
syngo Dynamics Workplace Online Training

Online introduction of basic features of syngo Dynamics VA40 Workplace; new user pre-work for onsite training.

Continue Button Welcome Master Template HOOD05162003052540 | Effective Date: 26-Nov-2019 ? syngo Dynamics Workplace Software Version VA40 This online training module will introduce you to the basic features of your syngo Dynamics VA40 Workplace. Log in and Log off Review Images and access tools Search for Patients Understand the functionality of the User Interface 1 4 3 2 5 Worksheet and Report Documentation Welcome Welcome to the syngo Dynamics VA40 Workplace Online Training. This online training module will introduce you to the basic features of your syngo Dynamics Workplace in VA40. Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to: Log in and log off the syngo Dynamics Workplace. Understand the functionality of the the Common Study list, that is, Quick Search, Advanced Search and personal customization. Search for Patients using filters, Quick Search and Advanced Search. Review images in Image Review and access the measurement and imaging tools. And, Worksheet and Report Documentation. Please note that this Online Training module should not be seen as a replacement to onsite application training. This training serves as a preparation to your onsite applications training. Let’s get started. Hints for Navigating this Online Training Before you start, we would like to give you a few tips on how to navigate: Table with 2 columns and 3 rows Not all pages contain audio. Some pages invite you to read for yourself or watch a video. Some pages show an X button in the upper right corner. Click the X button to return to the overview page and not miss any information provided. Some images show a magnifier icon. Click on the icon to see an enlarged view of the image. Another click brings you back to the normal view. Enjoy the course! ? Navigation Hints Log in and Log off ? Log in to the Workplace To log in to the syngo Dynamics Workplace, double click on the syngo Dynamics Workplace icon on your system. Select the tab arrows to learn more about each log in method. Log in using your syngo Dynamics credentials Log in using your Active Directory credentials Account lock out Log in to the Workplace To log in to the syngo Dynamics Workplace, double click on the syngo Dynamics Workplace icon on your system. Select the tab arrows to learn more about each log in method. Account Lock Out You will be automatically locked out if you exceed the account threshold for log in attempts. The account threshold is configured by your System Administrator and is based on a number of attempts within a configured time period. If you are locked out, please contact your System Administrator. Log in Using Your Active Directory Credentials If Active Directory integration exists and you have been configured as an Active Directory user, you can use your Active Directory credentials to log in to syngo Dynamics. Double click on the syngo Dynamics Workplace icon on your desktop. (1) The login window is displayed. (2) Select your Department. Enter your Active Directory Login name. Enter your Active Directory Password. Click on Login. 2 1 Log in Using Your syngo Dynamics Credentials Your syngo Dynamics credentials are provided to you by your System Administrator. Double click on the syngo Dynamics Workplace icon on your desktop (1) The login window is displayed (2) Select your Department Enter your Login name Enter your Password Click on Login 1 2 ? Logging out of your Workplace Your system may be configured to automatically log off after a configured period of inactivity. To manually log out of the Workplace: Click Log off on the Study List toolbar. Click Yes to confirm. Logging out of your Workplace To manually log out of the Workplace, click on Log off in the top right of the study list tool bar. A confirmation window appears. Select Yes to confirm. To exit the application, click on the X in the top right corner of the application. Please note: If background jobs are still in progress, you cannot log out of the Workplace until these are complete. A message is displayed indicating that the Workplace will log out automatically when the jobs are complete. User Interface Study List ? Common Study List After you have successfully logged into the syngo Dynamics Workplace, the Common Study List is displayed. Common Study List After you have successfully logged into the syngo Dynamics Workplace, the Common Study List is displayed. The Study list displays the list of patient studies for a particular selected or customized search criteria. In the following slides we will look closely at each part of the Common Study List. ? Common Study List Overview Common Study List Overview No audio in the slide. Audio in video. vid_sD_va40_common_study_list_overview.mp4 From the Common Study List, you can access images, reports and worksheets for the study.    In VA40, the Common Study List has a similar appearance and functionality between the Workplace, the Remote Workplace and the WebViewer.   The Common Study List has three main sections, a toolbar at the top, the lists of the studies in the middle and a column configuration and page display area at the bottom. You access pre-defined and customized saved search queries in the top left of the screen. Advanced Search enables you to create your own contextual search query. You can save the custom queries for future use.   With Quick Search you can search by Patient Name (separated by a comma), Patient ID, Master Patient Index (MPI), Accession Number, Study Type, Date of Birth, Modality and Study Dates.    To change the Department, select the dropdown list to the right of the Quick Search.   The Refresh icon is next to the Quick Search bar. If a new study is sent to syngo Dynamics while the Study List is open, a refresh indicator appears. To Refresh the Study List select the Refresh icon.   From the toolbar, you can open the Worksheet and the Report or the Worksheet or the Report individually. First select the Study in the Study list, then select the icon in the Toolbar. To assign the study to a physician, select the Assign To icon on the Toolbar.    Above the Toolbar in the top right, you will find the Settings icon, your username and the icon to Log off syngo Dynamics. When you select the Question Mark icon, the Help Menu opens. Here you will find access to the User manual, the Measurement and Calculation manual, the Release notes and your current Software version.   The Locked column displays a lock icon when another user has the study open.    The PDF column allows you to quickly view the study Report without having to open the entire study.    The Column configuration section allows you to show, hide and rearrange the columns of information that you prefer, to personally customize the layout of your Study Lists. ? Menus in the Common Study List Toolbar Patient Menu The Patient Menu contains the following menu items: Report: Open the Report for the selected study Worksheet: Open the worksheet for the selected study Report & Worksheet: Open the Report and Worksheet for the selected study Images: Open the images in DICOM Image Review. Break Order Association Break Reconciliation Click on the orange circles to learn more about the Menus in the Common Study List Toolbar Study Menu The Study menu contains the menu items that enable you to: Mark Study As Read Mark Study As Unread Create Study Compare Assign Study to Dept Import Studies to… Export Studies to…. Delete Study Send studies to DICOM Nodes Utilities Menu The Utilities menu contains: The HL7 Study Reconciliation Tool Launcher Commands Menus in the Common Study Lsit Toolbar Click on the orange circles to learn more about the Menus in the Common Study List Toolbar ? Columns in the Study List You can configure the columns that appear in your Study List. Click here to see a full list (in alphabetical order) of the columns available for display on your Study List. Columns in the Study List You can configure the columns that appear in your Study List. Click here to see a full list (in alphabetical order) of the columns available for display on your Study List. ? Column Chooser Column Chooser No audio in the slide. Audio in video: vid_sD_va40_column_chooser.mp4 You can customize your study list by dragging the columns left or right on the Study List, or by using the Column Chooser functionality. The changes are applied to your user setting and will be displayed the same way in the Workplace, the Remote Workplace and the WebViewer.   Select the icon in the bottom left corner of the Study List.    