
syngo.via VA30 – Optimum Contrast

syngo.via VA30 – Optimum Contrast

syngo.via® CT Dual Energy Optimum Contrast The syngo.via Dual Energy Optimum Contrast application class creates fused images by integrating the best properties of the low kV Dual Energy data set (increased contrast) and the best properties of the high kV Dual Energy data set (low noise). 1. From the Patient Worklist, load an appropriate data set into the Dual Energy Workflow:  If the examination has been correctly mapped, double click to load  If manual mapping is required, right-click the examination and select (Re-) Assign Workflow Template > CT Dual Energy 2. On the Dual Energy Workflow Step, click the Show Optimum Contrast icon. CT Dual Energy % ................. Show Optimum Contrast Image Abdomen (CA) Application Profile 3. Hover over the bottom center of a Dual Energy Blended image to access the Optimum Contrast Windowing mini-toolbar. The sliders for center (C slider) and width (W slider) allow for an individual optimization of the images. FL ST SAF DE Liver_Hemangioma ,- LMU_Munich Ref.: Dual Energy Onco SAF STE Gold SOMATOM Definition Flash -- > CURRENT.OPTIMUMCONTRAST.WORKINGSE CT 2012B.1.04_P@1 # 2012R0932 4/30/2012 10:08:49.37 AM 16 FRM 1 SP F661.3 R 10cm Manip MPR Optimum Contrast Windowing F DE OC C +C -300 1 50 500 350 W 200 500 O 4. This resulting Optimum Contrast dataset may be saved as a new axial, coronal, or sagittal series using the Parallel Ranges tool in the upper left segment. SIEMENS 639 Effective date 9/8/2016 Page 1 of 1

  • syngo.via VA30 – Optimum Contrast