
syngo.via VB30 MM Oncology for MI: Quantification e-Clip

RECIST/WHO + VOI Isocontour | VOI Isocontour Properties | Configure Functional Segmentation Threshold | Trending | Automatic Segmentation | Multi Foci Segmentation | Quick Quant | Drop Sphere | Total Lesion Glycolysis I Automation of standard Deauville five point scale.

After the persist threshold has been determined, quantification of the patient can begin. Navigation is possible across any of the slice planes. The rotating map can be stopped by moving your mouse pointer over the segment and clicking the middle mouse button. The map can also be controlled by moving the mouse pointer to the bottom center of the segment and clicking the pores icon. To rotate the paused map, right click and drag the mouse to the left or right. To navigate, click the lesion you would like to quantify. To turn on the VOI tool from the context menu, choose the VOI tool. The scroll wheel can be used so that the mouse pointer does not move off the lesion of interest. Click the resist. Who plus Voi ISO contour. Click and drag the mouse to encompass the lesion you would like to quantify. The lesion findings are displayed providing values for the Max peak and threshold. The VOI is drawn using the selected threshold value by default 40% unless defined differently by the user. Adjust the threshold as required. To encompass an ellipsoidal lesion, press and hold the shift key and click and drag the mouse over the lesion. For potentially quicker quantification, the tool stays active until the escaped key is pressed. If required tools can be automatically deactivated after creating a measurement by entering the configuration dialog box and clicking the measurements tab. Select the deactivate tools after creating a measurement checkbox to enable this function. To edit what is displayed in the finding, enter the upper right corner menu, right click resist. Who plus Voi, ISO, contour and click VOI ISO contour properties. The finding evaluations can now be selected by either selecting or clearing those you would like to be displayed, followed by clicking OK. If desired, the user can modify the default threshold of VOY ISO contours and automatic segmentations to modify the threshold. Enter the configuration dialog box and select measurements. The pet an M segmentation and ISO contour allow the user to specify a percentage of local, voi, Max or absolute value. Select the appropriate option. And enter the desired value. Click OK to confirm the change. GNU measurements now use the GNU threshold values. Now that lesions have been quantified, they can be compared to prior examinations. Findings enter the case navigator by moving the mouse pointer over the Arrowhead on the left hand side of the screen and click the findings details icon in the findings and navigator. The chart displayed is a quick reference to compare the study parameters of each examination. Parameters of interest could be the patient's weight, dose delay time, and reconstruction method to compare the results, click the trending tab. In the Trending tab, a lesion can be selected from the findings navigator and trended overtime. The graphs access show percent change as well as the UV value to modify the baseline, simply click and drag the red line to the desired baseline. The percentage change access updates immediately. To view another Legion, simply click the finding in the findings navigator. The graph can display multiple metrics, including Max, volume, Peak and EQ. With syngo via M on Koleji being cross modality software, it can not only quantify the PET data but also the see T data. To begin, let's change the see T windowing too long to get a better look at the lungs. The automatic segmentation tools are located in the upper right corner menu and the control menu by clicking on the drop down. Notice that there are automatic segmentation tools for the lung, liver and lymph node, as well as a generic algorithm. Either click or use the keyboard shortcut Alt 1 to activate the lesion segmentation. To quantify the paint data set, simply click the center of the lesion arped ISO contour is created to quantify the see T data set. Click the center of the lesion and the recist who and volume results are automatically calculated. Our target lesion toolbar peers on the lower portion of the segment providing tools to edit the boundaries of the see T lesion if required. The multi foci segmentation tool allows the user to segment multiple lesions of interest in the patient's body based on the selected threshold. The tool can provide a whole body tumor burden with minimum clicks and can be used for any functional data that supports SUV. To use the tool, move the mouse pointer over the upper right corner menu and select multi foci segmentation. If the user has not yet generated deliver or a or to persist reference region, the multi foci segmentation tool ask the user for generation of the region via the appropriate icon. Select the liver icon or the aorta icon to generate the persist reference region. Murphy now generates a preview image and displays segmentations that are above the specified threshold an size. Scroll through the images to view the different segmentations that have been identified. Regions of the image can be excluded by resizing the box. Simply adjust the border to exclude the region. Reviewing the generated findings and deleting those that are not clinically relevant. For example, the renal uptake and bladder is recommended. To delete segmentations, enable the delete void mode from the MMSE Mini toolbar and then click within the segmentation. That is not clinically relevant. The Delation can also be achieved by pressing the control key and clicking within the potential segmentation. Deactivate the delete void button or simply press escape. Once you are satisfied, click create to generate the findings displayed. To exit the MUF tool, press the escape key. The F3 and or F4 key can be used to review each drawn finding. To adjust the parameters used by the multi foci segmentation tool, enter the configuration dialog box. The selection of foci can be either souvik or UV Max and be based upon persist, liver, persist aorta or a specified manual threshold. The segmentation of foci can be based upon percentage of local area, persist threshold or manual fixed F value large and small lesion segmentations can be excluded by selecting the appropriate checkbox and or setting the MLE limit. The quick Want function provides a quick indication of them access UV within a sphere of a defined diameter around the mouse cursor. As the mouse is moved, the quick want SUV value updates. To modify the sphere radius, enter the configuration dialog box an select measurements. The quick want sphere radius is listed and can be adjusted to the required sphere radius. Click OK to confirm the change. A sphere of a specified radius can be used to evaluate patient disease, activate the voice via by selecting the appropriate tool. Click the center of the area of interest and a sphere of defined radius is placed. If the user would like to modify the default sphere radius, enter the configuration dialog box an select measurements under voice via the drop sphere radius parameters are listed. The quick want sphere radius can be used, or the user can specify a specific radius if desired. The guiding borders of the sphere can be displayed by selecting show drop sphere guiding graphics. Click OK to confirm the change. The guiding graphics are now displayed for the voice sphere and the specified radius is used. Total lesion glycolysis has been introduced for M on Koleji and provides total lesion glycolysis and molecular tumor volume values for Roy segmentations, T LG and MTV. Values can be obtained using the recist, who plus VOI, ISO, contour or the automatic segmentation tools. If the LG or MTV values do not appear after drawing a VOI, enter the void ISO contour properties by selecting the settings icon next to the resist. Who plus Voi ISO contour or automatic segmentation tool. Select T, LG and volume, MTV and click OK. The LG and MTV values now appear in the lesion dialog box. If multiple time point data sets are loaded, the TL, G and MTV of lesions can be trended overtime. Enter the findings details, an click the Trending tab. The metric dropdown now includes volume, MTV and Tlag to view the total lesion glycolysis burden, enter the series details, the MTV burden and T LG burden. For the data set are provided. Automation of Deauville Five point score has been introduced for mykala G and provides a summary of patient disease state and response to therapy when compared with prior scans. Currently recommended only for lymphoma based on dovel. Comparing lesion uptake with liver and mediastinal. It can be obtained using the Roy voice via VOI ISO, Contour and PET one click segmentation tools. To activate, enter the properties by selecting the settings icon next to the respective segmentation tool. Select Doville score and click OK. Click resist, who plus void ISO contour. Click and drag the mouse pointer to encompass the lesion you would like to quantify. If the user has not yet generated deliver and the auto reference region, the segmentation tool asks the user for the generation of the region using the appropriate icon. Select the liver icon and the iota icon to generate the reference reagents. The Devil's Core values now appear in the quantification dialog box. Respectively, two stands for lesion uptake less than or equal to mediastinal. Three stands for lesion uptake greater than mediastinal but less than or equal to liver. Four stands for lesion uptake moderately greater than liver. Five stands for lesion uptake, markedly greater than liver. Note the system evaluates the segmentation on a score of two to five. A score of 1 where the lesion uptake is less than that of the background is not supported. If multiple time point data sets are loaded, the Dovel score can be trended overtime. Enter findings details and click the trending tab. Under the option of hottest lesion, the metric list now includes the Dovel score.

