
Replacing the Lamp and Calibration Video

This video provides instructions on how to properly repalce the halogen lamp and perform a calibration on the Sysmex® CS-5100 System.

recommended the lamp be replaced when the usage reaches 1000 hours. To replace the lamp, varify the main unit power has been off for at least 30 minutes and the power cord is unplugged from the outlet. Push the lamp door cover to access the lamp unit. Press the cord clamp to release the lamp connector. Loosen the thumb screw on the top of the lamp Holder. And remove the lamp Holder. Remove the lamp cord from the cord clamp. Next, remove the lamp from the Holder by lifting the lamp brace. Install the new lamp. Replace the lamp Holder. Enclosed the lamp cover. Plug the power cord into an outlet and power on the main unit. After the lamp has been replaced or when the error message appears to calibrate, lamp a lamp, calibration must be performed. Before starting the lamp calibration, wait 30 minutes for the lamp intensity to stabilize. Display the maintenance screen on the ipiu and press lamp calibration on the Operation Panel. The lamp calibration dialog displays. Press execute to start calibration. The lamp calibration processing dialog box will display. When complete, a dialog box will display stating the lamp calibration is complete. The dialog box will display two options. Reset lamp counter is used when the lamp has been replaced. Do not reset the lamp counter is used when the lamp has been calibrated and not changed. If lamp has been replaced, select reset lamp counter an press OK. This will be documented in the lamp replacement. An calibration check item listed on the maintenance screen.

00000 12012/03/22 00000 Manual Maintenance Lamp of Supplies Check Item Item History 3 12012/073/126 Air pressure adjy?tmept Air Air pressure adiustment pressure .gjystmept nt of prime Lamp Replacement And Calibration Remove Lamp Calibration Off Joblist Status 2012/07/19 2012/10/05 Lamp i Sample Reolace the ftses of Unit Reolace the of Pr»urnatk Unit Reolace the fises of Pneumatk Unit Reolace the of Unit Reolace the ftses of Pneumati: Unit Piercer P *rcer Lamp i 2012 Sample Syrine A Replace 2012/07/26 Sample Reagent Syringe A Syringe A Re ma rks Syringe A Remarks 21

  • cs-5100 as needed maintenance