
teamplayImages_How to upload studies manually

This video explains how a user can upload studies or related documents from their local file system into teamplay Images.

With team play images, you can share medical images and related data that have been uploaded manually or via connected pack system to team play images. In this video we will show you how to manually upload a study to team play images without a connected pack system. Go to and log in with your user credentials. After you have locked onto team play, you can access the application team play images from your App Launcher, click the button team play images. To upload a study manually from your hard drive, go to the tap upload study. Select the files that you would like to upload. Please minimize the individual personal data off the DICOM study beforehand as required by local laws and regulations or institution specific rules. Furthermore, you could also create a sub file that contains all diagram files you would like to upload. For this example we selected multiple unzip files. The study will then be uploaded to tiembla images and might need several minutes to be processed depending on its size. During the upload, you can already find the study in the All studies tab. There is a message banner to note that the study is currently being uploaded. Upon completion of the upload and a sanitary and malware check of the study, The Message banner will disappear. Sharing with another person is already possible independent of the upload time. After sharing the study, the recipient can log into team play and export the shared study into a DICOM note or downloaded as a zip file.

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