
PEPFAR Quality Control and Method Validation Activity 10 Worksheet 2: Candidate QC Rules

This PDF contains information needed to complete Activity 10.

Worksheet 2: Candidate QC Rules 1007 HILS1746 Effective Date: 12/6/2016 Using the information from the Monthly Review Log handout, candidate QC rules have been identified with a tic mark. If a rule's probability is < 0.90 (90%), then the percentage value has been inserted in the column. N R Rule ALT AST Bili-Tot Calcium CK Creat Gluc Potassium Sodium TP 6 1:3s/2of 3:2s/R:4s/3:15/6x TE>TEA TE>TEA 50% 4 2 1:35/2:2s/R:4s/4:1s/8x 35% 4 1 1:35 2:25/R:4s/4:15 25% X 1 1:2.5s × × 2 1 1:2.5s X X X 78% X X 1 1:35/2:2s/R:45 X 68% X × × × × 2 1:3s 80% X 88% × X 1 X 2 1 1:3.5s Based on the information contained in the table, assist the QA Officer with developing a QC strategy for this workstation. If you need to review a QC strategy, then review Job Aid: Defining a QC Protocol 407 located on page 31. Write your response that outlines the following: control rule(s), N, R, and supervisor chart review frequency. 109

  • control rules
  • QC rules
  • accuracy
  • precision
  • sigma-metrics
  • QC selection tool
  • westgard
  • QC strategy
  • SLIPTA checklist
  • error detection
  • TEA percent
  • probability of error detection
  • PED