
syngo® Lab Data Manager Monitoring Quality Control Online Training

Monitor Controls with charts and results. Investigate patient results associated with specific Controls. This clinical laboratory training qualifies for continuing education units (CEU).

Bem-vindo ao treinamento online de Controle de Qualidade no ADVIA ®. Este curso apresenta o pacote de controle de qualidade que está disponível dentro do software do sistema. Este programa permite monitorar o controle de qualidade e obter dados estatísticos para atender aos requisitos do laboratório. Os gráficos de Levey-Jennings e as estatísticas numéricas estão disponíveis em um formato diário ou cumulativo, para revisão e impressão. Esse curso não irá abordar o programa ADVIA QC que também está a bordo do sistema, Para mais informações sobre os recursos adicionais, por favor, consulte o guia do operador. Selecione Next para visualizar os objetivos do curso. Welcome to the syngo® Lab Data Manager Monitoring Quality Control Online Training course. Statistical quality control procedures monitor analytical performance of methods and alert the analysts to problems. The syngo Lab Data Manager Quality Control application provides tools to manage and evaluate the results obtained from testing quality control samples. Select Next to continue.   Investigate patient results associated with specific Controls Monitor Controls with charts and results Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: Select Next to continue. Agora vamos ver os passos que são necessários para processar o CQ no ADVIA ® mil e oitocentos. O processamento das amostras de CQ é iniciado selecionando o botão "Start" no painel de operações. O controle de qualidade é sempre executado com calibrações, mas pode ser executado sozinho ou junto com amostras de pacientes. Note que nem todos os laboratórios seguem o mesmo esquema ou usam os mesmos materiais de CQ. Siga a programação do seu laboratório para o processamento de CQ e as instruções do fabricante para a preparação, armazenamento e manuseio das amostras de controle de qualidade. Selecione o link abaixo para saber mais sobre o processamento do CQ. Congratulations. You have completed the syngo Lab Data Manager Monitoring Quality Control Online Training. Listed below are the key points that have been presented. Take time to review the material before you proceed to the final quiz.  Monitor Controls with charts and results View Controls Launch Quality Control by selecting the application From a list of Controls click on a row to see Controls Details Control: a collection of QC results for a specific lot and level of QC material for one assay on one instrument (reagent lot optional) Controls can be defined by their status: Pending Control is being evaluated to determine targets    Ready Control is awaiting user acceptance of targets. Active Control is currently collecting data and rules are in effect. Error Control has a QC rule violation Closed Control is no longer collecting data  Evaluate quality control charts and results Controls Details Levey-Jennings graph Mean: green dash in a horizontal line: current calculated mean for the Control Target: green solid horizontal line: the target for the Control Green shading: +/-2SD range Yellow shading: +/-2 to 3SD range Red shading: +/-3 to 4SD range Grey shading: beyond +/- 4SD White data points: no QC rules are violated Red data points: violation of at least one QC rule Roll mouse over data point to see Result Details Vertical lines: events in the life of the Control P: Pending R: Ready A: Active C: Calibration E: Event       Statistic section: current statistics calculated on all included data Target Information section: current target and standard deviation Next Control section: easy access to results for an associated Control Selected Range Statistic section: statistics calculated on the data displayed on the Levey-Jennings graph General Information section: summarized information about the Control with function buttons Comments: comments entered for the Control Results: list of all results for the Control with function buttons                                                                         Investigate patient results associated with specific controls Navigate to Controls Details Select the QC result with error Select the previous acceptable QC result Select Patient Results button Review the list of patient results that were processed between the selected QC results Select Next to continue. Parabéns! Você concluiu o treinamento online de Inserção e Ajuste de Kits do Sistema de Imunoensaios IMMULITE mil. Reserve um tempo para revisar o material antes de prosseguir para o teste final. Evaluating Controls and results are the two most common tasks to perform when monitoring quality control data. In this section, you will view: Controls Quality control charts Quality control results Select Next to continue. Um reagente específico de cada parâmetro deve ser carregado no equipamento para cada teste. Selecione o link abaixo para saber como fazer isso. Quality control results are generated by instruments. Results are transmitted to the syngo Lab Data Manager Quality Control application and evaluated by QC rules. What is a Control? A Control is a collection of QC results for a specific lot and level of QC material for one assay on one instrument (reagent lot optional) Controls can be categorized one of five ways: Pending Ready Active Error Closed Control Status Learn about Control status. Tab TitleTextPending The Control is being evaluated to determine targets. Ready The Control is awaiting user acceptance of targets.     Once accepted, the Control becomes Active. Active The Control is currently collecting data and rules are in effect.  Error The Control has a quality control rule violation.   Closed The Control is inactivated by user or closed automatically and is no longer collecting data. When complete, select the X in the upper-right corner to close the window and continue.     Controls Screen Learn about the Control screen. Slide NumberText BlocksCalloutsAudio ScriptImage File1To launch the application, select Quality Control from the syngo Lab Data Manager main screen. Select Next to continue.Note: If audio does not automatically start, select the play arrow in the top left to begin.The syngo Lab Data Manager Quality Control application is launched by selecting Quality Control from the main screen. 2The main Quality Control screen displays a list for Controls & Results and automatically activates the filter for the Controls that are Active with Errors. Each row displays basic information about a Control that has an Active status and at least one error that has not been addressed. Controls can be created, exported, deleted, made inactive, compared, reported and Control filters can be created. Select Next to continue.   