
syngo.via VB30 MR Cardiac Function: RV Analysis e-Clip

Introduction | RV Analysis | Reporting RV I RV analysis on axial slices.

LV SIEMENS. SIEMENS . SIEMENS ongress 1.85 10 Gregory e Gregory House Gregory House Gregory House Gregory HOI Gregory e Server: Series: 9100% MR Cardiac Analysis Gregory House Server 172 95 Server: 6 95 Server 6 IMA23 6 IMAI SPA21 _O Heatthineers••• Report for MR Cardiac _ Analysis (1/1/1925) Heatthineers Join 0-25% ED'ES Join MR Cardiac Reading 439 DemoMorphom_._ MR Card"Äalysis Cirie T segmented_LA 55 LV Analysis Cardiac Analysis MR Create LV Findings Findings details DemoMorphom 75-100 MR Basic 1925 F • semens_MAC • F .0 A*ust 50-75% O ED and ES RV Analysis DemoMorphom.. DernoMorphom... cuRRENT MR Cardiac_AnaIysis MR Basic • 111/1925 F • 1/1/1925 F • 1/1/1925 F Siernens_MAC Al MR Cardiac Analysis @ MR Cardiac Retdsin * Siemens MAC • 1/1/1925 F • 1/1/1925 MAC RHP 13 Cine_Se Findings details MR Basic 1/1/1925 F Siemens SL8020 • 1/1/1925 F • 1/1/1925 F Siernens_MAC • 1/1/1925 F SiemeEns_MAC MR Cardiac Function 6 IMA23 La MR Basic MR MAC 1/1/1925 F MAC • 1/1/1925 MAC 10:18: A Series Findings Navigator Findings details 175 263 t 1/1/1925 F Siemens MAC MR. Nudge F Patient Name: MR Cardiac Analysis LV Analysis ,nalysis Export Result Images O ED and ES MR Cardiac Analysis MR Cardiac Reading MR Cardiac Readsing MR_Cardiac_Analysis MR Cardiac Analysisn MR Cardiac Anaiysl' MR Cardiac Aealusion 33 * 1/1/1925 F Siemens Renne Contours 75-100 • 1/1/1925 F Siernens_MAC * Siemens MAC * Siemens Set Landmarks Refine Contours Reline Contours Series , 14 176 263 351 Ref.: Congress 439 LVAnalysis Height: Server: RV Analysis * 1/1/1925 F Siemens MAC Insert Table Refne Segmentation AFR RNP trdiac Analysis 6 23 (-33) MR Cardiac Analysis MR Cardiac Analysisn Ret F. O ED and ES ( max:66; min:60; avg:63. med:63 ) LV RV NORM Thicke MR_Card 81 Years LV NORM RV TEI.I MR cardiac Perrusion Findings Navigator Findings details 92 660 7r28QC06 C, F, e, 276 MR Cardiac Reading MR Cardiac Function MR Cardiac Readsing MR Flow Quantification C u R RENT MR Cardiac Analysisn ongress ' ongress 175 263 77 patient Name: Ref: Congr. MR MR Cardiac Analysis MR Cardiac_Analysis Export Result Images @ All All Step 2 of 2 Export Results H LA MR Catio Reccrt et : Patient Name: Patient Narne: MR Cardiac_AnaIysis Cardiac Analysis Export Result Images All MR Cardiac Analysis JL_MR Cardiac Perfusion Distribute Insert Format H LA beats/min Cine dialysis Patient Name: Cardiac Cardiac_Analysis Export Result Images All Export Result Images •JD All Hide cuRRENTO 50-75% F. e F. MY F. g 110 Congress c uRRENT MR Cardiac Reading Height 66.92914 Inches Results . Congress CURRENT 0-25% S m MR_Cardiae_ 80 92 WRETRO MR Cardiac Function MR Cardiac Readtiong MR Cardiac Perfusion ca CURRENT cuRRENT HLA % .00 LV Analysis 7128/2006 Base Plane Step20f2 Ayanto HLA H LA MR Cardiac Analysis O None Cardiac C ine_Seom _SA_OI H LA '.eö_se_ 1.9 O ED and ES F. el Y 31 60 MR Flow Quantification Ava nto MR Cardiac Perfusion MR cardiac Pertusjon 81 Years O ED and ES Cine TT 2044 O ED and ES Weight: 162.9956 Lbs 162.9966 