
PEPFAR Quality Control and Method Validation Activity 6: Part 2

In this activity, participants create a parallel testing standard operating procedure (SOP) document based on their observation of a role-played laboratory scenario. % CV is introduced and used in the standard deviation (SD) computation of short shelf-life control materials.

Note: Any reference to page numbers in the video may not correlate with supporting documents as documents may have been updated.

Analytical 2) Frequency OF QC evenfs Frequency OF QC evenfs l) Frequency of QC evenfs Iype number fes+ed lype number sampks •tes+ed lype and numbec QC used Type number tes+ed ihe Frequency of Analytical TO rcequeocy Type number tesfed Purpose used • List the steps What will What you What you need? during the role play You will work individua You will work ir1dlVldu You will work individu • Observe the role PIay • Observe the role p You WI w create used Pilrpose frequency events I Fcequency of QC +es+ even+s Activity: Parallel Testing Role P Activity: Parallel Testing Role Ana lytical the that System Purpose Type number of To list the steps necessary to "Analytical What number used QC ased +0 Quality The of pevicdtc review number Frequency of (AC åes+ Goals To list the Steps necessary to List the steps as the} Q) Laboratory evalua+e QC use • Observe nalytical System of perform parallel testing in the order used presented during the role play You will work ir 3) used +0 Type number of GC tes+ed Purpose Laborator The review 2) Type number Purnose System Puruose System used QC used System What will you do? wnat will you do? You will work in -AnalyticalL • Observe the Observe the eval quality Quality will System evalua+e and *rends Observe th, To list the steps necessary to system Goals during QC ased You will work indiv used control Results Activity• Parallel Testing Role Play Activity: Parallel T To list the steps ne Activity that 2) Type number fes+ed Frequency Activity: Parallel Te used +0 Analytical; System Activity: Parallel Testing What Will Laborator Goals Quality l) Fcequency åe$f evenis Laborator The OF pevtodtc review for You will work individually To list the steps necessary to You will work Indiv Purpose Type number sompks Type number sampks Laboratory WhIat will you need? evalua+e Type number Laborator -Analytical What will Analytical AnalyticaV/ Type number tesfed Analytical review Activity: Parallel Testing Role Play defec±inj and +rends What you do? To Type number of sompks tes\ed Type number tes+ed Type number sampks Purpose QC used • Observe the role p • List the step: Type number of fes+ed Quality What will you need? evalua+e • Observe the role play Observe the role pi 2) Type nod number sompks review What will you need? • Observe the role pl Obser\u What Will you need? Quality q) The pericdtc revte • List the steps as the What will vou do? will used Puruose b) The achons Quality • List the steps as th number the tevte Results \ Frequency of Frequency Of perform parallel testing in the order • Observe List tk we The of pevicd,c. review \ frequency of evenfs Purpose list the stevs have used Results perform parallel testing In l) Frequency during the role play Purpose b) The achons when number used I Frequency AC I Requency of Puruose You Will work • Observe th System Quality defec+inj and Laboigerator presented during the role play used defecHinj and Goals b) The achons fQHen when QC used +0 List the st Observe for parallel testing using the Type number of CC somp The of peviodlC revtet.e The OF review I frequency of Quality You will work individt • Observe the b) The achons fa6en when re b) The achons when Quality What will you dop List th What What vou need? Goals Results evalua+e Laborator System The review and The of periodic revtew Results Goals review The of veview for The of