ b) The achons b) The bib) The achons b) The achons ±Q6e excee(. and Write the error type (SE or RE) for each Write the error !ype (SE or RE) for 2 of 3:26 or 20 The ad-tons • Handout Wall fro?) P Wall postinp.% frorn Wall fro'n 2 of 3:2s or 2 of Wall postinuv, b) The achons When • False Rejection — Wall and +resvis • False Rejection - or 2 of when resu14s 2 of 3:2s or 2 of WHERE WE EXPECT m WHERE WE AR b) The achons when resul+s e achons 2 of 3:2s or WHERE WE EXPE WHERE WEARE b) The achons ±QHen when b) T6e achons when WHERE WE ro BE WHER WHERE WE EXPECr ro Goals Type • Consistent change in the analytical system Consistent change in the analytical system b) The achons when • Handout Bell WHERE • False Rejectior l/ b) The ad-tons ±aYen when WHERE WE 2 of or or 2 Control/ achons n resul+s sul+s 2 cf 2 cf • False Rejection—- aborator WHERE WE EXPECr ro BE WHERE WE ARE IRE WHERE WE EXPECT WHERE WHERE WHERE AR WHERE WE WHERE WE AR activity WHERE WE ARE WHERE WE EXPECT WHERE WEAR WHERE WE WHERE violation indicates a systematic WHERE WE EXPECT ro ,E' WHERE WE EXPEC WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE WHERE WHERE WE ARE maximize error detection and minimize false exceed used to measurf used to measur• WHERe we QC result is outsi WHERE WE DE WHERE WHERE WE EXPECT WHERE WHERE WE, WHERE WE ro WHERE WE ARE Distributions violation on a notecard. WE EXPECr ro BE/ Use the WHERE we EXPECT ro BE WHERE WE EXPEcr ro WHERE WE RE exceed exceed .F exceed - exceed accep+oble exceed accept-ok WHeRE WE ro DE • WHERE WE ro BE WHERE WE ARE WHERE WE ro WHE WHERE WE ro BE Ecr ro WHERE WE ARE WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE', WHERE we WHERE WHERE Handout Bell Curve Fiandout 2: J WHERE WE EXPECT ro WHERE wHERE we EXPECT TO BE ro WHERE WE ARE Handout 2: WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE WHERE we ro WHERE WE expecr ro BE WHERE WE ro BE WHeRE WE ro WHERE WE EXPECT ro DE WHERE WHERE WE EXPECT WE EXPECT TO 'HERE WE EXPECT ro • Handout 2, IA Handout 2. L J exceed • Handout 2: Handout 2: LJ Handout I: Quality exceed ERE WE EXPECr ro DE • Consistent In the sys' • Consistent the • Consistent 'n the sys • Consistent In the analvtacal • Consistent In • Consistent In analvtcal sys' • Consistent In the analvtlcal sys • Consistent In the • Consistent In the analytical svs• • Handout 2: Chart WHERE WHERE WE BE WHERE WE ARE • L J ( E ARE cr ro WHERE WE ARE ARE WHERE WE RE WE EXPECT TO ' WE TO WHERE WE m WHERE we ARE WHERE WE WHERE WE EXPECT ro WHERE WE WHERE WHERE WE cxpecr ro m _ ro DE 'E EXPECT ro • Worksheet 2. Answer • Worksheet 2. • Worksheet 2: Answe Worksheet Worksheet 2: Answer Worksheet X Worksheet Answer Answer WHERE we EXPECT ro B ro QC result is ou WHERE WE WHERE WE EXPECT ro WE QC result is outs WE EXPECT ro BE aborator WHERE WE WHERE WE ro WHERE WE EXPECT ro B WHERE we EXPECr WHERE we EXPEcr ro WHER WHERE we ro WHERE WHERE WE EXPECT ro WHERE WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE WHERE WE EXPECr ro WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE • WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE E EXPECT ro BE W"HERE WE EXPECT ro B WHERE we expecr ro we EXPEcr ro we ro De WHER WHERE WE , 1:3s or 13s or random error. or randorn error. WHERE ro WHERE we ARE WHERE WE expecr TO BE' WHERE WE ro BE' WHERE WHERE WE ARE values around a WHERE WHERE WE ARE due to chance a WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE WHERE WE EXPECr WHERE WE ARE Handout 2: WHERE we WHERE WE EXPEcr rc WHERE WE EXPECT BE WHERE WHERE WE EXPECr TO BE WHERE WE we ro xpccr ro BE' WHERE WE TO BE' WHE'RE WHERE RE WHERE WHERE WE EXPECT TO WE expecr ro expecr ro 3:1s or primary indicator of accuracy ex WHERE WE WHERE WE roE due to chance alone Results Distributions, due to chance Distributions Control RE WHERE WE WHERE WE WHERE WE' • WHERE WE EXPECr ro BE WHERE WE .4 WHERE WE TO BE i WHERE ' WHERE WE EXPECr ro WHERE WE EXPECT Quality WHERE WE EXPECT ro WHERE we ro oe' WHERE we ARE WHERE we .o WHERE we rE we ro WHERE WE ro ' WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE d WHERE RE "E WE EXPECT ro BE WHERE •E WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE' WHERE WE EXPECT ro ' WE ARE WHERE WE ro BE WHERE ARE WHERE WE EXPEcr ro BE WHE EXPECT ro BE • Handout l" dell Curv • Handout Bell Flan dout Bell Curve Handout Bell Cur u Handout l: Bell Cur u WHERE Wo DRE Handout I. dell Curve Handout Handout Curve Handout I. E we ARE we expecr ro • Error In given • Error In guen • Error a guen • Error guen • Error given d flan clout . Handout l. I. ro • Error given • Error eiven • Error In a given • Error 3 guen ARE WHERE WHERE WE A RE WHERE WE SRE WE A RE WE ARE WHERE "HERE WE RE WEARE • guen • In given WHERE WHERE WE WHERE WE ARE HERE WE ARE • WHERE WE ARE WHERE WE i WHERE WE A RE WHERE WE ARE WHERE we A Re due to chance all WHERE WE ARE WHERE ARE WHERE we WHERE We Z _ Goals we due to chance ali Goals WHERE we • Error in a given direction Error in a given direction aborator Z Goals WHERE WEARE - •boratOry Attach notecards next to the violation on WHERE we WHERE WE ARE aboratory boratory Laboratory. aboratory. at ory ARE WHERE W,' WHERE WRE Distributions rejection Goals we expecr ro o WE ARE r ARE WHERE . Note ) WHERE WE RE WHERE WHERE we WHERE WE WHERE we WHERE WE expecr WHERE ARE WHERE WE ARE ERE WE ARE -RE ARE WHE'RE ' RE WHERE WE ARE , ARE 9 Notecards WHERE WE WHERE WE we ro WHERE WE ARE • 9 (i WHERE WE ARE WHERE WHERE ARE WHERE we ARE WHERE we ro WHERE WHERE we roE i WHERE WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE WE WHERE WE ARE we cxpecr ro WHERE ARE ro •A change •r accuracy • Aim for a error d' WHERE WE A RE ro ae WHERE we RE WHERE WE .aRE WHERE -i WHERE WE ISE p WHERE WE ARE WHERE WE ARE •A change 'r accuracy •A accuracy •A •r accuracy •A change accuracy •A chan:e •r accuracy •A ur accuracy A accuracy EXPECT EXPECT ro Aim for a erro WE ro primary indicat( WHERE WE WE ARE we . 9 Notecards 9 Notecardis 9 Notecards Notecards lox we Re we Age Handout 2: I u Chart Handout 2: I -J Chart Handout 2: I_ —J Chart Handout 2: l. Chart hianclout 2: Chart WHERE we rE WHERE WHERE WE ac+ons W ' WHERE RE WHERE •E Aim for a error d WHERE we the wall WHERE we ARE Mvlarker we , WE Marker t WHERE ARE WE ARE we RE device 4:1s or 41s •A sift the mean value •A sift •ne observed mean value •A shft .n tne mean value •A shft in the mean value •A sift on tne mean value •A sift •n the observed mean value •A sift 'n the mean value •A shft •r tne mean value 4:1s or 4 .n the mean value mean value measure of systematic error (error in a given direction) WHERE tne mean value WHERE an tne mean false rejection false rejection ra What will you need? What will need* What will you nemd? What will you dop false rejection r Distributions M"arker Varker • Error Detection — a rule violation occurs when th&lse false rejection rate (P Tape • A change in accuracy A change in accuracy Tape Error Detection —a rule violation occurs when the measure of ranc Activity 3: activity •A bias •A change In bias •n bias •A •n bias •A In bias In bias bias QUALITY • 9 Notecarcls 9 Notec:arcis 9 Notecards . 9 Notecards In Populate the far right column of • Tape 10 QUALITY QUALITY or Ras QUALITY QUALITY QUALITY QUAS_ • Wall postings from Part I of this Wall postings from Part I of this QUALITY Marker • that for consecutive contro • that for consecutive • that for consecut•ve control • that nsecutue contro • that for consecutive contrc Stable when PATIENT or system is undergoing a change change New populat CONTROL CONTROL PATIENT = New CONTROL 2 of 3:2s or PATIENT PATIENT 2 of cop . CONTROL, cot Worksheet: Part Il with the type of error PATIENT • Standard deviation (SD) D) CONTROL PROFICIENCY • Tape Tape PATIENT co : New population as undergoes a change New population a change a change co CONTROL activity a ctivity • A shift in the observed mean value A shift in the observed mean value Messayes measurements the same measurements exceeding the same 20 IENT measurement: the same exceeding the same the same (QC) Messages rlENT SAMPLE (QC) (QC) CONTROL QUALITY QUALITY CON 'SS ayes