
Whole-Body Dot Engine Online Training

This online training provides an overview about the Whole-Body Dot Engine. The planning and execution of the Whole-Body Dot Engine will be explained.

Welcome to the Whole-Body Dot Engine online training. The online training introduces you to the new Whole-Body Dot Engine. The Whole-Body Dot Engine is optional and needs a special license. In this online training, you will learn about the key features of the Whole-Body Dot Engine. You will gain an understanding of the underlying concept behind and we will show you typical workflows of the Whole-Body Dot Engine. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: configure the Whole-Body Dot Add-in use the Whole-Body Dot Engine by exercising a typical use case perform coverage scans perform focus region scans describe the benefits of the Whole-Body Dot Engine The Whole-Body Dot Engine provides workflow support for a fast, robust and standardized multi-region MR examination the correct anatomical coverage adaption to patients breath-hold capability or breathing characteristics reading In addition, the key features of the Whole-Body Dot Engine are Step-by-step user guidance AutoCoverage: automatic coverage of the selected anatomical regions AutoTiming: adaption to the patient's breath-hold capability Auto segmentation of different regions, which can be modified by the user Combining multi-regions scans with contrast-enhanced examination of a focus region Preconfigured protocol parameters Like all Dot Engines, the Whole-Body Dot Engine can be tailored to meet site-specific requirements. The configuration of the measurement step can be done in the tab "Whole Body" tab of the Dot-Add in Configurator. In addition, configurations regarding aspects such as Series Label, Auto Load, MPR Planning etc. can be made. Please review the operator manual for detailed information. Learn more about the settings Learn more about the parameters of the Dot-Add in Configurator Base ImageHotspotsText BlocksImage FileOverlap: Defines the overlap of the volumes.Coverage Mode: Defines how the anatomy will be covered by the program step.Min HF-size: Is the minimum of the measured volume in Head-Foot (H-F) direction. This parameter is important for 3D measurements as it helps to prevent low-Signal-to-noise (SNR) situations. Minimum HF size must be half the Maximum HF size or less.Max HF-size: Is the maximum size of the measured volume in Head-Foot (H-F) direction. This parameter is sequence-specific and related to the magnet´s homogeneity along the H-F direction.Margin anterior: Specifies an additional margin added to the organ boxes on the anterior side of the volume.Margin posterior: Specifies an additional margin added to the organ boxes on the posterior side of the volume.Margin lateral: Specifies an additional margin added to the organ boxes on the posterior side of the volume.Physio mode: Defines which region the measurement will be subject to physiological control.  Please note: Coverage mode anatomical is selected.Deactivate split: Defines whether splitting the measured volume is permitted for a specific region. Please note: Splitting is only allowed for Coverage mode anatomical. Dot Cockpit and Strategies Learn how to proceed to the Dot Cockpit The Whole-Body Dot Engine can be configured in the Dot Cockpit. This video demonstrates how to access the Dot Cockpit icon and navigate to the Whole-Body Dot Engine. In addition, the two strategies standard and motion-insensitive are briefly shown.   Prerequisites for running the Whole-Body Dot Engine: Patient Positioning (HF/FF), Coil positioning depending on needed coverage (HeadArray, Spine Array, PeripheralAngioArray) Successful Patient registration, automatic loading of the Whole-Body Dot Engine to the measurement queue selected The Patient View is open In the Patient View, you can select General (e.g. Scanning strategy), breath-hold parameters, coverage parameters and the Focus region. Parameters of the Patient View Learn more about the parameters of the Patient View Base ImageHotspotsText BlocksImage FileFocus Adaption provides three different options: None: No protocol adaption will be performed, only positioning is assisted. AutoCoverage: FOV, slice coverage, and positioning are automatically adapted. BH+ AutoCoverage: In addition to AutoCoverage, the protocol is adapted to the patient's breath-hold capability.Exam Strategy: two options are available for the patient: Standard: Measurements are performed with the single and multi-breathhold techniques. This approach is optimized for high image quality in short exam times. Motion-insensitive: For uncooperative/moving patients, motion-insensitive protocols are used. They are more robust than Standard protocols, but require longer scans.  Auto Bolus Detection: Select this check box, if you want automatic detection of contrast bolus arrival and fully automatized dynamic scan for the focus region. Please note: This option is only available if the focus region Abdomen is selected.Auto ROI: Select this check box if you want the system to perform automatic positioning for the CareBolus ROI. Please note: This option is only available if the focus region Abdomen is selected.Breath-Hold Capability: Specify the Breath-Hold Capability of the patient.  