
syngo.via VB50 MI General Layout Management e-Clip

Working with Layouts | Layout Rules | Configure User Presets | Patient Demographics | Customized Image Text.

In this video you will learn how to manage layouts in order to quickly organize the image segments in your routine. Reading several favorite layouts are already given in the viewing panel. You can change the loaded data with just one click. The preferred layouts are case specific. Man may look different in another case to change to another available layout. Open the layout Gallery an select any other layout. A wide range of layouts are provided for Specht. Pet, CT and mdata. If you want to add more or other favorite layouts to the viewing panel, just drag and drop them from the layout Gallery to the viewing panel to set a layout as default, right click on the layout you wish to set as default from the menu select set as default. The layout is now set as default. The default layout is shown highlighted in the layout Gallery. If you want to remove a layout, right click on the layout. And select remove from favourites. The layout is now removed from the viewing panel. To specify layout rules more in detail to facilitate your daily work with MI general. Click the settings icon and open the configuration dialog box. The number and type of preferred layouts can be configured specifically to the case. The clinical administrator can set up default rules an users can set up their favorite ones. New rules can be created or existing rules can be adapted. Here is 1 example. Click the Add icon to add a new rule. Type in a protocol name. Anne, Select the modality for which you want to ally the new rule. Select assignment object as the study descripcion. If the assignment condition is bone using the wild card allows some more flexibel assignment condition. All your cases that contain the word bone in the study descripcion are now affected. Click and drag your preferred layouts from the layout collection to the area for favorite layouts. For example, fused axial three by two plus movie. The first layout in the list will be your initial layout. Click the accept button to confirm the configuration. The new rule visible at the top of the list is applied instantly. If the loaded data set fits the rule, the system looks for specific DICOM header information in order to ally the best matching layout rules to the case. The list here shows a hierarchy of matching rules to be applied. If you want to change the order of the rules, click and drag them up or down. Select Ally to save this configuration. All your images that include the word bone in their study description are now open with the fused axial three by two plus movie. The user Presets tab in the configuration dialog box allows you to configure visualization parameters. Choose your preferred protocol to configure from the list. Depending on the data type of the image displayed, visualization parameters such as loot. Alpha blending ratio. Slice thickness and slice spacing can be configured. These parameters are applied to the preferred layouts that you create using the layouts tab. Initial workflow step displays the workflow steps or tools that you can directly launch when the protocol that is configured with this setting is initially chosen by the application to be launched. For example, MI organ processing. You can save the configured user presets on the user presets tab. Click the save button and close. These presets are user specific and cannot be seen by other users. The patient demographics are listed at the top of the layout and displays information from the DICOM headers of the data set in the upper left segment of the screen to modify which patient demographics are displayed on the screen, right click on the demographic image segment. An select configure text. A dialog box opens showing all the attributes that are available to be displayed to add or remove an attribute, select the attribute an use the arrow icon to either add or remove it to the desired location. The order of the selected attributes can also be changed by selecting the attribute, then clicking the up or down Arrow icon. If you do not want the attribute name listed in the patient demographics image segment, clear that display identifying string box. When you clear this box, the attribute name is no longer displayed. Only the patient information from the DICOM headers. When you click OK, the attributes update immediately. To set the image text attributes to be displayed for the selected data types, open the configuration panel and click the display and Behavior tab. Open the image text configuration section. Select a modality from the list. For example, fused select image text configuration. Select the attributes that should be displayed as customized image text. Select show all to display all predefined attributes for image text customization. Or select a single attribute, for example patient name. Click alley.

