
syngo Dynamics VA40 Worksheet Overview

This video introduces you to the reporting Worksheet on your syngo Dynamics VA40 Workplace.

The worksheet consists of customizable tabs. The first tab of the customizable worksheet typically contains the patient demographics and general study information. The successive tabs are typically designed for clinical assessment. Assessment. Tabs are renamed to identify the group of similar information, typically based on the anatomy, the Patient Information tab contains the patient demographic data. This information is usually sent from the acquisition system. You can also manually update the data. The clinical assessment tabs may contain fields with values that have been imported from the modality or acquired on a single dynamics workstation. Other fields may be designed for manual entry. The currently selected Worksheet tab displays with Yellow text in the tab title. Each tab of the worksheet may be divided into sections, sections grouped together similar data. Tabs may contain pop-ups. When you click on a another window opens to allow you to view the information within or input additional data. There are different types of fields on the worksheet in which you enter data. For example, free text comments, numerical data, dates and times, as well as selectable choices from dropdown menus. With conditional field display, the display of a child field on the worksheet is hidden until a value for the parent field is specified. Mandatory fields are configured as part of the report design phase. Mandatory fields are displayed orange on the worksheet until a value is entered or a selection is made. The report cannot be verified until all mandatory fields are completed. Additionally, an orange exclamation mark is displayed to the left of the tab title. If a mandatory field is not completed. Abnormal findings appear Brown on the worksheet and a Brown exclamation mark is displayed to the left of the tab title. Please note only one exclamation mark can appear in the tab title if a tab title has an orange exclamation mark representing missing mandatory information, there still may be abnormal findings within the tab.

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  • syngodynamics
  • cardiology
  • reporting
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  • va40
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  • syngo Dynamics Report Designer Online Training
  • overview
  • worksheet