review Quality q) The OF review for System I Frequency evenfs The of peviodtc review The of pevtodlC revtew The OF peviodlC review for Quality Puruose evalaaVe System • Observe the rol The viodic revtew for b) The achons fahen when I number System evaluaVe evalcxa+e • List the steps The OF peviod'C review for The of peviod,c review q) The OF evaluaVe • Observe the role play You Will work in, q) The of review b) The of Quality The OF pertcdjc vevtew QC used Goals Laborator The OF pevicÅc review I Frequency of +esf evenfs Goals 3) Quality l) Frequency OF The revtew b) The achons when Quality You will work individually will perform parailel test:n *rends System I frequency OF events during the role play • List the stf and Handout: SOP Activit Tem late Quality Goals perform parallel testing in the order presented during the role play Type number Fcequeocy OF event-s Frequency AC evenfs The review used perform parallel testing in the order perform parallel tf Results For To list the steps necessary to 'Laborator Type number sampks tes+ed Laborato The pevtodjc tevjew for used Goats Laborator To list the necessary to To list the Steps necessary to • List the steps as the number b) T'ne achons when • List the steps as the' presented during the role play during the role play b) The achons when wesul+s and esults Goals b) The achons when ces„l+s Quality Goals The of periodic Tevtew Purgose Type avid number Type number number The of review number What will you nee The of Vevtew used LD The OF review q) The Frevncy review Laborator b) The achons ±Q6en when used OF vevtew To list the steps, necessary to exceed 10 The during the r List the review Goals Goals q) The of period" What will vou do? The of periodic review Laborator esults • List the Laborator b) The achons fahen when To list the Steps necessary to You will work individu used + What vou need? • the +ren:ds during Quality and +rends defec+inj and +rends • Observe the role pl • Observe the role Analytical l) Frequency 3) Analyticalk q) The of periodic Quality • List the step List the step exceed Goals To list the steps necessary to Quality b) The achons +ahen when re. Quality b) The achons +Qhen when iesults Quality Purpose Puruose during the ro b) The achons +QKen when Laboratory Laboratory essayes used 40 • List the steps as they unhl Laborator Quality J Type number Puroose • Observe the esults b) The achons fahen when resul+s Goals Type number tes+ed Type number tesfed Type number number Quality Quality The review Purøose Goals The defe Laboratoryx number Laboratory To the Goals esults and of review • List the steps as they unfl Goals eval"A+e The revtew The exceed Results Purpose • List the steps • List the steps as exceed QC used and presented during the role play b) The achons +ahen Laborator during the role pla• number Laboratory Goals b) +ahen when cesal+s b) The achons +Q6en when defec±inj and +cends The cf r-evtew perform parallel testing in the order during the role b) The ac+ions e b) The achons fa%en Activity: Parallel Testing SOle P Activity. Parallel Testing Role Play Activity: Parallel Testing SOPe Activity: Parallel Testing SOP Activity: Parallel Testing Role Play defec+inj and and +rends esults What will you need? Purpose and +recv:i3 during the role pla•y evalua+e. review during the role play Laborator during the role play • Observe the role play You will w b) achons when evalaa+e evalua+e Quality 'Laborator and evalua+e Notepad of review Laboratoryx b) The achons +aKen when resul+s b) The achons ±ahen when used used + and and of review perform parallel testing ir • Observe the role pla LaboratorW defecåin - b) The achons fahen when defec control of periodic review and What Will you need? achons ±ahen Results Quality defec defec+i fid *rends nd *rends Quality Results Results Goals b) The achons åaHen