Lbs 1629966 Lbs Lbs Cine _ Segmented_LA Cine_Segmented F. 81 Years Set landmarks on ED and ES on standard a-chamber" view MR Cardiac Function fiac Function Weight: 81 Years MR Cardiac Analysi MR cardio Report Report Congress ardiac Analysis MR cardiac Cardiac MR Cardiac CURRENT Avant o MR cardiac too -.ongress Heart Rate: sis beats/min sk 01 ed_SA Ref.. MR Cardiac Perfusion Cine—segment None _SA_OI CURRENT MR Cardiac _ Analysis (J Results according to guidance images. Avant 0 Ciongress Cine_Segme Cine—Segmen MR Cardiac Readtiong MR Cardiac Reading MR cardiac Reading MR Cardiac Readsing 925, F, 81Y Cine—Segmented Cine—Segmen 55 MR Cardiac Function Create RV Findings Create LV Findings 33 1311 [311 11 1311 33 31 10 20 [341 1341 Re Congress MIR Cardiac Analysisn Weight: _et Congress _ : Congress ine Segmentation : Congress MR MR 7/28/2006 MR 7/28.0006 MR 7/28.'2006 MR. MN MN 7/28.'2006 MR. 7/28.12006 MR. 7/28.'2006 MR 7/28/'2006 MR. 7/282006 7/28/2000 7/28/2006 7/28/2006 Heart Rate. 63 beats/rnin F. 10.5237 A Export Result Images O All MR Cardiac Analysisn MR Cardiac Analysis MR_Cardiac_Anatysis Patient Name: MR Export Result Images CD All Export Result Images Set landmarks on ED and ES on standard "4-chamber" view Set landmarks on ED and ES on standard " MR Cardiac_ Analysis 4-chamber" view Segmentation Ret Congress . : Congres Mode .14, 17 Check & Change Contours CURRENT F. F. MY MA 10 F, 81 Y Cin m . F. MY F. MY LV Thickening d_SA O F, 175 MR *earl Av Case 10:52 G7 AM Height: 66_9291i Inches *earl Av Full Case Hean Av Full Case Heart Av Full Case Heanl Av Full Case 1 cm 925, F, 81M no RNP F, 81 Y Long- axis and shont- axis Weight: OD Short-axis only 66.92914 Inches Inches Ref Ref.. Ref I - MR Cardiac Function Ref ongress R Congress Congress C ongress Avanto 25-50%. F, C, 913 3' [351 31 351 Ejection Fraction: 31 IMAI [31] according to guidance images. 5624 MR Cardiac Reading Height: ( med:63 ) ( max.66; med:63 ) ( min:60; avg:63; med.63 ) Ref.: Congress Ref.. Ref.: Congres MR Cardiac Pertusion Absolute Values •100% SA_OI Cine_Ssegmnented_ 1629950 Lbs F. 25-50%. F, F, 81M F. 81M Functional MR cardiac g .djng CURRENT CURRENT 3' MA 23 31 IMA 23 31 MA 23 31 IMA23 MR cardiac Function Rate: 63 [341 01 31 1331 F, *1/111925, F, 81Y Add Study Function MR 7/28/2006 Cine_Segm MR MR. 7Q&'2006 MR Cardiac Analysis Please note that the learning material is for training purposes only! Cine _ Segmented: LA Siemens_MAC Cine_Segme ed_ Siemens MAC Cine_Segmen F, F. SD ED and ES ED and ES SL 6.0 Cine_Segmen d _ 7/2812006 MR. 7/282006 Cine_Segrnented_3A_01 create LV Findings 81 Years MR, 7/28/2006 MR. 7/2812006 MR. 7/28/2006 7/28/2006 Cine LVAnalysis LV.' Analysis Lk.' Analysis LVAna Analysis LV Analysis AV no 1.9 7/28/2006 CURRENT 31 ejection Fraction: Heart Av Full Case 162.9956 Lbs TT 228.0 TT 304.0 r m Manual rm Manual m Manual ( max:66: min•.60: avg:63: med 63 ) Results 20 IMR Cardio Repont F. Weight: 162.9956 Lbs *1/1/1925. F. '1/1/1925. F. 81Y Join Cine _ Segme ed_SA_ 01 1.1 'A C, F, Hean Av Full Case Healt Av Full Case Heart Av Full case Hear Av Full Case MR Cardiac Function Thic