SIEMENS. Lung CAD T Text AEF Onco Undo undo Auto STUDY 912012007 Siernens Healthineer Sémens HeaÄhineer Health"leer SIEMENS rad 3 rad3 suv-tw • serve Siemens Healthineer Siemnens Healthineer Server: Siemens Stem Text server: server server server: RECIST Server rad3 server: server. Siernens Healthineer server server: Serve: Series 11 70 10 40 Server: Server: 146.2S4M33.144 server. Server Server: 146.2S4.133.144 server: IOcm 10cm 1 Ocm TP3_HoadNeckCa TP3_HeadNeckCa CURRENT CURRENT Findings Details Findings Ceate Series Details STUDY 9/20/2007 CURRENT Max: 2.89 SUV-bw TP3 TP3_HeadNeckCa TP3 HeadNeckCa HeadteckCa TP3_HeadteckCa TP3_Headt•eckCa Ma : SUV-bw TP3_HoadNeckCa TP3 TP3 1-kadNeckCa HeadNeckCa Max. 12 Findings details Findings Navigator 912012007 I-kadt&ckCa 22 122504 PM TP3_HeadNeckCa HeadteckCa TP3 TP3 HeadN4eckCa TP3_HeadN4eckCa TP3 Headb4eckCa TP3 HeadNeckCa F-18 FOG F-18 FDG TP3_HeadNeckca TP3 a 42 SUV-bw s. 00 suv-bn 1782 SUV-bw 0. .00 SUV-bw 22 n SUV-bw ——400 TP3_HeadNeckCa TP3 HeadNeckCa TrueX 6.7 3 min 3i21 (AC) TrueX 6.7 3 min (AC) TrueX 6.7 3 min (AC) TrueX 7 S 3 min 321 TrueX 6.g 2 3i21s4rT (AC) TrueX 6.7 3 min1 (AC) • 1/1/1930 M F-18 • 1/1/1930 M FDG8 • 1/1/1930 M FDG • 01.01.1930 • F-18FDG • M 1/1/1930 RECIST 1. I 1/1/1930 M FOG • 1/1/1930 M FOG • 1/1/1930 M F-18FDG • 1/1/1930 M F-18 FOG 1/1/1930 M • 1/1/1930 M • 1/171930 M FDG TrueX 6.7 3 min 3i21s4mm (AC) TP3 HeadNeckCa Peak: SUV-bw/ Size: I CURRENT 2219g SUV-bw STUDY 9/20/2007 '01.01.1930M F-18FDG • 1/1/1930 M FDG *01.01.1930MF-18FDG • 1/1/1930 M F-18FDG 122720 PM • 1/1/1930 M FDG • 1/1/1930 M F-18 FDG • 8FDG PM 0. 00 IUV-bw Oncology • 1/1/1930 M 4.72 SUV-bw s . 00 SUV-bw o.00 suv-bn / 30 % Size: 1 crn3 MM SPA1323 S TLOY • 1/1/1930 M F-18 * 1/1/1930 M 1/1/1930 M 1/1/1930 M FOG 1/1/1930 M 1/1/1930 M F-18FDG 9f20f2007 STUDY 9/20/2007 Trending • 1/1/1930 M F-18 FDG • 1/1/1930 M F-18 FOG ing SO: SUV-bw 22 n SUV-bw 2 FRY • 1/1/1930 M F-18 1/1/1930 M FOG8 1/1/1930 M F-18 122604 PM )ncology Lymph Generic MIP Text ALH ARF Findings Navigator Findings details Findings Details AQI PM Distance Line AQI ? I (AC) (AC) MM Oncology L36BV011 PT VOI Isocontour Properties PERCIST Configuration ology 22 Distance Line Oncology SIMA-76 CURRENT C u RRENT ALH CURRENT 1 #1 21 22.13 2219 SUV-bw 1.41 SUV-bw 22 Mg )ncology 2213 SUV-bw rP3_HeadNeekC. 22 MM Reading sp Al 60.8 Truex 6.7 3 min 3i21s4mm (AC) Liver Lymph CURRENT Series Detaile Series Details Rreading 22 g SUV-bw o. CURRENT logy Reading TP3 HeadNeckCa A RF STUDY 9/20/2007 9120/2007 ARF UT Medical Center F-18 FDG 18 FOG 18 F-18 FOG True* 321 True* 87 321 Truex 67 True* (.40 True* 7 3 True* 3 321 True* 321 (.40 Truex 67 3 87 min 3i21 sonm (AC) CURRENT TrueX 8.7 3 TrueX 6.7 3 (.40 TrueX 2 3i21 (.40 TrueX 6.7 3 TrueX 6.9 2 3i21s421m (AC) TrueX 6.7 3 3i21s4mm (.40 TrueX 6.7 3 m 3i21 (AC) TrueX 8.7 3 3i21s4mm (.40 TrueX 8.7 3 (.40 TrueX 6.9 2 3i21s4rnm (AC) TrueX 6.9 2 min 3i21s4mm ex 8.7 3 21 (.40 21 s4mm (A C) I s4mm (A C) logy CURRENT 1 CURRENT 5m CT 5mm_CT 5mm C 87 3 6.7 3 87 67 Trending ROI Circle ncobgy Reading TP3_HoadNeekCa NE FOG F-18FDG Reto Ref: MM Oncology peak- 17 03 SUV-bw / Size 1 peak; 1703 SUV-bw / Size; 1 17 03 SUV-bw / Size; 1 cm3 cm3 UT Center .03 / Size. I 9 , •20/2007 TrueX 8.7 3 22 SUV-bw cm3 ALH ARF 3i21 Truex 67 3 3i2ts4'"n TrueX 6.7 3 min 3i21 (AC) 6.7 3 ncology MM Oncobgy Reading MM Oncobogy Reading Trending WB3 TP3 Head"eekca TP3 HeadN4eckCa rP3 Head"eekca L368V011 PT L368VOll PT Peak: 1703 SUV-bw / Size: 1 CURRENT PT Distance Line I CURRENT c URRENT C3b8VOll PT 1.373V011 CURRENT El 8 FOG TP3_i-mdNeckCa TP3 HeadNeckCa Max: 22 u SUV-bw Max: 22 Mg SUV-bw Truex 67 3 Q. Truex 67 3 min 3i21s4mm cology T ad reckCa CURRENT CURRENT C URRENT MM Oncology Reading CURRENT CURRENT 67 Series LIOVOII L368VOll LS88VOll F-18 CT 50 6.7 3 / 40 % CT 3 / 40 % CT 50 3 / % CT 50 6.7 3 / % Trending Thresh: 888 SUV-bw % Thresh: 888 % 888 SUV-bw J % Trending Peak 17 1 cm3 STUDY g '2012007 STUDY CURRENT I CURRENT VOI Isocontour Properties Max 22 u SUV-bw ROI Circle FOG True* 8.7 3 TrueX 6 7 3 3i21 s 41m (AC) TrueX S 7 3 3i21 (AO) TrueX S 7 3 3i21 s 4M' (AO c' 830' 830' 5 830' True* 7.5 3 321s4mm (AC) TrueX S 7 3 3i21s4tTtn (AC) TrueX 6.7 3 3i213421 (AC) True* S 7 3 3i21s4tTtT' (AC) 5.57 6.7 3 UT Medical Center TrueX 6.S 3 STUDY CT 830: 67 3 CT min CT 67 3 (A c) 6.7 3 67 3 67 3 X 67 3 7 3 TP3 HeadNeckCa TP3 HeadNeckca "2002007 "/20/2007 420/2007 Truex 6.7 3 321 888 / % TrueX 6.7 3 321 (AC) Circle Configuration s n_oy s n_ov HeadteckCa STUDY STUDY 20.09.2007 s now CURRENT TP3_HeadNeckCa CURRENT 1 CURRENT CURRENT F-18FDG Peak: 17 03 Size. 17 03 1 2219 SUV-bw 782 SUV-bw 3 rmn 3i21 s4mm CURRENT Truex 6.7 3 min 3i21 s4mm (AC) 67 3 min 3i21 s4mm Truex Truex 67 TrueX 6.7 3 Truex 6.7 True* 6.7 Peak: 1703 Size: I cm3 22 u9 SUV-bw 32. 19 SUV-bw 22 19 SUV-bw 0.00 SUV-bw s. 00 SUV-bw Max: SUV-bw SUV-bw 0 .00 SUV-bw s. 00 SUV-ban 311 SUV-bw STI_OY snor2007 STLOY gnor2007 gnor2007 snor2007 4/272007 67 . 03 Size: 1 cm3 Truex 67 STUDY gnon007 STUDY 9/20/2007 Display the following evaluations on PET/SPECT data: sn_o•,' 4.72 SUV-bw 22 g SUV-bw S. OO SUV-bw .43 SUV-bw 22 u SUV-bw 1782 SUV-bw SUV-bw 0.00 SUV-bw STUDY CURRENT 1 SO SUV-bvv 21 OO SUV-bw 2 1 SUV-bw 321 Pixel Lens CURRENT CURRENT I CURRENT L374VOIl CURRENT CURRENT CURRENT I CURRENT 3D Readirq 3D Readim Trending 40 3D Readimg MM Reading 3D ReadirQ 22 U SUV-bw Thresh. 888 I L17VQIl Ll 7VOll gmnc07 gnor2007 gmnc071 Series Details Findings details Trending s TIDY 20092007 I CURRENT o. TP3 HeadNeckCa 20Lsm07 20Lsam7 20.09 am.' TP3_HeadNeckCa IJT Center L371vö11 PT CT 5 6.7 3 mm cra3Ds Ref.: MM Oncology 1.371 VOII 1—371 VOII Multi-foci CUEQENT I CURF&NT CT S S 3 CURRENT 9/2012007 CURRENT F-18 F-18 FDG F-18 FOG FDG Truex 6.7 3 3i21s4mm (A True* 6.7 3 3i21s4mm TrueX 6.7 3 min (AC) O ROI Circle Q, ROI Circle Peak: 1 CT a30s SO 67 CT SO TrueX CURRENT F-18FDG F-18 FDG STUDY Truex 6.7 3 min 3i21 (A Truex 6.9 2 (AC) Truex 6.7 3 3i21 True* 7 S 3 321 Truex 67 3 SUV-bvvxcm3 SUV-bw STUDY 9/20/2007 TrueX 6.7 MBqRg 3 min 3i21 s4mm (AC) Truex 6.7 3 M Truex 6.7 TrueX 7 S 3 Truex 6.9 2 Truex 6.7 3 True* (.40 CURRENT I CURRENT Peak k: Size. cm3 k: Size: 1 cm3 k: Size. crra 1 cm3 1 Ocm cr B30s 50 3 3i21s4mm cr B30s 50 True* 6.7 3 TrueX 6.7 3 rnin 321 s4mm (AC), TrueX MB MB 3 min 3i21 s4mm (ACV 1227:20 PM TrueX 6.7 3 sruoy 122604 122604 PM 12201 PM 122 STUDY gnon2007 LIOVC)II SUV-bvv STUDY 9.1202007 3D Reading CT aaos True* 67 3 CT aaos S.0 121 True* 67 3 CT aaos TrueX 67 3 MM Oncology Reading 11581 crn3 F-18FDG STUDY TP3 HeadNeckCa Graph of Table for Selected Lesion Table for @ Selected Lesion O Selected Lesion TrueX 6.7 MBqNg 3 321 s4mm (AC) 1 1 Peak: 17113 1 cm3 gnonco.' 