The left side displays currently displayed columns. The right side contains columns that are not currently displayed.   Click on the minus symbol to hide the column.    Click on the plus symbol to make the column visible on the study list.    You may also hide all columns or make all columns visible. To modify the position of a column, simply select the column name and drag it up or down to the desired position.    Select OK to exit and save your preferences.    The columns are now displayed with your new preferences. ? Sorting Studies in the Study List The Common Study List has column headers which you can use to sort the studies. Click on the header of the column that you want to sort An arrow is displayed to indicate the current direction in which the studies have been sorted: Ascending Descending Click on the column heading to reverse the current direction of sorting. Common Study List The Common Study List has column headers which you can use to sort the studies. Click on the header of the column that you want to sort. An arrow is displayed to indicate the current direction in which the studies have been sorted: Ascending Descending Click on the column heading to reverse the current direction of sorting. ? Filtering Studies and Pre-defined Search Queries Filtering Studies No audio in the slide. Audio in video: vid_sD_va40_filtering_studies.mp4 When you display the Study List for the first time, the studies are displayed for the selected department and current date, Today, by default. You can filter the study list to display studies from another date, from another department, for a specific patient or from another defined search query. To view studies from another department, select the Department drop down list and select the required department. Please note that you must have the privilege assigned to view the images from the selected department. You can select from several already available, pre-defined search queries to filter your Study List. For example, you can search for Unread or Read studies, studies from the previous day or studies from the previous 3 or 7 days. To search using one of the pre-defined queries, simply select the query of your choice. The study list displays with the applied filter. ? Quick Search Quick Search No audio in slides. Audio in video: vid_sD_va40_quick_search.mp4 With Quick Search, you can search for patient data with minimal criteria. Ensure that the correct department is selected. If required, click on the drop-down list in the tool bar and select the correct department. Type in the search criteria in the search field. The characters are not case sensitive. You can use a space or a comma to separate multiple terms. You may search using one or all of the following criteria; Patient name, (first or last), Patient ID, Site ID, MPI, Accession number, Study Description, Study Type, Modality, Date of birth and Study Date. Click on the Search icon to start the search. The number of studies displayed per page on the Study List is based on the Server configuration. You can use additional search criteria to limit the scope of results. ? Advanced Search Advanced Search No audio in the slide. Audio in Video: vid_sD_va40_advanced_search.mp4 Advanced Search enables you to create and save your own contextual search queries.    For example, you can create a search based on a range of dates, based on an exact patient name or site ID, or based on several letters contained in a patient’s name.    You can save the custom queries for future use. Enter a name for the search and select Save. Custom queries are saved and remembered per user.    Your saved queries are displayed and selectable from the bottom of the queries pick list. If required, you can also modify or delete a saved query.   Select the saved Query from the list.   Select Delete. The Query is now deleted. ? Searching for Studies in Enterprise Your username and password must be defined in all departments on all servers that you wish to access. Select Enterprise from the drop down list. Filter studies via one of the previously described searching methods such as Quick Search, a Pre-defined Search Query or Advanced Search. If you do not have permissions to view studies in some departments, a message may be displayed. Searching for Studies in Enterprise To perform an enterprise-wide search for a particular study or studies previously performed for a patient, your username and password must be defined in all departments on all servers that you wish to access. Select Enterprise from the drop down list next to the search bar. Filter studies via one of the previously described searching methods such as Quick Search, a Pre-defined Search Query or Advanced Search. If you do not have permission to view studies in some departments, a message may be displayed. The message will disappear after a few seconds. To manually close the message box, click on the X in the corner of the box. ? Opening Studies Opening Studies No audio in the slide. Audio in video. vid_sD_va40_opening_studies.mp4 You can open a study to view the acquired images, and you can also access the Worksheet and/or Report while viewing the images as well.    To view the study images, simply double click on the study. The images are displayed on the monitor or monitors, in the display setting that is active. Alternatively, you can select the study from the Study List, then select Images from the Patient menu in the toolbar.   On the top right of the toolbar you can select one of the following options to; open the Report, open the Worksheet, or to open the Report and the Worksheet. Select the desired study from the study list.   Click on the icon to open: The Report The Worksheet Or the Report and the Worksheet User Interface Image Review ? Image Review Overview Image Review Overview No audio in the slide. Audio in video. vid_sD_va40_image_review_overview.mp4 In DICOM Image Review you can review images, post process images, check measurements taken on the modality and perform new measurements. The user interface in Image Review is organized with the Toolbar at the top. The images are displayed to fit within the display area, also known as the Image Theater. Depending on the options purchased for your system, the following image types can be displayed: Ultrasound, X-ray angiography, PET, Secondary capture, Nuclear Medicine, Computed radiography and Digital X-ray.   Images are displayed in the display area based on the selected layout. To view an image in full screen, double click on the selected image. The Toolbar is where you will find information related to the study along with functions that relate to the entire study. The first part of the Toolbar contains the patient information. The middle part of the Toolbar contains buttons to enable you to access and review images. The middle part of the Toolbar will change depending on whether the image type is stress echo or non-stress echo. The last part of the Toolbar contains the buttons to access the thumbnails, the reporting components and the buttons to verify the study. ? Image Review Toolbar Return to study list Read only indicator (when study is locked by another user) Patient name Patient ID Patient date of birth and gender Study Type Study date and time Click on the image below to learn more about each part of the Toolbar. Image Review Toolbar Click on the image below to learn more about each part of the Toolbar. Displays the Calc Palette. Displays the images as Thumbnails Displays the Report for the study Displays the Report and the Worksheet for the Study Displays the Worksheet for the Study Enables a user with privileges to Verify the Report. Click this icon to display the prior studies for the current patient. Displays the menu for the image layout for non stress echo images. Toggles Scroll Lock on and off. Study Utility menu to access functions split and merge studies (not available in the syngo Dynamics Remote Workplace), Data Export and Mark Study as Read. Click this icon to access third party applications Displays the menu for the image layout for stress echo images. It also allows you to change to a non-stress layout. Return to study list Read only indicator (when study is locked by another user) Patient name Patient ID Patient date of birth and gender Study Type Study date and time ? Layouts In Image Review there are layouts available to display non-stress images and stress echo Images. Non-Stress (conventional) Image display: 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 6:1, 9:1, 12:1, 16:1, 20:1 and n:1. Additionally there are the layouts Max, Full and Split. Stress Echo Image Display: Stage and View layouts + non-stress echo layouts To change the layout, select the icon in the toolbar (1). 