
PEPFAR Quality Control and Method Validation Activity 4: Part 3

In this activity, participants are provided with QC charts and a Westgard Multirule algorithm and must apply the decision-making process to determine acceptability of the analytical run.

Note: Any reference to page numbers in the video may not correlate with supporting documents as documents may have been updated.

analytical for System l) Frequency OF +es+ even+s l) Frequency +es+ Analytical Scenario 3 l) Frequency AC +es+ even+s l) Frequency OF AC +es+ evenfs l) Frequency of +es+ System• Laborator Scotem Quality Scenario 32 Scenario #2 Scenatic Scenacio 2) Type aod number Of sompes ±es+ed evalÅa+e I Frequency Quality Scenario #3 Scenario 3 Scenario I2 rend s 2) Type and number ±es€ed Quality Quality number Analytical e analytical Analyticall analyiical System amalyiical Results revtew Laborator Laborator 40 Laborator Cete: revtew Results La boratory I) Frequency System l) Frequency of +es+ l) Fcequency of l) Frequency o; l) Frequency ofs+ even+s l) frequency OF l) Frequency of +es+ eveni-s l) Frequency evenfs l) Frequency AC l) Frequency OF AC +es+ hen Laborator frequency OF +0 men resd+s number l) Frequency e.en+s Scenario *hen rends rend s number Results rends Results 2) Type avid number 2) Type number tested 2) Type number 2) Type number sompes tesfed rend s analy+ical Analytical analyiical 2 Type nod numbec 2) Type aud numbec number number evaluaVe Results Quality - revrew hen Results hen resul+s System System Tech: +hen hen 3. hen cesa14s revtew Quality Laborator 40 +0 System hen resul+s revaew Laborator I) Frequency Results Quality Control rends ua It Scenario 2 Results Quality rends rend s Scenoci0 Laboratory& reed s Scenario 3 for Cor Laboratory hen hen resd+s I Laborator hen resul+s Laboratory Results revjew La ua It Control hen hen resal+s ua 1 Scenacio Results Results Z Scenario I T Scenario 3 Scenario I2 Scenocic 3 cenario 3 Scenario 2 Towel : rends Results Scenario 3 Scenacio Scenacio 3 Scenario 3 Co ua It Labor atory ua It ua It Scenario 32 Results ERE EXPECT ro BE Towel: hen resal+s hen *hen hen resul+s +hen Scenacio Z: WHERE e Control WE EXPECT ro :ontrol Scenario I WHERE ARE Scenacio I ua It System Score Sce Z: ua Z: Table 3: WHERE we WHERE WE ARE WHERE ARE Table 1: Table l: 7, ontrol cenacio I Scenmc 3 Control ua It Scenoti0 3 Scenario 3 Scenono 3 ua 1 H: ua WHERE WE WHERE we ARE WHERE WE Contro r ro l: 1, i: Sceo„ Control Scenatic Scenatio Scenario I - 3 Scenario Quality on System ua ual System Z: ntrol yste yster• Syste 2: Table 3: Scenmnc 3 Table l: Scenacio System WHERE we Syste l: 7, Z Control eel: Table Table l: 7, l: 7, u. Control yvste Table 3: 3: Z: Table 3: n trol Table 3: / ystet Table l: ua Z: No YSte Scenmc 3 PROFICIENCY Table l: Table PATIENT Table 3: 3: TaloLe q: TaloLe H: PROFICIENCY Table Table H: Table 1: TESTING PROFICIENCY PATIEN TabLe TESTING (PT) Table H: 3: 415 SAMPLE 'ole q: Table SAMPLE 3: PROFICIENCY PROFICIEI 'Y PROFICIENCY PATIENT SAMPLE •ROFICIENCY PROFICIENCY PROFICIENCY Scenano Z PATIENT PATIENT PATIENT yes PATIENT TESTING (PT) TING (PT) TESTING (PT) Scernno Z I CONSECUTIVE 8 CONSECUTIVE 2 CONSECUTIVE PROFICIENCY TESTING (PT) TEST TESTI STING (PT) Table 1: PATIENT SAMPLE (a:ross runs. (a-ross runs) SAMPLE TESTING (PT) SAMPLE Table SAMPLE SAMPLE Yes yes Yes SAMPLE 'Jes values on ONE Table l: SAMPLE outsick SD yes Table l: Bob es yes Table an 2, values outside the values ou the ou the Table 3: / H: Table Table H:. Table H: H: H: yes an Z: b es Th is can be within Table q: H: Score and Table l: b es b es bes es b es one control a:ross or Score Yes re es b es 8 runs 4consecuttue runs 8 runs Score yes lhÉcan bewithin ThÉcan bewithin yes and Score Score _ Score fib es b es one control acrces uo _ Score IS ualues outsBe the outside the runs. with in 2 controls and and Yes on and IS 3: and 4 consecuthje runs 4consecuthje runs cansecuttve runs. 4-5 IS Yes is IS the IS e anoly•iical and is IS IS IS cutced. tatted. +hen ) +hen IS e is IS analytical qnalyiica I - as occutved. as occurred. analyåica\ e I +hen as occuvted as as occurted. as occurred. occurced. +hen IS as occurted analyiical e analy+ica IS i: Analytical e analyiical e analyiicai as occurr«d analy+ical e analyiical ias analy+lcal an as occurred. occuvted.

  • front line worker
  • analytical run
  • QC charts
  • Westgard Multirule algorithm
  • acceptability
  • SLIPTA Checklist
  • multirules
  • error detection
  • false rejection
  • warning rules
  • 1:2s