9120/2007 9/20/2007 4/20/2007 9120/92007 7 28/2006 Calculation Visualization Initial Layouts Measurements Measuremen'ts Lung CAD Trending STUDY a: Archiving STUDY 20 V-hw True* 6.7 3 min 321 s4mm (AO TrueX 6.9 2 3i21s4m (AC) True* 6.7 3 min 321 s4mm cr 3 .43 SUV-bw 1227:m20PM 12:m20PM 1227:20PM 122720 PM 1227:mPM Distance Line 12:2720 PM 1227:20PM 1227:20 PM 122720 PM 1227:m20PM Max (Maximum) Patient Name •1/1/1930, M, 77Y TP3_HeadNeckCa Graph of Selected Lesion Selected Lesion Lesion Rreading 1100 01200 s.00 S. 00 3100 0.00 STUDY SUV-bw 8.68 % 20092007 321 s4mn (AC) ROI Circle peak 14 Size: Modality STUDY 4/27/2007 STUDY 912012007 1 cm3 4/20/2007 122604 PMI 1227: STUDY 9/20/2007 STUDY 9/20/'2007 prior 01 | prior 01 prior 01 | Prior 01 Prior 01 | Prior 01 priorol I prior 01 1 prior 01 Prior 01 CT B30S 5.0[211 Truex 67, 3 min CT B30S 5.0[211 Truex 3 CT a30s so 1 CT SO 1 Volume (MTV): 8 13 12280-41 12:27:20 PM 4/27/2007 . STUDY 9/20/2007 Size: I cm3 I crn3 ...AQI:FI Marker Fit to Segment 4/27.042007 122720B' 122720 PM Trending Multi-foci Arc hiving Please note that the learning material is for training purposes only! Segmentation 1227*' PM STUDY )logy Reading 3D Reading Reading )ology Reading Reading Trending CURRENT CURRENT 21 SUV-bw S -102 S -sq -102 S IMÅna_ S IMAna. Lung 122604 122720 PM _ IS / Size: 1 cm3 Max. SUV-bw ng Patient Name L372V011 L368VOll CT SO 1211 SO True 20092007 20091007 -bw / Size: 1 crn3 -bw / Size: 1 cm-s STUDY gnot2007 STLOY gnor2007 SUV-bw I gnor2007 STUDOY CT 830s Truex 6.7 3 f 40 % T SUV-bw / 4Cl % 3009 112009 20092cm 2009 STUDY STUDY gno CT S.O [2] | Truex 6.7 3 / 40 % 920/2007 | 9/202007 Segmentation ma 27.04.2007 20.092007 SPF73sa SPF733E I sp S sp SPF8sss sp SCO 22 n SUV-bw 22 u SUV-bw CURRENT I CURRENT Lung CAD Volume Thresh: 888 / 40 Archiving AOI:FI RECIST 1 _ 1 RECIST 1. I RECIST 1._ I RECIST 1 RFCIST RECIST/WHO + cm3 1227:20PM RECIST RE-CIST 1 RE-CIST 1 _ 1 CURRENT I CURRENT CURRENT CURRENT 11.33 40 12:27:20 PM 1:02:01 PM PM sNA-öO Ll STUDY 9f20r2007 9m '2007 436 PM MM Oncology Reading Genere CT 5 0 [604 Maq/kg 2 min 3i21s4mm (AC) CT 5 0 [604] Truex Maq/kg 2 min (AC) TrueX 6 MBcvkg 2 min 3i21s4mm (AC) CT 5 O [604 | ruex Maq/kg 2 min (AC) Size: RE-CIST Max (Maximum) CT 5 [604] | ruex Maq/kg 2 min 3i21s4mm (AC) CT 5 [604 | ruex 2 min (AC) CTJB30S 5 0 [604] Truex 2 min (AC) 5 0 [604] | -rruex 2 min 321 s4mm 5 0 [604] Truex 2 min (AC) 5 0 [604] Truex 6 g 2 min 321 s4mm (AC) TrueX 6.9 2 min 321 s4mm (AC) Peak 1 s4mm C) 9 mn007 IPET 1227720 1 cm-I RECIST _ 1 CT 830s 5.0[2] | 6.7 3 gnor2007 | gnor20071 gnom07 122604 | Configuration Configurationl CURRENT SUV-bw f % Max_eq (Maximum Equivalent) TrueX 6.7 3 Truex 6.7 3 True* 6.7 %qRg 3 6.7 3 Patient Name TP3_HeadteckCa TP3 HeadNeckca TP3_HeadNeckCa TP3 HeadNeckCa 1227:20 122720 PM 122720 1227:20PM 1227.20 37 Graphics Graph of Table tor O Selected Lesion •D Selected Lesion Selected Lesion JD Selected Lesion Lesion Modality Truex 67 3 True* 67 3 Truex 6.7 3 37 % 6.7 3 Exgxrt to MM Reading Volume 5 P True* 6.7 MBqmV•g 3 min 321s4mrn (AC) True* 6.7 MBcvV•g 3 min 321s4mrn (AC) TrueX 6.9 2 3in 321 s4rnm (AC) True* 6.7 MBqRg 3 min 3121s4mrn (AC) True* 6.7 MBcvV•g 3 min 3i21s4mrn (AC) True* 6.9 3 min 321 s4m (AC) 12:60411227:20 12260411227:20 12:27.20PM Print Prior Prnt Copy Export to L-371VOll to STUDY 9120/2007 STUDY gnon007 lnftial Layouts Tumor Burden STUDY gnon007 volume 5 Volume _ r:rn3 Trending to 9'20/2007 9/20/2007 9$20'2007 27 '2007 Lymph Lymnph STUDY 9/2 Baseline Table for All Series AJI Series Prior 01, 27.04.2007 Prior 01, 27.042007 Prior mor Burden Metric Prior Prior 02 Configuration 122604 PM LIIVOII -rrß3 -rr13 -rrß EQ Finer: ??? mm Pixel Lens 1226 12260411227:20 1-372V011 PT TrueX 6.7 MBqncg 3 min 3i21 s4mm (AC) Il 23 1227:20 PM O. 00 SUV bw STUDY gnor2007 1227720 PM 1227:20 PM cm3 STUDY 4/27/2007 STUDY Table for O Selected Lesion Truex 6.7 3 min Marker STUDY RECIST I _ I Prior 01 , 4127/2007 Volume (MTV)' 8 13 cm? Turnor Burden 1227:20 PM 0.00 300 1100 3100 40 3.00 Prior 01 , 4/27/2007 Prior 4/27/2007 STUDY 427/2007 PMI 122710 PM STUDY Generic 9/20/2007 | Sl_1V-bvv suv-bw suv-bw.. Snapshot Arrow Size: I 122604 PMI 12:27:20 PM 122604 PMI PM STUDY 4/27/2007 Peak: 17 03 SUV-bw/ Size: 1 4/27/2007 4/27/200i7 TP3_HeadNeckCa 5 FRM ma. 5 FRM n.a. 5 IMAn.a. FRM n.a. Peak: 17 SUV-bw/ Size: 1 5 MA -59 AOI:FI Peak: 1703 I SPF6sop SPF650,o 9/202007 | 9/20/2007 | Oeeuville Scor 12:27:20PM 37 IT CT B30s 50 (604] | TrueX MBq/kg 2 min 3i21s4mm (AC) TrueX 6.7 3 min 3i21 s4mm (AC) TrueX 6.7 MBq/kg 3 min 3i21 s4mm (AC) TrueX 6.7 MBqRg 3 min 3i21 s4mm (AC) TrueX 6.9 2 min 3i21 (AC) PM Liver Peak 436 40 122720 PM STUDY 1227:20PM Display the following evaluations on PET/SPECT data. Display the following evaluations on PET/SPECT data: S "A -77 (MTV): 3D Reference Point Hide 1 cm3 40 True* 6.7 3 3i21s4mm Pixel Lens Volume (MTV): 2 LS72VOll SPF6sop Baseline TrueX 6.9 2 3i21s4rnm (AC) Generic TrueX 7.5 3 min 3i21s4mm (AC) TrueX 6.9 2 min 3i21 (AO TrueX 6.9 2 min 3i21s4mm (AC) 9/202007 4/27/42007 9/20/2007 9'20/2007 2 -77 5 L371V011 AM L17VOll Max.eq (Maximum Equivalent) Peak (Highest Average lcm3 Sphere) min 3i21 (AC) Volurri? JUhw / Size: / Size: 1 Peak Size: Peak 14 29 Size: 1 crn3 1 cm3 1 Ocm Maxeq (Maximum Equivalent) 4/27/2007 1 4/27/2007 4/27/2007 | 4/27/2007 Print nt Copy Multi-foci to prior 01.4/27/2007 prior 02.7/28/2006 Multi-foci sp I SPFssop I sp I SPFsso,o RECIST I. I PM PM CT B30S 1 Truex 6.7 3 (AC) CT B30S SO 1 Truex 6.7 3 CT B30S SO 1 Truex 6.7 3 (AC) CT B30S 1 Truex 6.7 3 Table tor @ All Series PM 12.27:20 PM 2.57 Tumor Burden Metric peak L372V011 PT 23 TrueX 6.9 2 min 3121 (AC) TrueX 6.9 2 min 3i21 (AC) TrueX 6.7 3 3i213421 (AC) TrueX 6.7 MB Truex 6.7 3 min 3121 s4mm (AC) TrueX 62 2 3i2134M (BC) Truex 6.7 MB Truex 6.7 3 min 3121 s4mnm (AC) Truex 6.7 3 321 TrueX 6.9 2 min 3i21m (AC) TrueX 6.7 3 min 3121 (AC) 12:26:04 PMI PM PM TrueX 6.7 3 3i21 (AC) TrueX 6.7 3 min 3121 (AC) Truex 6.7 3 321 (AC) TrueX 6.7 3 321 Truex 6.7 3 3in 321 (AC) TrueX 6.7 3 321 s4mm True* 6.7 3 321 5 -102 S n.a. 5 IMA 5 IMA ma. Al 32.3 267 MM Reading L372V011 L.380V011 Peak SPF8640 1 SPF86S S gnon007 9/20r2007 L 163/011 Copy SPA132.3 CT [604] | Truex MBq/kg 2 min 3i21s4mm Geneæ 11581 SUV-hwx 12522 @ All Series Baseline Prior 01, 27.04.2007 2 SUV-bw S v-bw Hottest Lesions Hottest •ons I Octn 01 SPF7418 S Tools Generic gnon007 SPF864.O I sp F86S S SPF8640 1 SPF8640 1 SPF865S Calculation Visualization Calculation Visualization Initial Layouts Lung CAD Archiving Arc hiving snon007 gnonoox 1227:20PM Initial Layouts Trending Max (Maximum) 12201 PM 1227:20 PM 12:27:20PM crn3 1227:20PM 1227:20 PM For the proper use of the software or hardware, please always use the Operator Manual or Instructions Peak Series: Angle Angle Liver Lymph 0.00 SUV-bw Arrow 12:27:20 PM Generic 0.00 suv bw C372VOIl '-bw cm3 SUV-tm 10806 AMI 1:2929 AM 1:2806 AMI 1:2929 AM 1:2806 AMI 12929 AM 9/202007 | 9/2012007 SUV SUV- SUV. SUV-bw | 9/20/2007 9/20/2007 | 9/202007 4/27/2007 920r2007 1:29 a AM 122720 PM 1.2029 AM 1:2929 AM 129.29 AM 11:2929AM 1.2929 AM 112929AM SPA237S TLG: SUV-bwx cm3 TLG: SUV-hwx cm3 Marker Lirver Segmentation RECIST Visualization Measurements RECIST Peak: 1 RECIST 1. 