1 Layouts In Image Review there are layouts available to display non-stress images and stress echo images. With non-Stress images, you can change the layout between two on one, three on one, four on one, six on one, nine on one, twelve on one, sixteen on one, twenty on one and an ‘n’ on one layout. Additionally there are the layouts Max, Full and Split. For stress echo imaging, you can view the images either by Stage or by View. You also have the option to view additionally acquired non stress images in the conventional non stress image layout. To change the layout, select the icon in the toolbar and select the required layout from the menu. Stress Echo Layouts ? There are two dedicated layouts for viewing stress echo images: Stage and View. Stage layout: images are displayed by the available stages (for example, rest/stress). View layout: all images that match the same view (rest PLAX and stress PLAX) are displayed. The layout selection you make (Stage or View) for a stress echo study is also remembered for all studies. The selection preference remains until modified. Please note: Thumbnails are not available for stress layouts Stress Echo Layouts There are two dedicated layouts for viewing stress echo images: Stage and View. In the Stage layout images are displayed by the available stages (for example, rest and stress). In the View layout, all images that match the same view (that is, rest PLAX and stress PLAX) are displayed. The layout selection you make (Stage or View) for a stress echo study is also remembered for all studies. The selection preference remains until modified. This means that if you had selected the Stage layout for a stress echo study, the same layout is displayed for another stress echo study when you open it. Please note: When viewing studies in the Stress layouts (Stage or View), thumbnails are not available. ? n:1 Layout With the n:1 layout, your syngo Dynamics workplace can display as many images possible at a time. The number of images possible depends on your screen resolution. The n:1 layout is available for all non-stress images. To select the n:1 layout, click the layout icon in the toolbar. n:1 Layout With the n:1 layout, your syngo Dynamics workplace can display as many images possible at a time. The number of images possible depends on your screen resolution. The n:1 layout is available for all non-stress images. To select the n:1 layout, click the layout icon in your toolbar. ? Compare Studies Compare Studies No audio in the slide. Audio in video. vid_sD_va40_compare_studies.mp4 You can compare studies from the same patient or from different patients. With a single monitor set up, you can compare up to two studies. With a dual monitor set up, you can compare up to three studies. If you have the license to view other modalities, you can compare images from one modality to another. For example, you can compare an ultrasound study to an XA study. On the Study list, select two or three studies to compare. To select multiple studies, hold the control key on your keyboard and single left click on the desired studies. Open the Study menu and select Compare. The images from the selected studies are opened for review. The display of the images depends on whether you have a single monitor or dual monitor configuration. On a single monitor system both studies appear side by side. When comparing two studies on a dual monitor set up, one study appears on each monitor. When comparing three studies in a dual monitor set up, the primary study appears on the left monitor and the two secondary studies appear on the right monitor. The study that you selected first appears as the Primary study. On a single monitor system, the Primary study appears on the left. On a dual monitor system, the Primary study appears on the Primary monitor. The study that you selected second is the Comparison study and no changes can be made to this study.   Please note that scroll lock is not supported when two different studies are open for comparison. To exit Compare mode, select the Study List icon in the top left of the toolbar to close both studies. Alternatively, you can continue to review the Primary study. To do this, click on the X in the top right of the Comparison study. ? Displaying Prior Studies Displaying Prior Studies No audio in the slide. Audio in video. vid_sD_va40_displaying_prior_studies.mp4 If configured, a column in the Study list displays the number of prior studies for the patient. When you open the study in Image Review, you can view the prior studies and compare the images to the current study. You can also view prior Reports. Double click on a study to open the study and view the images. You will find the Priors icon in the Toolbar. The number of prior studies is indicated on the folder. Click on the Priors icon in the toolbar. A list of prior studies, sorted by study dates and categorized by department, is displayed. Click on the prior study that you would like to open. For a single monitor configuration, you can open one prior study. When you open one prior study, the prior study is displayed to the right of the current study with a single monitor configuration, or on the right monitor if using a dual monitor configuration. A red icon is displayed next to the patient name to indicate that the study is the prior study. Please note that prior studies are read only and cannot be modified. In a dual monitor configuration, you can open one or two prior studies. The second prior study appears to the right of the first prior study. To close the prior study, click on the X at the top right of the prior study. The primary study is displayed in the full screen. ? Mouse Functions Mouse Functions No audio in the slide. Audio in video. vid_sD_va40_mouse_functions.mp4 In Image Review, you can use your mouse to navigate images. Left click on the video clip to start and stop the loop from playing. If the video clip is stopped, you can use the mouse wheel to navigate through the video clip frame by frame. Right-click on the image to open the Context Menu.    From the Context Menu, you can Start or Stop the selected clip or Start or Stop all clips from playing.    Every acquired video clip has a hidden video control bar at the bottom of the image. Hover over the bottom of the image to reveal the control bar. You can also stop and start playback here, as well as slow down the play speed. When the image is stopped, you can advance the clip frame-by-frame in either direction, either by clicking on the left and right arrows, or by simply using the wheel of the mouse. To select and deselect images, press the Ctrl button on your keyboard and left-click with your mouse to select or deselect images.   You can select and deselect a single image or All images in the Context Menu. The Context Menu is opened by Right-clicking on the image.    Alternatively, you can use Ctrl + A on your keyboard to select All images. To deselect all images, press Ctrl + D on your keyboard. Table with 2 columns and 10 rows Keyboard Stroke Function CTRL + A Selects all CTRL + D Removes selection from all Space bar Start or stop video clip playback CTRL + Left arrow key , Left arrow key or Num Pad 1 Moves a video clip back one frame CTRL + Right arrow key, Right arrow key or Num Pad 2 Moves a video clip forward one frame Home Displays the first screen of images in a study End Displays the last screen of images in a study Page Up Page Up Page Down Page Down ? Hot Keys for Displaying and Navigating Clips The keyboard functions are dependent on the position of your mouse pointer on the screen. For example, some functions only work if the pointer is placed on the image. Others only work if the pointer is positioned in the toolbar at the top of the screen. Hot Keys for Displaying and Navigating Clips No Audio in slide ? Clip Controller Clip Controller No Audio in Slide ? Corner Menus Corner Menus No audio in the slide. Audio in video. vid_sD_va40_corner_menus.mp4 Tools are available in the top right and bottom right of the image. The Tools remain hidden unless you move your mouse cursor over them.    Move your mouse to the top right of the image to display the Measurement Tools.   When you move your cursor over the icon, the tooltip appears. The Measurement Tools available depend on the image type. For example, for XA images, only the 2D Distance measurement tool is available.    If you reviewing an Ultrasound image, the Calc palette icon will also appear with the measurement tools. You can also open the Calc Palette using the icon in the toolbar.    