CONTROL PATIENT ages essayes SAMPLE SAMPLE (QC) SAMPLE (P T) (QC) essayes TESTING (P') (QC) (QC) AMF essayes yes essayes essayes SAMPLE S ayes abnormal ayes ayes ess SS ages est ages AMT •ssages ess CONTROL control Init control control limit ntrol hr-nit Each group will be assigned 1- 2 violations CONTROL (QC) QUALITY PATIENT • Worksheet 2: Answer Sheet W rksheet 2: Answer Sheet ksheet2: Answer heet SAMPLE QUA I SAMPLE PATIENT CONTROL (QC) QC) AMPLE False Rejection — the system is acceptable, but a (QC) SAMPLE (QC) (QC) PATIENT SAMP SAMPLE QUALITY PATIENT CONTROL CONTRO' CONT CON clustering Messages The and an and an Message Messoges Me t'lessages 3:1s or The an Messages The accuracy and an on SAMPLE o, (QC) PATIENT SAMPLE •A change in bias accuracy and an (QC) to review with the class. The review must (QC) SAMPLE SAMPLE used to measure dispersion/scattering of a group of away from • Ha dout 1: Bell Curve with • Handout 1: Bell Curve with SAMPLE ssages SS ages J age s age s SAMPLE Ion SAMPLE QC result is outside of acceptable control limits CONTROL and an SP+em describes SAMPLE and n an describes an •and AMPLE m describes The accucacy clSton an PATIENT d •psecÅSton acutacy and an acy and cy and an [Distributions Distributions an on an include: SAMPLE values around a mean analpc the mean A Re scrib es wr descri b es (QC) (QC) The accuracy and an fem descftb es an accuracy and Ffem descftbes Analytical due to chance alone due The accuracy Q The accucc • Rules that look for consecutive control lox Rules that look for consecutive control s that look for consecutive control escft b es The accucacy and System The QCCucacy m descftb es descfl b es Sys+em b es es fem b es • Handout 2: L-J Chart with seat-em sy*em descrtb es es syså-em descrtb es The accurac The accum The accuracy and The accucacy sy*em descftb es Description of the violation Description Of the violation The accu sys+em describes WHERE WE ARE SAMPLE WE ARE Part 2 ARE Distributions ARE WE ARE E ARE and WHERE WE Analytical WHERE WE ARE analy±ic primary indicator of precision and OF WHERE WHERE WE ro WHERE WE ARE E WE ARE and — and Aim for a error detection rate (Ped) 2 90% and a detection rate (Ped) 2 90% and a WHERE W sys sy Type of error he measurements exceeding the same es and and ande and 14 10 an • 9 Notec:ards • 9 Notecards is IS IS WE ARE E WE ARE is SCC. IS we ARE expecrro he and —WHERE wr ro D we IS IS the WHERE WRE we ro RE WE RE ARE false rejection rate (Pfr) '50/0 false rejection rate (Pfr) false rejection rate ( WHERE WE ARE WHERE we ARE ' WHERE WE ARE WHERE we <50/0 WHERE WE A WHERE RE WHERE WE Possible cause for the error — be specific Possible cause for the error— be specific — WHERE IS WHERE we IS IS WHERE we WHERE IS • Marker Marker HERE IS IS measure of random error ( error in any direction) —WHERE IS WHERE WE expecr R:4s or R:4s or R 25 10 10 Analytical WHERE WE m WHERE WE Expecr ro BÉ a change fie analy•iical change the analyiical IS WHERE WHE. a Change analyiical fie analy•iical WHERE control limit Control rules is no-k IS WHERE occurred. WHERE is WHERE WHERE WR E WHERE we ARE WHERE WHERE we Tape has RE we Related Checklist item(s) we — IS fhe he IS = Original population when system was stable +hen ) *hen WHERE is is sys+em has occurs-ed. "-hen WHERE ARE +hen ARE *hen he we xpc WHERE WE EX/' -n WHERE we WHERE WE EXF 81 is no-k WHERE we rE change g/ HERE we RE WE we +hen +hen = New population as system undergoes a change *hen _ *hen WE ro +hen •hen WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE xpecr ) +hen ecr ro ro 'WHERE EXPEC Yo analy+ica\ 23 24 21 27 20 25 11 22 19 fie analy+ica WHERE we fie Analytical aly+ical en EXPECT ro g +hen change analy+ical 15 minutes WHERE WE WC EXPECT TO WE Expecr ro ys+em has o. chance chance as

  • match it up
  • rule violation
  • QC rules
  • measurement procedure
  • QC rule violation
  • SLIPTA checklist
  • accuracy
  • precision
  • mean
  • SD
  • standard deviation
  • random error
  • systematic error
  • out of control run
  • LJ chart
  • histograms
  • SE
  • RE