1 RE-CIST RECIST 1.1 I. I peak: Peak: Max: Lymph 12:27:20 PM SIJV- Lung Ljmph Peak_eq (Highest Average lcm3 Sphere Equivalent) Site crn3 æCST I Ocm PM 1227:20 PM 1227:20PM 12:27:20 PM 122504 PM 122720 PM 1227:20 1.0201 PM 1227:20 PM 12:2720 PM 12:m20PM Peak (Highest Average lcm3 Sphere) 12:27:20 PM peak PM PM Max (Maximum) 0.00 bw Multi-foci 5 -76 Segmentation 5 IMAn.a. 5 IMA ma. 5 MA -SO y' Size: / Size: 1 cm3 VOI #1 Volume (MTV): SU / Size: Size: 1 cm3 Size: 1 1 cm3 1 cm cm3 , -rn3 eauville Sc 're Max: 1226:04 PMI 1227:20 PM Baseline pnor 01 , 4/27/2007 cmr3 smm cm Measurements Hottest Lesions Archiving 604 IMA-60 604 | O IMA 604 | O 604 | O IMA -60 604 MA -60 | O IMA 604 1 0 IMA 604 O 604 IMA-60 0 604 IMA-59 0 CURRENT Prior 01 Liver Thresh scfv Threshold, 337 % L371V011 L.371VOll L372V011 L361V011 L369V011 SP F7336 1 SPF735.O Calculation Visualization Initial Layouts Lung CAD RECIST easurement SUV-PW LAF 2 min (AC) (MTV): 2 Volume 5 volume Volume (MTV): 5 1-371 VOC I Calculation Visualization I Initial Layouts Trending MM Reading c, RECIST Distance Line Thresh: sjv asut •mentS asurements Marker Lymph S MA -60 5 MA -60 5 IMA na S MA -86 5 IMA -77 RAF 5 -60 5 IMA -60 MM Reading for Use (hereinafter collectively "Operator Manual") issued by Siemens Healthineers. This material is to be Oeauville Score 5 asu Thresh: SUV 267 SUV SUV,bw Baseline SD VOI Sphere S -102 Peak Peak,' Size! 1 cm: Onco undo 9120/2007 Peak: Sphere Radius CURRENT Segmentation Thresh 3 STUDY 9/2012007 FUSION WB3 use Quick Quant sphere radius Volume Trend for Ll Oeauville Score Deauvile Score JDJ Max.eq (Maximum Equivalent) LJ Max.eq (Maximum Equivalent) Drop sphere radius 3D Reference Point Mean (Average) RECIST SP SP g SP F6g6.g F6g6.g Peak: SUV-by, 9/20/2007 Trend for Hottest Lesions 2.57 Thresh: SUV-bvv Thresh: Thresh: 7.86 Thresh. Pixel Lens STUDY gnon007 prior 02 prior 01 I Ocm Peak.eq (Highest Average lcm3 Sphere Equivalent) ÜeauviIle Score: 5 Deauville Score Oeauville Score- 5 score- 5 Thresh: 257 287 1 Ocm 377 % 21 SUV-bw I TLC: TJ.37 L372VOll PT Il shold 321 Il shod 321 SL min V Deactivate tools after creating a measurement Deactivate tools after creating a measurement Deauviue Score D' Display evaludtion text onty when selected J Max.eq (Maximum Equivalent) TrueX 6.7 3 TrueX 67 prior 01 rueX _ Min Max: 1.07 SL mm min l'hrestm Arrow 2 min 3i21s4mm Peak: / Size: 1 L369V011 1227:20 PM RECIST 1.1 SPF657.4 1 SPF6S7.4 1 SPF6S7 SPF6S7.4 1 I SPF6S6.3 1 SPFöS6.3 SL Size: I crn3 Thresh: STUDY 4127/2007 STUDY STUDY 9/20/2007 STUDY 9120/2007 Max; Volume (MTV): DO Max.eq (Maximum Equivalent) shold Trend for Hottest Lesions CAD AEF w/ 4b % L16VOll —-- L16VOll L16V011 — PM L6VOll 12:27:20 PM 1227:20 PM PM L6VOll used as training material only and shall by no means substitute the Operator Manual. Any material used frruex S IMA -77 SL min Thres I: frruex 5MAna. Text _ 40 1 S u V-bw SL min _ 400 0.00 S. 00 S .00 S .00 s .00 Peak S.00 S . 00 Mean_eq (Average Equivalent) 1.41 SUV-bw TLG Peak: SUV-bw / Size: I crn3 SUV-BIN/ Size AEF FUSION Truex MBq,'kg___ RECIST Peak I 5 -62 mm Drop sphere radius Distance Line Volume (MTV) 40 | use Quant sphere radius use Quick Quant sphere radius 3.00 SUV-bw Sphere SUV-hw suv-bw SUV-bw S V-bw s. 00 SUV-bw 0. 00 SUV-bw -4S7 —457 - 00 -457 -.00 S. 00 12.00 5.00% -.00 0.00 0. 00 Arrow s. 00 0, 00 2.07 S. 00 0. 00 1.00 o. 00 0.00 -.00 02.00 Mean (Average) Peak (Highest Average lcm3 Sphere) RAF S .23 SUV-bw 300 RECIST suv-ba Server: Marker 5 IMA -62 5 IMA -762 5 -77 5 IMA -76 5 MA -60 O IMA --62 Max: suv-bvv Max. 21.11 SUV-bw 5 IMA n.a. 5 IMAna. 337 Max: 21 SUV-bw 21.97 SUV-bw 4.72 SUV-bw 22 19 SUV-bw 0.00 SUV-bw Ly Gene i c Generi c Selection Criteria Selection Threshold 3,37 27042007 112205 110205 S. 00 Suv Lymph Lung Liver Live Lymph Generic / Size: 1 Volumne (MTV) 642 SUV-b TLG. Il 23 % Change SUV-bw SUV-mw suv-bw 40 Metric SL min Mean 2M L372V011 PT 0.00 SUV-bw PM Lirver. Lynvh AEF Distance Line Study Date / Time Peak (Highest Average lcm3 Sphere) 1.372V011 PT Thresho'cf Generic + VOI VOI L373VOll AEF The reproduction, transmission or distribution of this training or its contents is not permitted without SD (Standard Deviation) 40 s. 00 42 SUV',bw Propagate Markers propagate Markers 1 Ocm 48 SUV-bw L17VOll L.3780V011 U Display evaluation text only when selected & Display evaluation text only when selected L Display evaluation text only when selected study Date study Date / Time 4/27/2007 1012929 AM 4/27/2007 112205AM 4/27/2007 1129205AM 7/28/2006 1254758 PM Lung Peak: 14 29 Peak: 14 29 Size: Peak Size 9/2012007 1227:20 27.042007 11:2929 Threshold Peak SUV-bvvf Size: Peak 14 SUV-bvv/ Size. 1 cm? cm3 cm? Hide Trend I ng Trending Rreading Series Date Time 27.042007 volume (MTV): 2 5m 5mm_CT smm 5mm C T cr C V Node 7 _fJ3SlJ Size I crrL a 50 O -77 5.00 study mm Max. Quick Quant TP3 HeadNeckCa suv-bw Metric Generic 5 IMAn.a. 5 IMAn.a. FRM n.a. 5 IMA n.a. -600 Lynvh MM Reading Lirver server Liver Mean_eq (Average Equivalent) Lynvh Lymph SUV-bw mm 11 21 22,43 TP3_HeadNeckCa rP3_HeadteckCa UT Medical center LIT Medical center L Show drop sphere guiding graphics RE-CIST use Quick Quant sphere radius 50.00% Trending Trending Rreading Rreading Peak-eq (Highest Average lcm3 Sphere Equivalent) Peak.eq (Highest Average lcm3 Spnere Equivalent) Series Date / Time 9/20/2007 1227:20 PM 7/28/2006 Peak: 36 Peak: I1 7/28/2006 170201 PM RECST RECIST ROI Circle Liver Lymph 2704.2007 112929 Generic RE-CIST RE-CST VOI Sphere Threshold T/WHO Patient DOB Patent DOB 01 0101.1930 0.00 Suv-bw L' SD_eq (Standard Deviation Equivalent) Series Oate Trne 1 Ocm Node Size: 1 cm3 Size: 1 the software and hardware available at the time of the training. Size: 1 crnJ - 18.82 18.82 express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. 68 MM Reading 11 Reading 3D Readimg Reading Tending Angle DOB SUV-W/ SUV-bwvx Drop sphere radius SUV-tm Ret MM Oncology Ret Oncology MM Oncology F-18FDG F-18 FDG Size: I SL min Max: SUV-bw a 42 SUV-bw Isocontour VOI patient 008 patient 1/1/1930 ur Properties 1/1/1930 M 1/1/1930 • 1/1/1930 M 1/1/1930 Patient DOB Select all foci with OSIJV Peak OSUV Peak PERCIST Liver prior prior 01 Isuv Peak Thresh 287 % Thresh. SUV-bug; —8-—1200 Select all foci with Select all foci With Auto MPRFLÉiOÉ.J 115 Volume 0.00 SUV-bw 4.72 SUV-bw D SD (Standard Deviation) Liver / crn3 cm3 Lymph Patient Sex Generic Metric Volume (MTV): 5116 Volume (MTV) 5.06 Volume (MTV) 5_oa coa MM Reading 3D Reading Trending SD Reading Rreading 3D Readim Rreading Peak-eq (Highest Average lcm3 Spnere Equivalent) s .00 suv bw VOI Sphere RECIST/WHO + VOI Distance Line RECIST/WHO + — Marker 0.00 suv-bw M, 1 .00 Select all foci Witn V-bvv SU_1V-bwv Sl_1V-bvv SUV-bvv V Automatically create propagated markers for new measurements OLIV-bvv V-bvv Vuv-bvv UV-bvv Thresh: 2.57 SUV. JD Min (Minimum) Propagate Markers Thresh: 2.57 0. 00 / 40 % arv s. 00 Patient Sex Score s .00 SUV-bw 0. .00 SUV-bw SL min AEF Spnere Radius Sphere Radius D Show drop sphere guiding graphics LL Show drop sphere guiding graphics Show drop sphere guiding graphics Prior 02 Prior 01 prior 02 Prior Of 01 1 83 S. OO SUV-bw Evaluate a Prior 01 prior 02 Prior 02 T,'WHO and iso-contour s. 00 SUV bw SUV-bw Thresh % Peak Thresh: S mm Volume gag I Ocm Mean (Average) MPR FUSION Pauent Age [y] Patient Age [y] 77 77 Lymph Node Segmentation Pixel Lens ling 150 S R RefLlVl SUV-bw, 11 F-18FDG F-18 F-18 FDG 321 s4mm (A C) m (.40 TrueX 2 3i21 (.40 TrueX 2 (.40 TrueX 8.7 3 3i21s4mm (.40 TrueX 2.7 3 3i21s4mm (.40 True* 7.5 3 321s4mm (AC) TrueX 2 3i21s4mm TrueX 2 TrueX 6 g 2 3i21s4rTm (AC) TrueX 62 2 3i2134M (BC) 21 s4mm (A C) S.OO SUV-bw Send Context Menu Mean 1 SUV-bw SUV-tv, 0.00 bw Lung AEF On a. CURRENT prior Of Prior 02 Patient Age [yl 77 77 70 Selection threshold method 77 SD.eq (Standard Deviation Equivalent) 7 86 % 18 Selection Metric 21,88 21.88 a so, cm SL min VOI Sphere MPR TLG (Total Lesion Glycolysis, x MTV) Patient Weight [kgl Patient Height [cm] prior 01 1 prior prior I prior prior 01 | Prior 01 prior 01 | prior prior 01 | Prior prior 01 prior Prior Prior 55,39 Peak 1 Peak 57.66 70 s .00 1 .00 RE-CIST'WHO + VOI RECIST'WHO + VOI 0. 