ken ing Analysis Thicken Ing Analysis 106207 AM F 340*340 MR Cardiac Readsing MR Cardiac Reading MR Cardiac Perfusion An Refine Contours MR B13 40 RV Anal's AM ED Volume: @ None None 96.23 Renine Segmentation Renne Segmentation Segmentation End volume: 7/2812006 7/28/2006 MR 7/28/2006 eo Cine_Segmented_SA_ 7/28/2006 01 Svervies Cine_Segmen d_SA MR Cardiac Perfuion 31 IMA23 31 IMA 10 Cine_Segmented_SA ted SA Create LV Findings ted_SA_ ted ted SA 01 SA 0-1 SA patient Demographics Cine _ Segmen d_SA_ Cine _ Segmente d _ Cine_Segm ented_SA 01 DE BSA Normalized Values 66.92914 Inches Cine_Segmented_SA CURRENT AM ra(.33) Create Findings Create RV Findings create RV Findings create LV Findings Heart Rate: 63 Heart Ra 63 263 DE [351 DE overview_PSlR SA 01 [351 DE SA_OI [351 702 SA_OI [351 ml Tissue Characterization Functional e: 63 4.39 MR Cardiac Function Heart Rate: 63 beats/min beats/ min Reline Segmentation Segmentation Refne Segmentation LV Analysis LV Analysis @ Long- axis and snort- axis CD Short-axis only 41.74 ED/ES 01 30 DE [341 Thickening Analysis 7/2812006 7/28/2006 Refine Segmentabion Heart Rate: 17 Cine_Segmented_SA' 01 Cine_Segmented_SA 01 Endo CirieLSegmented_LA Cine_Segmented_SA 01 Cine_Segmented_SA' 01 0.00 11 Stroke Volume : For the proper use of the software or hardware, please always use the Operator Manual or Instructions 31 IMAI3 Cine_Segmented SA_OI Cihe2Segmented_LA_01 TE 1.1 01 1062037 AM 1062:37 AM ED Volume: 31 [241 Functional AM MR Cardiac Perfusion MR Cardiac Function MR Cardiac Reading MR Cardiac Readusiong WRETRO Isao Thickening Analysis MR Cardi _ Analysis ( avg:63; med 63 ) Combined 162.9956 Lbs 01 50-75% 31 IMAI Cardiac CMput: ( max:66; avg•.63, med 63 ) ( med 63 ) 31 RV Analysis Findings Navigator V Dynamic (131] [341] [33] MR Cardiac Functsion 31 31 IMA23 TA07.08 Findings Navigator MR 31 IMA23 TE 1 836.0, RV [ female I Cine _ Segmented: LA LV Thickening CineLSegmented_LA Cine _ Segmented. ( max.-66-, min:60; avg-.63; med 63 ) Is-too '6-100 SL SL FL 6.0 LV Analysis AM 129_74 80 20 70 55 660 [34] [33] create LV Findings 223 Hide for Use (hereinafter collectively "Operator Manual") issued by Siemens Healthineers. This material is to be Reset 10'41 AM 1.03 20 461 10 63 66.0 60 40 10 84 go Patient Demographics snort-axjs only TT 836.0 TT 304.0 sp_021311 1291 1291._ 1291... [291._ 1291. _ Flov Analysis Dynamic p2 WRETRO/DlS2D Stroke Volume: 54.12 Date: Cine 4 chamberilatest years ] Cine_2-chambernatest Cine_2-chamber 171 Cine_2.chamber/l MR Flow Quantification 31 IMAI 31 IMAI3 Heart Av Full Case Refine Segmentation 175 Heart Rate: og•l og•1 gas Rate: 31 31 IMA23 31 IMAI Reset ormal 13 LV 15 TR 6 IMAI 43 g 702 877 SPAIO DE [34] Thickening Analysis Thic ken Ing Analysis 3.4 70 439 43 RV Analrsis f15_150_ 175 702 877 377 • 12711281 20 • 1271281 1271281 Thickenng Analysis Thickening Analysis Hide •t ARH TR TR3Q.9 MR Cardiac Function OD Short-axis only Il RV Analysis Analysis used as training material only and shall by no means substitute the Operator Manual. Any material used WRETROfDlS2D •t cm i Contour Uindo Patient ID: Pen Circle Nudge Freeh Nudge