Image Tools are in the bottom right of every image.   Move your mouse over the lower right of the image to display the Image Tools.    Here you will find Tools for image display and post processing.   The Image Tools available depend on the image type. For example, Edge Enhancement is only available for XA images and the Calibration Tool only appears if the image was not previously calibrated.    To adjust the image window values, click on the icon in the Image Tool bar. The window level box is displayed. You can adjust the values in the box. To apply the newly defined settings to all images, select Apply All. You can also use your mouse to adjust the image window level brightness and contrast display. After selecting the window level icon, when you move your cursor over the image, the mouse changes. Press and hold the left mouse button and move the cursor over the image to adjust the window values. To return to the original window level values, click on the Default button. Please note: Your window level adjustments are temporary, The default image window values will return to the original values when the study is closed. ? Adjust Image Display Adjust Image Display No audio in the slide. Audio in video. vid_sD_va40_adjust_image_display.mp4 You can adjust the image display using the tools in the Image Tool Bar. The tools displayed in the Image Tool bar, depend on the image type. Click on the icon to Show or Hide the measurements on the image. To adjust the image brightness, select the gamma adjustment icon in the Image Tool bar. The slider is displayed. Move the slider up and down to adjust the image brightness. To add text annotation to the image, click on the Text icon in the Image Tool bar, the cursor changes. Place the cursor at the location where you want to place the text. Enter the text using your keyboard. The tool is deactivated after you complete the activity and click outside the box. To delete the text annotation, click on the annotation on the image and select Delete on your keyboard. If you would like to hide confidential information on the image, you can use the Blackout Region functionality. Select the Blackout Region icon. A cross hair appears when you move the cursor over the image. Click and hold the left mouse button to draw your blackout region. You can move your blackout region to another position on the image, by holding down the left mouse button as you drag the region to a new location. You can also adjust the size of the region, by dragging any of the corner cross-hairs. To adjust the image window values, click on the icon in the Image Tool bar. The window level box is displayed. You can adjust the values in the box. To apply any settings you make to all images, select Apply All before you make adjustments. You can also use your mouse to adjust the image brightness and contrast display. Drag the mouse cursor up or down over the image, to adjust the image brightness. Drag the mouse cursor left or right to adjust the image contrast. To return to the default settings, click on the Window leveling icon again and click on the Default button. To escape from window leveling mode, press the escape button on the keyboard twice. For XA images, you can also adjust the edge enhancement. Select the Edge Enhancement icon. Use the up and down arrows to adjust the Edge Enhancement. Select the Apply to All before making any adjustments to apply the newly entered value to all images. To return to the default values, select Default. To make the newly entered value as the default and applicable for all clips in the study, click New Default. For DSA scenes, you can adjust the mask image. Select the Mask icon. Click on the up and down arrows to adjust the mask frame. To return to the default value, select the Default button. ? Zoom and Pan Zoom and Pan No audio in the slide. Audio in video. vid_sD_va40_zoom_and_pan.mp4 To activate the Zoom and Pan tool, first move the mouse to the bottom of an image to display the Image Tool bar. Select the Zoom icon.   Move the slider up or down to adjust the image zoom.   To pan the zoomed image, move your cursor over the image. Click and hold the mouse scroll wheel and move the mouse in any direction. When you release the mouse scroll wheel, the image stops panning.    You can perform measurements on the zoomed image.    You can also add annotations and blackout regions to a zoomed image.    Please note: the pan and zoom changes are only temporary and are not saved with the study. ? Thumbnails Thumbnails are available for non-stress echo images in a non-stress layout. Thumbnails are not available when viewing stress echo studies in stress layouts. Press the Thumbnail button in the Toolbar (1) The thumbnail pane appears on the left (2) You can use the thumbnail browser to navigate through the study. Thumbnails will remain active for all non-stress echo layouts until switched off. Please note: The Thumbnail buttons appears in the toolbar only if thumbnail generation is configured. 2 1 Thumbnails An image Thumbnail is a small static image representing a DICOM image. Thumbnails are available for non-stress echo images in a non-stress layout. Thumbnails are not available when viewing stress echo studies in stress layouts. To display the image Thumbnails: Press the Thumbnail button in the Toolbar. The thumbnail pane appears on the left. You can use the thumbnail pane to navigate through the study. The Thumbnail option is a toggle button. That means that the thumbnails will remain active for all non-stress echo image layouts until switched off. To switch off the thumbnails, press on the thumbnail button again in the toolbar. Please note: The Thumbnail buttons appear in the toolbar only if thumbnail generation is configured. ? Key Images Thumbnail Pane Key Images Thumbnail Pane No audio in the slide. Audio in video. vid_sD_va40_key_images_thumbnail_pane.mp4 You can save single or multiple images in a study as key images for later review or as required.   You access the key images at the bottom of the thumbnails window. Select the Thumbnail icon in the toolbar. Select Key Images. If the number of key images exceeds the layout value, you can use the scroll bar, the Page down and the Page up keys on your keyboard, or scroll with the mouse wheel to display additional images.   If no images are selected as Key Images, the screen is blank.   Select the images that you would like to add to Key Images.   There are two methods to save images as a key image. For the standard method, you single-click on the thumbnail.   Selected images display with a white border to indicate they are currently displayed in the key images view pane.   You can replace an existing key image by dragging and dropping a different image on top of the key image you wish to replace.   The image being replaced has a green border surrounding it during the replacement process.   You can also use the drag and drop feature to place a new key image in-between two existing key images.   A green target line separating the two existing key images is displayed, indicating the location the new key image will be inserted. ? Key Images Image Review Pane Key Images Image Review Pane No audio in the slide. Audio in video. vid_sD_va40_key_images_image_review_pane.mp4 You can also select Key Images on-the-fly during image review.    Select the image you want from the image review pane.    Right-click to open the Context Menu. Here you can save the current image, or all selected images as Key Images.   To view the Key Images, click on the Thumbnails button in the toolbar, and select Key Images at the bottom of the Thumbnails viewing pane.    To remove Key Images, right-click on any image to display the Context menu. Select Remove From Key Images.    You can remove the current image, selected images or ALL images from the Key Images. Reporting ? Reporting Introduction The reporting feature in syngo Dynamics allows you to prepare and distribute clinical reports using customized worksheet and report templates. To start the reporting process: The system must be licensed for reporting. The study must belong to the department you are working in. You must have the Modify Study privilege assigned to you to modify reports. This chapter will introduce you to the Worksheet and the Report, and help you to understand some basic principles of reporting. Reporting Introduction The reporting feature in syngo Dynamics allows you to prepare and distribute clinical reports using customized Worksheet and Report templates. To start the reporting process the system must be licensed for reporting, the study must belong to the department you are working in and you must have the ‘Modify Study’ privilege assigned to you to modify reports. This chapter will introduce you to the worksheet and the report, and help you to understand some basic principles of reporting. ? The Worksheet and the Report In syngo Dynamics there are two types of templates: Worksheet: a combination of data imported from a qualified modality and manual data and observation selections. (1) Report: is automatically generated based on the data collected and the observations documented in the worksheet. (2) Templates are created and customized using the Report Designer application. Please note: This chapter will not include information related to template customization. 