
syngo Dynamics VA40 SysAdmin Template Check-in

This video demonstrates how to check templates in, in SysAdmin on syngo Dynamics VA40.

To check templates in, you must have the appropriate privilege assigned. The following steps describe the workflow to check in templates for a single Department log into sys admin and select the Templates tab. Click on the template check in Button located in the template management area at the bottom left of the template tab. You can check in templates even if users are logged in and studies are open. Your single dynamic system will attempt to locate and select the folder that contains the template files. However, if you have moved the content to a different folder location, or if you have renamed the folder, please make sure that the correct folder is selected before checking in your templates. Click OK if you do not want to check in the files, select cancel. After you select check in the system will verify and check in the entire contents of the Selected Template folder and perform the necessary updates. When the check in is complete, iMessage is displayed informing you that the check-in process was successful. Click OK to clear the message. For any user that has the study open in the Department for which templates are checked in, a message is displayed to them informing the user that the templates have been updated. It is recommended that the user close and reopen the study to view the updated templates. The updated templates are only available for viewing after the study has been closed and reopened.

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  • syngo
  • dynamics
  • syngodynamics
  • cardiology
  • reporting
  • workplace
  • va40
  • cardit
  • IT
  • CVIS
  • syngo Dynamics SysAdmin Online Training
  • checkin