female ] Source RV LV NORM LV Thickening 31 43 13 Refine Segmentation [ MR_Cardiac_Anatysis Tissue Characterization ( max:66; med 63 ) ( max:66', avg63; med 63 ) Findings Navigator 660 276 26 Mode @ Long- axis and short- axis sue.ono 10:18:41 AM Cardiac Output: 2.41 • fi5_ [251261 • [2511261 I [31] 1015 [34] AM ARH Value 88 Combined Lk." Analysis TE 1.1 3368 41.741 41.74% 02 WRETRO WRE 3366 LV Analysis Analysis Reset ormal Manual [291 _ 88 263 10 Date. [1/1/1925] 75-100 Reset Resete Manual 7 IMAI 6 IMA 1 orma [ Siemens_MAC ] 6 IMAI 31 IMAI 7 1 2s 22 TA07.08 MR nlow Quantification MR Flow Quantification MR Quantification MR Quan Ica Ion Undo undo Pen Circle Pen Circle Nudge 75-100% Please note: • [241 S p_04 sp_06 [941 [241 in this training will not be updated on a regular basis and does not necessarily reflect the Latest version of in this training will not be updated on a regular basis and does not necessarily reßect the latest version of TA07.08 702 01 43 ress Refine Segmentation TN 57.9 [29]. [29], 88 203 Es ARA Normal Range (F) 80 Lines Hide 1 cm zo ARH ARK 92 WRETR ARH 276 ARH Combined Ejection Fraction: 43) > 43 g rA0301•o Mode 28.84 47.00 - 47.00 - 80.00 TE 1.1 LV NORM too [351 TT7858 117.7 Normal Range (F) 20 MR Cardiac Readusiong MR Cardiac Perfusion MR Cardiac Function MR Cardiac Petfusion MR Cardiac Petusion MR Cardiac Reading MR Cardiac Functsion Stud' Date [1/1/19251 | | [81 years I 1221116112m RHP 660 RV Please note: LV Analysis P Plg.o PPIg.o RV Analysis TA0301'g p plg.O Lines Hide Refine Segmentation phases. DeleteAI Guidan_ Propag„ EDIE g Join ARH Analysis Normal Range (F) [28127] MR Cardiac Analysis Thickening Analysis MR Cardiac_Analysis 1 cm 88 175 012.0 TR 57 g Al This workflow ste the software and hardware available at the time of the training. p2 WRETRO/DlS2D -100% 3.4 Refine Contours 92 92 WRETR Endo Pen Nudge [ 1 92 Al 203 439 C*ck S20 [25126] [251261 [271128) [2711281 For accuracy check/correct contours on all Oekte Al Gudance Propagate p2 ES Volume: For o*irnal accuracy check/correct contours on all 51.93 This is required if you are interested in parameters that are 41.00-81.00 mvm2 [181 LV Thickening ED•ES 75-100 Export Results 175 526 TE 1.1 MR Flow Quantification 276 [2211612. 702 Flow Value Source 012.0 (351 Details ED Volume: 70.02 SL8.on.O mvm2 SL Endo Ref.: Ref.: MR cardi MR RV Analysis 351 . Propag.„ Join Myocardial Mass (at ED): 660 TT 12401 Refine Segmentation 75-100 LV Thickening 150 phases_ 30 LV Analysis LV Analy sis inalysis 30 150 Value Cick Nudge Ref: Congress TT 2992 sp_03 sp_03 1221116] Please note: tli) regs Dynamic_Rest_SA_01 [241 [341 [241 Eng Fen cuRRENT cuRRE F. 81 Y 81 Y SL RV Nudge Normal Range (F) 13 L 8.on.o Value 22.73 11.90 - 20.74 3.4 3.4 58.00 - 154.00 Analysis Check ED and ES Check ED ES step MR cardiac Fu 'on Circ& T TOO CURRENT 48.00 - g2s Request And Procedure TR This is required if you are interested in parameters For optimal accuracy checkjcorrect contours on all MR Circle TR 57.9 276 [241 33 14 sp_02t211t15j One sp_02t211t15] sp_oe t31j volume | 12] 1 21 [241 Cine 41.74 Adjust DE_highæs MAG SA 01 [321 [34] 35.00 - 98.00 122116112m C) 50-25% MR Cardiac Petfusion 7128/2006] 7/28/2006 MRF 57 g SP 88 CT 263 6 23 S 26 877 TR 57.9 263 phases. 