1 2 The Worksheet and the Report Templates are files that contain customized content and layout information. In syngo Dynamics there are two types of templates: The Worksheet forms the basis of the syngo Dynamics reporting system. The worksheet is completed through a combination of data imported from a qualified modality and manual data and observation selections. The Report is automatically generated based on the data collected and the observations documented in the worksheet. Templates are created and customized using the Report Designer application. The system comes with factory defined templates, that can also be customized to your preferences. Please note: this chapter will not include information related to template customization. To learn how to customize your templates, you must complete the Report Designer course. Please contact your Siemens Healthineers Service or Sales representative for more information regarding template design customization and Report Designer education. ? Opening the Report and Worksheet Opening the Report and the Worksheet No audio in slide. Audio in video. vid_sD_va40_opening_report_worksheet.mp4 From the Study List, you can open the Worksheet or Report for a study individually, or you can open the Worksheet and the Report simultaneously.    Left click on a study on the Study List. Click on the icon to open: The Report The Worksheet Or the Report and the Worksheet   Alternatively, you can open the Worksheet and/or the Report anytime during image review. The icons to open the Worksheet and the Report are in the top right corner of the Toolbar.   Depending on the selection, the Report or Worksheet or both are displayed.   To close the Worksheet or Report, click on the icon again in the toolbar. ? Changing The Study Type The Study Type is transferred from the modality. Default Worksheet and Report templates are defined for each Study Type in SysAdmin. The currently selected Study Type is displayed in the Patient Tab of the Worksheet (1). If required, you can change the Study Type by selecting an option from the drop down menu. The Worksheet is updated automatically. To update the report, select Yes in the displayed box. 1 Changing the Study Type The Study Type is transferred from the modality. Default Worksheet and Report templates are defined for each Study Type in SysAdmin. The currently selected Study Type is displayed in the Patient Tab of the Worksheet. If required, you can change the Study Type by selecting an option from the drop down menu. The Worksheet is updated automatically. To update the report, select Yes in the displayed box. ? Editing Data in the Worksheet Editing Data in the Worksheet No audio in slide. Audio in Video: vid_sD_va40_editing_data_worksheet.mp4 The patient data, observations and measurements in the Worksheet may be imported from the modality, imported from measurements performed on syngo Dynamics or manually updated. You can add new data or modify existing data. The method to update the data depends on the type of data field. When configured, some values on the Worksheet will carry forward from a prior study into a current study. This feature can be used, for example, to carry forward the Patient history.    Please note: The Carry Forward option must be enabled for individual data elements, such as observations. This is configured within the Report Designer program. To use the Carry Forward option, click on the Carry Forward button on the Worksheet.    A list of prior studies in syngo Dynamics is displayed. There is a PDF of the report available, if you would like to review the report before you carry the data forward. Select the prior study that you would like to carry forward.    A teal color differentiates the carried forward data from other study data, unless the observation is configured as abnormal, in which case it will appear brown in color.   Please note: When a carry-forward of data is performed, existing data in the current study are not overwritten with data from the prior study; only the data which are not contained in the current study are carried forward.   If you change your mind after reviewing the carry forward data, you can undo the last carry forward. To undo the last Carry Forward, click on the Carry Forward button again and click on the Undo Last Carry Forward button. Sections can be configured with a Set Normal button. This sets fields within that section with a value that is considered as Normal. This configuration is done in the Report Designer. You can also set all observations that have not yet been automatically or manually valued, as Normal. At the bottom left of the Worksheet, click on Set All Normal. You can clear observations from a section, a tab or from the entire study. Right mouse-click on the section header. Select: Clear Observations in the Current Section. Right Mouse click on the tab. Select one of the options: Clear Observations on this Page. Clear All Observations. Free text fields may appear in numerous locations throughout the worksheet, either as independent comment fields or within observations pick list. To insert text, click inside the box and type the entry on your keyboard. To replace or remove text, highlight the text in the box using your left mouse button. To replace text, type over the existing text. To remove text, highlight the text and press Delete or back space on your keyboard. Observations may contain several selectable choices. Circles indicate an exclusive observation, whereas, check boxes indicate an inclusive observation. Exclusive observations allow you to select one observation value from the list. Inclusive observations allow you to select more than one observation value. Observations with an arrow open a list. Click on the arrow to display the list. Anatomic observations apply to a selected body part. Anatomic Observations may be inclusive or exclusive. To clear an exclusive observation, select the drop-down menu and select Clear at the bottom of the list.  To clear inclusive observations, simply deselect the values of your choice.   Popups appear as a rounded button on the tab. Click on the popup to open the popup window. Update the data as required. When conditional field display is enabled, the display of a definition on the worksheet is based on the value of a different definition. For example, selecting a value for an observation can trigger the display of other clinically relevant fields on the worksheet. Measurements made on syngo Dynamics and the modality, may be imported to the Worksheet. If there are multiple measurement values, each individual value is stored and displayed in the interactive Calc Palette, and a derived value, for example, the mean, is also displayed. If a single measurement value is out of a configured range, it can be customized to be highlighted in yellow on the Worksheet to alert you to the finding.     