00 SUV-bw 14.29 SUV- Auto 40 2 (AC) 29 2 Truex 67 3 3i21s4mn SL min 4.40 cm.3 . value of 1.5 Mean SD 16 *Mean SD 16 SD LIV012FT Mean (Average) SL min CT 5Ocm 1 Ocm 21.97 smm SUV Max PERCISTAorta Truex 3 Truex 3 (A 3 (A The Operator Manual shall be used as your main reference, in particular for relevant safety information 2 ( CURRENT - T eshold: All names and data of patients, parameters and configuration dependent designations ore fictional ALI names and data of patients, parameters and configuration dependent designations are fictional eshold: (11 11 -T shold: Patient Weight [kg] 55.39 -TI ashold_ - T eshold: -Tl shold_ TrueX 6.9 2 3i21 s4mm (A C) Threshold, shold: 57.66 21 321 55.39 crn3 PET/NM Segmentation & Isocontour LIV012 CT CT ( CT 2 min CT SO 2 min CT 2 CT SO 2 CT 2 min 3i21s4mm „.with value of x cm3 Wti-foci Segmentation Lung Lesion Segmentation Wtl-foci Segmentation Generic Segmentation PERCIST Threshold 321 Solid Lung Lesion amentation Liver Lesion Segmentation 5cm Fitter mm Truex 2 min Mean.eq (Average Equivalent) L38V011 L IV012 LIVC)12 mm TLG: Thresh: / 45 % STI_OY 4272007 STI_OY 41272007 gnor2007 snor2007 4/2712007 7/2812006 9/20/2007 4/27/2007 Isocontour 30 STUDY 9/20/2007 STUDY 4272007 STUDY 42702007 STUDY 9120/2007 STLOY 4272007 STUDY 4/27/2007 STLOY 4/27/2007 STUDY 4/27/'2007 STUDY 4/2712007 STUDY 9202007 STUDY 427042007 9/20/2007 S .23 Max s.00 SUV-bw 22 SUV-bw Max SUV-bw s. 00 0.00 min s .00 suv s .00 Max: 21.07 Max 21 Max: 1.07 VOI ur Properties 3 00 S. 00 S .00 1 00 5.00 4,91 4,91 Prior 01 5.00 suv-bN Peak: 681 SUV-bw Size. 1 cm? Peak: SUV-bw/ Size: 1 cm3 SUV-bw Auto s. oo S. 00 TP3 HeadNeckCa Smm_CT 5mm_CT CT True* 67 3 min 3i21s4tm (AC) AEF LJ Min (Minimum) Min (Minimum) Onco Rndo Auto LIT Ceder O MA .77 Volume (MTV) (Molecular Tumor Volume) Patient Weight [kg] 0. 00 suv-b„ 0.00 SUV-bw 0.00 suv-b„ 0.00 SUV-b„ 3100 Findings Navigator Marker 4.72 sphere o,oo sw-bw o,oo sw-b s ov-bn sov-bn SUV-bw/Z% -13 40 0. 00 O,OO o,oo 4 '27/2037 40270007 5.00 0.00 SUV o,oo O,OO with and iso-contour [Alt+ 4t27n2007 12 S. 00 True* (ÅC) STUDY 4/27/, '2007 Peak: S Peak: I 21.97 SUV-bw 22 n SUV-bw 21.97 0. 00 SUV bw Auto S .00 s. 00 S .00 s 00 S . 00 S, Peak Zoom 20.092007 122720 20.092007 12:24:18 Max: 21.30 SUV-bw Max: 22.19 SUV-bw Max: SUV-bw L 11 Start Virtual Planar Angle TLG Acquisition Date / Tirne Acquisition Date / Time Max: . 0.00 suv-bw 0.00 SUV-bw Ret. : Trending Board Zoom STUDY 427/2007 Thresh % Threshold 45 % like warnings and cautions. Show drop sphere guiding graphics 20092001 122720 Max: 21.97 I Ocm 1 Ocm and examples only. Acquisition Date 1 Time Date Evaluate a lesion With [Alt+H] 6.9 2 3i21s4mm (AC) TrueX 69 2 321 (AC) 50.00% Max: 16.82 SUV-bw 112929.4M 3M % 11 (11 True* 2 RefLlVl MPR Il SUV-bw 4.72 SUV-bw Il 221 SUV-bw cm3 MIP so Acquisition Date Time 9/20/2007 1227:20 PM 9/20/2007 PM 7/28/2006 PM 0.00 S 0.00 s Lyrnph Node Segmentation Lynvh Node Segnwntation Lynwh Node SegnE1tation Lymph No 1 31 #1 804 604 PET/NM Segmentation & Isocontour Peak: Size: cm3 Peak: Size: 1 cm3 Peak: 1 TP3_HeadNeckCa SL min o: Reconstruction •1/1/1930. M. 77M Thresh g .88 Thresh (Threshold Of VOI Max) 15 40 15.00 21,32 Propagate Markers Volum MTV) , 16.61 1661 16.61 0 -77 0 -59 0 -102 Ctrl TL , Total Lesion Glycolysis, SUVmean x MTV) Create contours Witn tnresnold u TLG (Total Lesion suvmean x MTV) Radiopharmaceutical SD (Standard Deviation) F 18 [ 18 Fluorine] F 18 STUDY F.18FOG LPF Max. SUV-bw O,OO Truex 6 g 2 TP3 HeadNeckCa True* 6.9 2 3i21s4mm (AC) True* 6 2 3 min 321s4mm (AC Lung On a SPFgogz SPFgogz sp SPF7aoz Drop sphere radius SPFgogz Quick Quant F 18 [ 18 Fluonne] F _ 4f27r2c07 VOI Sphere PERCIST r SLIV-bv•$ Volume (MTV): Volume tm3 Volume 440 tm3 Thresh: % Thresh; SUV-bw 45 % 45 % Max •2 Sphere Thresh Valume No recaculMion process is possible you need to correct the assignment. close the patient and repeat the assignment Segment foci with Selection Threshold Selection Threshold Narne Value 11 source Source 13. Volume (MTV) r_m3 Volume (MTV) cm3 Start Virtual Planar Segment foci with Segment foci With _ With value of , with value of W with value of 1.5 * Mean +2 SD 1.5 SD 1.5 +2 SD Mean SD a 50.00% MM Reading 3D Reading Volume c m3 Arrow 373,70 prior 5mm_CT STLOY 4272007 RPH •1/1/1930, 77M STUDY 4.72 suv-bN Thresh 377 Peak {Size: I crn3 O MAn a. Solid Lung Lesion Segmentati RECIST,'WHO + VO STUDY 9/20/2007 STUDY 42702007 STUDY STUDY 4/27/2007 Print CT 11:292SAM Radionuclide Total Dose [MBql 4,91 suv-b„ STUDY 9/20/'2007 STUDY 4/27,'2007 373.70 37370 421_80 STUDY STUDY an7,'2007 1 Ocm IOctn 1 Octn 1 Ocm 10ctn Smm_CT 1 Ocm Thresh % Thresh 9.88 SUV-tv/ / Thresh 9.88 / 45 % 2 Il SUV-bw Truex 6.7 3 LPF LAF Peak: MWti-foci Segmentation nga-sion Segmentation Liver Lesion Segmentation Generic Segmentation Muni-foci Segmentation Lung Lesion Segmentation Segmentation Threshold SL min SL min F-18 FOG Prior 01 TrueX 6.7 MBgAg 3 min 3i2t s4mm (A C) a 50.00% T ad L' SD (Standard Deviation) _æ crn3a prior Prior 01 Prior prior L SD (Standard Deviation) a som Truex 2 3i21s4mm (AC) 4,27/2007 Truex 2 321 RECIST,WHO + VOI RECIST'WHO + VOI 40 2009.2007 105729 L171cm CT 330s 5.0 (6041 1 True* VOI Sphere Propagate Markers Radiopharmaceutical Start Date Time 9/202007 create contours with threshold % of local VOI max % Local Max 40 u SD.eq (Standard Deviation Equivalent) % VOI max STI_OY 9/202007 2o1 SUV-bw PET/NM Segmentation & Isocontour Radiopharmaceutical Start Date / Time 9/20/2007 1015729 AM 4/27/2007 AM 4/27/2007 AM 7/28/2006118&57 AM TrueX 6.7 3 OMAn.a. Note: Some functions shown in this material are optional and might not be part of your system. The 782 SUV-bw SL min ALI rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are TrueX 2 6.9 2 11.2929AM TrueX 6 MBcvkg 2 min 3i21 s4mm (AC) Smm_CT 5mm_CT Truex True* 69 TrueX 4,91 4,91 SUV bw F-18 FOG .S 01 •29751 LISVOII Max: -8 , 13.80 15,50 15.50 12:27:20 PM TrueX 3 min (AC) Delay SL min Isocontour m3 Drop spnere radius Drop sphere radius Volume (MIN). 4.40 crn3 Size 1 125920 PM 122720 PM OK Cancel Start Virtual Planar fnagng Delay A RF 01:29:51 A RF 20,21 4.72 suv-bw 0100 0.00 1100 o,oo suv-tw-. o,oo suv-t*-. 4. 72 o, 00 S. 00 0, 00 s. 00 0. 00 -60 40 SUV-bw Imaging Delay Size crn2 9021 01:30:11 012804 Meax: SUV-bw Lesion Auto Zoom Thresh: 3 77 % sov-bn UT LID Thresh (Threshold VOI Max) Thresh (Threshold ot VOI Max) • Lesion Auto Zoom prior 02 | prior 02 Prior 01 | Prior 01 L380V011 CT Max 302SUV-bw Max: 0 00 CT SO g 3i21s4mm (ACj Max Sphere Radius SUV SUV-bw CT B3)s SO 1 3i21 s4mm CT 50 (6041 1 3i21 s4mm Trending 4009 suv-bw SUV-an Truex 6.7 3 321 Truex 6.9 2 40 300 0.00 Suv- Suv-bw Suv-b.v 4, 91 Glucose mm ling Lung Trending Volume Valume Volume RefBP1 RefBP1 5 FRM No recalculation process is possible. If you need to correct the assignrnent, close the patient and repeat assignment. SO 2 so a AQI:FI Thresh 377 % Ref, : RefBP1 RefLIV1 Reconstruction VOI Sphere 8.88 SD.eq (Standard Deviation Equivalent) a 5000% RECIST/WHO + RECISTMHO + VOI RECIST/WHO + VOI + VOI 0. 