3.77 Refine Contours ED volume: 50-75% 50-25% 1.1 peak ejection rate). TE p2 WRETRO/DlS2D TE Check if the position of the EDIES slider correctly identifies (-33) MR Flow Quantification _VAnalysls LV Analysis The Operator Manual shall be used as your main reference, in particular for relevant safety information TT 785.8 zoom Cine_ Hide sP_09 [313 till [31] [11] 80 Findings Navigator V 1611 175 161 •100% 660 AM Cin 2'eegmented_L4 Stroke Volume: 29.21 26.00 - 5600 5600 mb'm2 Su Name Cin Segmented _LA Ci grnented_LA Cin _.gegmented_ : Segmented _LA _ segmented _LA NORM Refine Segmentation TE 1.1 This is required if you are interested in parameters that are TEI.I Value TA03.01*g SL L 8.Of2.O ED and ES 175 w 1015 702 Dvnamc_Stress_SA_01 118) Dvnamc _ 118) 877 ms MR Flow Quantification 1.85 16 526 50-75% 660 CJD Short-axis only ms ED'ES not determined by the segmentation in ED/ES alone (e_g_ [3.41 MR Cardiac Perfusion Stroke V01urne: sp Al O TT 2858 YR VR 785.8 223 IT 0.0 Edit 660 ISO Pulmona [291m. LV Analysis TR 570 n 785.8 0.0 Ref.: AM not determined by the segmentation in EWES alone (e.g. not determined by the segmentation in EDfES alone (e.g. 461 EWES EDES evug30.o 25-50% Bui 030.0 Join 276 Erdo Pen Circk RVEF Short-axis 3500 - Ref.: 785.8 f. TE 1.1 Peak Ejection Rate: Peak Ejection Time: -245.4 The reproduction, transmission or distribution of this training or its contents is not permitted without like warnings and cautions. SL8.ot2.o SL8.O,2.O . ED/ES Join TT 8228 pen Pen Circle Circ& Stroke Volume: 30.38 276 To correct the position drag the ED/ES slider as shown in ED Volume: 35.00 - cuRREYi•• 92 MR_Cardiae TE 1.1 Analysis Endo Epi cuRReNt. Short-axis only Delete DeleteAJI Gul Propag.. cardiac Index peak ejection rate). peak ejection rate), 106.54 41.74 106.84 1.75-3.80 Vmin/m2 Unit [91 [291._ (91 Segmentation 75-100 Check ED and ES Check ED ES Step 1 of 2 TT TT 00 TT 374 LV Thickening TT 2992 TT 41.00 - MR Cardiac Perfusion MR Cardiac Analysisn 88 175 [351 Delete Delete All TR 57.9 p2 MIRE-TROYOlS2D TT 785.8 Congress TT 336.6 12.00 - 6.00 10 JOin TEI.I 1.84 3.4 TR 57.9 1.75-3.80 w 342 Refine Segmentation guidance image. ALH 74.95 F 276'340 Dete Jen F ov 276'340 sp_03 sp_03 [2211161 sp_03 [221[16) Stroke Volume: TA07.08t9 109±1 f15_150 through-p_Pulmonal [291... 26.00 - 56.00 MR Flow Quantification Refine Segmentation RV Mass RV 276 End Diastolic TE 1.1 RV EF RV ES volume [ 12] [31] TR 57.9 Cine_3.chamber [2511261 MR. Step lof2 C0-25% Pen Nudge CURRENT Ref.: Congress p2 OfDlS2D 56 % MRCVF @ I-ong- axis and snort- axis Findings Navigator RV Mass Ref.:; Congress 102.32 TR 57 g MR p2 WRETRO/ TR 57.9 [11] Cine_S g mented_LA MR Flow ( •ntitjcation ne _ Segmented e _ Segmented H LA MR Cardiac Perfusion Stroke Volume: 274.15 63.00 - 95.00 RHP TEI.I TEI.I TR 40, 276 14 17 '16: [151121) RV ES Volume 2.65 - 5.98 Circle Delete Delete All Guidan_.. .14 17 Epit 57.9 TE 1.1 276 18.00 -33.00 Cin e_2-chamber [71 Cine_4-chamber 161 Cine_2-chamber/l