
PEPFAR Quality Control and Method Validation Activity 5 Job Aid 1: Possible Outcomes

This PDF contains supporting material discussed in Activity 5. This information can also be found in the Participants Manual.

Job Aid 1: Possible Outcomes 510 For Each QC Data Point We Need to Decide. Effective Date: 12/6/2016 HILS1746 SYSTEM IS STABLE SYSTEM IS UNSTABLE - SIGNIFICANT CHANGE NO RULE VIOLATION True Accept - system is stable and no QC False Accept - system is unstable and no rule violations occurred - report patients QC rule violations occurred -wrong results may be reported RULE VIOLATION OCCURRED ON L-J CHART False Reject- system is stable and a QC True Reject - system is unstable and a QC rule violation occurred due to inherent rule violation occurred - begin investigation randomness- waste of time, effort, and $$ and troubleshooting 40

  • Right Chart
  • QC tool
  • L-J chart
  • quantitative
  • quantitative menthods
  • accuracy
  • precison
  • SLIPTA checklist
  • current performance
  • small change
  • assigned values