00 0, 00 s. 00 -600 S. 00 1 Ocm information in this material contains general technical descriptions of specifications and options as well o, 00 suv-bw o, oo suv-bvv 2219 SUV — Blood Glucose Level 7.99 7.86 40 70 400 SUV-bw o, 00 Suv- o, 00 Suv-bw Max 0.00 SUV-bw 0.00 suv-bv 0.00 suv-bw 0, 00 s. 00 o, o, 00 suv-bw ' Sorid Lung Lesion Solid Lung Lesion Max: 0.45 using Absolute SUV (3 % Of local VOI max % Of local VOI max 40 SUV (Data not supporting SUV Will use % or local VOI max ) 1.1 SUV-bw Selected Lesion Max: om SUV-bw Meax. SUV-bw 0.00 SUV-bw Max: 1.11 1100 11 (11 Min (Minimum) % VOI max 183 SUV-bw CT a30s SO Truex 2 321 5mm_CT prior Hold Findings Navigator Findings Details Findings Netails Findings Navigator — Findings details Manufacturer Manual Fixed SIEMENS CURRENT S. OO SUV-bw Max. SUV-bw 2 1 SUV-bw 31200 0. 00 1100 O. 00 1200 12005 sp Al 238 5. 00 Mean. 1 53 Sl_JV-bvv Mean 1 53 SUV-bw Mean: 1 53 Sl_JV-bvv 01 01 21 STUDY 4/2712007 4/27/2007 STUDY 4/27$2007 STUDY 4/27 STUDY 4/27/2007 TP3 HeadNeckCa gnot2007 4'27 '2007 Prior 4.72 bw 4.72 SUV-bw 4.72 SUV bw 3 .00 SUV-bw F.18FOG Üeauville Score Deauville Score: Max: I G7 4.72 SUV-bw 4.70 SUV-bw 2. 19 SUV-bw 0-600 SUV-bw suv-bw I-IV—bw Max 1 67 Max. .67 Max: I .67 SUV-bw 67 3 (AO SUV-W/ 4.72 4. 72 Max. 1682 SUV-bw Max. suv-bvv Max. SUV-bvv SUV-bw -r 11 C' 0.5.' ml LPF 11:2929AM 11:2929AM T S,OO suv-bw s,oo Max: SUV-bw Prior 01 Prior 01 cps Isocontour Manufacturer use QuiCk Quant spnere radius use Quick Quant sphere radius SIEMENS Text 0.5 a. Discard small segmentations Discard lmarge segmentations m Discard lmarge segmentations s,'op L380V013 L380V011 L370V011 Prior SO SUV-bw Aess than CURRENT C u RRENT less than ml AM a,'4ßNhacturer's Model name s 27 s n_oy 27042007 s 27142007 4/27/2007 sn-ov s nn snny 27042M? 27.042007 4/27/2007 9/2012007 Findings Navigator OK Cancel CURRENT SL min Create contours with threshold 27 '2007 27 9/27.042007 27.042007 11:2929AM 4/27/2007 9$20'2007 3D Reading 11 min SUV-bw lcm B suv-bw 4.00 40 -12640 40 S. 00 0.00 S .00 .1439 1439 1320 VOI Sphere Navigator 604 -78 604 -77 O 01 0.00 SUV-bw 0.00 suv-bw suv-bw SUV-bw I-IV-bw 1l SUV-bw Truex 6.9 2 (AC) Truex Truex 2 TrueX 6.S 3 TrueX 7 S 3 0.00 SUV-bw 21.97 SUV-bw s .00 SUV-bw 0. 00 SUV-bwn 0.00 bw Max SUV-bw 0.00 SUV bw 0.00 suv-bw 10 fps 5,00 SUV-bw fps O -77 o. 00 0.00 s. 00 o.00 0. 00 smm_CT STUDY as standard and optional features that do not always have to be present in individual cases. Prior 01 Manufacturer's Model Name 321 SUV-bw 1.41 SUV-bw Mean: SUV-bw 22 19 SUV-bw 48 SUV-bw s. 00 SUV-ban S. OO SUV-bw Meax: SUV-bw Max. SUV-bw . so, SUV-bw Venous Vessel Threshold Truex 67 67 3 (AO 67 (AC) Meax. SUV-bw o. 00 SUV-bw 9/20/2007 Wavigator Mean I 67 67 3 Mean: I 301 SUV-bw Max. SUV-bvv Mean: SUV-bw 224 SUV-bw Mean: .53 SUV-bw SO: SUV-bw 1.41 SUV-bw (AO) Value Wue source Source SO SUV-bvv SD. SUV-bvv scr SUV-bvv 782 SUV-bw 1.1 SUV-bw 22 SUV-bw Details 11 AM Truex 6.9 2 MPR Truex 6.9 2 Manufacturers Model Name AM 11070 (.00 1 rue x 1094 1094 Findings Navigator 0. 00 O MAn.a. Paste Contour CT S 0 2 -600 0.00 TC851LRQ MIP 85 LRQ 35 LRQ NORWDTU'ATTU'SCAT/OECY 1094 'J Min (Minimum) LL Min (Minimum) O using Absolute SUV 28 A 29 2 25" L Ivan SP using Absolute SUV SUV (Data not supporting SUV Will use % ot local VOI max ) SUV (Data not supporting SUV Will use % ot local VOI max.) SUV (Data not supporting SUV Will use % of local VOI max ) TLG (Total Lesion Glycolysis) / Total Activity (Mean x MTV) 0. 00 SUV-bw s. 00 suv-tnv: s .00 suv-bv s .00 suv-tnv: s. 00 suv-b.v: s uv-bv SUV-bwv suv-bw SUV-bw 20,21 O. 00 SUV-bwn s. 00 SUV-ban 0. 00 SUV bw 22 19 SUV-bw 0. 00 suv-b.v s. 00 suv-b, M. 0 SUV-bw S. 00 SUV-ban s. 00 suv-bn s. 00 SUV-bwn S. 00 SUV-bw 0 .00 SUV-bw o. 00 suv-bn 4.00 SUV-bw s. 00 suv-bv 21.02 s .00 S .00 S. 00 Size: 1 cm3 suv-bw. 11:2929 AM 4. n 4.72 Prior 01 Print 4.72 SUV suvt», MPR FUSION FUSION Deauville score: Place Liver Deauville score: Place Liver Deauville score: Deauvjlle score: Place Liver Place Liver 0 .00 SUV bw 1682 SUV-bw 4/27/2007 Prior 01 | Prior 01 prior 01 prior Lesion Auto Zoom 11:2929AM Findings Navigator, Corrected Image 1 s4mm (AC) CT s o [6041 2 116 mm Value SO. SUV-bvv 4.72 SUV-bw 4.7 SUV-bw a 42 SUV-bw SO' 08 SUV-bw so, SUV-bw -COO 40 4.00 0.00 SUV 0.00 SUV-tm 4-8 s.00 50100% 1_55_ 1.55. 1.55.. 1.55_. 1_55_. NORWDTIM,'ATTWSCAT/DECY RefBP1 OK Cancel vigator Method Aorta Reference Region Findings Navigator AQ•I 22 g SUV-bw ST CT CT Corrected Irnage RetLlV1 NORWDTIM/ATTW/SCAT/DECY NORWDTIW/ATTN/SCAT/DECY 227:20 6304 6704 -604 604 cr cr SO mm 5 IMA n.a. O MAn*. O IMA na 5 IMA na Value PERCIST SUV-bw PERCIST Threshold. SUV-bvv Threshold 311 SUV-bw 3 21 SUV-bw Lung Lesion Segmentation Muti-foci Segmentation 22_o__. 22_o__ 22_0__. 19_7__. 62_06__. 22_7__. 11 10 311 Peak: Peak: Size: L17 1 crn3 cm3 STUDY 27 04 0.5 ml Copyright O Siemens Healthcare GmbH, 2018 DI/D Discard large segmentations DI/ Discard large segmentations (JD Discard large segmentations IjD Discard large segmentations TrueX 2 min 321 TrueX 2 region 21 s4mm (AO Discard smalle segmentations Reconstruction 11 CT 5.0[6041 1 2 CT 1 2 3i21 s4mm . .greater than __.greater than __greater than ml 4m rss 7 OK SUV-W/ 0 . 00 SUV-bw 1 sp 3- LIVOII 18,5... 18,5.. 40 Peak Il .07 SUV-bw/ Size 1 cm3 % Of local VOI max @ % Of local VOI max SUV-bw Il 07 SUV-bra Size I L 17 1.17 1.55. 1_55. CT 5.0[6041 1 True* 68 2 3i21 (AC) 321 SUV-bw 1682 SUV-bw 4,1 SUV-bw 21.97 SUV-bw 21.1 SUV-bw SO: SUV-bw 32 19 SUV-bw Il SUV-bw 4.72 SUV-bw % VOI max PSF 3i21S PSF 3121s PERCIST Threshold: SUV-bw PSF 3i21S RefBP1 L380V011 Source Threshold: Threshold' 21 SUV-bw Threshold 3 21 SUV-bw 21 SUV-bw Convolution Kernel STUDY 4/27/2007 STUDY 4/27/2007 STUDY 7/28t2006 s .00 SUV-bw LPF mage Reconstruction Method PSF CT PSF 3i21s 5mrn CT Value 19_7__ 19_7__. 22_0__. SL min LD Discard large segmentations SL min SL min L369V011 5mm_CT 5cm 5Ocm CT Threshold below 5% may yield poor results with the PET Segmentation tool. PET Segmentations may return a Smm CT 5mm_CT 5mm_CTÅ_ smm CT CT CT CT CT, PM Findings Navigator Prior 01 IPriorOI Volume (MTV) (Molecular Tumor Volume) TLG (Total Lesion Glycolysis, SUVmean x MTV) TLG (Total Lesion GlycolysiS, SUVmean x MTV) o. L o suv-bw STUDY 427/2007 163. spFsgss (.40 20 21 50 • 13.29 1329 13.29 13260 10cm 1 Ocm IOcm 4/27/2007 | sn_ov 4/27/2007 | 4/27/2007 Prior Mean 211 Prior 70 s n-m• S n-oy s n-oy Prior 01 lcm Nan* suv-bn 5mm CT f Slice Thick4ess 214.6... VOI Sphere Paste Bounding xyz Gauss4_oo xyz Gauss4.oo xyz Gauss4.oo L370V011 L163V011 L160V011 L150V011 L374V011 L371V011 Start Virtual Planar 604 •€0 | O -60 604 1 0 Certain products, product related claims or functionalities described in the material (hereinafter collectively mm prior LPF LAF RefBPV1 RefLIV1 (.11 1.53... 1_53._ Prior 6.42__. 8.43__ Convolution Kernel Refl_lVl xyz Gauss400 xyz XYZ FOG True* 6 g 2 3i21s4rT•n (AC) (11 so SD 30 so 30 contour that is at or above the threshold value configured depending on the surrounding maxima. Volume Volume crn3 Volume (MTV') cm; True* 6 g 2 TrueX 6 g 2 3i21s4trTmn (AC) True* 6 g 2 3i21s4trtT•n (AC) Truex 6.7 3 min 3121 s4mm (AC) 19,65 RefBP1 RetBP2 123__ 123. 163. MM On. 4/27/2007 0 .00 SUV-bw s. .00 SUV-bw s .00 SUV-bw 4.72 SUV-bw 4.70 SUV-bw 0 . 00 SUV-bw 0. .00 SUV-bw s. 00 SUV-ban 3.43 SUV-bw S. OO SUV-bw Peal" 1 cm' SUV-bw AM Paste _ CT B30s 5.0 (6041 1 Truex 2 3i21 (AC) s. 00 0.00 suv-bw SUV-W/ SUV-bwv SUV-bw SUV-W/v suV-bw s .00 sUv bw 19.65 s .00 5 .00 4 .70 SUV-bw S. 00 321 311 331 S. OO S. 00 s. 00 0. 