Cine_2-chamber 171 Cine_2-chamber Cine_2-chamber 17] [241 p2 AHR 660 and ES. (43 Results Ref.. Ref.: Congress TE 1.1 LV-AHAI 20 [281127] Value Source LV NORM AFR MR cardiac Pertusjon 1.1 TA03.01'9 Renne Contours Contours 2.65 - 5.98 8) TE 1.1 Endo Contour Dynamic Stress_SA_01 [18] Dynamic_Stress_SA_01 [18] Cine_4-chamber [61 Cine_4-chamtEr [61 Cine_4-chamber 161 Cin 161 Cin [61 LA Edit p2 WRETROjDlS2D MR Cardiac Perfusion Dete Propagate Edit TA03.O•1tg TA03.O•1'O n Tool Myocardial Mass (AvgED): 1.03 p2 63.52 ED and ES ED'ES Join Peak Filling Rate: 276 19742 Circle 223 660 p2 MjRETROjDlS2D p2 M/RETROjDlS2D p2 M/RETROiDlS2D p2 WIRET OjDlS2D _ p2 M/RETROjDlS2D p2 W/RETRO/DlS2D p2 W/RET OjDlS2D AFR yrn2 Normal Range (F) Edit RV Analysis LV Analysis 11 Dete Dekte Al Gudarce Propagate Dete Dekte Al Propagate Dekte Al Propagate AFR ED/ES EDIES ED-ES To correct the drag the ED/ES slider as shown in Long- axis and short- axis ED.•ES 92 Shon-ans only p2 M/RETR 92 58.00 - 154.00 p2 OIDIS2D Myocardial Mass (at ED): cu. Right Ventricle RV NORM 50-75% c25% p2 WRETR OIS2D TN 380 Refine contours 5 cm mlJs Ret: Congress Ret: Congress MR_Cardi MR_Ca LV Thickening p2 WRETRO\D Cincle CineSegm1ented_LA Cine Segmented LA CineSegrnented_LA Ref.: Congreg Pen Nudge Siemens MAC 276 Cine_Outnow_Chamber [9] Hide information in this material contains general technical descriptions of specifications and options as well All names and data of patients, parameters and configuration dependent designations are fictional Ejection Fraction: MIRE-TROfDlS2D ED VOIume: 81 Y Ref: Congress LV Thickening c Congress Ref.: -218.13 Avanto : undo Pen Circle Nudge Freeh volume: 70.02 ES volurne: AFR Cine_3-chambær 18] MR Flow Q uantification MR Flov MR Flow Quantification F, p2 MIRE OIDIS2D p2 WRETR01DlS2D TT83åO sp_03 12211161 O Short-axis only 129.23 Endo pen Freeha 738M5 MR Flow Quantiticé EDIES Join Ava n to MR cardiac Ana SL 6.0 Avanto F. ress C [81 C ine_3.charntEr [81 Cine_: [81 _ •chamber Av no Av no Edit 6692 Step 1 of 2 Ref.: Congress Check ED and ES step 3.4 MRCardiacAMysis_FuncbOn Resu MRCardiacAnaIysis_Funcbon „ Ref: Congr. CURRENT CUR ED volume: go 11.01 -27.60 ml Tools MR Flow Quantification ED Volurne: 15 56.85 47.00 - 80.00 Dynamic_Rest_SA_01 [24] MR cardiac P' Ref.: CURRENT F, Cine-3.chamber as standard and optional features that do not always have to be present in individual cases. AFR Endo and examples only. pen Nudge 877.01 81Y Cardiac Index 41 AM Ejection Fraction: LV NORM volume: peak ejection rate). LV Thickening 75.59 -132.44 Join ED,'ES TT 822.80 100 70 so Cine_2-chamber [71 Cine_2-chamtpr VI Cine_2-chamber/l Cine_2-chamtpr [71 Cine_2 -117.72 Findings Navigator Findings details Findin TT 785.84 MR_Cardiae Ana TT 822 eo l/min Stroke Volume: 27.00 - [31] 1181 MR Cardiac Per-fut Edit Ret.: Congress LA Check if the position of the EDIES slider correctly identifies Check if the position of the ED/ES slider correctly identifies LA AFR AFR MR Cardiac Functsion MR Cardiac Function Peak Ejection Rate: Normal Range (F) 40_45 871201 MR Flow Quantification n.a. sp All so Cirie -segmented _LA C