
syngo.via VB30 MR Neurology: Brain Morphometry e-Clip

Introduction |Morphometry Settings I Results.

SIEMENS TA04:3g TA04:39 TA04:3g Gregory e Gregory House eurology Gregory House Gregory e Fov 240*240 F 240 '240 PM MR_Cardiat _A MR Neurology MR Cardiac Ana._ _ MR Carciac Ana. _ MR Carciac Ana.__ MR Cardiac Ana. _ _ MR Cardiac Ana. _ MR Carciac Ana._ _ _ p2 MAGWFUSEDMAP/MORPHO p2 MAGWFUSEDMAP/MORPHO p2 MAGWFUSEDMAP\MORPHO MR Neurology Settings MR Neurology Readings General Settings Meancurve Settings to. Neurology Demo Morph ometry_ADSuspicion MR Neurology Reading Zoom 2.30 Series Sertiegs MR Neurology MR Neurology MR Cardiac Ana... STUDY ID 3313581 Neurology Reading MR_Cardiac A.a.. HE HEI.4;NE1.2 MR Neurology Readings MR Reading MR Neurology Settings MR Neurology Reading Perfusion Map Settings Morphometry Map Settings Meancurve Settings Meancuve Settings Browser C unent Current MR Neurology Brain Morphometry Report — Br ain Br Morphometry keport — 1/6 4/6 ' ate st M. Automatic generation of morphometry results • Automatic generation of morphometry results Please note that the learning material is for training purposes only! HAR Input Data Report Data L GMSt e Lobar e Absolute Normative Read (21) FRM 3t9,r201s Send Demo Morphometry_At STUDY STUDY 3: 3313581 MR Neurology Settings MR Neurology Readings Meancurve Settings MR Neurology Settings MR Neurology Reading 80yrs Maps Radiologie CHUM Radiologie CHI-IV Radiologie CHU-IV M, BOY M, Post-contrast General Settings Meancurve Settings 10:00 Maps Frontal lobe 13-7 - 8-491 latest For the proper use of the software or hardware, please always use the Operator Manual or Instructions Demo Morph ometry_ADSuspicion Demo Morphometry_ADSuspicion Demo Morph ometry_ADSuspicion _ADSuspicion Suspicion Demo 0M orph ometry_ADSuspicion 30 series Series Maps Maps CURRENT Thalamus left - o. sol Range M. SOY M, 80 Y M, BOY M. BOY M. 80Y Map Settings * 1500005603 P Maps Maps Parametric Maps SMRVB30A Send ger•erated morphornetry results to PACS Send generated morphometry results to PACS Send generated results to PACS Send gen•erated morphornetry results to PACS Send generated morphornetry results to PACS Send gererated morphornetry results to PACS 3t9J2015 Br em Image Qual ity Thai anus 7-0 - 1-81 - 6-341 - 0-371 CURRENT CURRENT HFS HFS Modality PM SerÉs Date Date of Birth Patient ID ID Date or Birth Default Settings for Perfusion Map ßeneration generation of results 3/9/r2015 319/r2015 3/9/2015 319/2015 Senc generatea morphometry Senc generated morphometry O Disabk processing of irnproMy acquired irnage data Disable processing of Improperiy acquired Image data Disable prcxessing of irnproperty acquired irnage data Disable prcxessing of irnpropenty acquired irnage data Disable processing of irnproMy acquired irnage data Disabk processing of irnproMy acquired irnage data Disable procxessing of irnproMeny acquired irnage data C] Disabke processing of irnproMy acquired irnage data Jisable prcxessing of irnproMy acquired irnage data processing of irnproMy acquired irnage data quired image data Segmentation Quality not acceptable - 1-001 Disable prcxessing of irnproperty acquired image data SL 12 SL 1.2 resu:ts to PACS resu!ts tc PACS Report Data 10/11/2017 6:. n. 6: 6: n. AIF Parietal lobe 11.0 - 1.031 _uuipgOO_DEV _wip900_DEV _uuip900_DEV wipgOO_DEV tl Perfusi. Wsmat... I atest ifinthis!troiningwiLlnotsbeiupdatedcOnojegulorVdsis and)dogsnot th&testtVecsion of in this training will not be updated on a regular basis and does not necessarily reflect the latest version of Disable processing tor improperl•/ The reproduction, transmission or distribution of this training or its contents is not permitted without 1. Date of Birth Brain Morphouetry Report SHPtÆ30A.36 MP-RAGE Data Selection MP4RAGE Data Selection MP4QAGE Data Selection -r RAGE Data Selection General Settings General latest latest I atest I atest latest latest Maps Curve tl 3/90/2015 3/9/2015 CD 12_Ang10 General Info Put 48 -s 89 40 - 4-301 - 3-731 Findings Navigator acquired data data Results * 1500005693 Zoom 2.39 the software and hardware available at the time of the training. zoom * 1500005693 e ence Documents MR Basic Reading E •nce Documents MR Basic Reading Send gerærateC resuts to PACS SR * 1500005693 11/18/19589 CD12 Anglo Input Data GM right ri ght high' 46.3 40 - 0-491 Automatic Selection Autornatic Selection Autornatjc Selection -RAGE Data Selection Autotnatic