You can edit raw data values or add values manually. You cannot manually update calculation results. Click on the desired measurement field. A popup window is displayed. Enter or delete a value in one or more of the measurement fields. The derived value, for example, the mean, is automatically updated. Some data is displayed in tables in the Worksheet. In order to change the calculated data, you must edit the raw measurements. If multiple measurements were taken, the mean value is displayed in a cell. To view the individual measurements, click on the mean value. You can edit or delete individual values. The derived value is automatically updated. ? Resolving Patient Name/ID Conflicts A conflict occurs if a study that arrives from an acquisition device has the same patient ID as a study that is already in the syngo Dynamics system, but the patient name, date of birth, gender or Site ID do not match. When a conflict is detected, a red Resolve Name / ID Conflict button appears on the worksheet. Click the Resolve Name/ID conflict button. Follow the screen instructions to solve the problem. Click Resolve to save the changes. Resolving Patient Name/ID con Patient demographics (for example, patient name or date of birth) that are entered at a qualified acquisition machine are automatically transferred to the worksheet and the report. If your site is configured to use Site IDs, a conflict occurs if a study that arrives from an acquisition device has the same patient ID as a study that is already in the syngo Dynamics system, but the patient name, date of birth, gender or Site ID do not match. When a conflict is detected, a red Resolve Name / ID Conflict button appears on the worksheet. Click the Resolve Name/ID conflict button Follow the screen instructions to solve the problem. Click Resolve to save the changes or click on Cancel to exit without saving the changes. ? Report Overview Report Overview No audio in slide. Audio in Video: vid_sD_va40_report_overview.mp4 Patient reports contain ‘evidence based’ data and clinical observations. With syngo Dynamics, a report can be generated quickly by transferring information from the Worksheet of the study. You can open the report from the Study List or from Image Review, click on the patient and click on the Report icon or the Report and Worksheet icon in the top right of the toolbar. The report is automatically filled based on the data that is contained in the worksheet. Data and observations may be displayed as phrases, tables or diagrams. The report may contain some or all the information from the Worksheet. The report can be customized to your preferences. As you update information on the Worksheet, the Report is automatically updated. To close the Report, click on the Report icon again in the toolbar. ? Editing a Report Editing a Report No audio in slide. Audio in Video. vid_sD_va40_edit_report.mp4 The data in the Report is automatically generated from the data in the Worksheet. If you find errors in the Report, you should update the information in the Worksheet, not in the Report. If you update the information in the Report directly, the link between Report and the Worksheet for that particular section is broken. If you need to locate the data in the Worksheet, right click on the phrase or data in the Report. A menu appears. The observations that make up the phrase are displayed under Check Spelling. Select the observation in the menu. This will take you to the place in the Worksheet where the measurement, calculation or observation is present. The selected observation is highlighted on the Worksheet with an orange box and will blink three times. You can now update the data in the Worksheet. The Report is updated automatically. You can add images from the study to the Report. Right click on the image in Image Review. Select Save Selected Images, To Report. To select multiple images use the Ctrl key on your keyboard and left click on the desired images. Selected images are displayed with a yellow border. Please note: the report must have an image placeholder container configured in the template. To delete an image from a Report, select the image on the Report. Right click and select Delete. ? Changing the Status of a Report Changing the Status of a Report No Audio in slide. Audio in video: vid_sD_va40_change_status_report.mp4 The report may change status several times during the reporting process before it’s finalized status, Verified. The current status of the report is displayed in the Study List. The report status may be one of the following:     Draft (D) indicates that the report has been opened or created and is in a preliminary form.  Completed (C) indicates that someone with the required priviliege, has manually marked the report as completed. Verified (V) indicates that the report is approved and signed by the physician who has the required privileges. You can also see the status of the Report in the Report tab heading. If you move your mouse over the tab heading, you can check the current status. When all appropriate information is updated in the Report, you can mark the Report as Completed or Verified. In Image Review, right click on the white box located in the tab heading. Select Mark Current Report as Completed or Mark Current Report as Verified.   Please note that you must have the privilege assigned to mark a Report as Completed and/or Verified. You can also use the Verify button in the top right of Image Review to verify the Report. ? Take Control Only one user can have control of a specific study at one time. When a study is opened, it is locked for secondary users. If you need to report on a study that is currently locked, you can Take Control. Click on Take Control at the bottom of the Worksheet or the Report (1). A message is displayed on the Workstation that originally had the study open (2). Please note: You must have the Take Control of Opened Study Privilege and the Modify Study privilege to initiate Take Control. 1 2 Take Control Only one user can have control of a specific study at one time. When a study is opened, it is locked for secondary users, so that other users can only view the study in Read only mode, but they cannot modify it. If you need to report on a study that is currently locked, you can Take Control. Click on Take Control at the bottom of the Worksheet or the Report. A message is displayed on the Workstation that has the study open. Please note: You must have the Take Control of Opened Study Privilege and the Modify Study privilege to initiate ‘Take Control’. ? Collaborative Reporting: Introduction If you have the appropriate privileges (Modify Study privilege), you can collaborate with other users to modify a study. You need to request approval from your collaborating primary user to proceed with any Worksheet modifications. Recommended: A maximum of three users to collaborate at a time Collaborative Reporting: Introduction If you have the appropriate privileges (Modify Study privilege), you can collaborate with other users to modify a study. You need to request approval from your collaborating primary user to proceed with any Worksheet modifications. It is recommended that a maximum of three (3) users collaborate at any given point in time. ? Collaborative Reporting: Workflow Open the study to open the Worksheet. If the study is open by another user, the Collaborate button appears below the Worksheet. Click Collaborate. When you click Collaborate, a message displays on the primary user’s screen requesting access. When the primary user grants you access, you can begin modifying the study. A message appears at the bottom of the screen. Collaborative Reporting is limited to only modifying worksheet entries, for secondary users. Collaborative Reporting: Workflow Collaboration on a study can occur if one user, the primary user, already has the study open. Open the study to open the Worksheet If the study is open by another user, the Collaborate button appears below the Worksheet. In other cases, this button does not appear. Click on Collaborate. When you click on Collaborate, a message displays on the primary user’s screen requesting access. When the primary user grants you access, you can begin modifying the study. A message appears at the bottom of the screen, indicating the collaboration status. Collaborative Reporting is limited to only modifying worksheet entries, for secondary users. In other words, the requester, that is, any secondary user, cannot make permanent changes to an image, only the primary user can make these changes. Additionally, only the primary user can edit the report directly. To become the primary user, the secondary user would need to invoke the Take Control function. Remote Workplace ? syngo Dynamics Remote Workplace syngo Dynamics Remote Workplace enables you to access syngo Dynamics remotely. Here, you view additionally compressed* images (MP4) with the option to view original quality full DICOM images. Remote Workplace allows users to read and report in low bandwidth environments. In this chapter you will be introduced to the new syngo Dynamics Remote Workplace. *Additionally compressed images are not intended for diagnostic use. syngo Dynamics Remote Workplace syngo Dynamics Remote Workplace enables you to access syngo Dynamics remotely. Here, you view compressed images (MP4) with the option to view original quality DICOM images. Remote Workplace allows users to read and report in low bandwidth environments. In this chapter you will be introduced to the new syngo Dynamics Remote Workplace. ? Images compressed in MP4 format Access to Original Quality Image Full reporting and measurement capabilities Remote Workplace Overview Remote Workplace Overview Audio for video sd VA40A Remote Workplace Compressed Original.mp4 By default, images are displayed as additionally compressed images in syngo Dynamics Remote Workplace. The additionally compressed images are displayed in MP4 format and are of lower quality than the original images. Users also have the option to view original quality DICOM images. Additionally compressed images are not intended for diagnostic purposes. 