when defecfinj and and *rends and +cends oesults Results and *rends esults Laboigerator and review System presented during during limits are less What you need? 10 The of periodic review for b) The achons +Q6en when re defeci-inj and +rends Laborator The during the esults Laboratoryy Laborator You will work individt • Observe the role p Goals What will The of LaboratorÜ Laboratory Goats • ist the steps as the' • List the steps as they unfolc: • List the steps as they un during the rc osults • List the steps as Quality Goals b) The achons ±ahen when resal+s b) The achons when cesu14s Quality • List the steps as th Laborat ory Goals Laborator and will b) The achons +ahen when re. b) The achons ±Q6en w Laborator I) Frequency OF • List the steps as the The review of vevjew b) The achoos wahen b) The achons fa14en when esults Laborator b) The achons ±Qhen when and +cends La boratory What Results b) The achons ±QHen when cesul+s The Of review used used exceed b) The achions ±Q16en when b) The achons +ahen when of The To list the Steps necessary to • List the steps during the role pla To list the steps n esults b) presented during the role play s when resal+s To the steps necessary to Goals and Laborator Quality evalua+e and +cends exceed • List the steps as they unfold role oesutts Wider b) The achons +QHen when used Goals Goals b) • List the steps detec+inj and defec+in and *rends b) during the role play Results esults presented dunng the roie b) The achons +ahen when Quality Goals The of review To list the steps to defec+inj and Notepad b) The achons ±Q16en when cesul+s b) The achions +Qhen when Results +üCie exceed [Laborator review review Results The review Goals Goals b) The achons +Q6en when resul+s b) The achons wh6en and Laboratory Y and Laboratory Laborator Results Goals Laborator What will you need? b) The of and +rends Saboratorw esults b) and esults Results during the role pl Results To list the steps necessary to q) The periodic revie and Goals review Laborator limits are limits •re less q) The Pen or pencil oats limits are less Quality b) The achions defec+inj and • • List the steps as th b) The achon b) The achons when b) The ac+ions perform parallel In the esults perform parallel testing the order detectinj and perform parallel testing,In exceed during rhe role play during the role play • Observe the role What will you need? b) The +Qhen when resu14s b) The +0 hen when Laboratorws n when resul+s when resul+s WhIat Will you need? Laborator b) The achons fa14en exceed Wider Results b) The achons fahen when re- b) The achons when wesul+s b) The achons fa6en when What will you need? defecHnj and we Results and -esul+s esults Goals defec+no en resul+s when perform parallel testing In the order b) The achons +a6en when Goals b) The achons esults and presented during the role play exceed exceed occeptotle during the esults / esults q) The esults b) The achons +a16en when resul+s presented dluring the role play oesults Results [Laboratory-s sensitive to error and What you need? Laborator Quality Results Laboratory- and and and +rend3 defec±inj and +ceods exceed b) The achons when Laborator exceed will WHERE WE A Re Results defec±inj an ends review What you needØ b) achons when res The dluring the role play what limits are less b) The achons ±a6en when Results b) The achons when wesul+s q) The Notepad sensitive to when resu14s The achons ±Q6en when What Will you need? perform parallel testing in the order Results Pen or pencil Goals chons when resul+s e achons ±Qhen when resul+s exceed l. Results limits are and Quality q) The revvew perform testing in •,.he order and ro WHERE we The achons +a6en when resul+s when resui+s ro WHERE WE ARE TAnalyticaI an and {rends Quality b) The achons +ahen when re. exceed presented the role presented (uring the role play