i. Favorite Tools Layout Gallery SIEMENS SIEMENS . NM oste«hondto... • 01.01.1951 Favorite Tools Layout Gallery Healthineers NM xSPECT 01. Osteochondro... Configuration Configuration panel Configure Text Configuration Custom For a study specified by modality and assignment condition, please drag the layouts to the Favorite Tools ROI Circle Spine:Rib Area • 01.01.1951 Layout ry Layout operations * 01.01.1951 FTc-99m DPD Patient Tc.ggm opo in Tc.ggm Patient : gone Scan 07 Study Description Bone Scan M Windowl : Technetium Radiopharmaceutical OPO Preferred Layouts section. The first layout in the list will be your initial layout. Favorite Contr.. Windowi.. Line Text Label Registrat... Graphics study Administrotion Layout operations opo SPECT LWS ICGZAS 24i1s5rnm -AC Enhanced Energy Window 1 : 99m Technetium series Description SPECT series Description SPECT L o. 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Full Text Name Format Layouts Configuration Private Layouts as Bone Fused AC_CTLWS SPECTLWS ICGZAS AC_CTLWS ioné[ Gone quisition Time isition Date Number patient ID anent ID Patient ID in MBq to Patient Name Patient ID opo opo Bone Scan Bon Stan . 3 stud, Accession Number 1 OPO Image Text General MI General Choose protocol to confÜure Choose protocol to Initial Workflow Step Please note that the learning material is for training purposes only! g3ne ggm 99m Ml Genera OPO custom ROICirde Automatic Hime Automatic FAST Snapshot AC_CT LWS L AC_CTLWS AC_CT LWS | L OPO Gated State Gtated static Statec Modality Contrast t Contrast Agent Acquisition Time Patient Name Protocol Name Assignment Object Assignment Condition Assignment Condition Assignment Object Patient ID Patient Patient DPO Public Neme Basic 07.08.2013 Private Layouts patient : Study Description Bone Scan study Time : stud' Time : Time : 10:00:19 Accession Number : 1 Patient ID opo Registrar.. Graphks Graphk.s Study Description Bone Layout Raryes Planes FAST _ Alünment IAcquisition Time Preferred Layouts Ml Ml General will in text AC_CT LWS B70s | SPECT LWS [CGZAS - AC Enhanced AC_CT LWS [4] SPECT LWS [CGZAS 24i - AC Enhanced Tone Protocol Neme Display Organ Assignment Condition Public 3740 Btasic Basic static Dynamic Patient ID : DPO DPD mic Study Description : Bone Scan Static + Bone Scan gone Scan study Date : 07.08.2013 07.08.2013 07.082013 Contrast Agent Dose in mCi Study Date Stuty Date Study Description AC_CT LWS [4] | SPECT LWS [CGZAS AC_CT LWS [4] | SPECT L AC_CT LWS | SPECT L AC_CT LWSs [4] | SPECT LWS [CGZAS Patient 10 Tc.ggm DPO AC Enhanced Study Description Bone Bone Fused Modality I Organ Processing Patient : Patient Name Patient ID Ml General General MI General a: Display Time t Intensity NM NMICT NM/CT Bone Tomo Bone Fused Study Description Bone Scan SPECT LWS ICGZAS Enhanced 07.08.2013 (cons Patient Tc.ggrn DPO [cous NWCT Exposu re Dose in mCi Dose in MBq Study Time Study Date Assignment Lws •c Ml Organ Processi teneral Show Patient DPO Allgemeine Layouts Preferred Layouts EnergyWindcwI 99m TechnetiumRadiopharmaceuticaI DPO Bone Fused LUT Settings Layouts AC_CT Lws "PR FUSION MPR FUSION Use thickness AC_CT LWS ICGZAS 2m NM Ml General General Bone Tomo Bone Fused Study Description Bone Study Description Series Description *Bone Scan* Bone Scan AC_CTLWS 24i AC_CT 24i 1sSmm. AC_CT (CGZAS 24i 1sSmm. AC_CTLWS Layouts 2.3 NMJCI AC_CT SPECT LWSICGZAS Bone Fused 07.08.2013 for Use (hereinafter collectively "Operator Manual") issued by Siemens Healthineers. This material is to be Text Exposure in uAs Exposure Dose in mCi Exposu re Accession Number Study Time Accession Number : 1 Planar