The main Quality Control screen displays a list for Controls & Results and automatically activates the filter for the Controls that are Active with Errors. Each row displays basic information about a Control that has an Active status and at least one error that has not been addressed. From this screen Controls can be created, exported, deleted, made inactive, compared, reported and also Control filters can be created.3From the list of Controls, selecting a row for a specific control opens the Controls Details screen.When complete, select the X in the upper-right corner to close the window and continue.From the list of Controls, selecting a row for a specific control opens the Controls Details screen. Existem muitas funções disponíveis no menu QC, no entanto, você vai usar apenas duas janelas rotineiramente para visualizar o QC no software do sistema ADVIA mil e oitocentos. Você pode usar a janela Daily Precision Control e QC Cumulative para visualizar os gráficos de Levey Jennings dos controle. É possível visualizar informações detalhadas dos resultado de controle e omitir os resultados errôneos das estatísticas, caso haja algum erro operacional. Você pode ainda adicionar comentários a estes resultados. As estatísticas do CQ e resumos também estão disponíveis nesta janela para visualização e impressão. Hoje, muitos laboratórios usam um middleware ou o LIS para avaliar o CQ. Selecione o link abaixo para saber mais sobre as janelas Daily Precision Control e QC cumulative. The Controls Details screen provides an at-a-glance view of the details about the selected Control. There are several sections of the Controls Details screen. Charts Statistic Target Next Control Selected Range Statistic General Information Comments Results Controls Details Screen Learn more about the sections in the Controls Details Screen. Slide NumberText BlocksCalloutsAudio ScriptImage File1 The Control Details Screen contains eight key areas to provide greater detail about a selected control.    Select Next to continue.Note: If audio does not automatically start, select the play arrow in the top left to begin.The Controls Details screen has 8 key areas to provide greater detail about a selected control. The areas include Charts, Statistic, Target, Next Control, Selected Range Statistic, General Information, Comments, and Results. 2 Charts The Charts section of the Controls Details screen displays a standard Levey-Jennings graph by default. Mean Target QC Data Point Red Vertical Line Blue Vertical Line Graph Controls Select Next to continue.   Select each number to review the corresponding text.CalloutsMeanTargetQC Data PointRed Vertical LineBlue Vertical LineGraph Controls First we will focus on the Charts section which contains the Levey-Jennings graph. On the Levey-Jennings graph you can see the Mean, Target Value, Graph Color Coding,QC Data Points, Event Indicators, and Graph Controls.3Statistic The Statistic section of the Controls Details screen displays the current statistics for that Control. These statistics are calculated on all included data for the Control, even if that information is not currently displayed in the chart because of the set date range. The Mean is depicted on the graph by the green dashed horizontal line. Select Next to continue.The second area in the Controls Details screen is the Statistic section. This area displays the current statistics that are calculated on all included data for the Control.4 Target The Target Information section of the Controls Details screen displays the target and standard deviation (SD) information. The Target is depicted on the graph by the green solid horizontal line. Select Next to continue.The third area in the Controls Details screen shows the Target Information .This area displays the current target and standard deviation (SD) information for the Control. 5Next Control The Next Control section of the Controls Details screen provides an easy way to navigate to the other levels of Controls for the same control product, instrument, assay, and optional, reagent lot. Select Next to continue.The fourth area in the Controls Details screen shows the Next Control section. This makes it easy to view the results of another level of Control from the same control product, instrument, assay, and optionally the same reagent lot. 6Selected Range Statistic The Selected Range Statistic section of the Controls Details screen shows the statistics for the data included in the date range selected under the Levey-Jennings graph. Select Next to continue.  The fifth area in the Controls Details screen shows the Selected Range Statistic section. This area shows the statistics for only the data displayed in the Levey-Jennings graph. 7General Information The General Information section of the Controls Details screen shows basic information for the displayed Control, such as product name, lot number, instrument, and status of control. Tasks that can be completed from this section of the screen are:   Create a new Control manually using the Control Wizard Inactivate a Control to change the status of the Control to Closed Export Control results to a file that can be compared to other laboratories results Create a report when an electronic file or paper report is needed Review patient results to monitor the daily median of the patient population of the same assay as the Control Review related Controls to evaluate for similar trending Select Next to continue. The sixth area in the Controls Details screen is the General Information section. This area summarizes information about the displayed Control and offers several function buttons for further actions.8 Control Comments The Comments section of the Controls Details screen provides a list of the comments entered for the Control. Comments can be added from the Controls Details screen by typing the comment in the field or selecting a comment from the dropdown list of predefined comments. Additionally, comments will be added automatically when new targets are calculated or entered. Select Next to continue. The seventh area in the Controls Details screen shows the Comments section which provides a list of the comments entered automatically, by typing, or by selecting from a list.9Results The Results section of the Controls Details screen displays all results for the Control. The color coding of each result corresponds to the color code of where the point falls in the SD range on the chart. This section of the screen also provides features for manually releasing results and finding patient results impacted by a QC failure.When complete, select the X in the upper-right corner to close the window and continue.Finally, the eighth area in the Controls Details screen shows the Results section which displays a list of all results for the Control as well as function buttons for additional actions. It is important to investigate patient results after a QC failure to determine if the same condition that caused the QC failure also affected the patient results. The Patient Results feature recalls all patient results within a selected window of time that coincides with a QC failure. Patient Results Preview Learn how to investigate patient results. Instructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90003551/sim_InvestigatePatientResults_800x600_9/sim_InvestigatePatientResults_800x600_9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90003551/sim_InvestigatePatientResults_800x600_9/index.htmlPDF File: The Quality Control feature has been removed from Version VA12C. If your system is operating with Version VA12C, then the following is in effect:   All access to QC features have been removed QC will continue to upload to the LIS even when QC screens are disabled QC rules for holding patient results will no longer function For further information, refer to the “syngo Lab Data Manager and syngo Lab Process Manager Version VA12C Release Notes” or contact your local Siemens support. Select Next to continue.

  • sLDM
  • data manager
  • QC
  • Quality control