Selection Autotnatjc Selection Range STUDY ID 3313581 12 STUDY ID 3313581 TR2aooc rR2 2400240 1,0:00 10:00 1000.0 10000 140:00 24000 240'240 STUDY ID 3313581 data Cyrecton 1.001 Value CD12 CD12_ Tissue Absolute Normative 01.39 SL 1.2 Patient ID SL 1.2 SL SR Ata R PM PM PM Selectmon based on following Series based on following Series based on following Series Cescriptjon Selectm based on following Series Tao 4m Tao 4:30 00 240'240 Autarabc SeEcbon Viewing 0.33 gov to. 70 - 1.001 CURRENT Evidence Documents MR Neurology Reading 810/310/2017 Occipital lobe MP •RACE Data Selection [0.84 SR 10/319/2000 Anglo... Caudate 1005 IMAI1 FRM 86/160 1006 IMA 1 FRM 86/160 1006 IMAI FRM 1006 IMAI FRM 86/160 6 IMA75 4th ventricle to. 13 - 0.271 Values Range p2 pa MAG u p2 MAG pa p2 MAG p2 pa 1007 IMAI FRM 86/16 'Image quality: high* 'Image quality: high' The Operator Manual shall be used as your main reference, in particular for relevant safety information Zoom 2.39 zoom 2.39 zoom 230 zoom 2039 Zoom 2.39 zoom 209 acceptable 1,0101 tl _mprage_morpho_ tl_mpraqe_morpho_ tl_mprage_morpho_ 4-2 wiP900_LABEL 1.19 - 1-871 - 1-421 11/18/19589 CD13 CARD.- TR high' Segmentation Quality CD 12_Angjo to. 70 - like warnings and cautions. high' 16-2 16-0 - 0.371 - 1.991 10/5/1974 CD13_CARD.- CD 13_CARD 1,0106 1,0101 3/9/2015 11/2/2017 Findings Navigator Absolute for Map and Morphometry Map Settings high' hioh• 34.7 34-7 - 43-31 - 43-3] General Info General Into 41/27/19461 3/23/1941 11/2/2017 3:3... 11/2/2017 3:3-_ 11/2/2017 323.. Post-Contrast MAP/VORPHO CD12 Anglo or 40 DSu Temporal lobe Cortical Morphometry Map Settings CD13_CARD.-_ 0.11 [28.1 Zoom 2.39 Blend Factor for Fus«i Map Morphornetry Map Settings 1.010 wiP900_REPORT 11/2/2017 3:2... 15.11.04-11:1... MO —AD or Data series Parametric Maps 934. M, soy QA EMF left 426-0 2.92 31-1 to. 11 - 31-81 - 0-341 - 4-081 - 4-041 - 43.31 3D series Blend Factor for Fl_med Map 001002 013 Blend Factor for Fused Deviation Map AFL AFL AFL AFL 50 M. M. gov M.goy Blend Factor for Fused Deviabon Map TIV 1368. 4 P al I i dun 0.3 0.68 42-2 3. 08 3-08 - 4-271 Blend Factor Fused Deviation Map 6127119371 DemoMorpho... Setti'ÜS Neuro (Motion Correction. Local AF Maps 3eneration) 001002 Parametric Maps 467-2 AFL as standard and optional features that do not always have to be present in individual cases. DemoMorpho... 34.7 43.31 Amount Of Phases Of Selected 40 Data used t1_mprage_morpho_wip900_REPORT CDI: rombine 01 Cingulate gyrus Findings Navigator zs.7 PM Generate New 40 data with at least one of the 0005693 426.0 STUDY ID 3313581 STUDY ID STUDY ID ID 5 cm [0.39 36 - 0-481 PM 0.3 lcos right Spatial Filter Widtn 3 - 0-641 - 0-361 Certain products, product related claims or functionalities described in the material (hereinafter collectively 86/160 34.1 (26.6 86/160 pa Tools "Functionality") may not (yet) be commercially available in your country. Due to regulatory requirements, 40/9/1934 6/7/19837 4/27/19371 V AL*omabc generaton ot maps on 3/3/1983 2016.10.07-0... the future availability of said Functionalities in any specific country is not guaranteed. Please contact your 0-27 - 0.301 - 0.371 * 1500005693 180:0.0 1000.0 1,0:070 Tl 10000 1,0:0.0 180:0.0 TPO - 0.421 TR 2400 0 TR 2400.0 TR 2400 0 'Image quality: high* sp R13.7 sp R13.7 sp Synch 13.1119-1&... TR 2400.0 TE3.5 TE 3.5 Lies Tim—oi... 1.2 SL 12 SL 10/119/2017 GRASP CPF_. GRASP CPF- TA 04:39 TR TR 2400.0 sp R13.7 Tools 180.0 TE 3.5 RS 2016020... TA04:39 p2 MAGWDEWMORPHO p2 MAGWFUSEDMAP/MORPHO p2 MAGNILABEUMORPHO p2 MAGNILABEUMORPHO p2 WNORM/DlS3D TPO )iffusion data IPO 10:00 lccoo SL 4/30/1935 6/27/19371 T R sp sp Zoom zoom 209 Zoom 2.39 TR 2400.0 Al/lR AMR HEad w 4095 w 4095 TAO 43B TAO 4as TAO 43B TAO 4:39 F 240 '240 243'240 24T'240 240'240 243240 Hypertrophy SL Prnt Redo TE 3.5 c 2048 c 2048 Cancel I m,9e p2 pa 1,006 I mege tf13d1 tf13d1 TPO 10000 Zoom 2.39 10/3119/2017 Prost_grasp_ zoom 20 zoom 209 zoom 2 zoom zoom 2 zoom 209 zoom 2309 4095 zoom 230 CURRENT sp 3/23/1941 sp sp R13.7 Instances c z048 IM05204731 H13d1_16ns/8 0.39 *Image high' *Image high* *Image quality: high* *Image quality: high' 'Image quality: high' *Image quality: high* 'Image quality: high' *Image quality: high' 240040 180.70 high' 6:32 PM , e high' TPO high' hioh• TPO 11/18/19589 IM05217584n IM05217584_ Tools TR 24000 TR TR 2400.0 TR 2900.0

  • syngovia
  • snygo
  • snygo
  • via
  • eclip
  • neuro
  • Brain
  • Morphometry