
PEPFAR Quality Control and Method Validation Activity 7: Part 2

In this activity, participants are introduced to bias and true value. Using the information supplied by 3 key numbers, participants calculate the TE in units and percent. Additionally, participants explore the impact that bias and imprecision can have on TE and relate site-specific processes that affect TE to checklist items.

Note: Any reference to page numbers in the video may not correlate with supporting documents as documents may have been updated.

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  • total error
  • TE
  • bias
  • imprecision
  • largest variation
  • true value
  • target value
  • 3 key numbers
  • percent
  • SLIPTA checklist
  • mean
  • SD
  • standard deviation
  • total variation
  • eliminate bias
  • reduce imprecision
  • absolute bias
  • cumulative mean