The Breath-Hold Capability depends on what health conditions the patient has. Therefore, the Breath-Hold Capability can be individually adapted to a patient´s conditions.Auto Breath Hold Commands: Select this option if you want breath-hold commands to be played automatically throughout the entire examination.Pause Between Breath-Holds: Select a language for the breath-hold commands, the pause between breath-holds and pause before the first breath-hold.Coverage Slider: To select a continuous range that determines the coverage scan to be measured in a multi-region examination by moving the Coverage slider.Focus: Select Focus to specify which region should be examined. With additional high-resolution protocols. Please note: Only one focus region can be selected. In the Dot Cockpit, you can configure the protocols for each individual focus region.Fast View: Select the FastView option to extend the FastView range for coverage of the legs. Head to Pelvis: Patient's height x 0.7 Head to Feet: Patient's height Patient Registration and Patient View set-up Learn more about Patient Registration and Patient View set-up Instructions:Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90018338/sim_WholeBodyDotEngine_PatientView_ENG_18-09-2018new_version/sim_WholeBodyDotEngine_PatientView_ENG_18-09-2018new_version.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90018338/sim_WholeBodyDotEngine_PatientView_ENG_18-09-2018new_version_html/index.htmlPDF File: Focus selection Learn more about focus selection and its impact on the measurement queue The video demonstrates the impact on the measurement queue based on the focus settings in the Patient View.   After setting up the Patient View, the measurement of the FastView localizer starts automatically. No interaction from the user site is required. The FastView localizer executes automatic breath-hold commands and the duration normally exceeds the breath-hold capability of the patient. As a result, the "Continue breathing" command will be automatically given after the configured breath-hold capability. At the completion of the FastView localizer, the resulting images are loaded into the GSP. Based on the FastView data, the system performs automatic segmentation of the anatomical regions chest, abdomen, and pelvis.   Automatic inline segmentation Learn more about automatic inline segmentation Tab TitleTextChest With the FastView data, automatic segmentation of the anatomical regions is performed. The calculated volumes or organ boxes visually propose the scan area for the three body regions chest (chest_small, chest_large), abdomen and pelvis. The organ boxes define the positions and field of views of the subsequent measurements. The organ boxes are calculated based on the landmarks detected, as shown in these examples. chest_small                  chest_large                 Abdomen With the FastView data, automatic segmentation of the anatomical regions is performed. The calculated volumes or organ boxes visually propose the scan area for the three body regions chest, abdomen (abdomen_small, abdomen_large) and pelvis. The organ boxes define the positions and field of views of the subsequent measurements. The organ boxes are calculated based on the landmarks detected, as shown in these examples. abdomen_small       abdomen_large       Pelvis With the FastView data, automatic segmentation of the anatomical regions is performed. The calculated volumes or organ boxes visually propose the scan area for the three body regions chest, abdomen and pelvis. The organ boxes define the positions and field of views of the subsequent measurements. The organ boxes are calculated based on the landmarks detected, as shown in these examples. pelvis         Two Coverage Modes are available, these define how the anatomy will be covered at the coverage: anatomical uniform You can adapt the coverage manually. The Field-of-View (FOV) is adjusted to properly cover the anatomy.The FOVs for the different regions are always aligned and set to the maximum. FOV in the read and phase direction is propagated. Coverage modes Learn more about Coverage modes Tab TitleTextanatomical In anatomical Coverage Mode, measurement volumes are adapted according to the segmented anatomical regions, with different sizes in the H-F direction. Examples for anatomical coverage mode Coronal     Sagital     Splitting within a region is perfomed if the configured maximum extension along the H-F direction is exceeded and splitting is allowed for this region.  uniform Uniform Coverage mode is characterized through equal measurement volume sizes in the Head to Foot direction. This coverage mode is more suitable for whole-body diffusion scans. Examples for uniform coverage mode include coronal planes sagital planes      The separation of the measurement volumes according to the different regions is not relevant: the system determines the optimal size and the minimum number of individual measurement volumes needed to cover the selected anatomy. No splitting is available for the uniform coverage mode.   Measurement queue How to repeat a sequence in the measurement queue Hint:  If the image quality of a specific coverage station is poor (due to patient movement, suboptimal breath-holding, …),  measurements can easily be repeated by adding them again to the measurement queue. Have a look at the video to see how it works.   Performing focus region scans is optional. Dynamic scans for lesion characterization are depending on the selected focus region: Focus chest: coronal T1-weighted VIBE-TWIST sequence Focus abdomen: liver dynamics with ABLE workflow Focus pelvis: transverse T1-weighted VIBE and TWIST sequence In order to perform focus region scans, a single focus region (such as Chest, Abdomen or Pelvis) can be selected. If necessary, at the end of the Whole-Body workflow and after a contrast injection, a multi-stage T1-weighted measurement will be performed as described above. Examples of focus scans Examples of focus scans Displayed are some examples of focus scans in the regions of the chest, abdomen and pelvis*.  *images were acquired on volunteer. Focus Chest (T1_VIBE, axial)   Focus Abdomen (T1_VIBE, axial)   Focus Pelvis (T1_VIBE, axial)   If contrast media was administered, optional post contrast coverage scans can be performed.                         Since the Whole-Body Dot Engine has two possible strategies, Standard and Motion-insensitive, please remember that the selection of the post contrast protocol will be different for each strategy. Patient View FastView Localizer Coverage scans Focus scans (optional) Postcontrast coverage scan (optional) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Completing the Whole-Body Dot Engine Patient View 2. Performing the FastView Localizer 3. Performing coverage scans 4. Performing scans in the focus region scans (optional) 5. Performing postcontrast coverage scans (optional) Please note that the learning material is for training purposes only! For the proper use of the software or hardware, please always use the Operator Manual or Instructions for Use (hereinafter collectively “Operator Manual”) issued by Siemens Healthineers. This material is to be used as training material only and shall by no means substitute the Operator Manual. Any material used in this training will not be updated on a regular basis and does not necessarily reflect the latest version of the software and hardware available at the time of the training. The Operator Manual shall be used as your main reference, in particular for relevant safety information like warnings and cautions. Note: Some functions shown in this material are optional and might not be part of your system. The information in this material contains general technical descriptions of specifications and options as well as standard and optional features that do not always have to be present in individual cases. Certain products, product related claims or functionalities described in the material (hereinafter collectively “Functionality”) may not (yet) be commercially available in your country. Due to regulatory requirements, the future availability of said Functionalities in any specific country is not guaranteed. Please contact your local Siemens Healthineers sales representative for the most current information. The reproduction, transmission or distribution of this training or its contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. All names and data of patients, parameters and configuration dependent designations are fictional and examples only. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. Copyright © Siemens Healthcare GmbH, 2018 Congratulations. You have completed the Whole-Body Dot Engine Online Training course. Listed below are the key points that have been presented. Take time to review the material before you proceed to the final quiz.   Concept of the Whole-Body Dot Engine   The Whole-Body Dot Engine enables you to combine multi-regions scans covering the regions chest, abdomen, pelvis, and extensions towards the head and legs with contrast enhanced examination of focus scans. The Whole-Body Dot Engine comprises typical workflows: Completing the Whole-Body Dot Engine Patient View Performing the FastView Localizer Performing coverage scans Performing scans in the selected focus region (optional) Performing postcontrast coverage scans (optional) Please note that some of the workflows are optional.   Benefits of the Whole-Body Dot Engine   The Whole-Body Dot Engine provides workflow support (e.g. for fast, robust and standardized multi region MR examinations, for reading or for adaption to patients breath-hold capability or breathing characteristics). Key features of the Whole-Body Dot Engine are step-by-step user guidance, AutoCoverage, AutoTiming, Auto segmentation, the combination of multi-regions scans and preconfigured protocol parameters. In addition, the Whole-Body Dot Engine can be tailored to meet site-specific requirements. Steps of the Whole-Body Dot Engine   Several prerequisites are necessary to run the Whole-Body Dot Engine: the right positioning of the patient (HeadFirst/FeetFirst) and the coils depending on needed coverage (Head Array, Spine Array, Peripheral Angio Array) the successful patient registration and automatic loading of the Whole-Body Dot Engine to the measurement queue selected the Patient View is open The completion of the Patient View covers the first step. In the Patient View, you can select General (e.g. Scanning strategy), breath-hold and coverage parameters as well as the Focus region. After setting up the Patient View, the measurement of the FastView localizer starts automatically and is the second step of the Whole-Body Dot Engine. The FastView localizer executes automatic breath-hold commands. In the third step coverage scans are performed. Two Coverage Modes are available: anatomical and uniform. The coverage modes define how the anatomy will be covered for the measurement step and can be adapted manually. To perform scans in the selected focus region is the fourth step and optional. Dynamic scans for lesion characterization are depending on the selected focus region. The fifth step considers the performance of postcontrast coverage scans and is optional. To perform postcontrast coverage scans, contrast media needs to be administered. Please remember also that the Whole-Body Dot Engine has two possible strategies: standard and motion-insensitive. Based on the selected strategy, the post contrast protocol will be different.   Dot Cockpit and Dot-Add in Configurator of Whole Body   You can configure the measurement step in the tab “Whole Body” of the Dot-Add in Configurator. In addition further configurations with regards to Series Label, Auto Load, MPR Planning etc. can be made.

  • whole body
  • wole body
  • whole body dot engine
  • whole-body dot engine
  • focus scans
  • coverage scans