00 S. OO 331 321 s. oo S. 00 S. 00 s. 00 1 Ocm CT Max: 15.167 SUV-bw Max: 20.67 SUV-bw Max: 4.73 SUV-bw o.00 153_ MM O. Liver Lesion Segmentation Lunga-Lesion Segmentation Max: 168 x 168 prior 01 STUDY 27 04.2007 LJ Show drop sphere guiding graphics FUSION Prior 01 F5 214.6... MM... Show drop sphere guiding graphics MPR FUSION 4.07/4.07/5.00 4.07/407/5.00 Prior MM O. OK 1 cm Prior prior Prior Prior Prior Prior 01 377 11:2929AM STUDY 4/27/2007 Reconstruction AM - LIVOII Findings Navigator LIOVOII LIVOII 222, 222. 222... MMO_ Max: Deauylle Score 5 Oeauvlle Score 25 A 22.0... 6.42__. 8.43__. 6_42___ 6.42__ 48 SUV-bw 0.00 suv-bw s. 00 SUV-ban Tools L369V011 L380V013 321 SUV-bw 0.00 suv-bv 0. .00 SUV-bw Mean: SUV-bw CD using Absolute SUV 4.72 SUV-bw 0.00 bw SUV (Data not supporting SUV will use % Of local VOI max.) O. 00 SUV bw o. 00 suv-bn 22 g SUV-bw 0 . 00 SUV-bw s. 00 SUV bw 321 SUV-bw SUV-bw suv-bw SUV-bwv 0. 00 SUV bw 0.00 suv-b.v 0.00 SUV-b,v .00 suv-b, suv-b.v -13 Pixel Spacing / Slice Thickness [mm] Pixel Spacing Slice Thickness [mm] -13 S. 00 0.00 o. 00 0. 00 s. 00 0.00 S. 00 0.00 SUV-bw 5.00 0.00 SUV bw 0.00 SUV 0. 00 -.00 0.00 Propagate Markers Threshold below 5% may yield poor results with the PET Segmentation tool. PET Segmentations may return a a 5000% Max Max: Max. SUV-bw . Max. SUV-bw s.00 SUV-bw Max. 087 SUV-bw 4.72 SUV-bw 1343 SUV-bw 1782 SUV-bw 3.3 SUV-bw 1305 SUV-bw 782 SUV-bw S.00 SUV-bw suv-bw 604 -77 O 604 IMA -77 O -77 Threshold below 5% may yield poor results with the PET Segmentation tool. PET Segmentations may retum a Tnresn (Thresnold of VOI Max) Actual Frame Duration RECIST/WHO + VOI TrueX S 9 2 321 (AC) TrueX 6.7 3 m 3i21 (AC) TrueX 6.9 2 3i21s4m (AC) TrueX S 9 2 3i21 (A C) 9 2 S. OO 123 183, Navigator 168 x 168 CT 9305 SO Truex 2 3i21s4mm(AC) CT 930: SO Truex 2 3i21s4mm(AC) CT 930: SO (6041 1 Truex 2 3i21s4mm(AC) volume (MTV) (Molecular Tumor volume) 19.7... "Functionality") may not (yet) be commercially available in your country. Due to regulatory requirements, L15V011 —- FUSION 16 82 L37VOll tae, 604 I 0.00 168 x 168 168 x 168 Max: ??? ARF ARE LID TP3 prior 02 Prior 01 prior 01 MM O. O -77 Truex 69 2 3i21s4mm Lil1V011 L280V011 6.42. Prior 02 TrueX S 7 2 3i21s4tTt (AC) 2704 am TrueX 6.9 2 min 3i21s4mm Prior 6.42__. 6_06__ 22_06__. 8.43__. 6_06__. 6.06__. MM Prior 01 Prior 01 Prior 01 | Prior 01 L369V011 L373VOll sTuDY 27041007 Rows x Columns Mean, 2MIl SUV-bw 0.00 SUV-bw 168 x 168 0.00 suv-bw 60 70 10cm 12.18 STUDY 7/28/2007 STUDY 20 09.2007 STUDY 9/20/2007 STUDY 9120/2007 STUDY 27 04.2007 SPF781.3 1 SPF781.3 Reference LIIVOII Volume MM... 22.06.. STUDY 20092007 Shift L17 F-18 F-18FDG FOG True* 87 S 321 True* 7 S 3 321 Truex 6.7 3 321 True* 7 S 321 TrueX 87 S 321 True* 87 S 3 321 TrueX 7 S 3 321 True* 6.S 3 321 TrueX 7 S 3 TrueX 8.7 3 True* 6.7 S 321 TrueX 7 S 3 (.40 Truex 6.7 3 TrueX 8.7 3 (.40 True* 7 S 3 321 TrueX 6.7 3 TrueX 7 S 01 21 (.40 Actual Frame Duration Max: I g 70 SPF780.3 1 SPF780. Isocontour 27 67 CT 5.0 TrueX 2 (AO CT 5 0 TrueX 2 (AO CT 5.0 Truex MBqAg 2 (AC) Drop sphere radius 27 04 L269V011 L271V011 L380V011 2015 20 2 02 02 UV-bvv sruoy 4/27042007 5_57__ 567__ 2.07 Thresh (Threshold of VOI Max) L370V011 L372V011 L371V011 L171V011 L369V011 L374V011 L372V011 PT SUV-bw" RE-CIST/WHO + VOI 9120/2007 Paste Prior 02 Prior 02 Prior Prior 02 Prior 02 | Prior 02 prior 01 | Prior 01 Prior 02 02 Prior 02 P prior 02 | Prior 02 STUDY 4/27042007 STUDY STUDY 27042007 STUDY 4/27/2007 STUDOY 27042007 Value Actual Frame Duration so, SUV-bw so- SUV-bw STI_OY 27042007 2709.092007 4/27/2007 9/20/2007 the future availability of said Functionalities in any specific country is not guaranteed. Please contact your 1.55. region region Reg ion Max: 0.45 SUV-bw Max: 1.05 SUV-bw Max: ??? Max: MPR RefUV2 RefBP1 211 211. 2.11. MM O. . Peak 14 Size 1 Peak: 14 SUV-bw/ Size: 1 cm? Peak 1482 SlJVbw,' Size: 1 cm3 Peak: 14 SUV-bw/ Sze 1 cm? cm? Tools 111929 Start Lung CAD 3p1 Z Deauville score FUSION 7 S 3 S 3 27 Deauville score Deau\ "e score Aorta Reterence Region [SUV-bwl 1.55. 1_55_ TP3_HeadNeckCa TP3 HeadNeckCa 112929AM 112929 3- 19.10 CT Prior 02 19.7. SL min 214.6... CT 50 TrueX 76 3 min s4mm (AO CT SO True* 7 S 3 min 3.21 CT 50 True* 7 S 3 CT SO True* 7 S 3 (AC) CT 50 True* 76 3 min s4mm (AO CT SO 7 S 3 CT SO True* 7 S 3 CT SO 7 S 3 min CT SO True* 7 S 3 min CT SO 3 min "mm (AO CT SO True* 76 3 min s4mm (AO CT SO 3 s4mm (AO CT SO True* 7 S 3 min 3.21 (AO Thresh (ThreshOId of VOI Max) 5tm_CT smm_CT CT Findings Navigator Findings details Findings Ceate 270421M 27 4/2002007 27.04.2007 2704.092007 9/2704.2007 O IMA -102 SUV Parameters LPF O -60 6.06... LJV-bvv SUV-bwf % SUV-bw Prior 01 prior 02 prior 01 Prior 02 Prior Prior 01 2M Aorta Reference Region shold STUDY STUDOY Isocontour F-18FDG 377 True* 7 S 3i21 S4mm (A C), RefBP1 2.06. 206. 7nanoos 7nanocs AC 2005 F-18 FOG Liver TrueX 7 S 3 (A C) Please ensure all foci are reviewed as selected foci may include physiological uptake and miss pathological uptake. AC 2005 11:2926 11:2929 11:2929AM 6n6. CT 11:2929 11:2929AM 11:292gAM L3680V012 1 cm3 value 4.72 SUV-bw S. OO SUV-bw 4.72 1.97 SUV-bw SUV-bw 7 r23r2006 7 '232006 7 28/2006 7 '2812006 7/27/2006 1_55___ 12 00 0. 00 0.00 TrueX 6.7 3 min (AC) TrueX 6.9 2 min (AC) TrueX 7.5 3 min TrueX 7.5 3 min 3i21 Max: 000 SUV-bw TrueX 7.5 3 min 3i21s4mm (AC) S. OO SUV-bw local Siemens Healthineers sales representative for the most current information. MPR FLSION MPR FUSION MMO_ MM O... MM SPF697.01 SPF697D Images courtesy of UT Medical Center, Knoxville, USA SPF697D 8.43.. -16, OK -11040 11.07 PET/NM Segmentation & Isocontour Cancel STUDY 4/2712007 STUDY 9/20/2007 STUOY 4/272007 STUDY gnon007 STUDY 4/27/2007 Fun Text Text Hide Hde Lines TLG Burden x 400 | T STUDY 9/20/2007 STUDY gnor2007 STUDY 4/27/2007 SUV-bw Synch Align AIOn Alon FOG S .00 Tools ARE -60 Is O MA n a O MA 0.00 suv-bn 0.00 SUV-bw M. 0 SUV-bw 0.00 SUV bw MTV 80.21 90.21 821 Threshold: 1.82 18.82 6.00 Sohd Lung u *ion Sobd Lung Lesion PM 0.00 SUV-bw Max: om0 SUV-bw Max: -600 5 IMAn.a. FRM n.a. Please review results as the system only evaluates Deauville scores from 2 mm 1.0201 PM 125920 PM 120201 PM 122720 PM 1:0201 PM 1.02:01 PM PM 12:2720 PM 1.0201 PM 122904 PM 1:0201 PM Lung Lesion L3EOV'013 604 O -SO 604 0 -SO 5 MA -SO Ful Text 6_42_ MPR L380V011 L380V013 Max: 049 SUV-bw Thresh01d below 5% may yield poor results With the PET segmentation tool. PET segmentations may return a L374V011 Lymph Node Segmentation Thresh01d below 5% may Yield poor results with MA S.OO GraphÉcs Prior 02 | Prior 02 MPR FUSION 0.00 222.. Graphics Diam_ SPA237S 6 -77 -103 -61 MTV Burden lcm31 MTV Burden Prior prior 2, 74 L4V011 prior 01 I SPF697,o 7/28/206 | 7 Tineponts Max: 1831 1831 1831 SUV-BAs. STUDY 7/28t2006 s .00 s. 00 0 .00 suv-bw Peak TLG x 1100 20.15 2589 SPFg42.1 SPF733.g SPF813.1 SPF733E SPFg42.1 SPFg421 SPF813.1 SL min Segmentation Segment un 60 Size __L7 to 5. AC 2005 SO 1 7 S 3 Lio MM... Max: 1.94 SUV-bw Max: 1.91 AQI Hde 18,54 PSF 3i21 s, XYZ Gauss4.OO PSF 3i21 s, xyz Gauss4.OO Volume: ml TrueX 6.9 2 min 321 (AC) TrueX 6.9 2 min 3i21s4mm) TrueX 6.7 3 min 3121 s4tnm (AC) TrueX 6.9 2 min 321 s4mm (AC) RefBP1 6.9 2 min 321 s4mm TrueX 6.9 2 3i2134M TrueX 2 3i21 (.40 TrueX 6.9 2 3i2134M (BC) TrueX 62 2 3i2134M (BC) TrueX 6.9 2 3i2134M (AC) TrueX 69 2 3i2134M Tools 125942 PMI Z 1 cm3 cm3 sak: 15 15 21 11 12 PT Max: SUV-bw Peak: 1 Peak: 11 SUV-bw 0.00 suv-bv 5 .00 SUV-bw 4.72 SUV-bw I Ocm -457 CT STUDY 0.00 14.6_. 