12:1 is the maximum layout available when viewing images in syngo Dynamics Remote Workplace. The Remote Workplace has reporting and measurement functionality. ? Remote Workplace Limitations Although most functionality remains the same in the syngo Dynamics Remote Workplace compared to the syngo Dynamics Workplace, there are some differences that you should be aware of. Some imaging functions are not possible with compressed images that are available with original quality images, and some functionalities are not available. Click here to learn more. Remote Workplace Limitations No Audio in slide Table with 2 columns and 1 rows Image Tools not available for compressed images: Edge enhancement and DSA mask Selecting a frame to be used as the mask frame Digital subtraction Adjusting window/level settings Features not available on syngo Dynamics Remote Workplace: Image Import/Export Study Split/Merge 3 rd Party Application Launcher Remote Workplace Limitations Overview WebViewer ? syngo Dynamics WebViewer The syngo Dynamics WebViewer provides you with read-only access to compressed images* that can be accessed from any browser. The new WebViewer provides you with a common login screen and the same study list as the Workplace for a consistent user experience. In this chapter you will learn about the syngo Dynamics WebViewer. *syngo Dynamics WebViewer is not intended for diagnostic use. syngo Dynamics WebViewer The syngo Dynamics WebViewer provides you with read-only access to compressed images that can be accessed from commonly used internet browsers. The new WebViewer provides you with a common login screen and the same study list as the Workplace for a consistent user experience. In this chapter you will learn about the syngo Dynamics WebViewer. ? WebViewer Access You can access the WebViewer using a standard internet browser through any desktop and mobile device, including your phone. Standard Web browser Zero footprint Open/view patient studies Review images Reports can be viewed (PDF), but there is no reporting or worksheet functionality The content of the screen displayed depends on the available screen real estate. WebViewer Access You can access the WebViewer using a standard internet browser through a desktop and mobile device, including your phone. ? WebViewer Image Review syngo Dynamics WebViewer is designed for viewing only and is not intended for diagnostic use. Images are displayed for review only. You cannot perform any measurements or make any changes to images in the WebViewer. The images are displayed in a different tab in Internet Explorer. WebViewer Image Review syngo Dynamics WebViewer is designed for viewing only and is not intended for diagnostic use. Images are displayed for review only. You cannot perform any measurements or make any changes to images in the WebViewer. The images are displayed in a different tab in Internet Explorer. ? WebViewer Limitations syngo Dynamics WebViewer is intended for viewing images and PDF reports on mobile devices. Therefore, there are some limitations in the syngo Dynamics WebViewer in comparison to the syngo Dynamics Workplace. No reporting or worksheet access (PDF of report is available) No corner menus or tools Cannot use mouse wheel to move frozen clip frame-by-frame, must use drag with “frame slider” 16:1, 20:1, n:1, and Split layouts are not available Cannot view original, full DICOM images, can only view additionally compressed images No biplane playback synchronization capability Cannot Export or Import studies Cannot view stress studies with phone or tablet, can only view on a desktop browser Can view key images, but cannot add or re-arrange key images 3rd Party Application Launcher (3PAL) not available Cannot assign studies to different departments If a study is orphaned in “Default” department, it will not be seen *syngo Dynamics WebViewer is not intended for diagnostic use. WebViewer Limitations syngo Dynamics WebViewer is intended for viewing images and PDF reports on mobile devices. Therefore, there are some limitations in the syngo Dynamics WebViewer in comparison to the syngo Dynamics Workplace. Course Review ? Course Review Congratulations. You have completed the syngo Dynamics VA40 Workplace Online Training course. Select the objectives listed below to review the material before proceeding to the final assessment. Additionally, a full course review is available in the Resources tab. Review Images and Access Tools Search for Patients Understand the User Interface Log In and Log Off 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 Worksheet and Report Documentation Course Review Report and Worksheet Documentation There are two types of templates: Worksheet & Report. The templates that you are currently using are displayed at the bottom of the Report and Worksheet windows. Click on the button to display the list of templates and to change the template, if required. The Worksheet consists of tabbed pages. The data and observations in the Worksheet may be imported from the modality, imported from measurements performed on syngo Dynamics or manually updated. Mandatory fields are highlighted in orange on the worksheet until the value is entered or selection is made. Abnormal findings appear brown on the Worksheet and a brown exclamation mark is displayed to the left of the tab title. If a field has values that can be reported as ‘normal’, you can automatically select all normal values. Click on Set Normal. You can clear observations from a section, a tab or from the entire study. Review Images and Access Tools Various layouts are available for image review for stress echo and non-stress echo images. To change that layout, select the icon in the toolbar and select the required layout. Stress echo images can be displayed in a Stress Layout or in a View Layout. The n:1 layout will display as many images as possible for the screen resolution of your monitor. Image Thumbnails are available for all non-stress echo layouts. Press the button on the toolbar to display the thumbnails. You can use your mouse or hot keys to navigate images. Right click to open the Context menu. Tools are available in the top right and bottom right of the image. The Tools remain hidden unless you move your mouse cursor to them. Measurement tools are available in the top right of the image, imaging tools are available in the bottom right of the image. The tools available depend on the image type. You can save single or multiple images in a study as Key Images for later review or as required. You access the key images in the thumbnail pane. Select the Thumbnail icon in the toolbar. Select Key Images. You can filter studies using a Pre-defined Search query, Quick Search or Advanced Search. You can use a Canned Search query to apply a pre-defined filter to the study list. To search via a Canned Search query, select the required Canned Search query from the list. The study list displays with the applied filter. When using Quick Search, you can use a space or a comma to separate multiple terms. Enter the terms and select the Search icon. Advanced Search enables you to create your own contextual search query. You can save Advanced Search queries for future use. Once saved, the query appears in the Pre-defined Search menu. Search for Patients The User Interface consists of the Common Study List, Image Review and the Worksheet and the Report. After successful login, the Common Study List is displayed. You can customize the display of the Study List using the Column Chooser. To assign a study, select the study in the Study List and select Assign Physician. You can use the Ctrl key on the keyboard to select multiple studies. To manually change the study state, select the study in the Study List and select Study -> Mark as Read or Mark as Unread. To open a study in Image Review, double click on the study in the Study List or select Patient -> Images from the menu in the Toolbar. To open the Worksheet or Report for a Study, select the study in the Study List and select the Worksheet, Report or Worksheet & Report icons in the Toolbar. Understand the User Interface To log in to the syngo Dynamics Workplace, double