Volume Veume Velume •J Wy Custom Settings "PR FUSION AC_CT Lws SPECT Lws (CGZAS SL min Bone Tomo Automatic Layout AC_CTLWS LWS (CGZAS Apply custom settings AC Enhanced Slice Thickness AC_CT LWS LWS [CGZAS AC_CT LWS | SPECT LWS [CGZAS 241s5mm AC Enhanced of slice thickness NW Gated ALL Attributes Axial AC_CTLWS AC_CT SPECT 24 . General AC "PR FUSION MPR FUSION Sated Static - Exposure Time Exposure in uAs Exposure Energy Window 2 Patient ID : Tc-99m DPO Study Description Bone Scan study Date : 07.08.2013 Stuty Date study study Time Study Tin Accession Number : 1 Energy Window 1 99m TechnetiumRadiopharma Energy Window 1 . 99m TechnetiumRadiopharmac used as training material only and shall by no means substitute the Operator Manual. Any material used Patient Patient : Patient 10 Patient Name Patient ID Time Otate Hime Gate Oate AC_CT LWSICGZAS Anv General 10 AC Enhanc•3d SPC1.o General Auto Lung 3D Fused 2x3 Assignment Object NM Axial CT Fused . SPECTLWS (CGZAS SPECT ICGZAS Configure Text Configuration 40 Apply custom thickness settings Set as default Use series data for thickness settings Birth Date, and SIEMENS Exposure in uAs Institution Name Exmsure Time Exmsure in uAs Allgemeine Layouts Energy Window 1 Energy Window 2 Radiopharmaceutical min SL min in this training will not be updated on a regular basis and does not necessarily reßect the latest version of Fused 2x3 Name LÅcquisition Date AC_CT LWS 870s [4] | SPECT LWS [CGZAS 24i - Name Time t Ised AVaI 3x2 Ml Organ MI Organ organ Organ DSspIay DSpIay Tune AC_CT LWS SPECT LWS [CGZAS - Assignment Object sec 1.0 Apply custom thickness settings Study Description Bone Study Description Movie Fused 2x3 Fuse] 213 Fused 213 Fuse' 2x3 Fused Fused„. Fused. Data Type Institution Name Acquisition Time Exposure Time Series Description Study Description Radiopharmaceutical Radiopharmaceutical OPO Ml Organ Gated State Otate Oate Planar 40 Volume Axial _ pa Study Description AC_CT LWS [4] SPECT LWS [CGZAS 24M - AC Enhanced Pa Fused. _ _ Fused 213 Fused 2x4 Fused The reproduction, transmission or distribution of this training or its contents is not permitted without NM KVP Institutim Name Series Description Acquisition Date Statk - static - Dyn AC_CT LWS 1 SPECT AC_CT LWS (41 SPECT AC_CT LWS [4] | SPECT L STATIC Assignment Micro Delta Hot Metal Inverted Grayscale„ Basic static Static • Static • Planar PLanes Savscræn Axial 3x... + Movk . Axial 3x... + Movk . Axial 3x... + Movke Axial 3k.. + Movk Axial 31... Axial 31... Axial 3x... min O *ratty Intervity • MI Name F. 62M 'gar, NM Study Description Layout Management Assignment Condition Assignment Object WE • Dual 30 40 1 40 40 Slice Spacing Tirrr View V.ew Intensity InWBnsity Contrast Agent Ml Organ Manufacturer Model Acquisition Date : Dose in MBq Operators' Name Acquisition Date Acquisition Time Body Part Examined Ml Gated Axial 3m Stri* 2X3 3x... 213 Sri* (I) Strix (I Stri* (I Intensiy 2x3 Fused 2x3 1.0 DYNAMIC Ml Organ Hot Body Healthineers CURRENT I CURRENT Operators' Name Patient Birthdate Manufacturer Model Dose in MBq Bone Scan Protocol Name Bone *Bone Scan* *Bone Tone FUSED Strip — MI Organ Processing AC_CT B70s [4] | SPECT [CGZAS - AC Enhanced MI Organ Procez,s ng MI Organ Proce•-s ng Ml Organ Processi "PR FUSION SPEC r SPEC' SPEC' AC AC_CTLWS Bros s5m ZAs24i1s5m Slice Spacing like warnings and cautions. STUDY 07.08.2013 Fused 213 Fused 2x4 40 40 40 Hybrid ZAS24i1s$m Planar CT GATED 40 Ml Organ Processing MPR Operators' Name Patient Birthdate Name Grayscale Dose in mCi Filter Set as default Fused Fused. Fused 213 Fused Hybrid 313 313 40 40 4D Comßre 40 40 401-Ybrd Comßre AC_CTLWS AC_CTLWS Bros 1 SPECT Lws ICGZAS s5m Strtigp... Compare Furrtb... Ix3 2x3+... WE. S... Fused 2x3 Fused 213 Axial Siemens Layouts Preferred Layouts Private Layouts 3x3 2x3+... 