presented the role exceed- b) The achons +aKen when Results b) The achons when resul+s exceed exceed exceed accept-roble b) The when WHERE WE EXPECT ro ge b) The achions when Results What you need? esults exceed WHERE ARE b) The achons ± exceed q) The revtew Quality b) The achons +Q6en esults Quality and b) The achons +Qhen Goals we exceed OCCep%61e List of ste b) The achons fQhen Activity Parallel Testing Role Play Activity; Parallel Testing Role Play b) The achons +ahen When b) The achons when Analytical Notepad Role • List the steps as th esults b) The achons ±Qhen when b) The achons When WHERE WE ARE used 'Laboratory Notepad What will you do? Goals b) The achons +aKen when cesal+s b) achons +Q6en when b) The achons ±ahen when b) The achons wahen Goals have fewer false detectinj and review Laborator (Laboratorö What jou need? Laboratoryx The Laboratory Laborator hen cesul+s b) The achons +aKen when resul+s Laborator and Goals Activity• Parallel Testing Role Play Activity: Parallel Testing Role Play Activity. Parallel Testing Role Play "Here we ARE Goals What will you m LaboratorÜ Laborator exceed we presented during the role play presented during the role. play exceed b) The achons What you need? during the role play and Headin What you need? exce b) The achons whKen Pur ose Puroose What Will you need? b) The achons faHen b) The achons +a6en when •n when resul+s Results WHERE WE ro WHERE we or ' WhIat Will you need? Goals What Will you need? Pen or pencil Frequency c; Frequency Frequency c: exceed What Will you need0 WHERE WE A esults System Results WHERE ro ' during the role play SD esults Results List o WE and we esuits Results esults R suits *HERE ARE esults esults •xceed Results exceed exceed Il WE ARE have we WHERE WE Re used and Whtat Will you need? Notepad Quality exceed exceed we ARE a Re we ro ' and exceed Notepad b) The achons when resal+s esults b) The achons +a6en when b) The achons wh6en esults What will you need? Pen or pencil b) The achons +ahen Gen r essats Purpose WHERE we A Re The achons e resul+s detec+lnj and SD b) The achons fa6en when b) The achons cesal+s b) The achons we exceed and b) The +aKen when Purpose exceed we we Re exceed b) The achons when resal+s b) The achons fa14en when What will you need? Purnose Purvose b) The achons wahen WHERE we ARE ro WHERE Re WHERE we Quality mat vou Flipchart b) achons +ahen re ro wr WHERE wr ARE WHERE we A RE vou SD exceed Goals exceed b) Punuose Puroose Puruose Pumuose Notepad What you need? What will you need? we WHERE have WHERE Notepad Notepad Notepad WHERE exceed What you need? ro WHERE wc we A Re we we ARE WHERE • What WIII you need? b) The achons en when 'c The ac+ions +Qhen Pen or pencil and WHe,qe We ARE What will you need? wye Laborator when we when What Will VOu need? we ARE What WIII you need? What will vou need? wr WHERE we ARE we What you need? ro we Sb we Age A Re ro WHERE Re ro cesql+s exceed WHERE WE pen or pencil we ARE we ro n Comp we exceed we ro o Goals we b) The achons faH-fen when we ARE WHERE We exceed WHERE WHERE we wc we WC WHERE WE expecr ro WHERE we ARE WHERE WE ARE WHERE WE ro BE' b) The achoos fa6en when re A Re WHERE WE ro WHERE WE EXPECT ro ge WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE • Flipchart paper WHERE We WHERE WHERE WE EXPECT ro BE What will you need? The achons WHERE we EXPECr ro BE WHERE ro - i Re Pen or pencil Pen or pencil WHERE WE EXPECT ro ge WHERE WE ro DE Flipchart Inset* Pen or pencil Notepad we WHERE WE ARe WHERE WE Notepad we WHERE we WHERE ARE we RE ARE WHERE ro ae WHERE we ro WHERE ARE WHERE we ARE exceed WHERE we ARE To create a parallel testing SOP You will work in a group (table). we ARC Insert Notepad WHERE SD WHERE WE ARE WHERE WE ARE WHERE we ARE we Re Quality Re we expecr ro e we Notepad WHERE WE ro BE Pen or pencil WHERE we