click on the syngo Dynamics Workplace icon on your desktop. You can log in using your syngo Dynamics credentials, or if Active Directory integration exists, using your Active Directory credentials. Double click on the syngo Dynamics Workplace icon on your desktop. Select your Department. Enter your login name. Enter your Password. Click on Login. An account lockout may be configured for your department. If configured, you may be locked out of the system if you exceed the account threshold for log in attempts. If you are locked out, please contact your System Administrator. Log In and Log Off Disclaimer Disclaimer Please note that the learning material is for training purposes only! For the proper use of the software or hardware, please always use the Operator Manual or Instructions for Use (hereinafter collectively “Operator Manual”) issued by Siemens Healthineers. This material is to be used as training material only and shall by no means substitute the Operator Manual. Any material used in this training will not be updated on a regular basis and does not necessarily reflect the latest version of the software and hardware available at the time of the training. The Operator's Manual shall be used as your main reference, in particular for relevant safety information like warnings and cautions. Note: Some functions shown in this material are optional and might not be part of your system. Certain products, product related claims or functionalities (hereinafter collectively “Functionality”) may not (yet) be commercially available in your country. Due to regulatory requirements, the future availability of said Functionalities in any specific country is not guaranteed. Please contact your local Siemens Healthineers sales representative for the most current information. The reproduction, transmission or distribution of this training or its contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. All names and data of patients, parameters and configuration dependent designations are fictional and examples only. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. Copyright © Siemens Healthcare GmbH 2021 Siemens Healthineers Headquarters\Siemens Healthcare GmbH\Henkestr. 127\ 91052 Erlangen, Germany\Telephone: +49 9131 84-0\ ? Disclaimer Assessment Assessment This assessment will test your retention of the presented content. A passing score of 80% or higher is required to complete the course and earn your certificate. You may repeat the assessment as many times as needed. Start ? Assessment Select the applicable image. ? Which application is the full featured application, displaying DICOM images? Question 1 of 5 Workplace Remote Workplace WebViewer Pick One Incorrect This is not the full featured application. Incorrect This is not the full featured application. Correct Select the best answer. ? Question 2 of 5 What should you do if you enter the incorrect user information and your account is locked? Wait 15 minutes until the account lock out ends. Contact your System Administrator. Call the Siemens Healthineers help desk. Turn off the system and turn it back on. Multiple Choice Incorrect The account lock out does not reset if you turn off the Workplace and turn it back on. Incorrect It is not necessary to call the Siemens Healthineers Help desk. Incorrect Incorrect The account lock out does not end after a configured period of time. Select the best answer. ? Question 3 of 5 How can you open a study if you only wish to view the images? The only way to open a study to view the images is to double click on the study. The only way to open a study to view the images is to select: Patient and then select: Images. To open a study to view the images select: Study -> Images To open a study to view the images, double click on the study or select Patient and then select: Images. Multiple Choice Correct Incorrect You can not open a study to view images in the Study Menu. Incorrect Selecting Patient -> Images in not the only way to view images. Incorrect Double clicking on a study is not the only way to view images. Select the best answer. ? Question 4 of 5 Corner menus are available in the top right and bottom right of the image. Select the correct statement. Image tools remain hidden until you move your mouse cursor over them. All tools are always available, independent of the image type. Image tools remain hidden until you move your mouse cursor over them. The tools available depend on the current image type. Image tools always appear on the image. All tools are always available, independent of the image type. Image tools always appear on the image. The tools available depend on the current image type. Multiple Choice Incorrect The image tools remain hidden until you move your mouse cursor over them. Incorrect The image tools remain hidden until you move your mouse cursor over them. Incorrect Incorrect The tools available depend on the image type. Select the best answer. ? Question 5 of 5 What does it mean if an observation appears brown on the Worksheet? The observation is a mandatory field. You cannot complete the Worksheet or Report until this observation is completed. The observation has been changed. The observation has been configured in Report Designer as a normal finding. The observation selection has been configured in Report Designer as an abnormal finding. Multiple Choice Correct Incorrect Normal observations do not appear brown on the Worksheet. Incorrect An observation will not appear brown when it is changed on the Worksheet. Incorrect A mandatory field appears orange on the Worksheet. Assessment Results YOUR SCORE: PASSING SCORE: Review Retry Retry Continue Continue Continue %Results.ScorePercent%% %Results.PassPercent%% ? Assessment Results You did not pass the course. Take time to review the assessment then select Retry to continue. Congratulations. You passed the course.. Exit To access your Certificate of Completion, select the Launch button drop down on the course overview page. You can also access the certificate from your PEPconnect transcript. You have completed the syngo Dynamics VA40 Workplace Online Training. Completion Navigation Help Select the icon above to open the table of contents. Click Next to continue. Next Welcome Slide The timeline displays the slide progression. Slide the orange bar backwards to rewind the timeline. Click Next to continue. Next Timeline Select the CC icon to display closed captioning (subtitles). Click Next to continue. Next Caption Icon add subtitles Select the buttons to learn more about a topic. Be sure to review all topics before navigating to the next slide. Click Next to continue. Next Tab Arrow Slide Select the X to close the pop-up. Click Next to continue. Next Layer Slide Select Submit to record your response. Click the X in the upper right corner to exit the navigation help. Assessment Slide HOOD05162003152036 | Effective Date: 16-Dec-2020 1.1 Welcome 1.2 Navigation Hints 2 Log in and Log off 2.1 Log in to the Workplace 2.2 Logging out of your Workplace 3 User Interface Study List 3.1 Common Study List 3.2 Common Study List Overview 3.3 Menus in the Common Study Lsit Toolbar 3.4 Columns in the Study List 3.5 Column Chooser 3.6 Common Study List 3.7 Filtering Studies 3.8 Quick Search 3.9 Advanced Search 3.10 Searching for Studies in Enterprise 3.11 Opening Studies 4 User Interface Image Review 4.1 Image Review Overview 4.2 Image Review Toolbar 4.3 Layouts 4.4 Stress Echo Layouts 4.5 n:1 Layout 4.6 Compare Studies 4.7 Displaying Prior Studies 4.8 Mouse Functions 4.9 Hot Keys for Displaying and Navigating Clips 4.10 Clip Controller 4.11 Corner Menus 4.12 Adjust Image Display 4.13 Zoom and Pan 4.14 Thumbnails 4.15 Key Images Thumbnail Pane 4.16 Key Images Image Review Pane 5 Reporting 5.1 Reporting Introduction 5.2 The Worksheet and the Report 5.3 Opening the Report and the Worksheet 5.4 Changing the Study Type 5.5 Editing Data in the Worksheet 5.6 Resolving Patient Name/ID con 5.7 Report Overview 5.8 Editing a Report 5.9 Changing the Status of a Report 5.10 Take Control 5.11 Collaborative Reporting: Introduction 5.12 Collaborative Reporting: Workflow 6 Remote Workplace 6.1 syngo Dynamics Remote Workplace 6.2 Remote Workplace Overview 6.3 Remote Workplace Limitations 7 WebViewer 7.1 syngo Dynamics WebViewer 7.2 WebViewer Access 7.3 WebViewer Image Review 7.4 WebViewer Limitations 8.1 Course Review 9.1 Disclaimer 10.1 Assessment 10.8 Completion

  • syngo Dynamics
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  • syngo dynamics
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  • VA40
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