
syngo.via VB50 Anatomy Visualizer - Getting Started (MM Reading) e-Clip

Introduction | Segmentation objects | Segmentation tools | Object quantification | Cinematic visualization. 

3D reconstruction techniques are widely available. Many professionals are utilizing their full potential to support their daily routine. The Anatomy Visualizer provides multiple tools that allow you to perform 3D tissue segmentations in order to isolate specific anatomical structures. For example, bones, vessels or organs. You can create different segmentation objects and highlight, hide, or quantify volume structures and display them in averti or mid view. To do so, there are several tools available in the anatomy visualizer. For example, a region growing tool, a vert punch or also a threshold filter by Hounsfield units. These tools can be combined to obtain an optimal outcome. The anatomy visualizer can be accessed in the upper left corner menu of Avrt or Midsegment. You can configure a button in your favorite tools area in M reading. Alternatively, the region growing tool can be accessed directly on the corner menu of any NPR segment or in the tool Gallery. When using this shortcut, a new segmentation object is created automatically if none was available for initiating the object growing. But you can still select one of the other segmentation tools available in the anatomy visualizer. The anatomy visualizer is divided into 2 main areas, segmentation objects and segmentation tools. Thumbnails for objects which are marked with a lock symbol cannot be edited. For example, the original vert volume. If you would like to edit this sort of object, you can make a copy of it. Objects marked with a scissor symbol are subtracted from the original vert volume. For example, when the table is automatically removed, you can enable or disable the object to show or hide it in the rendered vert. For example, disable the vert volume to see only the structure of interest in the art. Under the segmented object thumbnails, multiple buttons allow you to interact with the objects. You can add a new empty object, delete it. Duplicate or combine existing segmentations? Change the applied vert preset of the object. Or modify the color or transparency level. We recommend using the extended tooltips to get further hints about the functions applicable to interact with the segmentation objects. All interactions applied to the selected object that is framed in Gray in the thumbnails. To create a new segmentation, you first need to add a new segmentation object and select one of the tools from the segmentation tools below. The lower area of the anatomy visualizer shows different segmentation tools. You can combine the segmentation results from any of these tools in order to isolate and refine your desired structure. For instance, the region growing tool allows you to segment a certain structure and make it grow. After you have created a segmentation object using the region growing, you can further edit it with the Vert Punch tool, which allows you to remove any undesired fragment or structure directly from the art view. The freehand Merteuil adds or removes areas and volumes by freehand, drawing them in the NPR view the free hands. NPR also provides automatic contouring if the check mark enable automatic contouring is selected. In this mode, the system automatically suggests contours with a dotted line based on the signal intensity of the mouse pointer position. The Finetune tool is useful for refining the segmented object by using expansion and contraction operations. The threshold tool filters different tissue presets according to Hounsfield units and therefore it is just applicable for CT images. And finally the organ Segmentation tool automatically segments the heart aorta an long with a single click. After you have completed the tissue segmentation, you can quantify your segmentation object by displaying its corresponding measurement. When you display the measurement, the segmented volume changes to a solid pink color, allowing you to better assess which areas are included in the segmentation object. You can also create a finding which contains the volume measurements and a snapshot of the object. The finding is available in the findings area and is since your archive appan case completion, the finding name is the name of the segmentation object. You can rename it if required. You cannot create a finding of segmentation objects that are marked as a cut out object. After you have segmented the structures with the anatomy visualizer, you can change the image filter to cinematic vert to depict the segmentation object with this impressively realistic rendering technique, you can change the vert preset on the art Gallery to improve the visualization for different use cases.

Viewing Vie•Ning Favorite Too Is Favorite Tools Tools HPR Anatomy Visualizer Findings HPR Findings Anatomy Visualizer Segmentation Objects Findings Anatomy Visualizer VRT properties Segmentation Objects Anatomy Visualizer Please note that the Learning material is for training purposes only! Please note that the learning material is for training purposes only! Segmentation Objects Segmentation Objects Anatomy Visualizer Modality Mode Siemens Healthineers presents Segmentation Objects For the proper use of the software or hardware, please always use the Operator Manual or Instructions Segmentation Objects Segmentation Objects for Use (hereinafter collectively "Operator Manual") issued by Siemens Healthineers. This material is to be Segmentation Objects used as training material only and shall by no means substitute the Operator Manual. Any material used sungo.uia Anatomy Visualizer syncjo.uia Anctcmu Visualizer SIEMENS in this training will not be updated on a regular basis and does not necessarily reßect the latest version of 'rum seiectec Volume 1244.31 cm3 124481 Segmentation Tools Check to consider this ooject In the Segmentation Tools the software and hardware available at the time of the training. Min / -810 HU Min / -810 HU'507 HU Min -810 of the of The reproduction, transmission or distribution of this training or its contents is not permitted without Segmentation Tools Min / HU'507 HU 108 HU/40 HU HU 507 Min -810 HU Getting Started 108 HU/40 HU Incica:es that the object IS of type Incica:es that the object of type Indicates that the object IS of type Segmentation Tools Indicates that the cannot De Indicates that the cannot express written authority. Offenders will be Liable for damages. express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. The Operator Manual shall be used as your main reference, in particular for relevant safety information CUT. edited Healthineers ' Healthineers Segmentation Tools FineTune Controls like warnings and cautions. Organ vRT Punch controls Region Crowing Controls All names and data of patients, parameters and configuration dependent designations are fictional Segmentation Tools Remove FineTune Controls Threshold Controls FreeHand MPR Controls and examples only. Region Growing Controls Note: Some functions shown in this material are optional and might not be part of your system. Nodte: Somie functions shown in this material are optional and might not be part of your system. Mode Single click mnode Remove Intside Deplecate the selected segmentation Oupl.cate the se,ectec segmentation, Duplicate the se•ectec segmentation object General Segmentation Tools Segme Add T issue Type Mode Single click mode Single click rnode Organ Remove Intside Add Certain products, product related claims or functionalities described in the material (hereinafter collectively All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are AIL rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are Object S mentat,on Mtn T Add J' Erase only above Tissue Type Remove Intside "Functionality") may not (yet) be commercially available in your country. Due to regulatory requirements, réQnkÖ.onoLity") may not (yet) be commercially available in your country. Due to regulatory requirements, Tool reserved. U pper Threshold 150 J' Erase only above Isolate Strength the future availability of said Functionalities in any specific country is not guaranteed. Please contact your 'mall Vessels 'mall Enable automatic contouring Vessels Strength Isolate •.ocal Siemens Healthineers sales representative for the most current information. local Siemens Healthineers sales representative for the most current information. Strength Copyright O Siemens Healthcare GmbH, 2020 Undo j Redo Strength •D •D of Min - Large Vessels of Undo Redo Undo Redo

  • anatomical
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