14.6... Hde Lies L160V011 L380V011 14.6.. MM. L150V011 3 min 321 (AC) TLG Burden [SUV-bw x 62,48 True* (.40 L380V013 L380V012 25,77 7 S 3 min (A C) PM PET Color PET Color LUT MM... TrueX 7 S 3 trin 321 (AC) 02 Prior 02 -s Reset 168'168 168•168 MM.. LPF PT SLI prior 02 | prior 02 SUV-boo j. crr: 7n8n006 AC 2005 ?ERCIST 377 AC 2005 SUV-by k crf, s .00 TLG: SUV-ti.,v TLG: 2569 SUV-ti.,v leadNeckCa TP3 HeadNeckCa -13 -10 9.96 11.407 14.40 -11.40 STUDY 4/27/2007 STI_OY STUDY 4/27/2007 STUDY 7/28t2006 222.- 3 MA -7716NÅ-77 EQ Filter: ??? mm 1:0201 PM IOcrn 2005 STUDY 7128/2006 5.23 suv-bw 5.23 SL min SL min . SL min : Liver 7 S 3 321 Multi-foci Segmentation Truex 2 (AC) Generic Segmentation Loes TrueX 6 g 2 min s4mm Multi-foci Segmnentation 21.05.. 14.65.. 1.55. 214.6... SPF942.1 1 18.54 SUV-m prior Syn Align Custom M Text Hde Reset prior 01 Prior 01 RefBP1 Hide Node Size PSF 3i21s, xyz Causs4.OO AQI:FI 82 OK Place Liver region calculating preview _ Cancel AQI:FI Reset Layout Presentation PMI Peak: 11 07 1 cm3 Peak: 11 1 2 SUV-bw Volume (MTV) Volume Volume r_m3 168'168 s. 00 073 suv.b„ suv-bw 168'168 4.72 CT 7 S 3 (AC) Peale F-18 FDG F-18 FOG Prior 01 Prior 02 prior 01 CURRENT Date or Text Graøhes CT 5mm CT SUV-tm f a 50.00% CET Color LUT TLG 6 IMAn.. cmd 7 28/2006 4/27/2007 7/'28/2006 STUDY 0.00 suv-bw 0 .00 SUV-bw 0. 00 suv-bw 5.00 SUV-bw .00 SUV-bw STUDY 27042007 5.00 s. 00 0.00 11 STUDY 9/20/2007 STUDY 4/27/2007 STUDY Thresh. Thresh. 742 SUV-hw / 7.12 SUV-hw / SUV-bw Preview ready. To generate Preview ready To generate OK Cancel S 3 min 0.00 EQ Filter: mm EQ Filter: ??? mm 321 s, XYZ Gauss400 0K LIVOII Truex 7.5 3 PSF 321 s, xyz Gauss400 PSF 3218. xyz Gauss4.oo 5.23 suv-bw 17,98 10201 PM 5 . 00 SUV-bw SUV-b SUV-bw suv-bw 920.092007 4/27/2007 9/20/2007 4/27042007 7/28/2006 22_2-. 22_2._. MM.. MM... 9/120/2007 7/28/2006 9/20/2007 27042007 4/27/2007 7/28/2006 4,127/2007 27042007 4,127/42007 12 00 s. 00 0.00 T 5.00 s .00 50.00% . 00 5.23 L160V011 Size: I 168'168 L150V011 L154V011 e, 11 1 67 0.00 SUV-bw TLC 25.775 Prior 02 TU3 Custom Reset MPR FUSION FUSION OK Cancel -3 SL min TP3 HeadNeckCa TP3_HeadNeckCa Prior Of Prior 01 2005 18.54 I R .54 findings click Create. findings click Create. findings click Create, Start Virtual Planar EQ EQ ??? 1:02:01 PM 122504 PM EQ Finer: mm Snapshot Print mage Text Tents Grancs Export 0.00 suv-bw s.00 SUV-bw 0. 00 SUV-bw 0 .00 SUV-bw 0. 00 suv-bw 00 suv bw SUV-bw suv-bw Eddt Edt xyz Redo Undo Onco Region Reg ion Refo s, xyz -600 0.00 s 00 4.00 40 1.00 400 s. 00 1.00 O. 00 05.00 S.00 5. 00 4.00 0. 00 -600 s .00 S . 00 O. OO o. 1100 Edit Preview ready. To generate 2 SUV-bw SUV-bw suv-bw Preview ready To generate Prevew ready To generate 5.00 5.23 .23 Tools TrueX 6.9 2 3i21s4rnm (AC) TrueX 6.9 2 min 3i21 (AC) TrueX 6.7 3 min (AC) TrueX 6 2 3i21 (AC) TrueX 2. 3 3i21s4mm (.40 TrueX 6.9 2 3i2134Mnm (AC) TrueX 6.9 2 min 3i21s4mnm (AC) Denville Score 5 TrueX 2 min 3i21 TrueX 2 min 3i21 (AC) TrueX 6.7 3 min (AC) TrueX 6.9 2 3i2134M (AC) TrueX 7 S 3 min 321 TrueX 6 2 3i21 (AC) TrueX 6 2 3 3i21 (AC) EQ Filer: Snapshot Prit Image RPH True* 6.9 2 min True* 6.7 3 321 Truex 6.9 2 TrueX 6.9 2 min 3i21 (AC) True* 6.S 3 321 Truex 6.7 3 Findings Navigator AM PM •• 21.55.. 22_2... 21.0... 21.0__. MM... sono% Prior 02 Peak cm3 Size cm3 Brain Prior 01 CURRENT Date 0. 00 suv bw s. 00 SUV-ban s. 00 suv bw STUDY CURRENT Prior 01 Graphics Text Liver mage OK STUDY 7/2812006 Cancel STUDY 7/ '2812006 STUDY 4/272007 STUDY 9/2012007 Layout MPR FUSION a so ocs Findings details findings Create Findings Create tin findings click Create •ngs click Create. 'ngs cack Create 0.00 SUV bw s.00 SUV-bw s. 00 SUV bw SUV-bw .00 SUV-bw SUV-bw Liver 0. 00 s. 00 STI_OY H de Hde Lines Lines s. 23 SUV— Reconstruction 0. Text Maw 18 82 SUV-bw E6 42 SUV-bw Edit F.18 Custom 3.3 SUV-bw Prior 02 Prior 02 Prior 02 | 02 Prior 01 Text s. 23 5 IMA -77 CT O IMAn.a. Prior 01 SL min Thresh % H de Liles Reset 7/2812006 4/27/2007 4,27/2007 O IMA Liles SL O MA na. 5 IMA ma. O IMAna. 0.00 - 27.04.2007 20.092007 0.0 SUV-WA 1.41 SUV-bw 282 20.092007 suv-bw 0. 00 SUV bw 4.72 SUV-bw 40 0.00 SUV-m• PERCIST RERCIST RE-CIST S. 23 2 82 DD YYW 1100 50.00% Reconstruction 1100 rue* 6.7 M3q'%g mn Mearn .23 SLIV-bvv Mean: 1.23 SUV-bw Eat Export Value Redo undo Ref: RefoP1 PT 0.00 Suv s. 22 s. 00 s. 23 s .23 s .22 SL min Navigator 3 00 S. 00 o. 00 - 00 4,91 Sue-bw 4,91 SwV-bw 4,1 SUV-bw 0.00 SUV-bw 4,91 Sw-bw 211 SUV-bw 4.00 SUV-bw 4.91 4,91 STUDY 7, '28/2006 prior 02 prior 02 T ad reckCa HeadNeckCa S. 00 S .00 5.00 s. 00 SUV-bvv SUV-tm SUV-bw SUV-bwv prior 02 prior 01 Edit Text Prior Print Pri nt int n t undo Undo Rndo Vtlume (MTVL cm' 0.00 Prior 01 CT SO 1 Truex 6.9 2 CT SO | 6.9 2 TrueX 7 S 3 7 S 3 2 min 321 s4mm (AC) TrueX 7 S 3 7 S 3 F-18FDG s. 00 Peak: 13 59 / Size: Peak: 1389 Size: cm3 nm 5.00 suv-b•.w 5.00 SUV-EM 5.00 suv-b,o 0. 00 suv-bv suv-bw s uv-bw Tools MM... -103 12:020PM undo 122604 1 00 0.00 zoo 0. 00 s .00 15.50 0. 00 S. 00 s .00 s. 00 O. 00 -600 s. 00 -600 S. 00 -100 O. 00 0. 00 4.00 0, 00 s.00 prior 02 | prior 02 e 0.00 0. 00 1100 0.00 5 .00 v, S .00 Head-Neck 0.00 -.00 FUSION : 200 40 -600 4.72 S .00 s. 00 so 0 0.00 5tJv -8- MIP 1100 40 I mage 4/27 '2007 4,27/2007 4/27/'2007 27 '2007 9/20/2007 STUDY 4/27/2007 mage SL min Config Liver Thresh.ld Thresh. Aorta Create Delete lator 0.0 SUV-bw 0.00 SUV-bw 0.00 suv-bvo 0.00 suv-b.,• 0.00 suv-&v suv-bw.. SUV-hw suv-bw SUV-bw s uv-bw SUV-bw 1 SUV-bw s. 00 suv-bv o. 00 suv-bn 0. 00 suv-bn s. 00 SUV-ban 5. 00 suv-b„ o. 00 suv-bv o. 00 suv-bnl 0 .00 suv-bv 0. 00 suv-bv: 0. 00 SUV-bwn 0.00 SUV-bw s. .00 suv-bv 0. 00 SUV-bw s. 00 suv-ba 0. 00 suv-bv 0. 00 suv-bwv s. 00 SUV-bwn "Aue F-18FDG F-18 FDG ngoo -GOO -coo -4S7 -goo -500 0.00 1320 01.00 True* 7.5 3 min 3i21s4mm (AC) TrueX 6.9 2 min 3i21 (AC) True* 7.5 MBqn€g 3 min 3i21 s4mm (AC) True* 7.5 3 min 3i21 s4mm (AC) 0. 00 110.70 11007 O.00 -15.00 0.00 2.07 02.00 05.00 11.07 1200 B O. 00 True* 7.5MBqn True* 7 3 True* 7.5 s. 00 7 S FOG True* 7.5 3 321s4mm (AC) TrueX 7 S 3 min 321 Truex 7 S 3 321 0-600 s. 00 TrueX 7 S 3 321 TrueX 7 S 3 Truex 7 S Truex 7 0.00 SUV-to. 10 4/272007 | #272007 4/27'2007 | 4/27 '2007 4/27'2007 | #272007 0. 00 -8- 4.72 SUV-bw fig a 5000% s. 00 14.6.. 1200 | T 4. 1200 | SL min 1200 4. 72 22 4.72 4. 72 Layout L160V011 Redo undo 11 Redion region Place PEFRCIST Liver Reference Reg Reg ion Region -1.00 0. 00 0.00 11:2929AM s. 00 suv S. 00 SUV MPR FUSION 11:29:29 AM S .00 S 7/28/2006 | S. 00 o. 00 MPR FUSION CT STUDY 4/27/2007 Prior 02 Prior 02 | Prior 02 Prior 02 P prior 02 Modify Hide prior 02 | prior 02 AMI AM AM Ml CT a30s SO Truex 7 S 3 JPG Graphics RPH Delete preview LPF Reset Windowing AM7... AM... 11:46AM 11:46 AM 11:47 AM 10m Hide 0. 00 0.00 SUV s.00 -soo I 0.00 s . 00 0.00 SUV 0.00 SUV-bw CT [17 LIE -soo 0.00 o. 00 F 1 Value Source 0.00 suv bw 0.00 SUV bw SUV-bw 14.53.. MM O... —457 5mm C 5mm c CT UT PT STUDY 7/28/2007 10.00% 2:44 PM 2:48 PM 4:41 PM 5:08 PM 11:18 101-1930 101:1930 11:47 AM 11:48AM 11:2929AM 322 PM 5:09 PM 5:10 PM 4:40 PM 4:09 PM 4:39 PM 4:18 PM 5.09 PM 4:40 2:43 PM MM... MM.. Max o MAn.a. GraphZs 1259420 PM 122904 PM 125942 PM PM CT 5.0[311 Truex 7 CT B30s 5.0 True* 7 3i21 s4mm (AC CT SO 7 PM 3i21 AC 1:02:01 PM S .00

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