
Performing Advanced Vascular Functionality (Cios Spin & Cios Alpha)

This video will review advanced vascular functions of the Cios Spin & Cios Alpha mobile c-arms to include reducing motion and noise, peak op images, perform digital live graph overlay, as well as additional tips.

Welcome to this video tutorial on performing advanced vascular functionality. This video will examine how to reduce motion an noise on your image is how to create a peak up image from a previously subtracted run. How to mark various anatomy with the digital live graph overlay and also provide some post processing tips to improve image quality. Let's start with how to reduce motion and noise using the cardiac motion noise filter. In the beginning of the procedure, if you experience motion or noise artifacts, you can do one of the following. Select motion noise filter on the control panel. You will notice the icon turns white, which signifies it is enabled. This will open up a sub window. Here you will select cardiac. Note that this feature will not increase patient or health care provider dose. Another option is to increase your pulses per second, which can also reduce motion artifact or lag. To do so, simply select pulse rate on the bottom left corner of the Touch user interface. A subwindow will then appear allowing the pulse rate to be increased up to 30 pulses. Next we will examine how to create a new pekov image from a previously subtracted run. So far we have discussed improving image quality in the beginning of the procedure. Now during the procedure, if the physician would like to road map utilizing a previously subtracted run, you have the ability to create a new peak OP without administering more radiation to the patient and health care provider. In order to do so, be sure you were under the processing tab and select overview. Choose the desired subtracted, run and tap the P Cup icon. Once you select the peak up icon, a window will appear in the middle of the Touch user interface. All you need to do is accept the new P cop. Let's now learn how to mark various anatomy. Another helpful feature is the ability to mark various anatomy using the digital live graph overlay function. You will find this icon under the processing tab labeled Live graph overlay. Once the icon is selected, you can either use the mouse or arrows on the Touch user interface. This can also be done with the table side remote. This functionality allows the desired anatomy to be marked and remain accurate regardless of both magnified or D magnified image Ng. Let's cover the final feature in this training program. The ability to use pixel shift and remask to improve image quality when motion and or noise artifacts are evident. These features would be used in the event at patient moves during an angiogram or subtraction run. These two options can be selected in the processing tab. This icon can be found near the bottom left corner of the Touch user interface labeled Pixel Shift Landmark. Once this icon is selected, you will have the option for pixel Shift or mask. These functions are available at the table side using the table side remote or at the workstation. And that's it. For this brief tutorial on advanced vascular functions until next time.

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  • mobile c-arm
  • vascular
  • cios spin
  • cios alpha