2x3+___ Fused. _ _ Fused 213 Fused 2x3 Compare State AIL names and data of patients, parameters and configuration dependent designations are fictional Assignment re Axial Functbonal 40 Hybrid Preferred Layouts Allgemeine Layouts Siemens Layouts Private Layouts Patient Birthdate. Sex and Age Patient Birthdate Apply minimum spacing WHOLE BODY AC_CT LWS | SPECT LWS [CGZAS 24i - AC Enhanced Exposure 970s LwsicozAS Grayscale AC_CT Lws T Lws Ml Organ Processing Remove from Favorites Re m Slice Stripe (1) Strixs Axial 3m. 2x3 Warm Metal Micro Delta Hot Metal Patient Name Patient Sex and Age Protocol Name Patient DPO Patient Birthdate. Sex and Age Patient ID Note: Some functions shown in this material are optional and might not be part of your system. Apply percentage value spacing SL min MFR FUSION TOMO Cardiac Volume MPR CR AC Enhanc AC Enhanc d J— : SL min SL min FUSION Inverted Grayscale„ Static + static - Static • Dynamic Hybrid Lung sue. _ 2x3 _ W _ • Show Show . Show Show SL man Patient Sex and Age Protocol Name Patient ID opo Patient : SL min . sec sec MPR of slice thickness % of slice thickness Exposure Time Patient Name StriR (I ) Stripe (1) Compare NAC Strti*... Static... Btasic Strtip... static Compare Striß StriR Strtip... Strigp... Strip... Btasic... MCMie 40 10 Ml Organ Processing MI Organ Processing Lessing spc spc GATED TOMO : SL Study ID Patient Sex and Age Referring Physician Fused Axial 3x2 - 20 Quant MCMie 1 Ocm Certain products, product related claims or functionalities described in the material (hereinafter collectively 07 080013 07.08 2013 spc Apply absolute value spacing. AIL rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are Institution Name FUSION 2x3 212 Orientation 40 40 SL min SPECTLWS 24i1 s5mm • AC Enhan Stuey ID Study ID Referring Physician Ascending Red Must not exceed slice thickness. Preferred Layouts Allgemeine Layouts Siemens Layouts Private Layouts I Ocm Fused 2x3 15: 1988 | 14:5906 Mixing Ratio "PR FUSION SL min "Functionality") may not (yet) be commercially available in your country. Due to regulatory requirements, MPR FUSION ICXrn SPC 1.0 SL min 1.0 1.0 App •v SL min + Movie Cardiac AC Cardiac Volumne Volume V O fume Volunp Nelume Volume Velume SPC 1.0 Study Description Series Description Stuey ID Time Name 4 MA -125 1000 -94 Edit SL min sec Stripe (1) NAC Stri* Strti*... Comments SPC SPECT ICOZAS study ID Ovs cozas cozas Inverted Grayscale Study ID 10cm Ml 1 Ocm overlay Operators' Name "PR FUSION Apply Applv Compare Gated Slab Th Copyright O Siemens Healthcare GmbH, 2020 Edit Duplicate Delete Icoz•s SL min BW Parabolic SL min Patient Birthdate Save (Reset) Display Identifying String Cl Display Identifying String Duplicate Delete AC_CT Lws Lws Ml Organ Processing Patient Birthdate. Sex and Age AC_CT LWS SPECT LWS AC_CT LWS B70s 141 1 SPECT I-WS 1.0 40 40 40 Static • Dynamic Corner Menu and Mini Bar Corner Menu and Mini Ic I Bar 1248 la.... wB.S.. 113.... wB.S.. la.... 213.... Compare SPECTLWSlCGZAS24i1s5mm-'ÅCEnha SPECT ICGZAS . SPECTLWS (CGZAS SL min SPECT (CGZAS 24i1s5mm Enhanced Hot Metal Hot Iron MPR FUSION Close k) Close Patient Sex and Age 24iI s5mm OK Planes SL min SPECTLWS Accept Cancel Raryes Cances MPR FUSION FUSION AC_CT SPECT LWS 24i1 s5mrn AC_CT SPECT LWS s5mrn Referring Physician SL nun Close 1.0 11:19 Favorite Tools ral Favorite Tools Series Stri*s Findings Printil

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