ine_4-chamber [61 Cine_2-chamber [71 Cine_4-chamtkr Cine_4-cnamber [61 Cine_3.chamber 2921 Edit Nudge Tool Avtnlo Cine _ Segmented AFR AFR Vmin}m2 LV Thickening Avanto F, peak Filling Rate: Value Source 24.00 - 55.00 n.a. Cardiac Output: l/min Next peak Filling Rate: 14796 mlfsJm2 TT 0.0 TE 1.1 12.00 - 68.00 MRCardiacAnalysis_Function Resu TT 0.0 RV MRCVF Tools ED Volume: ED volume: 48.00-87.00 Peak Ejection Rate: Ciöe -Segmented_LA -132.44 JOin 24.00 - 55 oo RV 6 IMAI EDIES AFR • Cine 7/28/2006 TT 799.04 -3300 Results 6 7 MR. Cardiac MR Cardiac MR Cardiac Analysis Avanto Delete Delete Al Guidan.„ Delete Delete All Guidan.- propag... Delete Delete All Guidan.- Delete Delete All Guidan.„ Delete Delete All Guiaan.„ Certain products, product related claims or functionalities described in the material (hereinafter collectively EDI'E-S EDIE-S sp_02 All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are propag... JOin 6602 Stroke Volumne: 16.39 27.00-57.00 mvm2 Rlght Ventricle cardiac Index CURRENT Results 58.00 - 154.00 MR MR Cardi Patient Surface Area: TT 3420 Normal Range (F) Edit Delete Delete All uidan.. Delete Delete All uidan... Delete Delete •an.. Propag... ED'ES ED'E-S Join 263 439 Results Ref.. Congress C ongress F, 81Y LV NORM TT 806 TR 39.8 To correct the position drag the ED/ES slider as shown in TR 57.9 TR 38.0 ES Volurne: 6 IMAI 11.01 -27.60 -13285 Flow Quantification Myocardial Mass (at ED): moo - 55.00 18.00 - 33.00 g/m2 ED volume: F, Ref. Congress F. Cine_Segmented HLA TT 3420 T T 3420 3420 Cine Segmented 712812006 7/2812006 Ref.. Ref.: Congress ef.: Congress _ .: Congress • : Congress Tools MR_Cardiac A LV Thickening n.a. Propag... *1/111925. F. F. ED and ES. TE 1.1 81Y guidance image. MR A 81 Y "Functionality") may not (yet) be commercially available in your country. Due to regulatory requirements, Delete DeleteAll Guidan... reserved. EDIES CURRENT '1/1/1925. F. Join O Short-axis only @ Long- axis and Short- axis @ Long- axis and short- axis 6 23 Avanto SP_03 CURRENT CURRENT 63.00 - 95.00 Synch Cardiac Index Align Hide 18.75-33.80 SP_03 [221[161 z; Stroke Volume: 16.39 TR3g MR cardiac perTusion C) 12.00 -68.00 836.0 Ref.: Congress To correct the positi01 w Quantification EFI Cine_Segmented TA07.08 @ I-ong- axis and snort- axjs O Short-axis onty Short-axis only cardiac output: Al Stroke V01urne: C) F, 81 Y O i rielSegmented_LA 3.4 Lines patient Surtace Area: Timepo... 7/28/2006 MR Flow Quantification -218.13 peak Rate: Normal Range (F) -11772 Cardiac Index 12.03 18.75-33.80 7t28t2006 7t28t2006 ED and ES. 930.0 guidance image. the future availability of said Functionalities in any specific country is not guaranteed. Please contact your Expat Reults 712812006 Spatial Propagation 58.00 - 154.00 sp_01 [1511211 Tools p2 CURRENT RNP 12.00 - 6.00 p2 AM Peak Ejection Rate: LV NORM - 33.00 Lines Cine _ Segmented _ Syr•zh Synch Text Hide Export Results TR 24.00 - 55.00 p2 WRETRO/DlS2D 100 50 Ejection Fraction: peak Filling Rate: Cirie3egmented_LA Ciöie3Segmented_LA Cirie3Segmented_LA CirieiSegmented_LA Refine Con 1.75-3.80 Myocardial Mass (at ED): une -segmented_LA