QUALITY we WHERE we we Age WHERE SD we ARE Pen or penc:il i WHERE RE i WHERE we RE 0m pan y we we ARE WHERE wr wr SD WHERE WE ARE SD SD Pen or pencil exceed Procedure WHERE we ARC WHERE we WHERE WE roE WE ARE WHERE we A Re we WHERE WE WHERE we ARE WHERE WE ro we Notepad Goals Goats osults we we -nser+ Pen or pencil WHERE we ARE saps WHERE ARE WHERE we we WHERE we ARE Pen or pencil WHERE WE RE we ARE when Inser+ SD WHERE Flipchart Comp Handout: Insert* SD CONTROL WE ARE Inser+ Inset* QUALITY Work as a group to create a SOP Work as a group to cre QUALITY Look for QUALITY 0m pan y WHERE WE WHERE WE ARE 0m pan y CONTROL WHERE WE WHERE WE EXPECT we QUALITY WHERE ARE Inser+ What VOu need? What you need? What need? SD for your site. SD Hand Template WHERE we Messayes WHERE WE WHERE WHERE WE AHERE QUALITY abnormal What vou need? What What need* What Will you need? What will you need? What vou need) Pen or pencil -ISD Insec+ Inset* SD QUALITY QUALITY Inserf Pen or pencil QUALITY CONTROL WE EXPECr ro BE CONTROL QUALITY (QC) Look we Laboratory Look QUALITY TIENT CONTROL QUALITY +3 SD for parallel testing using the perform parallel testing in the order perform parallel testing In the order Inset* Messages Look for (QC) SAMPLE CONTROL we A Re SAMPLE Inser+ QUALITY I) umol QUALITY CONTROL WHERE WE ARE QUALITY abnormal (QC) (QC) (QC) clustering ey essayes (QC) QUALITY Messages 0m pan y QUALITY Use the CONTROL SAMPLE (0 (QC) essac QUALITY SAMPLE CONTROL mean (QC) (QC CONTROL essays CONTROL QUALITY essayes he Mean CONTROL CONTROL s' mENT QUALITY mENT e the QUALITY QUALITY The essayes the CONTROL 15 minut (QC) co QUALITY SAMPLE SAMPLE mean the test. umol/ clustering away from SAMPLE (QC) CONTROL CONTROL Handout as a guide SAMPLE CONTROL CONTROL QUALITY QUALITY AMPLE (QC) SAMPLE CONTROL mean (QC) SD •15 minutes away from (QC) CONTROL essayes AMPLE SQC. CONTROL (QC) an mean QUALITY (QC) mean (QC) 15 minutes the mean essaye mean Mean SAMPLE esseye€ SAMPLE (QC) (QC) CONTROL SAMPLE e as essays umol umol QUALITY (QC) (QC) mean QUALITY abnormal esults CONTROL essayes AMPLE umol (QC) ssages CONTROL essage, Messages SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE (QC) SAMPLE SAMPLE 15 minutes •15 minutes ey essayes amol (QC) SAMPLE QUALITY (QC) (QC) CONTROL (QC) SAMPLE CONTROL essayes (O amol the ssages The acgurocy and an accuracy and QUALITY SAMPLE (QC) CONTROL umol umol The accuracy SAMPLE Q) umol (QC) AMPLE and The accuracy and SAMPLE away from essages SAMPLE SAMPLE Select a spokesperson to QUALITY CONTROL Q) urnol/ clustering ey essayes essayes SAMPLE The accuracy and (QC) ey essayes ssages QUALITY accuracy and essayes the mean the tevte accuracy and SAMPLE (4 and SAMPLE an -25b SAMPLE SAMPLE essayes (QC) Mean Activity: Parallel Testing SOP CONTROL CONTROL accuracy 60 minutes (QC) The umol/ AMPLE The accucac, cot The accucocy' and The accuracy The accuracy and The accuracy and a (QC) umol accuracy and The The and essayes The accuracy an The accuracy and an The an QUALITY The CONTROL (QC) he mean The accuracy and on The accuracy and CONTROL The accuracy (QC) SAMPLE SAMPLE The accuracy and (QC) analy+ical CONTROL AMPLE esults analytic analy±ic sp QUALITY ey essayes Messages The an essayes System Purpose The accuracy analy±ic sy*em des provide a review of the mean the Shi-em es Tbe accucacy and What will you needo? What will you need? What you needØ The accncy and analytic sy accuracy and an The accuracy and The acucocy and analytic es System analy±ic sys analytic sy*em The accuracy and an (Analytical SAMPLE sy*em describes AMPLE SAMPLE The accucocy and an an CONTROL sys+em de system SPFem descflbes System w: QUALITY SAMPLE analy+ic sys+em syså-em describ e' sy*e• (4 (QC) The accuracy and How does parallel testing work? Activity: Parallel Testing Role perform parallel testing In