
Activating Auto Delete Feature on MI Apps VA60

Activating the Auto Delete Feature on (MI Apps) VA60b Software Disclaimer: This feature should only be activated when patient data has been archived or sent to PACs workstation. Purpose: The Auto Delete feature can be used to assist with database maintenance and automatically delete patient data that meets your own specified criteria. 1. To activate auto deletions, open the syngo Patient Browser. 2. Press the Windows Key on the keyboard. Tab™ Q W E R A S D F 1 Shift X C V N Alt 3. Select Run. 4. Type in open field: compmgrconfig 5. Press OK. 6. In the Customer condition(s) field, change the entry AutoDeletion_disabled=1 to AutoDeletion_disable=0. % CompMgrConfig Startup Command: r 600;%MEDHOME%\bin\CsaGenericMain.exe -f %MEDHOME%\config\osc\cm.conf Current working directory: %MEDHOME%\log Logon Announcement command: %MEDHOME%\bin\CsaLogonAnn.exe -1 360 -$ 2 -w "%MEDHOME%\bin\CsaLogonv Missing license command: C: \esoft\syngoutils\StartUp_Check.bat" /no_license Wrong network configuration command: 'C:\esoft\syngo\utils\StartUp_Check.bat" /no_network Startup File(s): Customer condition(s): AutoDeletion_disabled=0;start_dss=1;epri_disabled=1;standardesoft=1;CreateServicel Cancel OK Help 11/11/1008 1 Incal O SIEMENS 687 Effective Date 09/08/2016 Page 1 of 2 7. Select OK 8. Reboot your (MI Apps) workstation. 9. When system comes back up, you should see the Auto Delete selection in the syngo Patient Browser Edit pull down menu. Transfer Edit View Filter Sort Private App Cut Ctrl+X Paste Ctrl+V Delete Del Auto Delete ... Clear Scheduler ... Protect Remove Protection Mark Num 3 Unmark yocar Correct History Set State 10. Pull down Options Configuration 11. Click the Auto Delete Icon. Auto Delete 12. Select the Timepoint method you desire to delete your data. Choices are below: File State Max Limit Storage % Range and time for deletion. Auto Delete Configuration X DICOM Work Status states: Automatic deletion is performed at following timepoints for following data o Archived + Committed o Sent i Deletion can also be started manually via the menu o Sent + Committed (Edit > Start Auto Delete) Studies older than ___ days Timepoints for deletion If database fillstate has reached 80 % or 8:00 Monthly O Day of even month(s) O The Sunday of every month(s) Data to be deleted Delete all series with following flags E Archived + Committed F Sent Sent + Committed or Delete all studies which are older than day(s) 06 SIEMENS Page 2 of 2

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