ne _ Segmented Full Text 6 IMAI 6 IMA23 *340 RFP Cine_Segmented_SA Cine _ Segmented Cine _ Segmented_ Cine_S egmente d _ LA Cine_Segme ted_LA ted_LA MR 7/28/2006 MR, 7/28/2006 MR Flow Quantification Cin _.Segmented_ Cihe2•Segmented_LA Tim—oi... &raphics Lines, Lines 3.40 Peak Filling Time: CD Short-axis only Copyright O Siemens Healthcare GmbH, 2018 Myocardial Mass (at ED): CT C, TR3g 46M Myocardial Mass (AvgED): Peak Ejection Rate: Text Timepo... [18] Results AM Patient Surtace Area PM 12.00 - WRETROjOlS2D Too MR Cardiac Perfusion Myocardial Mass (at ED): 106.54 Tools LV LV NORM zoom 2.95 Cardiac Output: 274.15 1311 Vmin 8:41 AM 5:41 PM Al 63.00 - 95.00 ED Volume: Graphics 263 6 IMA 10 439 guidance image. AM Ci(le •..Segmented_LA Findings IOM 8:41 AM RHP 8:41 AM oe LVNORM RV NORM NORM RV NORM w 660 660 Synch LV ml Sp LV-AHAI MRCVF T:B01ZSP1.2 a IMA 1 6 IMA4 31 IMA73 6 IMA 1 6 23 23 7569 6 IMAI 6 IMAg 2.4 Text 1200 - 18:01 40 28.84 IMA23 420_24 TA 07 OS 276 p2 61 IMA23 6 IMA23 6 1 Results Long- axis and short- axis Short-axis only 8:41 AM Normal Range (F) Tools 46M Syn ch Align IOM 8:41 AM Peak Ejection Rate peak Ejection Rate: Normal Range (F) Undo Edit TR 22.73 n.a. Synch Align Full Text Hide peak Filling Rate: F. 81 Y RHP 3P 42 Export Redo 47.00 - 80.00 TT 836.0 Graphics Graphics Lines Lines Line_se Timepo.. 9 1 -71.7 192"92s 2s Myocardial Mass (at ED): *340 660 Text Peak Filling Rate: (11) 11 01 15 Stroke Volume: 35.00 - 98.00 RHP 24.00 - 55.00 Layout Image ED volume: ES Volume: 51.93 41.00-81 00 41.00 -81 00 mvm2 26.00 - 5600 47.00 - 80.00 RHP Edit oo Print Export Reco Undo Redo 74.95 e, Patient Surface Area: 179.06 Image 4129.74 FOV3 63.00 - 9500 58.00 - 15400 F, Fov RNP 836 0 TT871.2D TT 0.0 Patient Su rtace Area: patient surtace Area: 24.00 - 55.00 3.4 TT 871.20 TT 865.04 Peak Filling Rate. 72.73 8) RHP TT TT Findings Navigator Cardiac Output: Fin Snapshot TA07.08 RV NORM , ORM LV Thickening TT 873.84 Edit TT 865.04 Pmt Endo 1 75 Endo Pnnt 22.73 11.90-20 74 11.90 -20.74 SOG, Zoom 2.01 Tools Print ED volume: peak Filling ml 30.38 420 24 ml TT 871.20 SP L8.g RHP sp L8.g sp sp H42.1 86604 TT 87384 TT 866.04 Snapsmm Print gyport Reco H42.l Snapsn„ Snapsm„ Snapsn„, Snapsmm print prnt Endo undo 31 TE p2 WRETRO/DIS'D sp sp 1.8.9 sp L8.9 TT 873. sp H42.1 TT 86504 T T TT cm 1 cm Lay out Layout Image Image Image Image Previous Peak Filling Rate: AFR AHR sp *42.1 sp sp R446 185 r T 87 865. Myocardial Mass (at ED): TT Normal Range (F) Edit Unit TT851 TT Stroke volume: S p 35.00 - 98.00 ml Findings Navigator T r T r Stroke volume. Stroke Volume: sp 29.21 126.00 - 56.00 mvm2 63.52 Join Tools 836.0. TT 304.0 sp L8.g sp 340'340 Navigator TT8 n.a. ml Leo se_o 0.0 MR 813 6:01 PM 8:41 AM Tools Name 276 46.1 6:15PM FOV 5:31 PM TT 8 6:15 PM Cardiac Output. -218.13 3.41 351 Join 39. 6:15PM Ejection Fraction: — 5:31 PM TR39. 28.84 28_84 TR308 47.00 - 6.0 6:01 PM 5:39 5:47 PM 5:41 PM 8:41 AM Mvocardial Mass (Ava) 531 Fun Text print Export sp

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  • cardio
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  • right ventricle