
Why the Angle Makes the Difference - Comparison of 15 vs. 50 degree Breast Tomosynthesis, Case 1 Video

Dr. Wayne Lemish, MIA Radiology, East Melbourne, Australia
Learning objectives:
  • To become familiar with the strengths and limitations of different technologies used in Digital Breast Tomosythesis
  • To review decicated clinical case taken with different technologies: Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2

This is the first mammogram in a 55 year old woman who had noticed a lump in her left breast. She saw her local Doctor Who referred her in for Mammographic evaluation and she had had no prior breast imaging and this was the first mammogram that she had had. An one can see on the standard 2D mammograms that she has dense, heterogeneous. Breast parenchyma with mild asymmetry. There is a prominent lymph node in the left exilia that was evaluated with ultrasound in the breast. There is a small stremmel opacity in the upper left breast not identified on the craniocaudal view, and this small opacity was thought not to correlate with the palpable mass which was felt much larger and location was more posteriorly in the upper inner quadrant of the left. Breast. Time is synthesis was performed. We have two systems in the practice and the mammogram, and with the tomosynthesis was undertaken on the narrow angled system and as one scrolls through really there's not an obvious mass to correlate with the clinical findings and this is true on the craniocaudal view as well as the medial lateral oblique. This was. Somewhat surprising, given that the mass was clinically, highly suspicious and we expected to see some abnormality if not on the standard 2D gramma gram, at least on the tomosynthesis study. So one of the possibilities is the masses posterior has not been included on the images obtained, so we elected to repeat the tomosynthesis study to ensure that we had included the area of concern. And as one scroll through this time, the. Term of synthesis images were obtained on our second system, which is the wide angled semen system and as one scrolls through on the lateral oblique from the lateral images lateral part portion of the breast to the medial breast. One can see that there is a spiculated mass posteriorly in the upper inner quadrant of the left breast, which Mammographic Lee is highly suspicious even in retrospect. When we look back on the initial tomosynthesis study. Is very difficult to appreciate an obvious mass. There is some convexity in that area, but not a definite speculated lesion. This mass posteriorly in the left breast was biopsied under ultrasound and confirmed invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2.

SIEMENS Why the angle makes Healthineers the difference — Comparison of 150 and 500 The statements by Siemens' customers described herein are based on results that were achieved in the customer's unique tomosgnthesis, case 1 setting. Since there is no "typical" hospital and many variables exist (e.g., hospital size, case mix, level of IT adoption) there can be no guarantee that other customers will achieve the same results. Dr. Wayne Lemish MIA Radiology, Melbourne The speaker is separately engaged and paid by Siemens to provide product reference services.

  • DBT
  • Tomo
  • angle