SAMPLE System descr.b Analytical analytic s• CONTROL (QC) system and an Shi-em describes and ro WHERE Re Shi-em Keme CONTROL sy*em dese sysfem descflb analy+ic Sys+em es sy mean The Sy*-em describ es WHERE WE WHERE WHERE (QC) System WHERE WHERE ARE we ARe • WHERE WE ARE SAMPLE WHERE we The accuracy and an (QC) accuracy and WHERE ARC CONTROL Sys+em descrtb es WC (QC) SAMPLE WHERE we ARE an — we AR/ WHERE The we IS system we WHERE WE A Re -Isb (QC) and Handout as a guide WHERE WE A RE ) 28 and and SAMPLE wr ARE es mean an IS the List of steps from the role play WHERE we ARE we ARe we ARe IS we and we and we es '*em descf(bes we WHERE IS analY+ic desc IS IS we SAMPLE umol and The accuracy and What will you need? we The accucacy The accuracy SOC. sac: sac. WHERE WE ARE QuiCK IS sac: Quid accuracy and IS ISD -4 System saps we SQC. IS we ARE IS we umol/ SAMPLE -Isb SC we IS Flipchart paper Flipchart papkers IS we IS WHERE RE sac. IS Refrigerator we ANALYZER -ISD -ISD *hen Refrigerator -l SD IS WHERE we ARE -l SD we and IS we an _ Refrigerator Refrigerator • Refrigerator System Analytical and sac. ANALYZER IS Refrigerat-r Refrigerator we ARC analyiical change he analy+ical Refrigerator Inalyiical perform parallel testing in the parallel testing at our site? ANALYZER • Refrigerator we Refrigerator Refrigerator ical WHERE we he analyiical and IS SD Refrigerator he Flipchart papkers a Chanee change he analy+ical a C fie analy+ical a Chonee a analy+ical ANALYZER ae Change analy•hcal analytical he analy+ical Id IS sops Equipment Quicv he analytical WHERE WE a RE Change amty•i'cal Hand Chanee WHERE WE A RE Change a. analyiical sops change a chanee to fie at has occuvced. Refrigerator Change fie ( Refrigerator Refrigerator a fro fie ANALYZER Refrigerator (9 a Chan sys+em has sys+em has occ sys+em has occuvced. Refrigerator i Refrigerator change analyiical has occurred. o, Change fie analy+ical chanse analy+ical a change fhe analyiical analyiical Analytical change sops WHERE we sops ANALYZER Refrigerator ANALYZER when x he fro fie o has has occurred. Refrigerator ) *hen sysi•em has occurred. sops IS nor Sys+em has sysi-em has o ANALYZER sops Change Change SOPS (QC) Refrigerator Refrigerator change t-o fie sops change the analy+ical rx chanse t-o he analy+ical to sys+-em has ANALYZER sops Handout: SOP Activity Template Handout: SOP Activit IS has occurced. Sys+ern has occutced. SYS+em has sys+em has occt Sys+em has ANALYZER sops has occutced. change igerator change to the analy+ical discussion change sops change +0 he Q sys+ern • Refrigerator i; change amlyiical Analytical he Refrigerator Change Quick System sys+em has occuvted. ANALYZER tefrigerator saps Bas sops Sys+em has c: ANALYZER change he analy+ical IS SYS+em has sys+em has occ Sys+em has occurced. has occuvted. sops sys+em has occur -ISD SFS-em has occurred sys+em has occu SYS+em has occutted chanse the analy+ical Refrigerator we SD is ANALYZER sops has occuned. Refrigerator Refrigerator ANALYZER Sys+em has Procedure How do we perform parallel testing? sops fhe analyiical Chanse analytical change analy+ical sys+em has occutted. has has occurced. n has occutfed S)awaned sops WORKSTATION ANALYZER a C fie analy+ical when WHERE +hen we ys+em has occurted. Hem has occurted. has occurted. Sys+em WORKSTATION ANALYZER Sys+em has Has has occutted d Refrigerator WORKSTATION CURRENT WORKSTATION WORKSTATION WORKSTATION fhe analyiical WORKSTATION System Refrigerator I WORKSTATION 60 minutes 15 minutes WORKSTATION Refnigerator WORKSTATION WORKSTATION WORKSTATION WORKSTATION WORKSTATION WORKSTATION WORKSTATION

  • parallel testing
  • observed mean
  • SD
  • standard deviation
  • SOP
  • standard operating procedure
  • percent CV
  • %CV
  • coefficient of variation
  • SLIPTA checklist
  • L-J chart
  • matrix
  • matrix effect